Chen Kangjie stiffened his neck and walked out, while Liu Weiqiang stood behind him very nervous and worried. Although Chen Kangjie spoke very loudly just now, Liu Weiqiang still couldn't help being afraid that he might not be able to handle it or even get hurt.

"Mr. Xiong, why don't you go up to protect him?" Seeing that Xiong Ziqiang and his bodyguards didn't intend to step forward to escort him, Liu Weiqiang asked with concern.

"Relax, it's okay, these little guys won't hurt Master Jie", Xiong Ziqiang said calmly, he was very confident that Chen Kangjie could solve these little characters without any effort, but he still maintained a strict Surveillance and alert, quick help if needed.

"Like them, four more Jie Shao can deal with it. If you don't believe me, just watch." Pang Hui folded his arms, as if he was going to watch the excitement.

Those around him have all seen and fought with Chen Kangjie, so they know his strength.

Liu Weiqiang still had some disbelief, but Chen Kangjie immediately proved what Xiong Ziqiang and the others said was true with facts.

The little gangster who told Chen Kangjie and the others not to leave just now was wearing only a denim vest on his upper body, and his hair was dyed yellow, which looked like a pile of poop.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't stop walking, this guy walked out instead, and with Chen Kangjie's contemptuous words, of course he was very angry. He raised his leg and kicked Chen Kangjie, intending to catch him off guard.

Unfortunately, what he met was not ordinary ordinary people. Chen Kangjie had sharp eyes, fast speed, and great strength. He waited until the opponent's legs were lifted into the air before he took the counterattack method. He also quickly raised his leg and kicked straight. In the past, it hit the soles of the person's feet, and kicked his legs and body back abruptly, and the person's body hit the wall behind him backwards.

When the guy sat down on the ground, all that was left was for him to hug the leg he was about to use and howl.

Chen Kangjie's speed is so fast, his strength is so great, and his eyesight is so precise, many people have never expected it.Liu Weiqiang's eyes were full of inconceivable surprise as if he knew Chen Kangjie was a long at the beginning.

The remaining young men on the other side were also a little dumbfounded, but the wailing of their companions awakened them. After all, they were together, and they thought they had a lot of fighting experience.The three attacked Chen Kangjie from three directions at the same time, and they also used the Coke bottle as a weapon in their hands.

Facing attacks from three directions, Chen Kangjie's physical flexibility was fully demonstrated.He withdrew his hands, twisted his waist, turned around, and dodged the blow from the left hand that arrived first.Turning behind the man, Chen Kangjie supported his shoulders, and kicked his right leg upwards from his waist. Just now, a person on Chen Kangjie's right was holding a Coke bottle and was throwing at him. Chen Kangjie's kick hit the man's wrist.The people far away didn't hear any sound, but the people nearby still heard a faint "click", and then the Coke bottle fell to the ground, and the person squatted down in pain with his left hand holding his right hand.

The speed of the other person was slightly behind. This person squatted down, and that person's Coke bottle just hit it, but it was still a bit late.Chen Kangjie left his right hand to support the man's shoulder, and put the palm of his hand on the back of the man's head, but his own head was tilted back. This created a scene of cannibalism, and the man's Coke bottle was greeted by the man's head.If you want to take it back, you can't take it back. The solid Coke bottle hit this person's forehead. The Coke bottle was broken, and the person's head was also opened, and blood flowed down his face. drip.

With a push, Chen Kangjie pushed the shield that had already injured his forehead to the ground, and grabbed the long-haired hair that "violated" his brother with his left hand.People in the mixed society don't know why. Many people either like super short hair or long hair. Is it possible to show their personality and be different in this way?

When fighting with people, it is easier to deal with people with long hair. As long as you grab the other person's hair, it is almost like pinching his veins. The hair being grabbed will not only bring great pain, but also make you move. They will also be completely restrained, and the whole person will be led by the hair.

After Chen Kangjie grabbed the man's flowing long hair, he dragged it forward, and the man's body bowed completely, and he rushed forward inertially. When the back of his neck reached Chen Kangjie's face, he hugged his hands When he was kicking, Chen Kangjie's elbow hit him hard, and the long hair immediately turned into a puddle of mud, lying limply on the ground.

After solving the four people, Chen Kangjie clapped his hands and removed the remaining hair on his left hand. He felt very relaxed, while Liu Weiqiang felt like he had watched a martial arts movie. It's just a martial arts master dealing with a few small hooligans.

The main actors such as Chen Xiaochun and Zheng Yijian were also watching this scene. If this was not a real fight, they would all want to clap their hands and applaud.This is different from making a movie and repeating the correct actions. They are all live versions and have real effects.

Since the office used by the crew had to go through a turning aisle to reach the outside space, not many people saw the fight just now, and many people who wanted to approach here were blocked by the gangsters outside.Chen Xiaochun and Zheng Yijian were the leading actors, so they were able to enter the position near the door after they said they had important matters to find Director Liu, and happened to see this scene.

Surrounded by Xiong Ziqiang and the others and Liu Weiqiang, Chen Kangjie continued to walk out, but when he passed by Chen Xiaochun and the others, he paused, and he did not speak to them.

The reason why Chen Kangjie stayed was because these people were screen characters he was familiar with before he was reborn. He had watched all the "Young and Dangerous" series of movies, so of course he was familiar with them, and he knew Chen Xiaochun , He was the one who introduced me to act in this drama, so I stopped to pay attention.The reason why he didn't say anything was that he felt that now was not the time to chat, not to mention that he was disguised, and no one knew him, so if he spoke rashly, others would feel abrupt and uncomfortable.

Chen Xiaochun and Zheng Yijian felt a little unnatural and uncomfortable being looked at by Chen Kangjie. They thought there was something wrong with them, and they looked at each other, hoping to get answers from each other.Even though Chen Kangjie was not handsome after changing his appearance, he lost his temperament, but after all, he had just done a short period of martial arts, accompanied by bodyguards and Liu Weiqiang, Chen Xiaochun and the others were still somewhat afraid of him.

It's a pity that before they got any valuable information, Chen Kangjie had already started to walk outside.

"Director Liu, who is this guy? He's so powerful," Zheng Yijian, relying on himself as the lead actor in the whole show, bravely approached Liu Weiqiang, and asked in a low voice while looking at Chen Kangjie's back.

Chen Xiaochun also put his ear close to him, and Chen Kangjie's back gave him a sense of deja vu, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember Chen Kangjie's appearance, so he also wanted to know who such a capable person was.

"Don't ask nonsense, today's film will not be filmed, you should inform everyone that work will be over today", Liu Weiqiang doesn't have time to chat with them about this, besides, he can't talk nonsense, there are some rules, he can understand without explaining, Otherwise, it is an unqualified director.

He frowned, dropped a word in a low voice, and followed.

Seven or eight of the younger brothers left behind by Parrot were squatting or standing in the corner outside to avoid the sun, when the sun was too hot in the sky.These people are in charge of security on the outside. Everyone saw Chen Kangjie and the others walking out intact, but the four brothers they were in charge of inside were nowhere to be seen. The idiot knew that the situation was not good, so they instinctively surrounded Chen Kangjie and the others without being greeted. .

It's too hot outside and the sun is too dazzling. This time Chen Kangjie didn't try his best. He didn't take the lead. He didn't want to make himself sweaty. It was Pang Hui and the others who went up and knocked down those seven or eight people without saying a word. on the ground.

"Brother Qiang, tell them a number," Chen Kangjie casually ordered to Xiong Ziqiang, standing in front of the two naked young men with tiger tattoos on their arms who had fallen to the ground.

After Xiong Ziqiang wrote a phone number and it was still in front of the two, Chen Kangjie continued to say to them, "If your boss wants to trouble me, remember to call this number to make an appointment with me, but remember to tell me, don't choose those things Tea restaurants or food stalls and other places, choose a comfortable environment, or I choose the place."

The underworld negotiations in movies often just like to choose such places. This is in line with the reality that the underworld belongs to the lower class, and it is also the actual situation in Hong Kong. However, Chen Kangjie himself is not a triad, so he does not accept such places.

After lightly dropping a paragraph, Chen Kangjie and the others walked away under the watchful eyes of many people, and Liu Weiqiang sent him to the door of the car all the way.

"Hong Kong is too hot, you should rest today, don't suffer from heat stroke, I will try to settle this matter as soon as possible." Chen Kangjie got into the car in the alley, gave Liu Weiqiang a word from the window, and left.

Chen Kangjie had just left, and under the guidance of Yingge, Boss Sun arrived in a mighty manner with a large group of people carrying the guy. I don't know what Yingge said to him, anyway, the flesh-faced Boss Sun was full of anger, The masseter muscle on the right cheek wriggled continuously, as if it was on fire.

Even if he didn't get angry, he would still get angry when he saw his little brother lying on the ground in a mess. In Yuen Long, he felt that it was the first time his authority was challenged and his face was trampled on for the first time. .

After asking about the situation from my younger brother, Boss Sun immediately asked Liu Weiqiang to find out the details of Chen Kangjie. If he dared to leave a phone number waiting for him to make an appointment, he was not afraid of him at all. reason.

"I can't tell you this. I can't even die. If you want to know, you can just call. I will pay you the protection fee. I originally hoped that the filming would go smoothly. Now it's fine. I The movie can’t be made, and the scene is like this, I don’t know what is the value of my protection fee of 40 Hong Kong dollars?” Liu Weiqiang fought back, and he was not afraid when he was collecting things, and he directly declined to Boss Sun.

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