Chen Kangjie and Mr. Sun met at about 08:30 in the evening, and he set off at 7 o'clock. He was worried about traffic jams during peak hours. Moreover, in order to create a suitable atmosphere, he had to arrive a little earlier.

Dalang Bay Road is at the easternmost point of Hong Kong Island. To go to Yuen Long in the New Territories, you have to pass through Hong Kong Island. From Causeway Bay, take the Hung Hom Submarine Tunnel to cross Victoria Harbor, cross the entire Kowloon, go to Qinglang Expressway, and finally turn to Yuen Long Highway .They had to go through a lot of intersections along the way, which was fine. Chen Kangjie and the others didn't get blocked much, except that they waited a little longer at the three traffic lights.

Hong Kong is a city that never sleeps. Night is often the most lively and colorful time in Hong Kong. It is too hot during the day. Everyone is either working or resting, and they are not very willing to go to the streets. Only at night, people take to the streets to find themselves entertainment and a rich life.

Along the way, we pass through many bustling Hong Kong locations, such as Causeway Bay, Yau Ma Tei, and Mong Kok.The neon lights were flashing outside the car window, handsome men and beautiful women were dressed in cool clothes, but Chen Kangjie didn't care to appreciate it, he was thinking about how to deal with it later.

"Jie Shao, Fushun Street is ahead. Should we park the car at the entrance of the village or drive up directly?" Qian Degui, who was sitting in the driver's cab, turned his head and asked carefully.

Although Qian Degui is not from Hong Kong, after coming here a few times, he is very familiar with the roads in Hong Kong. He has almost mastered the entire traffic map of Hong Kong. Looking at a map of Hong Kong slowly.

After getting off the Yuen Long Expressway, the road was obviously narrower, and Qian Degui also slowed down the speed.

"If there is a way to go, then we will go straight up, Brother Qiang, and ask Samidov if they are ready," Chen Kangjie said while sitting in the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz.

They came here today, driving two black bulletproof Mercedes-Benz, high-key with low-key.Mercedes-Benz is considered a high-end car, but it is not as eye-catching as Ouyang Zhenhua's Bentley.

Xiong Ziqiang, who was sitting in the front row, took out his mobile phone and made a call, then turned his head and said to Chen Kangjie, "They arrived an hour and 10 minutes ago. Since the villa is on the top of the mountain, they couldn't find a suitable place to support them. However, they have already set up spots on two big trees. From the trees, you can just see the indoor situation through the window. He is now planning to let Lowvsky go up from the backyard to the roof, and arrange more spots. When the time comes, I will be in the grass next to the gate... ".

"Okay, this is almost done, and with you, self-protection should be foolproof." Chen Kangjie was very satisfied with Samidov's work.

"Samidov said on the phone just now that the other party has more than 50 people here, and more than a dozen people are cruising outside. The others followed into the villa. After their observation, it seems that they have brought guys. He told us to be careful. .Besides, they actually ordered a banquet and it was delivered just now," Xiong Ziqiang continued.

"Hehe, you're quite obedient. As for those gangsters, they are nothing more than knives and sticks. In Hong Kong, there are relatively few gangsters who use guns."

Although Hong Kong is not as strict on gun control as the mainland, Hong Kong has the world's largest and most professional police force and command and execution system. Police patrols can be seen in the streets and alleys. This strict disciplined force makes it easy to carry guns in Hong Kong It is a very dangerous thing.Under such circumstances, those ordinary gangsters can only use knives and sticks as weapons at ordinary times, unless they are carrying out assassinations or a few people in the gang will carry guns.

For Hong Kong, Wuwu Village is a rural place with a remote location and a stagnant economy. It can be seen from the shape of the houses in the village that most of them are old houses. The roads in the village are not bad. They are all cement roads. relatively narrow.

From entering the village, the people in the car can feel that there are obviously a lot of young people on the roadside, squatting or standing in twos and threes, all of them are dressed in strange clothes, and many of them have colored hair.In normal times, it is difficult to have so many young people in the village.No matter where it is, it is difficult to attract young people in the countryside. They all gather in the city. Trying to squeeze into the more and more prosperous cities, the traditional concept of keeping the soil has been almost washed away by the tide of social development.

Without even thinking about it, Chen Kangjie understood why so many young people gathered here. It seemed that Boss Sun wanted to demonstrate and brought almost all the younger brothers he could bring.He thought that relying on these young men with no combat effectiveness could give Chen Kangjie a bad start, and he really thought highly of himself.

The vehicle moved slowly for 200 meters, and there was a small square on the side of the road. They were stopped, and dozens of punks surrounded their car in the middle.

"Where are you from?" Xiong Ziqiang rolled down the car window, and a shirtless young man with a dragon tattooed on his chest asked in a bad tone.

"Boss Sun invited us to the banquet." The other party didn't use the word "please", but Xiong Ziqiang did.And don't look at the other party standing, but in his tone, Xiong Ziqiang's attitude is completely condescending.

"Get out of the car, we're going to search you," the guy ordered sternly as he slapped himself on the roof of the car due to the large number of people.

Xiong Ziqiang turned his head and asked Chen Kangjie what he meant with his eyes.

"Brother Hui, get out of the car and let them search you," Chen Kangjie demanded to Pang Hui who was sitting next to him.

Pang Hui nodded, pushed open the car door, straightened his coat, and cast a contemptuous glance at the other party, "Search? Okay, you do the search."

Chen Kangjie only asked Pang Hui to get off the car alone. This was not an attitude of cooperation. If someone wanted to disown him, Chen Kangjie planned to disarm him.

The young man who asked them to get out of the car looked at the crowd on both sides of him, and the two of them were about to stand up, and he really planned to go forward and search Pang Hui.

These two people were destined to suffer. They walked up to Pang Hui arrogantly, and at the same time reached out to touch his body. However, before their fingers touched Pang Hui's clothes, both hands were covered by Pang Hui. Hui pinched it separately.

Pang Hui squeezed it, and lifted his hand up. His hand strength was already strong, and with this movement, the two young people couldn't bear it. They immediately screamed, and their whole body followed on tiptoe. Jumping up, I wish I could grow taller, so as to relieve the pain in my hands.

Pang Hui didn't go too far either, just when the two of them were about to be overwhelmed, he sent the strength in his hand forward, and the two of them backed away with crooked steps, each of them holding each other with the uninjured hand. Holding the hand that was pinched so painfully by Pang Hui, he was in a mess.

Pang Hui was impolite, and others were impolite. There was no need to issue orders, and immediately there were * people attacking him at the same time.The space on the side of the road is limited, otherwise more people will join.

Pang Hui was not false at all, his face remained unchanged, and the suit on his body did not affect his movements and steps. I saw him slamming left and right, like a tiger. As long as anyone approached him, he would either be punched or kicked. It turned out that all these ** people were injured and lost their combat effectiveness.Anyway, his speed is fast, and his shots are considered ruthless. Basically, he only needs one blow to kill a person.The opponent's random attacks were all easily dodged by him.

Unlike Chen Kangjie, Pang Hui didn't have any internal skills, and he didn't use any martial arts routines. What they had learned before was close combat. It doesn't look very pretty, but it's functional and effective.

Seeing that there are so many people on my side who can't deal with him alone, the rest of the gangsters were so angry that they pulled out machetes, iron rods, daggers and other weapons from behind them one by one, intending to rush forward, not only targeting Pang Hui, but also wanting to attack Pang Hui. Everyone else in the car tackles it together.

Chen Kangjie's bodyguards were all on the verge of an enemy. Under such a situation, they all drew out their guns and held them in their hands. If the situation was not right, they didn't mind shooting away possible threats.In this kind of chaos, the best way to keep one's own side from being injured is to take lethal measures against the opponent.

"Put the gun away, don't make a big fuss." Chen Kangjie was really steady, without any sense of tension.

It's not that Chen Kangjie is too conceited, nor is it that his courage is really solid, and he doesn't worry about his own comfort at all.The reason why he did this was due to his careful observation.

Ever since their car was stopped just now, Chen Kangjie noticed that there was a different person standing behind these punks.This person is older, in his 30s, and has a calm expression, showing no signs of righteous indignation.He didn't say a word when others yelled, and when others started to do it, he could still sit on the Diaoyutai, and he couldn't see any excitement from him.

Chen Kangjie didn't judge from this how deep the city is and how calm his temperament is. Chen Kangjie didn't think that the quality of a high-level talent would appear in this kind of underworld figure from a small gang.This can only show one thing, this person knows in his heart that the matter will not make a big fuss here, since he already knows the possible outcome, there is nothing to be excited about.

"Stop, everyone stop." Sure enough, just when the conflict was about to expand further, the bystander said, "What are you doing? The boss just asked you to come here to greet him, who told you to use knives and sticks?".

Those little bastards also listened to the greeting, and after they roared a few times, they all stopped their further actions. Although they were a little reluctant, they could control themselves anyway.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, these younger brothers don't understand the rules. Boss Sun is waiting for you at the villa on the mountain. Please go up!" After dealing with those younger brothers, this man walked to Chen Kangjie's car and said politely.

"It's okay, children, it's normal to be emotionally motivated." Chen Kangjie himself is still a child, but he said that others are children.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's words, the man's expression was unnatural.Because Chen Kangjie's words were too light and light, his face was as flat as water, and there was a hint of satire on Boss Sun in it.

After circling along a four-meter-wide cement road, Chen Kangjie finally arrived at the meeting place 10 minutes earlier.

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