"You know Ouyang Zhenhua?" Chen Kangjie finally knew why William Gao appeared here, but he still asked one more question.

"Yes, we met two years ago and became friends. He helped me a lot," William Gao said flatly.

When William Gao said that, Chen Kangjie had a good idea, especially with Mr. Huo's words, "I didn't expect you to be promoted from Chief Superintendent to Assistant Police Commissioner so soon", it seems that Ouyang Zhenhua is socializing I have not been idle, and I have met some useful people.

"Jie Shao, since the police are willing to help, then this is much more suitable than me," Xiang Yan said in a muffled voice.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, Mr. William is here, then let's have a drink, Brother Qiang, pour the wine for everyone." This time, Chen Kangjie didn't ask Jiang Xiaoyi to serve, but asked Xiong Ziqiang to be the waiter.

Xiang Yan didn't have a good impression of the police, and Jiang Xiaoyi was Xiang Yan's subordinate, so he was naturally not suitable. Chen Kangjie still understood this ability of observation and conduct.

After Xiong Ziqiang poured the wine for everyone, Xiang Yan followed suit whether he wanted to or not, and everyone drank it down in one gulp.

The most depressing thing was Sun Jicai, his house, the food and drinks he called, had now become Chen Kangjie's tools for entertaining guests.They toasted and drank, but he could only stand in the corner nervously watching. Beside him, Dong Mingshu and one of Xiang Yan's subordinates were staring at him, which made him uneasy.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know what I can do for you? I heard that your safety is threatened. If it is true, our police will definitely not stand by and fight crime. It is our duty and obligation to protect good people. If it is in other places As long as it is in the New Territories, I will do my best.” William Gao said it very bluntly, that is, the police can also deal with Sun Jicai’s gang, and it is under the banner of justice.

Although Chen Kangjie was not a good citizen, he was by no means a bad person. He was fully capable of protecting himself in general public security situations.

Sun Jicai stood there, he felt that the only thing he could do was to kill him, he had to deal with him both black and white, there was no way for him to go.Just now I thought the police could help him, but now I am an idiot and understand that the police are here to help the other party deal with him. He is now a fish in a urn, the fish on the chopping board, waiting for the chef to decide how to eat him, whether it is braised or steamed .

People at this time are the most painful and helpless. Dong Mingshu and the others can feel that at this moment, Sun Jicai's whole body's strength has been exhausted, his legs are shaking all the time, and his eyes are dull. His appearance is completely different from two people.Those prisoners waiting to go to the execution ground almost have this virtue.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that Boss Sun had a little friction with him, and he threatened to hack us to death," Chen Kangjie introduced in a nonchalant manner.

"Oh? That's premeditated murder? This is a felony, come here..." William Gao was very sensible, and immediately turned a small matter into a big one.

These foreigners have lived in Hong Kong for a long time. After more than ten years of contact with the Chinese, they naturally learned the oriental wisdom and ways of doing things, and became a lot more cunning and witty. Anyway, the clever oriental thinking is often reflected in simple conversations. .

Hearing William Gao's greeting, two policemen came in swiftly outside.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

"This person is suspected of premeditated murder. Take him away. By the way, find out what other crimes he has committed. After finding out, we will sue together." William Gao was very ruthless. His old bottom.

As a member of the underworld, no one's buttocks are clean, especially this kind of big brother, if he doesn't have a few cases under his command, he won't be able to climb to this position.As long as he is willing to dig, he will definitely be able to dig out a lot. It is estimated that Sun Jicai will not be facing the death penalty or will be imprisoned. The Justice Society has many gangsters in the prison.

It was most appropriate for the police to handle it this way, and it would save some trouble, so neither Xiang Yan nor Mr. Huo made a sound.They were still thinking about one thing at this time. An assistant chief of police could follow Chen Kangjie's orders at will, and even do things that did not conform to the rules and procedures. This in itself was a sign of strength.

"Sir...sir...sir...you are wronged! I didn't intend to murder, Mr. Chen, please forgive me, your lord has a lot of people, I'm not sensible... just let me go , I was deceived by villains... I was wrong, I was wrong, sir... I didn't..." Sun Jicai knelt down again, his head was like pounding garlic Kowtow the same way.

Of course, Sun Jicai knew what his fate would be if he was taken away. Of course, he had to seize every opportunity he had to fight for. When a person was about to die, even if it was a life-saving straw, he would firmly grasp it, not to mention that it was the only one he had. If he misses this opportunity, Sun Jicai himself will feel that he died unjustly.

The two policemen ignored Sun Jicai's pleadings, handcuffed him, and escorted him to leave, but Sun Jicai collapsed on the ground and refused to leave, yelling "wrong and forgive me".

"Mr. William, wait a moment, wait a moment, give him a chance to speak first, Hong Kong is a legal autonomous region, we will not let a bad person go, but we will not wrong a good person, right?" At this time, everyone was surprised Yes, Chen Kangjie actually spoke out to help Sun Jicai speak.

"Since Mr. Chen said so, I will give you a chance to speak. You should cherish it." After speaking, William Gao waved to his two subordinates.

Two policemen threw Sun Jicai on the ground and retreated. The handcuffs on his hands were not removed, and his hands were still chained.

"Thank you...thank you...thank you Mr. Chen, thank you sir...thank you", Sun Jicai, who had escaped for the time being, kowtowed and bowed in a hurry to express his thanks.

"Okay, okay, just raise your head, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't say that you haven't been given a chance then," Chen Kangjie waved his hand impatiently and said.

"This...Mr. Chen, I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't ask you for any damages, this is what we deserve, and I shouldn't ask you to admit your mistake, it was us who were wrong. I'm willing to accept the punishment and accept the punishment, and I just ask Mr. Chen to let me live." Sun Jicai stroked his train of thought and quickly admitted his mistake.

"Didn't you still say that Mr. Chen and the others would be hacked to death? How does this count?" Jiang Xiaoyi was dissatisfied with Sun Jicai's attitude, and asked helpfully.

"Don't dare, dare not, Mr. Jiang, how dare I? I'm just talking nonsense, I have a bad mouth, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I'm sorry..." At last Sun Jicai said, handcuffing He clumsily slapped himself again, deepening his repentant attitude.

"You can recognize your mistakes, it seems that you can still be saved..." When Chen Kangjie said this, Sun Jicai felt relieved, at least it meant that Chen Kangjie would not kill him. Who knew that Chen Kangjie changed the subject and went on Said, "Does that mean you should charge my protection fee? You should make me kneel? I said, I have never knelt down to anyone in this world. Since you can make such a request, it is considered very important." That's very courageous."

"Mr. Chen, I'm blind. I'm not human. I'm obsessed with ghosts... Please let me go, Mr. Chen, please, I'm all bewitched by the people below!", Sun Jicai While begging for mercy, he has not forgotten to clear up his responsibilities.

"Then what should you say? If you were asked to make up your mind, what would you do?" Chen Kangjie threw the ball into Sun Jicai's hands, which was considered the most important opportunity for him.

No one else interrupted, it all depended on how Chen Kangjie planned to handle this matter. From this matter, they could confirm their understanding and judgment of Chen Kangjie.

It was a good thing for Chen Kangjie to let himself make up his mind, but Sun Jicai was in a dilemma. This idea was not easy to take.

It is easy to do things according to the requirements of others, but it is quite difficult to express your own opinions.Chen Kangjie was asking Sun Jicai to determine his own punishment. Sun Jicai was not a complete idiot. He knew that if the punishment was light, the effect of Chen Kangjie's spirit would not be achieved, and if the punishment was heavy, it would be his own fault.You must find a point that can save lives and satisfy the other party.

"Mr. Chen... In view of my guilt, I am willing to cut off my fingers and apologize. I will hand over to those who offend you face to face and let them be dealt with. In addition, today's incident has caused you unhappiness and delay. During the time of the bosses and sirs, I am willing to give up all my family property and accept the punishment..." After a little thought, Sun Ji finally decided on the measure of self-punishment.

After listening to Sun Jicai's words, Chen Kangjie did not express his opinion immediately, but sat upright, no one knew what was going on in his mind.For others, this is what happened to Chen Kangjie, the idea is of course his decision, it is not easy for them to say anything.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie didn't speak or express his opinion, Sun Jicai's heart sank, cold sweat broke out from behind his back, and he clenched his hands tightly.He didn't know if this was the result that Chen Kangjie was satisfied with, and he was afraid that if he didn't accept it, or if he put forward stricter conditions, then he would be miserable.

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