Now Hong Kong has not returned to the motherland and is still in the hands of the British. However, it is less than a year away from the return. This transitional period is very sensitive. On the one hand, the mainland will ask the British and Hong Kong authorities to strengthen normal management and maintain a good environment. Social order, but we can't completely count on them.

Who would be willing if the fat in their hands was taken away? Therefore, at this time, it is a bit extravagant to expect that the British Hong Kong authorities will do their best. It would be good if they did not play any dirty tricks.Just like the negotiations on the garrison, the British Hong Kong authorities wanted to take back a lot of military camps before the reunification and develop them into real estate projects. This will not only make a lot of money, but also reduce the number of troops stationed and the space for activities of the People's Liberation Army.It's just that this conspiracy was seen through by our side, and they failed to succeed after trying hard to reason. Otherwise, the number of troops stationed in Hong Kong would be cut in half.

On the one hand, the mainland government is constantly urging the Hong Kong and British authorities to maintain the normal order and economic development of Hong Kong, and on the other hand, it is trying to find some ways through its own channels. It is a two-pronged approach to do the work in a more detailed manner.

That's why someone found Xiang Yan. Chen Kangjie guessed that Mr. Huo had also received the message. They, the big shots in Hong Kong, would definitely be greeted by someone, including some rich people. Whether it was a request or a request, anyway. You have to give this face, otherwise, you may settle accounts after the fall after the return.

These people's wealth and lives are all in Hong Kong, and they can't do without if they want to leave, so they can only sell this face, which is one of the reasons why Mr. Huo accepted Chen Kangjie's invitation without even thinking about it.

Huo Lao has a good relationship with domestic high-level officials, but that relationship is not as close as Chen Kangjie's after all. Many of them are symbolic, but Chen Kangjie is different. The personal friendship is very good, and the old chief likes him very much. For this reason, Huo Lao is willing to condescend to come to this remote place.

Xiang Yan's coming out may be a good thing for Chen Kangjie. He has many interests in Hong Kong. Le An Tang is a force that can be used, and there is no relationship between Xiang Qiang and him. Therefore, if It is a favorable thing for Xiang Yan to be in charge of Le'an Hall, and he doesn't have to encourage Jiang Xiaoyi to strengthen Hong Xing.

After sending Chen Kangjie back to the villa on Repulse Bay Road, Xiang Yan went back by himself. Chen Kangjie didn't invite him to sit in because he had something to talk to Ouyang Zhenhua.

Ten minutes after returning to the villa, Ouyang Zhenhua came over.

"Jie Shao, is everything going well?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked as soon as he entered the door before he sat down.

"Of course it went well, thanks to you, I arranged for an assistant police chief to support me," Chen Kangjie said lukewarmly.

"Young Master Jie, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you beforehand, and I didn't think of it at the time. I only thought of it after you left." Ouyang Zhenhua saw that Chen Kangjie was a little unhappy, and quickly explained.

"You have a good relationship with him?" Chen Kangjie wasn't the kind of person with a small belly, Ouyang Zhenhua just didn't tell him in advance, so he wasn't very angry.

"We met at a reception before. At that time, he was only the chief superintendent, and he basically had no chance of promotion, because 97 was coming soon. But at the beginning of the year, an assistant police commissioner was transferred back to the UK, vacating a The position, I spent some money to help him clear up the relationship, and this is the opportunity. Therefore, he is more grateful to me. If the level of these British people is not too high, they will often be idle when they return to the UK. After all, they are returning from overseas. Yes, some of them can’t even return to the UK. If they can be the Assistant Commissioner of Police, they may be able to find a job when they go back. At present, many people think that Hong Kong is not a place to stay for a long time, and they are trying to find a way When I go back, some hope to make a fortune before leaving, and some hope to make a fortune when I go back." Sitting on the sofa, Ouyang Zhenhua explained to Chen Kangjie in detail with one hand supporting him.

"I see, this person is more eye-catching, and he is good. Although Hong Kong is about to return to the motherland, he is going back to the UK, but it is uncertain when it will be useful. It can deepen the relationship, but we must pay attention to good means." Chen Kangjie further suggested.

"I'm going to give him another sum of money so that he can go back to the UK and get a job. If he doesn't have any intelligence, it won't be very useful to us," said Ouyang Zhenhua Looking at it calmly, he didn't just think of this consideration today, maybe he had it a long time ago.

"You can figure it out, the money is small money." Chen Kangjie didn't care much about the specific matters.

Early the next morning, when Chen Kangjie was about to leave for the airport, he received a call from Sun Jicai. He told Chen Kangjie that Parrot had been disabled by him, and he had sent someone to Hong Kong Children's Welfare for the 700 million yuan. hospital.As for the other younger brothers who had fought with Chen Kangjie, they were all served by Sun Jicai's family law, and everyone was forced to cut off a finger as a price.

For this, Chen Kangjie didn't need to find out the authenticity himself, he just asked Dong Debiao to tell him, and Dong Debiao would verify it.Chen Kangjie believed that Sun Ji didn't dare to lie to himself, but he didn't want to treat him so sloppily. If Sun Ji dared to play tricks, then he would end badly.

The so-called Brother Parrot was always empty-hearted that night, thinking that everything was under control, and with the large number of people on his side, he could give Chen Kangjie a good look. Nervous and nervous, he felt that their small gang would be hit hard, or even uprooted. However, seeing the big bosses leave peacefully, he was relieved. Boss Sun only lost a part of his finger. It's a blessing to have settled this matter.

After the others left, Brother Parrot was still interested in flattering, he greeted Boss Sun, and kept complaining about others using power to overwhelm others.

"Shut your beak." In the past, Boss Sun would have felt a sense of satisfaction when he heard his subordinates care so much about flattering him, but today, he finds it funny and disgusting, "You caused all these things , kneel down for me."

No matter how dissatisfied Parrot was, he still knelt on the floor tremblingly.At this time, several leaders of their gang had a meeting together. In addition to Yingge and Sun Jicai, there were also a few small leaders. Sun Jicai summoned everyone to discuss countermeasures. This was in name, but in reality it was to find a way for Yingge to Take the blame.

"Everyone has witnessed today's scene. As for me, I have suffered a great crime for our organization." Sun Jicai said tragically while sitting at the end of the bench, and at the same time held up the bloody broken finger. "Just because this guy provoked people who shouldn't be provoked, people of both black and white in Hong Kong have come forward, and no one is up to us. In the New Territories, we can still say that we have a bit of a reputation, but those Humans can uproot us at any time, in other words, your interests and safety are also threatened, so what should you do?"

If he still wants to maintain his prestige and protect his own interests as much as possible, Sun Jicai has to start from the general direction, turn small threats into big threats, and bind everyone's interests together. If he deals with Brother Parrot in private, It could be done, but in that case, it would be difficult for him to have a place to live. Therefore, while sacrificing Brother Parrot, Sun Jicai had to tie down other brothers as much as possible.

"We listen to the boss."

"Boss, you have the final say, we just follow it."

"Yes, boss, make up your mind!".

. . . . . .

All the bosses were quite shrewd, and they had nothing to do with themselves, so why bother to force their way forward and put the problem on Sun Jicai.

"You have to be clear, this is not only related to me, so everyone has to express their opinions. Could it be that I tell you to die and you go too?" Sun Jicai was dissatisfied with the answers of these cunning guys.

Oh, if I become a bad person, you will all benefit. How can there be such a thing?Today, Sun Jicai is doomed not to be as arbitrary as before.

When Sun Jicai said that, all the bosses lowered their heads, one by one I looked at you, you looked at me, and finally they all looked at Parrot, who usually had a good relationship with them, because he was the one who caused the incident.

"Speaking, are you dumb?... Ouch!", Sun Jicai slapped the table in front of him. He forgot that his hand was injured, and the wound hurt so badly that he grinned. up.

Seeing that the boss was angry and in such pain, the little bosses had no choice but to say something.

"Boss, I think...someone has to stand up and take responsibility for this matter. We can't deal with those people." Finally one of them jumped out to speak. Although the meaning was cryptic, everyone understood what he was referring to. , Just when he spoke, he inadvertently glanced at Brother Parrot for a few times to understand.

"As the saying goes, if there is a grievance, there is a debt, and this matter cannot be resisted by all of us. Everyone agrees, right?" The second speaker, the meaning is obvious enough, and there are some complaints.

"I think it's the same. Whoever shits should wipe his own ass." Someone immediately echoed.

. . . . . .Soon, all the spearheads were pointed at the kneeling Parrot intentionally or unintentionally, but Parrot could only look at these buddies who used to call him brothers in disbelief.

"Then what exactly do you mean?" Sun Jicai stared at his subordinates intently, in order to put some pressure on them.

Sun Jicai's attitude of wanting to deal with Brother Ying was obvious, but he didn't want to open the mouth, and it would be more beneficial for him to use his strength to fight.

"Boss, you can't do this, I'm also doing it for the gang..." Parrot saw that this would be more and more detrimental to him, and defended himself.

"It's not time for you to speak yet", Sun Jicai didn't let Brother Parrot defend at all, otherwise, it might cause problems, "Speak up!".

"Aying, I think you should be brave enough to take some responsibility for the gang." Finally, a leader pointed out the purpose and the way to get rid of it.

"I think that's the only way to do it," someone echoed as he approached.

"I think so too".

. . . . . .Sending charcoal in the middle of the snow is not very common, but it is common to add trouble when someone is down.

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