rebirth of change

Chapter 910 Operation by the Sea

Chen Kangjie had discussed with Ouyang Zhenhua before, and he would be in charge of negotiating with Jeffrey Nash, while he himself would be in charge of investigating the news about Da Muguang. Take a complete attitude to deal with negotiations.

Chen Kangjie didn't participate in the negotiations these days, and he didn't read any of those documents. Instead, he directed Samidov, Xiong Ziqiang and Tan Jun to do some intelligence work, and they had already achieved a lot.

In this matter, Samidov and the others have contributed a lot. They were originally doing intelligence and assassination work before. It is not so difficult to obtain some information.

"Jie Shao, is there any news now?" Ouyang Zhenhua heard that Chen Kangjie was about to make some progress, so he thought that he must have obtained useful information.

"So far, we already know that Hikari Oki is negotiating with Richard Cotter...".

"What? Didn't the turtle say that Jeffrey Nash was in charge of these business cooperations, and now he actually came forward to negotiate with Little Japan in person, what the fuck, do you really think we are fools?" Chen Kangjie has not yet After finishing speaking, Ouyang Zhenhua became furious. He had never been so angry for a long time.

"Don't be angry, it's not worth it. It's not worth it. Now Richard Cotter is obviously suspected of using us, but it's useless for us to be angry. We can only find a way to change from passive to active," Chen Kangjie said calmly.

"Young Master Jie, it's no wonder I'm not angry, these hypocritical politicians." Ouyang Zhenhua sat angrily, his face stretched longer than a horse's.

"It's not surprising. Looking at it from another angle, no matter which country's politicians, they will do this. They also want to get the best benefit for themselves. In business exchanges, intrigue, wits and courage are inevitable. It's normal. The kind of business cooperation that can be achieved by talking about it basically does not exist, especially in the face of huge benefits." Chen Kangjie was quite open-minded, and he enlightened Ouyang Zhenhua slowly.

"I know this,'s too much, it's just playing tricks on us", Ouyang Zhenhua still couldn't get rid of his unhappiness.

"Okay, calm down, it's rare to see you get angry, hehe, there is no need, they haven't reached a contract yet, at most they have a framework agreement, there is still a chance, the key is to see how we do it?" When he was young, calmness was one of Chen Kangjie's major characteristics.

"Master Jie, what can you do?" From Chen Kangjie's tone, Ouyang Zhenhua knew that he must have thought something, so his expression relaxed a little, and he asked curiously.

"Now we have two steps to do. The first is to find a way to get their negotiation materials and detailed data from the Japanese. The second is to create some topics through the media and influence Richard Cotter. decision", Chen Kangjie did have some ideas in his mind.

"Jie Shao, can you be more specific, this... How could the Japanese give us the negotiation materials and detailed data? It's unlikely."

"It's unlikely under normal circumstances, but it's possible under abnormal circumstances. I'll keep it a secret for now, and I'll talk to you in detail when it's done. In short, don't be impatient, and you will do well Negotiation work over there, it is said that Richard Cotter has informed the Japanese about your arrival and the negotiations with Jeffrey Nash.” Chen Kangjie raised his feet and took a sip of a drink .

"Is Richard Cotter using us as a weight to put pressure on the Japanese?" Ouyang Zhenhua was not stupid, and he easily understood Richard Cotter's intentions.

"Hehe, maybe he thought so at the beginning", Chen Kangjie didn't find it strange at all, all signs showed that this possibility was already certain.

"In that case, we don't need to negotiate with Jeffrey Nash anymore. Why do we need to make wedding dresses for them? Helping Richard Cotter like this won't do me any good." Ouyang Zhen Hua is a little confused.

"If that's the case, then we are really out of the game. Anyway, we are conducting normal business negotiations. If we maintain this situation, we will be able to operate and have a chance. If we give up the pick, we will give up. To really help the Japanese, Richard Cotter really has no choice but to cooperate with the Japanese. In comparison, helping Richard Cotter is better than helping the Japanese, right?" Chen Kangjie compared the problem thorough.

"Oh, I see, Young Master Jie, then I'll wait for your news. Are you going to swim now?" Seeing Chen Kangjie in a blue and white beach suit, Ouyang Zhenhua asked speculatively.

"The weather is so nice today, I'm going to play in the water at Brighton Beach, do you want to go?" Chen Kangjie seemed in a good mood.

"I won't go, there are a lot of things to do, you have fun," Ouyang Zhenhua stood up and said, and left by himself after speaking.

After Ouyang Zhenhua left, Chen Kangjie did not stay in the hotel room, but drove to Brighton Beach with a few bodyguards.

In the past two days, Hongyuan Investment's local temporary agency in Australia bought several high-end cars. These cars are temporarily used by the delegation. After this period of time, they will be used locally after they leave.

Brighton Beach is located in the south of downtown Perth, more than ten kilometers away. The five-star hotel in the urban area originally had a courtyard swimming pool, but many guests still rent a car to go to the clear seaside, thinking that it is more comfortable to play there. and freedom.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived at Brighton Beach, there were not many tourists. After all, there are many beautiful beaches in Perth, and tourists will not all gather on one beach to cause congestion. For example, besides Brighton Beach, there is also Cottesloe. There are more than [-] very good beaches such as the beach (hbeach, the famous Chonglang Holy Land), and they together form the famous sunset coast.

The air is fresh, the sea breeze is blowing, the beach is soft, the sea is clear, and the sky and the sea are the same color. Chen Kangjie stands by the sea with bare feet, feeling relaxed and happy. Behind him is a large subtropical green forest. Fly freely.

"Everyone, let's play first, and we'll do things later. It's rare to have such beautiful scenery in China and Hong Kong. Let's enjoy it first." On the chair, wearing only a pair of blue swimming trunks, he rushed towards the sea that was rolling up a sea of ​​white slang flowers.

This time, Chen Kangjie and the others came to Brighton Beach not just for fun. Among so many beaches, they chose this place for a purpose.

But now, no matter because of the inappropriate time or being attracted by the beautiful scenery, Chen Kangjie temporarily forgot the existence of the mission.

"Dong Mingshu, you and Tang Wei stay here, and the others can go into the water if they want to play." Xiong Ziqiang did not forget his duty. Even if he wants to follow Chen Kangjie into the water, he must arrange the on-duty personnel on the shore. If everyone goes into the water, If something happened, there was no one to say hello or emergency. At the same time, these two people had to take care of their luggage.

Dong Mingshu and Tang Wei didn't complain because they couldn't play in the water, they gladly took orders, and the others rushed into the sea with Chen Kangjie, while protecting him, they enjoyed the clean seawater that hadn't been polluted much.

After years of training, Chen Kangjie's swimming skills are quite good. He can swim against the wave to a place two or three kilometers away from the coast.Fortunately, although this area has the alias of Shark Bay, under normal circumstances, there are no sharks to move here, and swimming is still very safe.

When the sunset had already appeared, Chen Kangjie finally went ashore. He did not forget the important event of today, and he would not delay the important event because he was too happy to think about it.

After getting dressed, Chen Kangjie took everyone to a western restaurant by the beach to eat seafood. They lived a good life.

After a meal of seafood, the night has fallen.

"Let's go to the beach, Samidov, you and Basev and Lovsky go first, and we'll come back later," Chen Kangjie ordered to Samidov after coming out of the restaurant by the sea.

"Okay, Master Jie," Samidov nodded and left.

"Let's go, let's take a walk first. It's very pleasant to take a walk by the beach with the evening breeze blowing." Chen Kangjie walked towards the beach like a young man who knows how to enjoy himself.

The sea lang at this time is obviously bigger than the one in the afternoon, and it washes the sandy beach over and over again. One lang is taller than the other. Walking on the beach, at the seaside, you can also see some couples holding hands or meaning that they are enjoying the hustle and bustle in the quiet like him.

About half an hour later, Chen Kangjie and the others came to a boulder on the shore, and there was a dense jungle behind the boulder.

After bypassing the boulder, the tourists on the beach could no longer see Chen Kangjie and the others.

A group of people hugged Chen Kangjie into the jungle. Under a big tree, Pang Hui pushed through a thick bush and twisted out three large bags from it.Open it, and inside are several sets of night clothes and some climbing equipment, as well as two miniature cameras.

"Let's act!", Chen Kangjie gave an order to these bags, and then he took out a set of black tights and started to wear them.

"Jie Shao, you don't need to go, we can just go, you are in the car outside", although it was agreed in advance, but Xiong Ziqiang thought about it and persuaded him redundantly.

"Do you understand Japanese and Japanese?" Chen Kangjie asked without stopping his hands.

Xiong Ziqiang instinctively shook his head under the faint moonlight.

"By the way, what else is there to say, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, end early, go back early."

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