rebirth of change

Chapter 92 Can You Drive?

Chapter 92 Can you drive

Liu Kai quickly noticed something was wrong, and hurried forward to explain, "He is a member of our Hong Kong head office, and he can eat without our work card."

After listening to Mr. Liu's introduction, the master and Xue Jinshan who were doing the cooking were very surprised. This little guy actually belonged to the head office. No wonder he had several bosses to accompany him.But this child is much older than my child, why is he working?Still a consultant.The cooking master just now wanted to show his professionalism in front of the leader besides because of the company's regulations.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were sent by the head office." Master Dacai hurriedly apologized. He was afraid of being put on small shoes. If he was fired because of this, it would be too unfair. Master Kong's company has high salary and good benefits. The working environment is superior. Take this cafeteria as an example. Many ordinary people only have this standard of living on weekends.

"It's okay, I was the one who was rude. You have done a good job. The company's regulations must be strictly enforced. Manager Xue, you must praise this master later." Chen Kangjie smiled and said to Master Dacai and then turned to Manager Xue commanded.

"No, no, what should be done, what should be done, I'm sorry." Before Xue Jinshan could speak, the hands of Master Dacai who held the spoon were trembling, and his words trembled a little.

Chen Kangjie didn't understand a little, it doesn't need to be a compliment, why is it like asking you to go to the battlefield.But soon he understood that this master was misled by the subtext often spoken by mainland officials.Chen Kangjie knows that many officials want to punish a person, and they don't do it explicitly, but praise him in front of their subordinates, which is actually an irony.

"Master, you think too much, you really did nothing wrong, you should be praised," Chen Kangjie comforted Master Cai again with Yan Yue'se'.

Hearing what Chen Kangjie said, the cooking master knew that Chen Kangjie really had no malice and didn't care about the rejection just now. He took Chen Kangjie's plate with a smile, and deliberately gave Chen Kangjie a large portion. No more, making Chen Kangjie dumbfounded.

After Chen Kangjie finished cooking, Liu Kai and other high-ranking officials also handed over the plate, asking the master chef to serve him.

After a few people found an empty table and sat down, they found that almost everyone in the restaurant was secretly looking at them.Why don't these bosses go to the small restaurant?They were all queuing up and eating in a big restaurant, and they brought a child with them, which one did they belong to?

"Hehe, is it a bit unnatural to be looked at by everyone's eyes?" Chen Kangjie saw that except for Lin Ling who was quite normal, the rest of the people who were eating were a little reserved.

"This...first time dining with the staff, so..."

"Actually, it's nothing. After one or two times, everyone will get used to it." Chen Kangjie felt that what he said was difficult for others to answer, so he answered himself with a smile.

"Jie Shao, I actually thought about your suggestion just now, and it really makes sense. It can shorten the distance between us and ordinary employees, understand the thoughts of the lowest-level employees, improve our work, and most importantly, increase the number of employees. Everyone has a sense of ownership of the company." On the one hand, Liu Kai did think of this point, and on the other hand, he knew that Ouyang Zhenhua would not reject Chen Kangjie's suggestion. It is better to be active than to be passive.

"Mr. Liu can think this way, very good, we are not real capitalists, most of you also have the experience of working and studying abroad, those outstanding international companies all attach great importance to the cultivation of corporate culture, our company should try our best to Cultivate your own unique culture. In my opinion, an equal atmosphere can be taken as an item. Although it is impossible to guarantee absolute equality, try not to artificially create gaps.” Chen Kangjie does not have the habit of eating without talking. Discuss issues often at the dinner table.After swallowing a piece of twice-cooked pork, he expressed his thoughts.

"In this regard, I will discuss with you later, and establish a corporate culture system as soon as possible." As the general manager, Liu Kai is his duty, and it is naturally his duty.

"It's not in a hurry. Our company has been established for a short time, and corporate culture does not happen overnight. First establish some cores, slowly enrich them, and interpret them. This process takes time." Chen Kangjie is not an unreasonable person. Knowing that the establishment of a set of corporate culture is a company's values, it takes a long time to implement and refine, especially to become the subtle awareness of employees, it needs to be improved in the company's production, system, policy, and welfare. , management training, rewards and other aspects have been accumulated for a long time, and eventually become cultural awareness and cultural self-confidence.

Several senior executives took Chen Kangjie's understanding deeply. They all had the experience of working in large companies, and they knew that Chen Kangkang was not blindly directing, so they didn't dare to underestimate the child who was feasting in front of him.

Lin Ling was the most affected today. Many of the people who ate in the small cafeteria were executives from Hong Kong. Although she worked in a foreign-funded enterprise in Mingzhu City after graduating from Fudan University, her colleagues all went to restaurants outside at that time. She didn't feel awkward eating. After joining Master Kong and was promoted as the sales director, she went to the small cafeteria to eat, surrounded by mostly Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong colleagues, and it was difficult for her to "cut in". This rule was cancelled, and she felt much more comfortable eating.

Moreover, Lin Ling feels that every time Chen Kangjie speaks, he can almost speak on the point, very profound and connotative. This is not like a child. Just now Zhang Qian told him that Chen Kangjie's salary is five times that of hers, and he was hired by President Ouyang himself. As a consultant, she was still a little bit dissatisfied, and now she also knew that Chen Kangjie's situation was not easy, so she couldn't accept it.

Chen Kangjie ate soon. Although there was a lot of food, Chen Kangjie used to eat a lot when practicing martial arts, and he didn't want to waste food. He didn't have an elegant way of eating at all.He took the dinner plate to the plate collection place by himself, where he found that many people hadn't finished eating, and some even wasted almost half of it, but Chen Kangjie was not very angry at this time, some things can't be done overnight, and he will call them later Greetings, supervise, this kind of trivial matter can be eliminated in management.

"Manager Xue, in the future, our cafeteria should strengthen management. Everyone can eat as much as they can eat, and ask the master to beat as much as possible. They can't be wasted. Employees who waste money should be punished appropriately. In addition, the cafeteria can purchase some fruits every day, such as apples, pears, watermelons, etc. , sent to the staff when ordering meals, but they are all required to finish eating in the cafeteria and not to be taken out of the cafeteria.” Chen Kangjie is basically satisfied with the cafeteria, but he still gave some instructions in terms of management, adding a little fruit is not much money, but it is good for matching Employee diet is good.

Xue Jinshan looked at Liu Kai, and seeing that Mr. Liu had no objection by default, he nodded in agreement.I thought to myself, this young master is really good at Master Kong's company.

After eating, a group of people walked under the office building. Liu Kai wanted to arrange a car to take Chen Kangjie back. Chen Kangjie did not refuse, but Chen Kangjie saw his little BMW parked there pitifully, and felt a little violent. I can't drive myself.

"Manager Lin, can you drive?"

Chen Kangjie's sudden question made Lin Ling a little confused. Now she did not dare to underestimate Chen Kangjie, and immediately answered honestly, "I learned it before, and the company also arranged a Santana for me."

"Mr. Liu, give the key to that BMW to Manager Lin. Leave it alone. After a long time, if no one moves it, it will break down. I don't know how to drive. It's best to return it to the factory before driving it." Maintenance is not worth it," Chen Kangjie turned his head and said to Liu Kai, at the end, Chen Kangjie shook his head with a wry smile, why didn't he grow up quickly?By then, at least there will be no sports cars wasted.

He originally intended to give this car to his third brother or eldest sister, but none of them knew how to drive and were busy with business, so they had no time to learn. Besides, this car was too small for their size and style. Sister Chen Yufen has time to learn how to drive, but she doesn't like driving now, which makes Chen Kangjie helpless. They will drive in the future, so let's buy them for them, or they can earn money to buy it themselves.

"How is this possible? No, no." Lin Ling knew very well that she had heard before that the BMW was prepared by the head office. She didn't know who it was prepared for. Liu Kai and the others didn't say anything, but they had parked there several times. It's been a month, and people often scrub it, but I haven't seen anyone use it, and it's still brand new.What's more, the general manager doesn't have such a good car yet. The best car in the parking lot is President Ouyang's big Mercedes. She knows that the price of that BMW will never be much lower than that big Mercedes. She suddenly wants to drive it for herself. Shock.

"Hehe, Young Master Jie will drive it for you, so you can drive it. Anyway, Young Master Jie is also rich. That car is not suitable for us big men to drive. Go upstairs later and go to my office to get the key." Liu Kai saw Chen Kangjie's expression was not It was like a joke, so I laughed and teased Lin Ling. That little BMW is indeed only suitable for young people or girls, and it is not suitable for mature executives like them.

"If you don't, you can drive it for me first. It's a loan to you. When I learn how to drive or you buy the car yourself, you can return it to me." Chen Kangjie saw Lin Ling and wanted to refuse, so he gave her a step. He knew that Lin Ling was also worried about committing such a taboo.

"Okay then, I'll take care of it for you." Lin Ling only now knew that the cool little BMW turned out to be the special car for the kid in front of her. She answered in a low voice, and then she blushed.This sentence is a bit ambiguous. It can be said to be a car or a person.

But the others didn't get it wrong, they all regarded it as car maintenance. If they said such things to an adult, everyone would make adult jokes, but the object was Chen Kangjie, and there was no way to make jokes.

In this way, a beautiful BMW sports car began to appear on the streets of the six

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