About this Lawrence, Chen Kangjie knows that this person served as the leader of the Liberal Party for four years before 1989. After that, he entered the trough of his political career for unknown reasons. He found a position that was neither high nor low. It was not until the end of last year that he made a comeback with his own resilience and became the leader of the Liberal Party again.

Although Lawrence became the supreme leader of the party, just like Wei Zhonghua came to power in 1989, many people thought he was just a transition. Not only has he not become a simple transitional figure, but his status has become more and more consolidated, and he has been on stage for 7 years.The same is true of Lawrence. Just when everyone was not optimistic about him, he was accidentally elected as the Prime Minister of Australia, thus opening the political path of ruling this country for 12 consecutive years.

Lawrence is a Western politician who is friendly to China. He has visited China eight times and has made great contributions to the friendship between Australia and China. During his tenure, more and more Chinese immigrants Australia, travel there, study abroad, buy a house and start a business.The relationship between the two countries has been greatly promoted during this period, and Australia has also benefited from China's rapid economic growth, with increasingly close economic and trade exchanges and extensive and frequent personnel exchanges.

Therefore, with such an understanding of the situation, Chen Kangjie is full of expectations for meeting Lawrence. If he has the opportunity to meet Lawrence and establish a good friendship, he is very happy, not to mention Chen Kangjie still has the island. Plans, a job like this only the federal government has the power to decide on, and if a good relationship can be established with Lawrence, it will help the issue to be resolved.

"Mr. Nash, how did you establish a good relationship with Mr. Lawrence?" Nash came to invite Ouyang Zhenhua and the others to meet Lawrence, which aroused Chen Kangjie's strong interest.

"We knew each other a long time ago, but...the relationship is not that close." Geoffrey Nash implied that the previous relationship with Lawrence was general.

"Oh, then wouldn't it be inappropriate for us to go to see him with you? After all...we don't know each other. If you go, it's justified. You are comrades in the party and you have work to do." It's normal to talk, shall we go..." Ouyang Zhenhua took a look at Chen Kangjie and then said.

"There's nothing wrong with that. You and I are friends. It's reasonable for me to introduce two friends to Mr. Lawrence. It's very appropriate, very appropriate." Jeffrey Nash smiled awkwardly and continued .

Jeffrey Nash went to see Lawrence, and the reason why he brought Chen Kangjie and the others had a purpose, or rather the main purpose, which had a very important positive meaning to him.If Chen Kangjie and the others didn't go, Nash would lose the value of meeting Lawrence, and even if he did, it wouldn't bring him anything.

"In this case, let's go together. Mr. Lawrence is a well-known politician in Australia, and it is worthwhile to see him." Chen Kangjie made a quick decision.

As for why Jeffrey Nash wanted to take them to see Lawrence, Chen Kangjie had already guessed very closely. No matter what kind of benefit it was for, Chen Kangjie was very interested in going.

The meeting with Lawrence was not in Canberra or Perth, but in Broken Hill (broken.hil), a small town in New South Wales. Chen Kangjie didn't know why he chose this place .

From Perth to Broken Hill, the distance is thousands of kilometers, across the entire South Australia.Chen Kangjie and the others will fly to Swanhill (swen.hil), and then transfer from Swanhill to Broken Hill by car.

This is a very simple matter for Chen Kangjie and the others. They have a special plane and can decide to leave at any time.

To be on the safe side and to see Lawrence earlier, Chen Kangjie and the others set off that night and flew to Swansea an hour and a half later. It was almost late at night before Chen Kangjie and the others arrived at Broken Hill.

After resting overnight in a good local hotel in Broken Hill, they were able to meet Lawrence in a mountain courtyard the next morning.

This place is located in the outskirts of Broken Hill, surrounded by mountains, dense forests, and the courtyard is a wooden building. Although it is in the hot Australia, it feels very cool here. There is a clear road at the gate of the courtyard. The creek flows slowly, and the environment is very quiet and beautiful.

Mr. Lawrence's assistant went to the hotel to bring Chen Kangjie and the others here this morning, otherwise, Nash himself would not have been able to find this place.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, no one greeted them, and the assistant still led Chen Kangjie and the others into the wooden house.

"Mr. Lawrence, hello." At this time, Lawrence was holding a book and reading in front of the window. Jeffrey Nash didn't care whether he disturbed him, and took the initiative to greet him as soon as he met.

"Oh, here we come. Please sit down, please sit down." Lawrence raised his head, saw the three people standing in front of him, put the book aside, and extended his hand to invite Chen Kangjie and the others politely.

Since this was the first time they met Lawrence, neither Chen Kangjie nor Ouyang Zhenhua greeted him, but followed Jeffrey Nash to the side long sofa and sat down.

"Mr. Nash, who are these two...?" Chen Kangjie and the others had already sat down safely, and Lawrence asked in doubt.

"Sir, these two are my friends who came to invest in Australia from Hong Kong. This is Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua, who is in charge of Hongyuan Investment in Hong Kong. That is Mr. Ouyang's assistant, Mr. Chen", For a long time, Jeffrey Nash didn't know Chen Kangjie's name. He only knew that his surname was Chen. No one had seriously introduced Chen Kangjie in front of him, so Nash could only use "Mr. Chen" instead.

"Welcome, welcome, we in Australia really need powerful strategic investors like you." Hearing about Chen Kangjie's background, Lawrence became more interested.

"Hello, Mr. Lawrence, it is a great pleasure to meet you today. It is a great honor." Ouyang Zhenhua saluted Chen Kangjie on behalf of him.

After Ouyang Zhenhua spoke, there was no need for Chen Kangjie to say the same. He just smiled and nodded towards Lawrence.

"Hehe, you're welcome, you're too modest." Lawrence stood up with a smile, said something politely, and went to the door to order the servants outside to serve coffee to Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Mr. Lawrence, I came to see you this time mainly to explain the situation in Western Australia to you in person. At this time, Western Australia is already in chaos..." The servants have not yet brought drinks in. , Jeffrey Nash couldn't wait to speak first.

"I know this. I watch the news every day. Western Australia is the only local government governed by our Liberal Party. We can't actually let Western Australia mess up. It will seriously affect the reputation of our Liberal Party and is not conducive to Win the support of the people", Lawrence naturally sees it quite clearly from a realistic and long-term perspective.

"Yes, that's why I'm planning to come to see you. Mr. Richard Cotter is ill, and Andrew Fisher has to keep an eye on a lot of daily work, so I'm the only one who comes." Look, Jeffrey Nash is speaking for Kurt and the others, but the hidden true meaning has been revealed clearly.

"Oh, I understand those situations. It seems that the situation in Western Australia is beyond hesitation. The situation is very serious. If you can't win the governor's election, you will be in trouble in the state election at the end of next year, and you may even lose the election. The possibilities are very high, and the approval rate has already dropped a lot," Lawrence said in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Mr. Lawrence, it is said that the general election at the end of the year will be held soon. I heard that you also proposed to run for prime minister. Why do you have the leisure to go to such a beautiful and remote place to read at such a critical time?", Chen Kangjie I was very curious as to why Lawrence came to such a place. It stands to reason that he should be in Canberra or Sydney at this time to make preparations.

"Hehe, this...Mr. Chen, I will be like this for a few days every year. The more critical it is, the more calm and calm it is. It should be said that it is not a good thing to find a quiet place to read." It took Lawrence a little time to say the name of Chen Kangjie who met him for the first time.

"Yes, yes, elections are not like doing other things, as long as you work hard. Elections test the ability to integrate resources and excellent governance strategies. Be quiet, and you can think more clearly," Chen Kangjie catered to said.

"Do you also have elections?" Chen Kangjie's words made Lawrence ask such a sentence naturally.

"Yes, but most ordinary people cannot directly participate. Our elections are simpler and more special, not free," Chen Kangjie explained succinctly.

"That's better. Our annual elections waste a lot of public resources. Mr. Nash, I hope you can help Mr. Cotter do a good job in this year's elections. I hope that Western Australia will still be under the control of our party. , This is conducive to the development of the overall situation," Lawrence said casually to Chen Kangjie before turning to Nash.

What Lawrence said seemed very casual, and he didn't shy away from Chen Kangjie and the others. It was like an official cliché, and he said it in a dignified manner.

However, it can be seen from this that Nash and Lawrence did not communicate his thoughts well before this, otherwise Lawrence would not have said so.

"Mr. Lawrence... I'm afraid this is a bit difficult," Jeffrey Nash said hesitantly and awkwardly, but when he said this, he kept his eyes on Lawrence.

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