rebirth of change

Chapter 937 Nash's Press Conference

After Jeffrey Nash was fired, he was not very angry. This was expected, but he did not expect that Richard Cotter would make such a quick move. Nash thought he would talk to himself first, but the other party did not at all If you find him, you can sign the order directly. This is the power of the governor.

From this moment on, Nash and Richard Cotter came face to face irreversibly.Regarding this settlement, it can be said that both parties feel somewhat regretful. After all, they have lived in peace and friendship for several years, but no one feels regretful.The conflict of interests makes them unable to regret.

Not long after he was fired, Jeffrey Nash held a press conference in response.

Nash was dismissed, coupled with what happened before, it is naturally very attractive, many reporters went to the scene of the press conference to participate in the interview.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have been working as the Minister of Commerce for six years. I didn't expect that yesterday I was still negotiating cooperation with foreign companies on behalf of the Western Australian government. Some of you journalists also participated. However, today, I was dismissed. I respect Mr. Governor's decision. I hope that there will be better business people to replace me and make greater contributions to the public. However, I do not admit my dismissal This is unfair. In the past, in order to improve our local economic development and investment environment, I have been working hard and serving our local enterprises. In the future, no matter what angle and No matter where I am, I will continue to serve the local people as always, and this fire of belief will never be extinguished..." Jeffrey Nash said before the reporter asked questions A neutral and vague opening statement.

Nash admitted that it is the governor's right to dismiss himself. He has nothing to say about this, but he wants to clarify the crime he intends to impose, and he has also shaped his image, and at the same time implies that he will not This means leaving the political arena.

"Mr. Nash, you said that you did not admit the reason for your dismissal. Don't you think your work has been excellent in the past few years? Then why is the current economic improvement so unsatisfactory?" Jeffrey Nash just finished speaking, Some reporters attacked him first.

"I admit that the economy in the past two years has been somewhat unsatisfactory, but this must not push all the problems on my head. If a football team fails to win the championship, do you think it is the responsibility of the players or the responsibility of the coach? I have never heard of it. If any country or a certain level of government fails to develop economically, they blame the subordinates of a specific department. Just like me, although I was the Minister of Commerce before, I acted according to the guidelines of the superiors. You think I am in Can I do whatever I want in the field I am in charge of? No. Besides, we in Western Australia mainly rely on resource economy, and in resource economy, we are extremely dependent on a certain country. When the economy of this country is not ideal or even declines, can it be Can we survive? It is really based on these two reasons. I bravely introduced third-party investment and negotiated in a transparent environment. Unfortunately, I was fired just a few days after the start, and what I wanted to do could not be done at all. ", Nash supported the podium with both hands, and retorted with a well-founded analysis.

Before the press conference, Ouyang Zhenhua discussed with Nash to bring Japan out.Nash considered that even if he really came to power in the future, he would still have to deal with the Japanese, so he didn't mention it, but alluded to it, but reporters who knew the local economic development knew that the "certain country" he mentioned was specifically referring to Japan. where.

"Mr. Nash, do you mean that you have been retaliated against?" A female reporter's simple question was very sharp.

"No, I didn't say that. I believe that Mr. Cotter has his own considerations. After all, he is the governor. However, I think that the economic development of a place should have multiple partners, whether it is strategic or It is both appropriate and wise to deal with the current difficulties. Philosophers say that we cannot put all eggs in one basket. Why should we do this? And I think that the implementation of each of our economic policies and cooperation projects , are closely related to the vital interests of the people, so they operate under the premise of openness and transparency, so that the people can understand the situation and participate in it. This is what an independent society should do and perform.” Jeffrey Nash really didn’t say that, But every word he said pointed to Richard Cotter and the Japanese intentionally or unintentionally.

"Mr. Nash, there are rumors that you intend to run for governor after leaving office. Is this true?" The male reporter from "The Australian" raised his hand and asked. In fact, this rumor is Jeffrey Nash It is true that he spread it by himself.

Just from the perspective of maintaining the image, Jeffrey Nash can't answer directly, he has to be more tactful, "Governor is a sacred position, which can serve the people in an all-round way. I have been in public office for many years, deeply Knowing that the first duty of a government employee is to always think about serving the people well. If there is such an opportunity, I believe that I will do my job well, especially in improving the local economic development level and the people In terms of life improvement. As I said just now, no matter what angle and position I am in, I will try my best to do my job well.”

"Mr. Nash, the year-end election will start soon. Does that mean you will participate in this year's election? In addition, what do you think of the rumors about the state government's investment with Japan mentioned in the media earlier? Comment?" A reporter who was close to Nash eagerly asked his own question when he finished speaking.

"As for the first question, I have just said it, and I don't think I need to repeat it. As for the second question, since you have said that it is a rumor, it seems that there is no need to comment. It's just my personal opinion, Regardless of whether it is true or false, we should strengthen the competition mechanism in this area, so that all businessmen who are willing to invest in Western Australia can participate in the competition on an open platform, so as to better safeguard our interests. Only then can we know which party to cooperate with is the most cost-effective. Moreover, we should also measure and deliberate from a strategic height in the direction of future economic development trends. We need to find regions and companies that can have greater complementary advantages with us for long-term cooperation. In-depth cooperation can enable our economy to maintain a long-term stable growth, and can also make the people's living standards have a predictable improvement." This passage, some of which are from Jeffrey Nash, some are from Ouyang Chen Kangjie's meaning relayed by Zhenhua was all mixed up by him anyway.

"Mr. Nash, the recent negotiations between you and Hong Kong have attracted widespread attention. According to reports, the amount of investment will be quite large, and many citizens have been encouraged. Now that you have been fired, do you think the negotiations will continue? ", another reporter asked, and it involved Ouyang Zhenhua and the others.

"Hongyuan Investment in Hong Kong is a very powerful company. After I had contact with their people, I was very impressed. They didn't come here to make money in the short term, but have a long-term strategy. I I think this is the strategic investor we need. Both of us have reached a consensus before, that is to make the transaction according to the market price, which can fully guarantee a win-win situation for both parties. According to the current market estimation, if the transaction can be concluded, The amount of investment will exceed 400 billion US dollars, which will be the largest investment in our history. This transaction can bring more than 10 billion US dollars in tax revenue to the state government, and increase the employment of more than [-] people. The economic chain effect will expand the economic scale to hundreds of billions. What is more important is that they will not be sole proprietorships. Our local BHP Billiton will become a partner, and the two companies are already negotiating on specific issues. You I was fired, will the negotiation continue? Personally, I don’t think it will be terminated. This is a great thing for us. No matter who takes over my job, there should be no need to give up such an investor. I I have great confidence in the successor, and I believe our government will make a wise choice.” Jeffrey Nash began to paint a big picture, doing some preliminary preparations and publicity for his own election in disguise.

"Mr. Nash, what do you think of Japan? Don't you hate them?" A reporter from Eastern Business Weekly asked a question with a certain degree of malice.

From Nash's previous conversation, everyone can see that he is biased, and it is very clear.However, if such a question is answered incorrectly, it will be provocative and will bring various negative effects, especially under the premise that Japan is currently the largest investor in Western Australia, it is very likely to cause a rebound from the Japanese side.

"There is absolutely no such thing, how could I hate them? I remember that I led two mining areas invested by Japan the year before last. Japanese culture is very wonderful, and Japanese people are also very polite. I welcome Japanese companies to increase cooperation with them. Our economic and trade ties will jointly expand the well-being of the people of the two countries. We should welcome any entrepreneur who comes to Western Australia with a win-win and honest attitude, no matter which country he is from, as the government, we should provide good All kinds of services." On the surface, it seems that Nash is quite fond of Japan, but the neutral words in the back still imply that he is talking to Ouyang Zhenhua and the others.

In short, Jeffrey Nash didn't say a word to offend anyone, and none of his words were upright and upright, so that no one could pick a thorn.

"Mr. Nash, you and Mr. Cotter are both members of the Liberal Party. If you want to run for governor, you need to win the party's primary election. Do you think you can win Cotter? He has been in power for several years. You have many advantages", this is the last question of Nash's press conference.

"Mr. Cotter is a politician I have always respected. He has a lot of influence in the party and is worthy of appreciation. His work in Western Australia is obvious to all and he has rich experience in governing. If I really run for office, then it must be better than But Mr. Cotter's", on the surface, Nash did a lot of work and praised Cotter, but the sentence in the middle seems to be a compliment, but it is actually reminding voters to think about what Kurt has done in the past few years. what?

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