Chapter 94 Less Flattering

Because of overeating, both of them had diarrhea several times that night, which made Chen Kangjie sigh to himself, "God did evil, but it is still forgivable, self-inflicted, I can't live." Ah, He Wanrong also had diarrhea several times, and the next day she was in good spirits. Followed also worse.

Chen Kangjie originally wanted He Wanrong to postpone the matter of teaching music theory for a day so that she could take a good rest, but He Wanrong thought that she didn't have much time, and she had to go to the capital to record a program in a few days, and she would only be at home for half a month after the end of the year. There was only one month to go, so she still wanted to give Chen Kangjie a lesson as soon as possible, so she rejected Chen Kangjie's kindness.

On the night when she came back from eating hot pot, He Wanrong called Chen Kangjie after having diarrhea several times. She wanted to care about it, but when she heard that Chen Kangjie also had diarrhea several times, the two laughed at each other on the phone , He Baoguo's wife and Chen Qigang's family next to the phone couldn't figure it out, how could they laugh so happily while eating so much diarrhea?They didn't know that their diarrhea was caused by being careful about 'sex' and eating too many complicated snacks.

The two lived in a large family home, not far apart. Chen Kangjie considered that He Wanrong hadn't been at home for a long time, so he would spend more time with his godfather and mother. Besides, her home was less crowded and quiet, so Chen Kangjie went to He Wanrong's house to do it. Students, instead of asking He Wanrong to come over, besides, how can students ask the teacher to come to the door?

After Chen Kangjie came in to say hello to He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang, He Wanrong pulled him into his boudoir to study.

He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang knew that Chen Kangjie was going to be He Wanrong's student again during this holiday, and their love for this godson was no worse than He Wanrong's. He Wanrong was not at home, and Chen Kangjie often went to He's house for dinner, in fact, to accompany Zhao Yuexiang Talking about it, of course, the two families are close to each other, Zhao Yuexiang and He Baoguo often take a walk to Chen Qigang's place for tea after dinner, and sometimes, the two families have dinner together, so Zhao Yuexiang doesn't feel too boring.

Chen Kangjie's diligence and intelligence are seen by everyone around him. His own small room is almost full of books, and they are all books bought with his own money. There are many books that He Baoguo can't understand very well. There are various kinds of books. , economy, tourism, transportation, history, novels, foreign languages, calligraphy, computers, military and so on, making Chen Kangjie’s almost a small library, not only Chen Jing, Chen Mei, Chen Mei and Ma Wei they often go Choose books that you can understand, even He Baoguo and Chen Qigang sometimes have to go to Chen Kangjie to borrow books to check information when they want to write something.

The two families were very proud of this, and they both knew that Chen Kangjie's achievements would be extraordinary in the future.Especially Ma Fangqin, often joked that Chen Qigang and He Baoguo were inferior to Chen Kangjie, which made the two adults blush, and the two families also burst into laughter.

Now that I know that Chen Kangjie is going to learn music theory again, everyone of course fully supports and is very pleased. Anyway, it is always good to have more skills.

"Xiaojie, let's eat something first, don't be hungry." After studying for more than half an hour, Zhao Yuexiang knocked on the door and came in with two bowls of sweet wine.

In many areas in the south, rice or corn is used to make rice cakes and sweet wine before the Chinese New Year. This custom has gradually become rare as time goes by. Chen Kangjie liked to eat it when he was a child, and he can often taste it after rebirth. Especially satisfying.

When Chen Kangjie got up in the morning, he just said hello to Ma Fangqin and ran away. Before he had time to eat breakfast, he knew that when he arrived at his godfather's house, his godmother would definitely get him something to eat.

"Thank you godmother, um, it's so fragrant, godmother is really good at craftsmanship." Chen Kangjie took the small bowl in Zhao Yuexiang's hand, sniffed it deeply, and gave Zhao Yuexiang a thumbs up.

"As long as you have a sweet mouth, eat quickly, stop flattering, and continue after eating," He Wanrong said, seeing Chen Kangjie's exaggerated appearance.

"Who says I'm flattering? It's from the bottom of my heart. Godmothers are good at it," Chen Kangjie defended solemnly.

Zhao Yuexiang didn't think so when she saw the pair of sisters and brothers playing, but still feigned anger and criticized He Wanrong with a stern face, "You girl, let me tell you, you can't bully Xiaojie, he is your younger brother."

"Xiaojie, ignore him, eat quickly, and the godmother will serve it for you after eating," Zhao Yuexiang turned her head and said to Chen Kangjie kindly.

"Mom, you guys are biased and patriarchal." He Wanrong quit this kind of unequal treatment, and took Zhao Yuexiang's hand and said coquettishly.

"Damn girl, you're talking nonsense, eat quickly, you won't be able to stop your mouth." Zhao Yuexiang smiled and pushed her away, turned and went out.

While eating, Chen Kangjie smiled and watched He Wanrong deflated and triumphant.

"You guy, you have such a sweet mouth, no wonder everyone likes you", He Wanrong expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Kangjie's stinky character.

"Hey, you can be sweet too, besides, I really appreciate it." Chen Kangjie looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

After eating breakfast, the two resumed their classes.Playing and fighting, He Wanrong spoke very carefully in class, and Chen Kangjie listened very carefully, and wrote down some important points in his notebook from time to time, completely showing the energy he had when he was in high school in the previous life.

At noon, He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang wanted to keep Chen Kangjie down for dinner, but Chen Kangjie refused, so he had to choose to stay. After a while, Ma Fangqin sent Chen Jing to call Chen Kangjie back for dinner, but He Wanrong also dragged him to stay. Now He Wanrong is a big star, and Chen Kangjie chose to stay. Jing likes to chase stars again, of course she does.As a result, Ma Fangqin waited for a long time and neither of them came back. She also knew that this was a dog chasing the sheep. In the end, neither the sheep nor the dog came back.

At the dinner table, He Wanrong talked a lot about Hong Kong, and He Baoguo and his wife were naturally very interested. Even Chen Kangjie listened with great interest, and Chen Jing even had stares in his eyes.He Wanrong not only introduced the local conditions and customs she knew, but also the life related to his work.Although He Baoguo and Zhao Yuexiang knew that Ouyang Zhenhua was taking care of them in Hong Kong, and that the record was written by this godson, and that their daughter's career was going smoothly, but hearing what she said, their eyebrows were delighted, and they knew that their daughter had a good time there too. Very happy, even more gratified.

"Godmother, why don't you go to Hong Kong during your vacation?" Chen Kangjie suggested Zhao Yuexiang's yearning for Hong Kong from her smile.

"Yeah, mom, anyway, you don't have much work to do, so you can go and play when you have time, so you can just accompany me." He Wanrong strongly agreed with Chen Kangjie's suggestion.

"Hehe, I really want to go, but if I go, what will your father do?" Zhao Yuexiang wanted to go, but looking at He Baoguo beside her, she felt that it was still inappropriate.He Baoguo is so busy with work now, so he went by himself. Not only is it a problem for him to eat, but his family is even more deserted, and he doesn't even have anyone to talk to.

"What's the matter, you go, the big deal is that the godfather will come to my house, is the godmother still worried that the godfather is hungry? Hehe", Chen Kangjie said cheerfully.

"How can I do it? One or two days is fine. It's not a problem after a long time. I go to Hong Kong to play, at least I have to have fun. I can't come back in a day or two. It's better not to go."

"Stop arguing, too, or I'll spend some time with you in the future," He Baoguo said in a timely manner.

"You take the time? I'm afraid the year of the monkey is coming, and you won't have time." Zhao Yuexiang scoffed at He Baoguo's words. He Baoguo was so absorbed in his work all day, how could he be free for several days.

"Then when will I go to study, and you can go play alone for a while." He Baoguo felt that he owed his wife somewhat, so he said apologetically.

"That's good. Godfather will be promoted in the future. He will probably go to the Provincial Party Committee Party School or the Central Party School to study. In that case, Godmother can go out with peace of mind." Chen Kangjie teased He Baoguo with a bite of food in his mouth .

After the meal, He Wanrong pulled Chen Jing into the room and gave her a lot of gifts from Hong Kong, some of which were for little girls. It could be seen that they were specially prepared for Chen Kangjie's older sisters. Chen Jing also asked for He Wanrong's autographed tape and autographed photo, and then ran home holding the gift.It seemed that after school started, she had another chance to show off in front of her classmates.

This holiday, Chen Kangjie did not give lectures to his good friends, but concentrated on learning music theory, taking classes during the day, and reading books by himself when he went back at night. During the whole holiday, except for the two days when He Wanrong went to Beijing to record the program, Chen Kangjie’s thoughts were all on In this regard, thanks to his amazing memory, He Wanrong has learned a lot of knowledge in He Wanrong's mind in a month, and he can get a couple of college music textbooks by himself, and basically there will be no problem , anyway, he didn't want to be a professional musician.

On the evening of the New Year's Eve, the two families spent together. For this meal, Ma Fangqin and Zhao Yuexiang had been busy all day, and the personnel were basically all present. Eleven people from the two families sat at a large table full. I felt a little sorry for not going back to his home with Xu Guoqiang for the New Year's Eve in two years. This year I took Chen Kangjie's niece and family of three back to Sijiaotian for the New Year's Eve.

"Xiao Rong, the Sprite you advertised is much better than those Cokes." Ma Fangqin took out a large bottle of Sprite and said to He Wanrong with a smile.

Ma Fangqin is not used to drinking Coke, and in fact Chen Kangjie is not used to drinking it either, but she often brings some back from the eldest sister's supermarket, because both Chen Jing and Chen Yuchang like to drink it.After Master Kong’s company launched Sprite this year, of course there is no shortage of them at home. Chen Kangjie directly brought a box back from Master Kong’s company, and the employees of the company also gave each of them two bottles and some other fruits, candies, etc. as gifts for the holidays. At that time, the employees of the entire Master Kong company were beaming with the gifts they had received to go home for the New Year. Master Kong basically sent some things to express condolences to the employees during the festival, which made the employees more enthusiastic about Master Kong’s ownership. Basically, if someone said If Master Kong speaks badly, a good-tempered one will stand up to defend Master Kong, and a bad-tempered one will roll up his sleeves and do it.

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