rebirth of change

Chapter 946 Chain Conspiracy

Da Muguang hoped that Ye Tangsen would show up on the fourth day, but he was disappointed again. Ye Tangsen did not come back, but made another excuse.At the same time, he also asked the secretary and the company's vice president to accompany Oki Hikaru and the others to visit the scenic spot Lushan.

At this time, it is impossible for Oki Hikaru to have the mind to do some sightseeing and travel. He just hopes that Ye Tangsen can come back as soon as possible, so that he can get back to China and transfer to Australia, where the big business needs him.

In the past few days, Da Muguang has been devastated. In China, the banks and related large companies that had previously promised to provide financial support are now somewhat lacking in confidence. Due to the fluctuations in the stock market, everyone has suffered a lot of losses.In Australia, Ouyang Zhenhua and Jeffrey Nash continued to launch attacks. Through a series of public opinion offensives, the two had made Richard Cotter passive again and again, which finally affected the social balance. As the incumbent governor, Richard Cotter also has such qualifications for the election of the governor of Western Australia. However, with strong competitors, Cotter's chances of winning have dropped a lot, and Nash's chances of winning must have been [-]%. Between five.In China, the rare earth was adopted to completely terminate Mitsui & Co., Ltd., which not only affected the company's performance, but also caused complaints from the downstream demand side, which imaged his reputation and status within the consortium.

The hateful thing is that Ye Tangsen attracted him to the country of China, so Oki Hikari could neither return to Japan to raise funds, nor return to Australia to give Richard Cotter favorable support.

After Nash successfully became the governor's candidate, he made high-profile contacts with Hongyuan Investment. Such pressure forced Richard Cotter to pull Ouyang Zhenhua and the others into the joint negotiation process.However, now that Oki is not around, Kurt doesn't even have anyone to discuss with, so he can only adopt delaying tactics.In an interview with reporters, the negotiator of Hongyuan Investment Company "inadvertently" revealed that Mr. Governor just used tactics to delay them, and did not have any attitude and actions for fair competition. This, in turn, made Richard. Kurt fell into a greater passivity.

In Japan, Matsuzaka Sara is planning a conspiracy against Nippon Steel.

After the akiomimura practice with Nippon Steel was rejected, Matsuzaka Sara turned around and got in touch with Ye Tangsen on the phone. Matsuzaka Sara tested Ye Tangsen and said that he could not help to get in touch with the two equipments that could be purchased. See Ye Tangmori meeting What is the attitude.As a result, Ye Tangsen's attitude was even more determined than Akiomimura's.

What Ye Tangsen means is that if the two equipments are lacking, the production of the product cannot be guaranteed, and the export will continue to be controlled against Japan until the two equipments are obtained.

Ye Tangsen's determination, coupled with the fact that the government represented by Matsuoka Chishige has not made any progress, then Matsuzaka Sara and the others can only find their own way.There is really no way, because their stocks have all been exhausted, and all emerging products for the future market cannot be produced, such as Toshiba's DVDs and Toyota's new cars. These are the main products that determine future profits, but all due to The lack of rare earths had to take measures to stagnate.

Almost all Japanese electrical appliances, digital products, machinery and automobile manufacturers have been affected to varying degrees, not only the affiliated companies of the Mitsubishi chaebol, but almost all affiliated companies of the chaebol such as Sumitomo and Mitsui.It is precisely because of this that Matsuzaka Sara was able to gather several other large rare earth import companies to figure out how to alleviate the current predicament as soon as possible.

"Everyone, everyone is having a hard time right now. We gathered in Tokyo to see if there is any way for everyone to add up together. If this continues, we will lose a lot, and the losses of our affiliated companies will be even greater. . ..." said Matsuzaka Sara, with her hands behind her back, pacing in the living room of his private villa next to Hamarikyu Garden, surrounded by people from Sumitomo Corporation, Marubeni, and Nissho Iwai, CEOs and representatives of several major Japanese rare earth importers including Itochu Corporation.

Each of these people represents a large consortium, but Hikari Oki is in China, so Mitsui & Co. is not involved.Everyone was summoned by Matsuzaka Sara, and they all sat quietly, waiting for Matsuzaka Sara to speak first.

"The top priority is, I think we can contact the United States and get some goods from them to temporarily relieve the urgent need. The Americans have goods in their hands. As an ally, the Americans can't just watch us make things worse." , Onodera, the vice president of Marubeni Trading Company, waited for Matsuzaka Sara's voice to fall, then patted the wall of the sofa and said.

The chairman and president of Marubeni Trading Company was sick and hospitalized, so Onodera was appointed to attend the party.

"Mr. Ono, that's what you say, but it's very difficult to do. The Americans have not been affected much, and they do have some stocks in their hands, but do you think they will really sell them to us? If they have stocks, they will keep them. For our own use. Don’t look at us as allies, but at this time, the Americans may not only not sell it to us, but may also hope that China’s disguised sanctions against us will last longer. In the military, We can barely be said to be allies, but economically, we are competitors. Everyone hopes to occupy a larger market share in the new economy, and in terms of new products, the biggest competition for the United States at present is We, you think, how could they give charcoal in a timely manner to support a strong opponent?" Matsuzaka Sara stopped, looked at Onodera and said.

"The Americans may really treat us like that," Nohara Yuki, chairman of Nissho Iwai, secretly nodded in agreement with Matsuzaka Sara's words.

"Besides, even if the Americans are willing to sell us some, how much they can have, [-] tons or [-] tons, that is not a fundamental solution. Only by solving the problem at the source can we ensure the supply of goods, that is The key", Matsuzaka Sara further clarified her understanding to Onodera and Nohara Yuki.

"The Chinese are playing this trick, and they also face a lot of losses. I think we can unite and fight against them to see who can persist until the end. Anyway, our strength is not weak," said the chairman of Sumitomo Corporation Koizumi Zhaohu said arrogantly with a cigar in his mouth.

"Mr. Koizumi, how long do you think you can persist in the current situation? Don't companies like NEC and Sumitomo Electric Industries ask you for raw materials? As far as I know, China Future Metallurgical Group may have no problem persisting for half a year. Do you They can persist for half a year. What's more, their export prices have increased by [-]%, and through the extra profits, they can prolong their persistence, and even continue indefinitely, but what about us?", Matsuzaka Sara A series of rhetorical questions.

Koizumi Zhaofu put the cigar that was less than a quarter smoked between the index finger and ring finger of his right hand and did not move.Matsuzaka Sara's question made it impossible for him to answer. What he was worried about was not his own financial problems, but that Sumitomo Electric Industry and NEC had been asking him for goods every day recently, which made him extremely annoyed.Everyone is the core enterprise of the Sumitomo Zaibatsu. It is the responsibility of Sumitomo Corporation to help the development of related enterprises, and he has to take it seriously.

"Rare earth may not be particularly important to the company we manage, or it may not be a decisive factor, but to our brother companies, everyone understands what it means. Not only the United States is speeding up on high-tech products , even South Korea is catching up. They now have abundant supply. The development speed of high-tech products is the same every day. You can imagine, if we stop for half a year, what will be the result? The result may be that we are The bigger ones are left behind," Matsuzaka Sara saw that Koizumi had nothing to say, so she continued.

"Mr. Matsusaka, I think you have a solution. Otherwise, you wouldn't have called us all here. From your words, it can be seen that you have thought the most deeply," said ITOCHU Corporation calmly and sophisticatedly. President Fujiwara Hironobu crossed his legs, leaned on the sofa, and listened for a long time with half-closed eyes, then suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Matsuzaka Sara and said.

"Hehe, Mr. Fujiwara is indeed Mr. Fujiwara,... Actually, the solution is obvious. The last time I went to China, all of us here except me, Mr. Ono and Mr. Koizumi also participated. Everyone I know what the needs of the China Future Metallurgical Group are. At that meeting, their Ye Tangsen made it very clear that they need gasifiers and air separation equipment, the technology of Nippon Steel Corporation. I have tried it before, and the Trying to help them buy these two things, then we can get the goods we want. Unfortunately, Akiomimura of Nippon Steel refused to do it and firmly disagreed, so...." Matsuzaka Sara's words did not fully express Complete, but the meaning is already clear.

"Mr. Matsusaka, you want us to jointly put pressure on Nippon Steel to sell those two items to the Chinese side? I think this is a bit bad. How can we help others deal with our own business?", Onodera also Not too stupid, he easily grasped the meaning of Matsuzaka Sara.

"I also know that's not very good, but if you don't do that, do you have any better solutions?" Matsuzaka Sara spread out her hands and threw the question to everyone.

No one could have done it better, and if they had, they would have taken action.However, no one immediately echoed Matsuzaka Sara's intentions, and everyone remained silent for the time being.Matsuzaka Sara also stopped talking, he couldn't do all the bad guys by himself.At this time, although he will gain points in his ability to handle affairs, his conduct will also reduce some people's psychological points.

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