rebirth of change

Chapter 949 Nippon Steel retreats

As expected, Oki Hikaru did not disobey Domitsu Gori's intentions. After a day of discussions in Matsusaka with the senior management of the consortium, he returned to Tokyo non-stop the next day to find Matsuzaka Sara.

Sasa Matsuzaka knew the purpose of Hikari Oki's visit, but he still pretended not to know.

"Oki-kun, I heard that you went to China alone, and it seems that you must have gained a lot. Did you come here to tell me some good news?" When Oki came to visit, Matsuzaka Sara not only did not understand his difficulties, but also Sarcasm.

If Oki Hikaru has really made substantial progress, it is impossible for Matsuzaka Sara to not know, besides, anyone can see some clues from Oki Hikaru's dejected face.

"Matsuzaka-kun, why are you so sarcastic about me, I came back empty-handed this time, so I came here to find a way with you." Oki Hikari was able to maintain a sense of calm even though he was in a bad mood.

He doesn't have to be frank if he wants to. If he brags indiscriminately, it will not only make Matsuzaka Sara shameless and more sarcastic, but it may also have a bad influence on their cooperation in the future.

"Please, Oki-kun, please sit down wherever you want." After an interaction, Matsuzaka Sara invited Oki Hikaru to sit down and discuss in detail under the small gazebo in his courtyard.

"Now that Oki-kun is back, of course you are the leader. If Oki-kun has a good idea, just say it, and we will definitely support and support..." Matsuzaka Sara's tone was still not so polite.

In the past, Hikari Oki took the lead, and Hikari Oki, who had a smooth career, sometimes showed overconfidence or showed some pride from time to time, which made Matsuzaka Sara always feel uncomfortable. The development momentum of the enterprises in charge is relatively prosperous, so no matter how upset Matsuzaka Sara is, she will not say it out.

Today is different. Hikari Oki has hit a wall on several fronts, and none of them has been able to realize the previous expectations. The current plan for Nippon Steel Corporation to obtain normal rare earth resources was first proposed and planned by Sara Matsuzaka. Finally, Matsuzaka Sara, who had been the leader for a while, had to hold her head high in front of Hikari Oki no matter what.

Hikari Oki held his breath, and did not have the ability to talk to Matsuzaka Sara, and lowered his identity very low, "Matsuzaka-kun, I have nothing to do at the moment. At this critical moment, Matsuzaka-kun can lead colleagues in the same industry to face difficulties." In order to solve the problem, I admire this point very much. My visit this time is actually equivalent to coming to obey the dispatch. If there is anything that needs our Mitsui & Co., Ltd.’s assistance, it’s okay, but it’s okay, I will definitely try my best There are ways to support it", Da Muguang dropped his tone by half a frame.

Hearing these words, Matsuzaka Sara was very pleased. With Oki Hikaru's words, he felt that all the things he had done before were worthwhile.

It's just that Matsuzaka Sara is also a man of the city, he didn't show the joy in his heart, but he seemed a little flattered and sincere, "Oki-kun, there is no need to say that, this is a shame for me. The current situation is ours. Of course, the common difficulties in the same industry must be faced together. It is difficult for any one company to achieve success, and it must be united."

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense, and what Matsuzaka-kun said makes sense," Oki Hikaru bowed and complimented Matsuzaka Sara.

"I must have heard about Oki-kun. When you returned to China, several of our other companies had already taken the same action. In order to shorten the time as much as possible, we welcome Oki-kun to participate as soon as possible." Satisfied, Matsuzaka Sara stopped talking nonsense and began to bring the conversation to the point.

"Are you talking about joining the anti-sanction against Nippon Steel?" Oki asked knowingly.

"This is not a sanction. We don't want to sanction anyone, because we are all suffering losses. We just want to avoid the losses as soon as possible. This is a helpless move." Matsuzaka Sara quickly waved her hand and clarified Said.

Matsuzaka Sara has never had any grudges with Nippon Steel Corporation. He has no reason to bear the reputation of sanctions. Between the relationship between organizations, "sanction" is a very serious act of hostility, such an unknown crime However, Matsuzaka Sara will not take gold medals like athletes do.

"Yes, yes, yes. Hey, Matsuzaka-kun, why are we targeting Nippon Steel? What do they have to do with this matter?" Oki Hikaru was puzzled.

Oki Hikaru was puzzled, but Matsuzaka Sara was puzzled by his question. He tilted his head and stared at Oki Hikaru with his brows down, "You don't know? Ye Tangsen didn't tell you anything Is it? Then what are you doing?".

From Matsuzaka Sara's point of view, Oki Hikaru has been in China for so long, no matter what, he couldn't even get this bit of news. Otherwise, what did he do in China for so many days?

Oki Hikaru's face was like a bitter melon, and Matsuzaka Sara brought up his depression and anger again.He thought to himself, Lao Tzu and Ye Tangsen had talked a lot, but none of it had anything to do with rare earths, it was all about shitty friendship.Ask me what I did for so many days in China, besides eating, drinking and sleeping, and visiting Lushan Mountain.

It was the fifth day of the trip to Mount Lushan. At that time, Ye Tangsen still did not show up. Under the warm and eager invitation of his secretary, Sara Matsuzaka and his party visited Lushan Mountain for a day.Originally, he wanted to relax, but Da Muguang felt even more heavy, because Ye Tangsen never showed up.

"I..." Oki Hikaru was a little bit hard to say about such a naked question, "We didn't mention this aspect."

"Oh", Matsuzaka Sara happily understood the situation Oki encountered in China, "Because they interrupted the supply of raw materials to us, it was because Nippon Steel did not sell equipment to them, we just wanted to force Nippon Steel to It’s just a step back. After I returned to China, I communicated with Ye Tangsen, and he didn’t have the slightest sense of giving in. There was nothing he could do, so he had to make a bad move.”

"Because Nippon Steel doesn't sell them equipment? Can they use Nippon Steel's equipment?" Oki Hikaru obviously didn't believe it.

"Maybe not, but that doesn't seem to be our business," Matsuzaka Sara neither admitted nor denied, speaking vaguely, "China has not yet joined the WTO, so we have nothing to do with them, Oki-kun, you are in Mitsui You have a lot of right to speak, and I think you should make a contribution, both for us and for yourself."

"Well," Oki Hikaru nodded while staring at the bouquet of flowers opposite him, "I understand how to do it. This has a lot to do with Mitsui, and I will definitely do my best."

Matsuzaka Sara stood up and bowed to Hikari Oki, "Then please."

Da Muguang hurriedly stood up, and returned a salute, "It should be, it should be effective."

The relationship between Nippon Steel and Mitsui was very close before, and Nippon Steel participated in some of Oki's investments in Australia.If he wanted to attack Nippon Steel, Hikari Oki couldn't bear it.But for the sake of the overall situation of the consortium, and also in order not to go to the opposite side of his domestic counterparts, Oki Hikaru could only reluctantly part with it, lobbying Tuguang Gaoli and other high-level executives to participate.

It didn't take long for companies from the Mitsui consortium to join in. Akiomimura couldn't stand the pressure before, and now that companies from Mitsui have joined, it has become an unbearable burden for Nippon Steel.

Of Nippon Steel's 16 production lines, 12 have been closed before. Now that Mitsui has joined, Nippon Steel can only keep one production line.It can be said that Nippon Steel Corporation has reached the edge of the cliff. One step forward is death, but there is a desert behind, and retreat is also a disaster.It’s just that relatively speaking, it’s better to step back, at least you don’t die so quickly, and once you walk through the hot desert, you may encounter a large oasis.

After fighting for a few days and persisting for a few days with no results, akiomimura finally backed down. He took the initiative to contact Matsuzaka Sara and promised to sell the two devices.

In this way, the coal chemical project finally succeeded in purchasing two key equipment from the Japanese, and the price was cheaper than expected.When will the Japanese not be slaughtered at this moment?Coupled with the investment of Fangxian Development Co., Ltd. in research and development in the past two years, it has mastered a lot of advanced technologies, so that the coal chemical projects completed have a very high standard, especially in terms of environmental protection, exhaust gas emissions The volume is nearly 70.00% lower than that of domestic enterprises, and the waste water is [-]% treated.

On the day when the coal chemical project was put into production, the main leaders of the province and city were present.This is a market-forward-looking high-tech industrial project with tens of billions of investment. In addition to the industrial project itself, a large amount of infrastructure construction has also been carried out. The location of the project, such as roads and water conservancy, has been greatly improved.With the help of this project, the six water pans alone have solved the draft problem of more than 60 people. Why is it that the coal chemical project consumes so much water that several reservoirs and canals have been built?

All the problems faced by the coal chemical project have been solved, and the Liushuipan railway and road facilities have also undergone significant improvements in recent years, which can just meet the needs of the coal chemical project.

In order to attack opponents to the greatest extent, after Nippon Steel agreed to sell equipment, China Future Metallurgical Group did not immediately lift the export restrictions on rare earths to Japan.Instead, they insisted on getting the equipment to pass the inspection before releasing it. This made Akiomimura an ant on the hot pot. Because Ye Tangsen did not release it, the Japanese side's anti-sanction against Nippon Steel would not be lifted.It's just that when they shipped the goods by sea, several days passed by.

The two pieces of equipment actually weigh only a dozen tons. The Japanese side can use transport planes. The cost is higher, but it can save a lot of time.It's a pity that the height of the gasifier is too high to fit into the transport plane at all. The time wasted during this period can be regarded as a great help to Ouyang Zhenhua in Australia.

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