rebirth of change

Chapter 954 First Arrival in Melbourne

"Oh, yesterday I went to Beihe province near the capital to inspect water conservancy facilities, and I just came back," Wei Zhonghua explained.

"I didn't see any news of your inspection on yesterday's news broadcast. You big leaders are always secretive about where you go. You have to finish the inspection before it appears on the news. I don't understand what you are worried about." , Chen Kangjie lowered his voice and complained aimlessly.

The central leaders inspected the country. According to the usual practice, their pictures and news will not appear in the news of the day. They must wait until the end before allowing the central media and local media to issue news and manuscripts.The purpose of doing this should be mainly for safety considerations. If some unscrupulous elements grasp the leader's whereabouts in advance or during the event, it may bring disadvantages and threats.Only when visiting abroad can you see their shadows and speeches appearing in the news of the day.

In fact, this is unnecessary. In China, ordinary people do not have the guts. Simple people are unlikely to do such things. Moreover, the top officials are still quite popular in the hearts of the people.If it is really an organization with the strength to pose a threat to them, I believe they can get this kind of news. After all, they will meet many people under the leadership. The so-called secrecy is only for most ordinary people.

"You seem to have a big opinion, kid. What's the matter? Do you have something to do with me?" Wei Zhonghua didn't explain so much to Chen Kangjie. He was also very busy and didn't have much time for small talk, so he went straight to the topic.

"It's nothing serious, but there is a situation, let me inform you, the old man."

"What's the situation?" Wei Zhonghua asked.

"I received an invitation from US President kld. I invited me to go to the United States on the first weekend of November, and at the same time appear in the last large-scale campaign party of his campaign. Do you think I will go? Or not What about it?" Chen Kangjie stated concisely.

Wei Zhonghua paused for a moment and asked, "Then what do you think? Are you going?".

Wei Zhonghua did not answer right away, but first threw the question back to Chen Kangjie to test his thinking.

"Me? I just called to ask you because I didn't know." Chen Kangjie lied, he wanted to see what the above thought.

"Oh, that's it!...Actually, this is your private itinerary. We can't control that much. Being able to maintain a good relationship with President KLD is good for you and the country." , Wei Zhonghua changed the subject and asked, "But didn't Lawrence look for you?".

"I was looking for it. Who knew that kld's invitation would follow, which made me very embarrassed." Chen Kangjie put on a show, making himself really undecided.

"Lawrence asked you, did you agree?".

"I agree, you all sold me to him, can I not agree? Isn't there a more influential person coming?" Chen Kangjie looked very helpless.

"We are a very trustworthy nation. Since you have agreed, I think it is better to come first, otherwise, what have you become? A villain who has no promise?" Wei Zhonghua did not say clearly , but the tendency of meaning is already very obvious.

"You guys are too cunning. If you want me to go to Australia, just say it directly. It's really boring to come up with this kind of falsehood." Chen Kangjie pretended to be angry and dissatisfied. Besides, probably only Chen Kangjie dared to say that.

"Hehe, hehe", Wei Zhonghua was not only not angry, but also laughed heartily, "You have already made up your mind, right? You still play this kind of temptation, and finally call us cunning, think about it, who is more cunning ?”.

"How do you know I've made up my mind?".

"It goes without saying that if you can't even see through this point, you are not Chen Kangjie. From your past records, you are such a patriotic person, of course you know what is important, and you will definitely make a wise decision Yes, it's not in vain that we all read you right." Wei Zhonghua showed a look of knowing Chen Kangjie very well.

"Hey, it seems that my consciousness orientation and way of doing things have been determined by you. I guess there will be no good fruit in the future." Chen Kangjie was not surprised that Wei Zhonghua could guess his decision, but he was still a little bit uncomfortable Shuang himself was seen so clearly and transparently.

In fact, this is two-way, and being able to be deeply understood by the above has advantages and disadvantages.The good thing is that I won't be jealous, after all, what they think and do in their own general direction.The bad thing is that I have become a nearly transparent person, and Fang Buddha is a grandson monkey in the palm of Tathagata Buddha.

"No one will not give you good fruit to eat, don't think about it. By the way, where you choose to go and how to go, that is your personal right and freedom. We will not interfere, and we have not made any demands. , we still have to clarify this point first," Wei Zhonghua urged.

"Oh, you have taken advantage of it. I will take the blame. What is it all about? It seems that I really think of me as Lei Feng? It is still an unknown Lei Feng. Although Uncle Lei Feng says he does not leave a name for his good deeds, he at least I also wrote down a diary, explaining clearly the process and details of every little thing, but I can’t even bring it up, and I have to fight it alone if I am responsible,” Chen Kangjie said teasingly.

In fact, Chen Kangjie is very understanding. Among all diplomatic relations, Sino-US relations are placed in a very special position and are the top priority of diplomatic work.The entire high-level is carefully handling the relationship with the United States. Under normal circumstances, they will not do anything that will damage the bilateral relationship between the United States and China.Even if there is any friction, it is basically a strategy of patience first.

We need a peaceful development period too much, and the United States is the key to providing a peaceful environment. As the world's number one power, it affects the world's political security pattern and the economic development progress of various countries.

"We are aware of your achievements, there is no doubt about it. I am here, first of all, I wish you smooth sailing and strive to make greater contributions to the country. Thank you," Wei Zhonghua said calmly.

. . . . . .

At the beginning of November, Chen Kangjie easily got a three-day vacation.He is a very busy celebrity now, and Chen Qigang can take care of leave without Chen Qigang's presence. Both the school and the teacher know that he has a lot of things to do besides school, otherwise he would not have achieved today's results.Therefore, now that he asks for leave, the head teacher and the school will readily approve it without asking.

Chen Kangjie asked for the three-day vacation to go to Melbourne. The day after he spoke with Wei Zhonghua, he entrusted Fan Wenxuan to euphemistically reply to the White House. Traveled to the US for a weekend and expressed my apologies.Chen Kangjie didn't speak too harshly, and tentatively stated in his reply that if possible, Chen Kangjie would like to visit the president's family in the United States on the second weekend.All the reasons are said to be Chen Kangjie's personal reasons, this is not a scapegoat, he really bears it all by himself.

If he could only go on the second weekend, it would be meaningless. By that time, the general election polls would have ended, and the results should have already been obtained. It would be completely useless for him to go to the United States at that time.

Chen Kangjie rejected the invitation, which made kld a little angry, which led to later when he was involved in the Atlanta Olympic Park bombing, kld kept silent and didn't say a word.

In November, the northern hemisphere has entered winter, the weather has gradually turned cold, and even snowflakes have fallen in the northeast, but the southern hemisphere has just turned from spring to summer, and the climate is very hot and sunny.

On November 155st, Friday, after Chen Kangjie took a monthly exam in the morning, he took the ec1b[-] helicopter to the provincial capital, and from the provincial capital, he took a private plane to Melbourne via Hong Kong.

As the second largest city in Australia with a population of 300 million, Melbourne has five airports, the busiest of which is Melbourne International Airport, which ranks first in the country in terms of cargo throughput and second in the country in terms of passenger throughput.

For the sake of confidentiality and safety, and at the same time not wanting to cause unnecessary trouble, Chen Kangjie's private plane did not land at the international airport, but chose a small commercial airport in the suburbs. Anyway, Chen Kangjie's plane is not a large passenger plane, and there are no takeoffs or landings. questionable.

When he arrived in Melbourne, it was already midnight. Apart from Ouyang Zhenhua, Ander from BHP Billiton and Lawrence's campaign assistant came to welcome Chen Kangjie.Tomorrow will be the last large-scale event before the voting. Lawrence has a lot of things to do and has no time to come. Besides, as a candidate for the head of the government of a big country, it is not suitable to give Chen Kangjie such courtesy.

A country can send a minister to the airport to pick up the plane, which is generally the treatment given to visiting foreign heads of state or heads of government.Now Lawrence has not been elected, but once he is elected, this important campaign assistant will probably be at the ministerial level. From this point of view, Chen Kangjie is already treated with great courtesy.

The Meyer Music Bowl is named for its shape resembling a bowl. In the past, large-scale concerts were mainly held here. Michael Jackson once held a concert here.Above the bandstand is a huge canopy like bat wings, supported by a steel structure, which can block the sun and avoid rain. Extending from the bandstand, there is a large green grass field, completely open to nature, and the surrounding heights are neat The dense woods, such a novel layout, is really an excellent place to hold open-air concerts.

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