"I don't want to, I don't want to..." In a place where Chen Kangjie couldn't hear or see, someone had already twitched and waved their hands and murmured such words to themselves.

Hearing Chen Kangjie's emotional words, as long as he is a true fan, he will feel somewhat blocked in his heart.The relatively strong boys were better off, most of them just lowered their heads in muffled voices, while the fragile girls were already crying because of what Chen Kangjie said.After all, no one wants their idol to be incompatible with their closest parents. It is very uncomfortable to choose between the two.

"We are all young people, and we all have our own dreams. We all hope to meet the person we yearn for. This is human nature. Otherwise, there would not be so many families hanging or posting some Celebrity poster. It’s just that when dealing with celebrities, we should master the way of liking. If we can extract some beneficial spirit and way of life from our favorite idols, this is a smart and deep liking. These things It can inspire us and make us progress. If we just stay on the surface, we should see it often, pay attention to what color he likes, what food, etc., in my opinion, it is superficial, because these preferences of stars are not the same as our own. There is no relationship between them, and it will not have any effect on us. Take me for example, do I have an idol I like? Yes, I have one too. Michael Jackson is my idol, but what I like about him is not only It is his works, his music and dance, and I am even more infected by his struggle. A black man, in a society dominated by white people in the United States, can firmly win the love of the vast majority of people. This is not simple. It can be done. In addition, Michael has a kind heart of charity, and his proceeds are donated to a considerable extent. Thousands of children around the world have gained happiness and safety from him. This is something I admire very much, and it is also a place worthy of my learning. Kindness and love are a person's true character", Chen Kangjie explained a way of worshiping his idols.

"I don't know how much I have said that will affect everyone. If some people can listen carefully, it will not be in vain. In any case, I don't want the teaching order of the school I attend It has been affected, and I hope everyone can understand. At the same time, I plan to postpone going to school and review at home by myself. This is my responsibility to myself and my classmates... In order to thank everyone for your support My favorite, before graduation, I will hold my first concert in this city to give back to everyone..." Chen Kangjie finally ended his televised speech today after making a promise.

After listening to Chen Kangjie's speech, some people were happy, some were depressed, some were excited, some were looking forward to it, and some were sad.And the saddest ones are Chen Kangjie's classmates. They still plan to have a good chat and get together with him after Chen Kangjie returns to class. According to the past practice, Chen Kangjie may even treat him to express his gratitude. , Chen Kangjie simply didn't go to school, and it was considered a half-leave.

For most fans, Chen Kangjie's last words are good news. Chen Kangjie promised to hold a concert. This is especially good news for local youths. Get the moon.

Hearing Chen Kangjie's decision, Chen Qigang felt a little annoyed, and didn't discuss this matter with him. As the head of the family, Chen Kangjie didn't take him seriously.

The reason why Chen Kangjie made such a decision was due to the circumstances. On the other hand, it was true that there were too many things to do in 97, and the time was very tight. He didn't have so much time to stay at school. The promise he made could only be temporarily reneged. Anyway, he had already said it to death in front of so many people. No matter how much Chen Qigang objected, he could only accept it in the end and could not change it.

With all kinds of mixed emotions, people leave the TV, or go back to school, or return to work.Both adults and children are reminiscing about what Chen Kangjie said. In fact, what Chen Kangjie said today left a deeper impression on the parents than on the children.

Most of those young people who are prone to fluctuating temperaments and lack mature thinking and understanding cannot follow Chen Kangjie's requirements. Even if they have touched their hearts for a while, they will still collect them naturally after a long time. Regarding Chen Kangjie's bit by bit of information, since Chen Kangjie did not give them a chance, the situation like today is unlikely to happen.

The content of Chen Kangjie's TV speech was broadcast countless times by the municipal TV station today. This is related to the overall stability of the city, and the municipal TV station does not spare the TV broadcast time and revenue.

And later on, this video appeared in the news of various TV stations around the world. Although it will not be completely broadcast, the main content of Chen Kangjie's speech is still extracted and translated into various languages, and passed on to tens of millions of people around the world. Thousands of lobsters.

After walking out of the recording room, Chen Kangjie did not stay in the TV station for too long. By the time the reporters who wanted to interview Chen Kangjie acted quickly after seeing the broadcast, he had already left the city TV station through the back stairs.

Liushuipan is now Chen Kangjie's right and wrong place, he can't stay here, at least until everyone's excitement about him subsides, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that the old things won't happen again.

In the afternoon of that day, Chen Kangjie left the city he had just returned to without anyone noticing after getting Chen Qigang's unavoidable consent.

He went nowhere but six, and there were some people he had to meet.

For Chen Kangjie who only gave a televised speech in the morning and came to see his old friends in the afternoon, no matter Ma Wei, Chu Xiang, Yang Cong, Zhang Qiang, Fan Xuexi, Deng Min, Yu Lan, etc., they all feel sincerely proud and happy.

The meeting time was chosen after their school, and Chen Kangjie sent people to notify them one by one. The meeting place was in the Mengting Hotel not far from the Chinese Garden.

Now that Chen Kangjie is famous, everyone has no doubts about his choice of such a high-end and private place for their gathering, because big stars must not be short of money.

"Boss, you are so interesting. We never dreamed that you would come to see us so soon. We are so happy." Chu Xiang pulled Chen Kangjie's arm and sighed excitedly as soon as we met.

"I can't help it either. I can't stay in the city any longer. I have to avoid the limelight. Everyone sits casually. We're old friends getting together. There's nothing special about it," Chen Kangjie said half-truthfully with a smile Seeing that everyone has become more or less cautious, Chen Kangjie had no choice but to ease the atmosphere.

Chen Kangjie is both familiar and unfamiliar to them now, we have been together for many years, familiarity is certain, but Chen Kangjie's current identity has undergone new changes, or the distance between each other has become farther and farther, this is invisible Added a sense of strangeness.

"It's okay if you don't pay attention to it. If you don't sit, how dare we dare. Besides, you don't see the end of the dragon. Who knows if you have any rules now? Deng Min, do you think so?" Fan Xuexi said jealously .

Deng Min squinted at Chen Kangjie, but said nothing.

As for Yu Lan and the other girls, it is even more impossible to say anything else. In recent years, the distance between them and Chen Kangjie has become farther and farther. It is not just that they are not in the same city or school, but Chen Kangjie's excellence is too much, and some of his youthful fantasies in his early years have been bit by bit shattered by reality.When Chen Jing talked with them on the phone, she hinted at this meaning many times. Now she will not ask Chen Kangjie to be boyfriend and girlfriend with so-and-so. She has matured a lot and can see this clearly no matter what. A form caused by a drop.

"Hehe, how could it be? There may be some changes on the outside, but on the inside, I'm still the same me, nothing has changed," Chen Kangjie excused himself with a smile along with embarrassment.

"Yes, yes, yes. Boss, I absolutely believe in you, otherwise you wouldn't have come to see us. Boss, you sit, you sit in the middle, hehe." Yang Cong supported Chen Kangjie obsequiously.

From the perspective of a friend, of course, he was afraid that Chen Kangjie would look down on ordinary people like himself, and that Chen Kangjie would forget.Now that Chen Kangjie can make such a statement, it is of course something to be happy about.

"You bastard, I'm not old enough to need help." Chen Kangjie smiled and shook Yang Cong.

"This is respect for you, hehe." Yang Cong smiled more flatteringly, bending over like an eunuch in an ancient palace.

"You're getting better at talking," Chen Kangjie said, pointing at Yang Cong.

In order not to embarrass everyone, Chen Kangjie took the lead and sat down on the sofa by the window in the middle of the private room.Those present were considered half-adults, and many social rules had already been subtly understood. If Chen Kangjie didn't sit first, they might really continue to stand with him.

"Chen Kangjie, why do you know so many things? I can't figure it out. It's like in a dream. It's incredible that I became a classmate with a global superstar. Thinking about it, I still remember It's like a hallucination, we are so happy." After sitting down, Pang Yanli stretched her head across Fan Xuexi and Deng Min to Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie has undoubtedly become the focus of the dozen or so people present, and everyone's conversation revolves around him.Even though he maintained the same status before leaving the six, but now, such a focal position is as strong as Mount Tai, and even when everyone talks to him, they are more or less flattering.

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