rebirth of change

Chapter 985 Now Is The Future

Speaking of which, Chen Kangjie's hints are already very obvious, as long as you use your brain a little bit, you will know what his hints are only talking about.

After Chen Kangjie finished speaking and lowered his head, Wang Wenyue raised his head with staring eyes. He first looked at Mr. Cao suspiciously, and finally fixed on Chen Kangjie.

"Xiaojie, you mean... that island might change its use in the future?", which means I understand, but Wang Wenyue still can't help but want to confirm, even Cao The old man might criticize him again, but he couldn't care less.

Wang Wenyue asked so directly, Chen Kangjie couldn't ignore it, so he could only nod his head in the end, which was an affirmative answer.

"Then what did you do yesterday... Oh, I understand, hehe, it seems that I was criticized by Mr. Cao today, it is really right, it's too right, old leader, you still see it clearly", got After receiving Chen Kangjie's affirmative answer, Wang Wenyue was very happy, even being criticized just now was regarded as something exciting.

"It's not that I can see clearly, it's that you don't know this little guy. If you knew him, you would have already understood. In private, you still need to get in touch more. Although I only had contact with him once, but I I have heard many descriptions and evaluations of him from the old chief. I remember one time, the old chief said that he has a very political and strategic vision. It would be as superficial as you think to make the old chief make such an evaluation. Is it? I guess Zhao Zhibang and Wei Zhonghua are not what you think," Cao Lao said.

After getting such an evaluation from Mr. Cao, Chen Kangjie was very shy for a while, and at the same time, Youzhen was very moved that the old chief would think highly of him so much.For a long time, among the older generation of politicians, Chen Kangjie had the most contact with the old man, and among the current politicians on stage, he had the most contact with Zhao Zhibang, followed by Wei Zhonghua.It should be said that they understand each other quite well, but there is one thing that Chen Kangjie doesn't quite understand. According to Mr. Cao, since he has already understood that his intention will not be that simple, why doesn't he support it? So does Zhao Zhibang, Yun There is a pile of mountains and fog, which means nothing.

"Xiaojie, you are really good. You actually thought of buying such a place with such an important strategic location. It will be of great use in the future." Aunt Cao, who is also a senior military cadre, listened for a long time, and of course understood the long-term significance of Chen Kangjie's actions .

"Hehe, that's something in the future. At present, the country's strength can't reach that far. I just want to stand up." Chen Kangjie was even more embarrassed when he was praised.

"However, since it will play a big role in the future, why do you need so many offshore helicopters now? Two or three are enough." After the excitement, Wang Wenyue asked a practical question again in doubt.

Chen Kangjie wanted to slap himself twice at this moment. His own guidance led this old antique astray again.It's like picking up a rock and hitting yourself in the foot.

"Cough cough", Chen Kangjie coughed twice unnaturally, and then said: "Actually, now is the future."

Chen Kangjie was simply quoting the slogan of a certain real estate company in later generations. He didn't intend to continue entanglement on this issue. If that happened, the entanglement would only become more and more chaotic. He planned to change his thinking and solve the problem quickly.

"Now is the future? How do you say that?" Veteran Cao Chen Kangjie read the words silently, and asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the past is the history of the present, and the present is the future of the past. And the present is the history of the future, and the future is the present of the present. If the work is not done right now, the future will always be the future. I propose this time The purchase of Zhiba is actually not only for me personally, but also for the country to better forge its strength so that it can hold the future in its hands. When we were talking yesterday, the leaders did not seem to be businessmen, even The price was delayed without even asking. To be honest, the future national defense navy will play a very critical role, and according to our current navy development speed, it is really far away from the needs of that day, and the equipment is old. The technical conditions are poor, the training is insufficient, and the activity area is strictly limited to the shallow water area along the coast. The reason why I tried everything possible to propose to buy a straight eight this time is actually to do my part. Otherwise, Christmas Island would Maybe it will only be a tourist island forever." Chen Kangjie is also thick-skinned. After being forced by Wang Wenyue, since he found such an excuse in such a short period of time, he turned against the customer.

However, to achieve this kind of transformation, it needs absolute strength. If there is no strength, it can only be anti-aircraft guns and boulders on the chest.It just so happened that Chen Kangjie did not lack the strength in this area.

"Well, now is the future, hehehe," Mr. Cao said with a smile.

"Xiaojie, you don't want to make another donation, do you? Uncle Wang, Xiaojie has made important contributions to our national defense construction." Aunt Cao followed suit.

Wang Wenyue is not ignorant of Chen Kangjie's past contributions. Originally, he was the current actual leader of the military.It's just that, before, he had some prejudice against Chen Kangjie for no other reason than the contributions Chen Kangjie made had nothing to do with the navy, and he was a senior general who came from the navy and had great influence on the navy. Deep emotions and desires.

In fact, within the military, there has always been competition and grievances among the military services, which is a phenomenon that exists in most countries.This is not only related to the honor of the department and the size of the bias of power and military expenditure. In fact, it is more critical to the judgment of the upper echelons of the army on the future situation, as well as the thinking and development direction of the army.

In the past and now, the army has a special status and a leading role in our country. It has the largest number of people, the largest proportion of military expenditure, and the fastest equipment update. Almost all members of the Military Commission are from the army. The entire national defense construction is almost entirely led by the army. .This is because we believe that the main threat to the country mainly comes from land, and almost all wars and collisions in the past few decades have occurred on land.

Since 89, Chen Kangjie has actually secretly supported the development of the Air Force. Chen Kangjie has paid a lot of money for the research and development of bombers and stealth fighters.This makes Wang Wenyue a bit apprehensive. He is an advocate of a large navy and has always advocated that the country vigorously develop the navy. However, due to limited military investment, the navy has not changed much.Moreover, naval equipment is relatively expensive. Whether it is a submarine, a destroyer or an aircraft carrier, it is undoubtedly not an astronomical figure. Even the training investment of the naval aviation force will be more than that of the army aviation force.

But Chen Kangjie devoted himself to supporting the air force and ignored the navy. How could Wang Wenyue, who came out of the navy, feel comfortable?

Before Wang Wenyue could speak, Chen Kangjie rushed forward, "Aunt Cao, don't always think that I am being taken advantage of. Although I really want to make more contributions, it is impossible for me to support such a huge army. Everything has to be done by self-reliance. Besides, it's such a sensitive matter, it's not good for me to involve too much in it."

Chen Kangjie's words caused Wang Wenyue's vivid thoughts to sink down again.At the same time, the good image Chen Kangjie had built up in his heart also turned a little bit.

Wang Wenyue really wanted to say something, but his lips moved a few times, but he couldn't utter a word.The current Chen Kangjie is a little cunning in his opinion.

"Then what do you mean...?" Aunt Cao then asked.

The change of Wang Wenyue's expression fell into Chen Kangjie's eyes completely. He thought it was funny in his heart. This old man wanted to gain something, but he couldn't hold back his face.

"The food is not delicious. In fact, I can buy any sea helicopter or not. Just like the chief said, two or three can handle it. After all, our project has not started yet. For this problem, I can find it abroad. Uncle Zhao gave me this idea yesterday. The reason why I talked about this with the leaders yesterday was to make a little contribution in a roundabout way, so I said rent or buy, and I planned to offer a high price , Hey, I didn't expect it to be like this." After speaking, Chen Kangjie still beat his chest and sighed maturely, as if his blood had been trampled.

While bowing his head and sighing, Chen Kangjie deliberately paid attention to the reactions of several people in the room, and found that Mr. Cao was expressionless, and Aunt Cao was smiling. Only Wang Wenyue's face was flushed, as if he regretted yesterday's decisiveness.

"This...Xiaojie, we didn't refuse yesterday, we just said we should think it over, right?" After Chen Kangjie finished speaking, he stopped talking. She said with a shy face, "I don't know what price you plan to offer here?".

What Chen Kangjie meant had indicated that the price he would offer would not be low, but he didn't make it clear what price he would offer, which completely aroused Wang Wenyue's strong interest.If it is very profitable, he will find a way to make this business and raise some military funds for the development of the navy.

After Wang Wenyue finished asking, Aunt Cao and Mr. Cao also stared at Chen Kangjie with interest.

"Well, first of all, of course I will not let the country suffer. As far as I know, the country purchased 12 SA-321s at a unit price of 3400 million. Since the Z-3400 is produced by itself, the price must not exceed this figure. Originally, my plan was to bid [-] million... ".

"How can we do that? If we calculate it like this, we don't make any money at all. We invested a lot of money in research and development, 3400 million, and we won't be able to produce it in a while." Chen Kangjie's words were caught by Wang Wenyue. interrupted.In his opinion, at this price, the country not only failed to make money, but also lost money.

"Wen Yue, wait for Xiaojie to finish speaking," Cao Lao said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, chief, don't worry, I'm talking about the rent, not the purchase price. It costs 3400 million yuan to rent one, and 3400 million yuan per year. If it is used for ten years, it will be 4000 million yuan."

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