rebirth of change

Chapter 990 Different Tactics

Because Hong Kong is close to Southeast Asia, it has very close personnel and economic exchanges with this region. From a certain emotional point of view, ordinary Hong Kong people do not want major fluctuations in Southeast Asia.But Chen Kangjie, besides being unable to watch the fat water flow to outsiders' fields, he has to think and look at the problem from a longer-term perspective.

There is no choice of interests is the original intention of Chen Kangjie to make this decision. It is a double-edged sword to cause economic turmoil in Southeast Asia or East Asia. On the one hand, these regions have very close economic relations with China and Hong Kong, with investment and trade exchanges Frequently, domestic development requires investment funds and technology from East Asia on the one hand, and raw materials and product sales markets in Southeast Asia on the other. If there is a sharp economic downturn in this region, it will hurt us in turn.

But in reality, these countries have more or less territorial disputes with us. If their economic strength increases, their territorial demands will become stronger. Only when their economic strength is weak can they Territorial issues will be put on hold, even in exchange for direct economic benefits.Taking a step back, even if this goal cannot be achieved, Chen Kangjie will try his best to weaken their strength to compete with China, so that he will not have the confidence to take action if he has the heart.

Apart from these two considerations, Chen Kangjie also had a deeper purpose.Since the financial crisis sweeping Asia is historically inevitable, it has to make sense.

As far as the current situation is concerned, domestic regulatory measures and systems in the financial field are not much better than those of these developing countries. The difference is that our strength is stronger and we have not completely opened up our currency and finance.

But Chen Kangjie believes that China will definitely become a superpower in the not-too-distant future.The sign of a superpower is not only a strong real economy and first-class national defense strength, but also a solid financial foundation. Only a well-developed financial industry can integrate many economic elements.In the future, it is impossible for our financial industry to remain closed.

A superpower is definitely an all-round open country. Only in this way can the influence of the entire soft and hard power spread all over the world.As far as the financial industry is concerned, the rmb will definitely go out and become the world's reserve currency. Chen Kangjie is not too clear about what the relationship with the US dollar will be like in the end, but what is certain is that at least for the world The impact of the economy should be on par with each other.

What he is doing now can indeed deepen the disasters of many countries, but this can teach these countries and the country a lesson, that is, to establish financial policies and regulatory systems that are in line with their own strengths and strategies as much as possible, and through the financial industry to obtain huge While benefiting, the prevention of the dangers hidden in it cannot be ignored.

There was a large-scale financial crisis in the United States in 19, which had far-reaching effects. People who study financial risks in China basically regard it as an important material.But it has to be said that the world economic and political environment at that time was quite different from the present, and more than half a century has passed since modern times. Coupled with the cultural differences between the East and the West, things that happened in the United States may not necessarily be the same. It has direct reference significance for us.

However, it is different in Southeast Asia and East Asia. First of all, geographically, everyone lives next to each other, and their development levels are very close. There are many commonalities in social culture, and there are many similarities in the development of the financial industry and regulatory methods and systems.Investigating these factors, Chen Kangjie feels that this is of practical significance for domestic students to learn contemporary financial knowledge and make future plans.

There is another point that Chen Kangjie did not expect, that is, after the Asian financial crisis, countless economists and financial scholars, as well as Chen Kangjie himself, were studying the formation, origin and promotion of this major economic event. The final conclusion drawn by Chen Kangjie has a large deviation from the conclusion drawn by Chen Kangjie's personal experience and the maker.Most experts and scholars attribute the cause to the huge financial regulatory and system loopholes in these countries that have suffered financial disasters and the rush of international financial speculators represented by Soros. Naturally, the angle has its own uniqueness, plus he can obtain a lot of top-secret information, so he traced the source back to Japan, and he and the US government should bear half of the responsibility for the disaster. Of course, this is a story .

With Chen Kangjie around, Ouyang Zhenhua and Han Geng naturally wanted to ask Chen Kangjie about some detailed points in it, in order to grasp Chen Kangjie's original intention and avoid deteriorating actions.Of course, Chen Kangjie patiently explained and explained his own understanding one by one.

"Young Master Jie, I... have something I don't quite understand," Han Geng glanced at Chen Kangjie, and said hesitantly.

"Is there anything you don't understand? You can just say it directly, don't be coy, if you don't ask clearly today, I may not have time to explain it to you in the future. If there is a problem, it will be a board." , Chen Kangjie said calmly, although his tone was very flat, Ouyang Zhenhua and Han Geng still felt his seriousness.

"Oh, maybe I shouldn't ask, the answer is actually ready-made. I originally wanted to ask, why did you give up Hong Kong, Hong Kong is the financial center and free economic center of the Far East, it is very rich, and the benefits you can get from here will be much more than Thailand and other small countries. But I just realized that Hong Kong will return to the motherland soon, next year we all belong to the same country, how can we attack our own people, hehe", Han Geng answered the question himself, and finally smiled awkwardly.

"I said you boy, didn't you take off your pants and fart? I already knew the reason, and it was unnecessary to ask such a low-level question. Who is Jie Shao? He is a patriot. How could he say this to his own place? Poisonous hands, if Jie is less involved, Hong Kong will definitely not be able to withstand it, and the loss will be at least hundreds of billions of dollars." On the one hand, Ouyang Zhenhua spanked Han Geng, and on the other hand, he flattered Chen Kangjie a little.

"Brother Ouyang, don't say that. Han Geng can think of this, and I have to say that he has improved. In fact, this is not a superfluous problem. Of course, I admit that your own analysis is correct. However, Hong Kong is indeed It's involved, but I didn't write it in the plan for you, I will copy this part myself," Chen Kangjie waved to Ouyang Zhenhua, said after taking a sip of red wine.

"Ah? Isn't it? Master Jie, you don't even let Hong Kong go?" Upon hearing Chen Kangjie's words, Ouyang Zhenhua immediately became anxious.

"It's because you said Han Geng just now, it's because you were flattering just now, huh, you just said that I am not that kind of person, why do you treat me as a traitor now? Why did I say that I will not let Hong Kong go?", Chen Kangjie glared at Ouyang Zhenhua, and said angrily, dumbfounded.

Being criticized by Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua also felt that he had said something wrong, but instead of being depressed or uncomfortable, he blushed and asked back as if nothing had happened: "Then you just said that Hong Kong is also involved, and you will personally Copying knives. If you went to battle in person, Hong Kong wouldn’t be bleeding like a river?”

Just now when Ouyang Zhenhua was criticized, Han Geng gloated and wanted to laugh, but Ouyang Zhenhua was also considered his superior, and he was kind to him, so he held back, but the suppressed expression of wanting to laugh made his face uncomfortable.

"The river of blood is the river of blood, but it is not the Hong Kong government or the people of Hong Kong, but those international speculators..." Chen Kangjie spoke again, Han Geng didn't want to laugh anymore, and instead listened intently, "There are two tactics in war, one is offensive, violent attack, and the other is defensive counterattack. You are right. Regardless of whether Hong Kong is returned to China or not, it is actually our land, and the people living on it are also Our compatriots, how could I deal with them like that? Therefore, we adopt completely different tactics. Against other countries, we launched an offensive, attacking their financial institutions and government regulatory departments. Of course, they must lose Hong Kong is different, and the tactics adopted here are defensive counterattacks. We can see that Hong Kong is very rich, and other speculators can also see that Hong Kong has many banks, exchange funds, investment funds, insurance companies Companies and stock agencies, since those international speculators have seen such a big piece of cake in Hong Kong, they will naturally attack the Hong Kong dollar and the Hong Kong stock market through those institutions. What we have to do is to help Hong Kong defend, and if possible, I want to fight back , as much as possible to keep the money they earned from other places. Since there are so many variables in this area, I plan to do it myself."

For the situation in other countries, Chen Kangjie has memories to follow, but for Hong Kong, he does not, because before his rebirth, there was no one like him to help.Soros and other international speculators have attacked Hong Kong, but they have not gained much. With the support of the central government, Hong Kong has not suffered much loss.

But what Chen Kangjie has to do now is to make those speculators regard Hong Kong as their Battlefield of Waterloo. What will happen and how effective it will be is still unknown, so Chen Kangjie plans to deal with it by himself.

"Oh, so that's the case, Master Jie, you can do it." After suddenly realizing something, Ouyang Zhenhua gave Chen Kangjie a thumbs up.

"It would be great if I could learn from Master Jie," Han Geng said with longing.

"You are doing well now, come on, let's make a move, and wish us success," Chen Kangjie said with a smile, and then raised the goblet in front of him.

"Ding", "Ding", with the sound of clinking glasses, the three of them each drank the wine in their cups in one gulp.

The three chatted for nearly three hours on the open sea before returning to Hong Kong Island by boat.

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