Before coming to Hong Kong, Calabi and the others also found some neighboring countries to support them. However, those countries are powerless, and those who can spend millions of dollars to support them are already generous. However, compared with the demand, It's just a drop in the bucket.With the shadow of the United States, they did not get much support from Europe. At the critical moment, Calabi thought of Chen Kangjie, and remembered what Chen Kangjie said to look east.

This time Calabi came to Hong Kong just to get aid from him. If possible, he will also secretly visit the capital to seek political support.

"Mr. Chen, you are right, so I sincerely hope that you can lend a helping hand and support our just cause. As a friend, we will not let your sacrifice be in vain." After pouring a cup of steaming Zhaguo coffee When handing it to Chen Kangjie, Karabi stared at Chen Kangjie enthusiastically and said.

Calabi's last sentence is a pun, saying that friends are for playing private cards, but he is very clear that in such an important aid, a mere friendship is unreliable, and no one will use the word "friend" Just drop hundreds of millions of dollars.Only interest is the cornerstone that can bind the two parties together. There is no eternal relationship, only eternal interests. This is a simple truth that everyone understands clearly.

Chen Kangjie took the coffee cup with his left hand and waved it with his right hand, "My friend, if you can come here to find me from a long distance, that is to trust me, and to be trusted is the greatest compliment. Since you trust me, then Of course, I will not doubt you. Although businessmen value profits, they are not unreasonable. I will definitely help you in your difficulties, and if there is a chance, I can even play a role in the recovery and reconstruction of your country. to invest in construction".

Chen Kangjie's words were generous and affectionate.It is very comfortable to hear, as if he really agreed to help out of friendship or some kind of justice.In fact, there was not a single word in Chen Kangjie's words saying that he should not repay, on the contrary, he hinted very clearly what he needed in return.That is to go to invest, he can take money to support, the condition is to provide investment convenience.

"Hahaha, we can't wait for it, we can't ask for it." After receiving Chen Kangjie's affirmative answer, Karabi excitedly held Chen Kangjie with both hands.

Maybe it was because he touched guns a lot in the past few years, his palms were full of calluses, and the stronger Karabi got carried away when he got excited, and the strength in his hands was great.It took a while to react with an embarrassing blushing face, and quickly let go of his hand.

He thought that Chen Kangjie would find it unbearable, but he didn't know that Chen Kangjie was fine, and there was still a faint smile on his face.Chen Kangjie's performance made Calabi pay more attention to and trust him, because it is a symbol of the strong.If Chen Kangjie grinned, Calabi felt that Chen Kangjie's promise might not be reliable.

We human beings are so strange. In more cases, the root of believing or valuing a person does not lie in what the person said directly, and more information and feelings often come from other inadvertent places.

"As long as we take down Stanleyville, the national regime will basically be threatened fundamentally. We may be able to fight to the capital Leopoldville in one go and realize the liberation of the whole country. At that time, whether it is me or me I will welcome you with open arms. At that time, the recovery and development of the country would not be possible without huge investment.” In order to strengthen Chen Kangjie’s confidence in aid, Calabi drew a tempting cake for Chen Kangjie in advance.

"Sit down and talk, sit down," Chen Kangjie really couldn't get used to the strong smell of Karabi, so he quickly pushed him to sit down after he finished speaking, "Now tell me, how much do you need? to get over this hurdle.”

Chen Kangjie completely believed in Calabi's words, and even believed in himself more than himself, because in the original history, Calabi and the others took less than half a year after they captured Stanleyville. .The fall of Stanleyville was a huge blow to President Monto, and the morale of the entire government army was completely shaken. In addition, at this time, President Monto was planning to flee, and took a lot of the originally allocated military expenses as Owned, it led to a sharp drop in the combat effectiveness of the army, which made the revolutionary armed forces quickly occupy the country and even the capital like a tide.

Chen Kangjie agreed so readily because he knew this history.But in the eyes of Calabi, that is not the case at all. He actually has no idea what he said, so he feels that Chen Kangjie has that kind of oriental chivalrous spirit, which is out of justice and a certain culture Faith is so unstoppable.

At the same time, Karabi remembered several years ago, when Chen Kangjie, who was more handsome and immature than the Chen Kangjie in front of him at that time, planned to throw the other party's face at his grandma's house just because a few Europeans said extremely insulting and impolite words Went, it was horrible.He didn't think that Chen Kangjie was vengeful, because he was not pointed at for saying those things, and Karabi himself wanted to teach those ill-bred European youths a lesson.

Calabi took a few deep breaths to calm down the ups and downs in his heart, "For now, 2 million US dollars is almost the same. After all, Monto has deployed an army of no less than [-] people in Stanleyville. If we want to win this in one go Fortified City, the loss is huge. Material supplies, ammunition loss, and casualties all require a lot of money to deal with these problems. At the same time, if the city is captured, the residents and basic needs of the city must be stabilized. The security order and the task are very difficult.” Calabi was worried that the amount he said was too large, so he sat down and explained in detail.

Hearing that such a battle can be fought for only [-] million U.S. dollars, Chen Kangjie was still a little surprised. He thought that [-] billion U.S. dollars could not be won, and it seems that it is still very cheap.

In fact, it cannot be blamed for Chen Kangjie's misjudgment. Although he was born again, he has never been to Africa himself, nor has he been involved in the war there.

In Africa, the general wars are relatively rudimentary.Due to the backwardness of the economy and the low quality of the population, it is impossible to have high-level battles. The vast majority of weapons used between opponents are light weapons, that is, rifles, machine guns and pistols.Probably the only heavy weapons and advanced equipment that can be used are heavy machine guns and shoulder-fired bazookas.This kind of fighting form determines that the money that both sides need to pay will not be too high, and they will not be able to fight if it is too high.

That kind of modern warfare that uses missiles, tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters, fighter jets, and warships is basically avoided in Africa. Otherwise, like the United States, the price of a tactical Tomahawk cruise missile will be as high as 72.9 US dollars, a tank costs millions of dollars, and a fighter jet costs tens of millions of dollars. This kind of high-tech war piled up with money is beyond the imagination of those poor African countries.They can't fight a war with the power of the whole country.

Although Chen Kangjie felt that the amount of funds that Calabi needed was not large, he did not reveal it, but waited patiently for him to finish speaking.

"If you want to take over the whole country, for example, take down the capital, how much do you need?" After Calabi finished speaking, Chen Kangjie was noncommittal, but continued to ask.

"This, this... I really haven't calculated it. If you want to win the whole country, you need to buy... at least hundreds of troop trucks, hundreds of millions of bullets, and a lot of jeeps to load them Heavy machine guns, plus medical supplies, recruiting soldiers, distributing resettlement allowances, buying fuel and food... I'm afraid it won't work without a billion dollars. The capital Leopoldville alone has a population of 200 million. The government army There are almost 5 people. To win this city, we need to recruit at least 5000 people. We need to equip these 5000 people with guns. The purchase and maintenance of these [-] guns will cost tens of millions of dollars. . ...a billion dollars is almost what we need," Calabi said intermittently while thinking sideways.

He obviously didn't expect Chen Kangjie to ask this question, so he didn't make any preparations in advance.Now that they haven't even taken Stanleyville, how can they dare to hope for a complete national victory? Calabi came here to capture Stanleyville.When he said that he needed [-] million US dollars, he was not sure whether Chen Kangjie would agree, and he dared to think of a wider scope and a larger amount brazenly.

Two hundred million U.S. dollars is nothing in the hands of those big countries or the super rich, but it is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for a poor and backward West African country, especially for the rebel guerrillas who have not yet taken power .They have no source of taxation, no state-owned assets for exchange, and no legal credit guarantee. Later, when Calabi said the billion dollars, he said it with anxiety.

After Calabi finished speaking, Chen Kangjie did not express his opinion in a hurry, but put on a very embarrassed and thoughtful look.

Seeing that Chen Kangjie was tapping on the wall of the sofa with his fingers and thinking quietly, Calabi didn't disturb him, but just stared at him and waited with his heart hanging.

Although Chen Kangjie just stated that he would support him, Calabi hadn’t said the amount needed at that time. Now that the amount is so large, Calabi has no idea about Chen Kangjie. The hundreds of millions of dollars came out for no reason. Such a decision is Very difficult to get off.Even as Chen Kangjie thought longer and longer, Karabi himself secretly regretted it. If he had known earlier, he would have said a little less money, at worst, he would use a little more soldier's life to make up for it. If Chen Kangjie repented and refused to agree, then For Calabi, the loss outweighs the gain.

In fact, Chen Kangjie just wanted to capture his old friends. When he learned that he only needed such a small amount of money, Chen Kangjie made up his mind that there was no need to bargain.It's just that he didn't want Calabi to think that the money was too easy, so he made a fool of himself.

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