"Jie Shao, will it be that serious? Riots and riots? I'm a little..." Ouyang Zhenhua has not experienced that period of history, he does not know the impact and seriousness of this matter, so even if I usually believe in Chen Kangjie very much, but I still have some doubts about it.

"Maybe it's more serious than you think. The economy is the basis for the normal operation of a country and the stability of the regime. When the economy collapses, nothing will happen, or nothing will happen. Look at those poor people Today’s riots, tomorrow’s coup, and the day after tomorrow’s civil war, which economically rich country have you seen these unfortunate things? Hehe, in an unstable country, nothing is impossible in this world,” Chen Kangjie explained, Finally, he smiled helplessly.

To be honest, Chen Kangjie doesn't really want the tragic incident he knows to happen again, but it is not completely within his control. Although it is his decision to launch an impact on the financial markets of Southeast Asian countries, his reason tells him that even if he does not launch it, maybe Other triggers also play a key role.For example, before rebirth, I had nothing to do with him, but everything happened the same.

The great trend cannot be stopped by anyone who says to stop it.What's more, there are huge benefits involved. Even if Chen Kangjie withdraws, the benefits may not be obtained, and he still has to do the same to deal with the aftermath.Why bother to do this, it's better to reap the benefits for yourself, and also do the aftermath.

"Jie Shao, so even if such a bad situation happens, what does it have to do with us? The country of Thousand Islands has a population of over [-] million. If there are riots, what can we do? We expect ten helicopters to bring people to quell the riots ? That's a bit impractical, it's the internal affairs of other countries." Ouyang Zhenhua still didn't understand the core.

In other words, it is difficult for people who have not experienced it to think of the core part at once. Chen Kangjie also made this arrangement because of his rebirth.

"You are right, but there are millions of Chinese in the country of Thousand Islands. If there are riots and turmoil in their country, they will be the first victims. Although the population of Thousand Islands is over 90.00 million, don't forget that they More than [-]% of the domestic wealth is in the hands of these compatriots. Since the cause is caused by economic problems, it is conceivable where other ethnic groups that account for the majority of the population will direct their conflicts? These people usually live in the lower class, In other words, most of them are working for the Chinese. It’s nothing when the law and order are stable. But once the situation worsens and emerges, their dissatisfaction needs to be vented. The reality of the gap between the rich and the poor will make They concentrated on us Chinese." Chen Kangjie explained clearly in order to make Ouyang Zhenhua understand clearly. After all, there are still things to arrange for him to do later.If he develops a contemptuous emotion in this matter, it may cause great disaster.

"Wow, if that's the case, it's really bad. There are so many of them and so few Chinese, it's hard to beat four hands with one punch." Ouyang Zhenhua was moved by Chen Kangjie's words, his eyes widened and his forehead tightened Wrinkled, "But, Young Master Jie, don't they have a police force and an army? As long as the powerful agencies take action, some Xiaoxiao will collapse."

Ouyang Zhenhua still doesn't want that kind of thing to happen. He can think of powerful agencies. On the one hand, there are still things he doesn't understand. On the other hand, he still has some extravagant hopes that the state agencies can truly protect the safety of every citizen.

Speaking of which, those Chinese are already real overseas Chinese. There is no difference between their country and those Muslims. The only difference is their skin and cultural traditions and the wealth they hold.

It is for this reason that when the anti-Chinese incident occurred, the country did not take any substantive actions, and even in order to maintain domestic stability, they even properly controlled the news.The reason why this is the case in China, on the one hand, is that we are not strong enough to take large-scale evacuation actions like the one more than ten years later and deter the local government from taking measures; A foreign policy of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.Although these victims are Chinese, their nationality has no legal relationship with us. Strictly speaking, this is a real internal affair of other countries.It is this that makes the domestic government take an indifferent attitude on this matter.

Chen Kangjie cannot accuse the government of being right or wrong in this matter. He also knows that the government has difficulties in this matter. If it acts too aggressively, it will make neighboring countries more vigilant or even disgusted, which will have a negative impact on the overall development of the country. .However, from an emotional point of view, Chen Kangjie would not want to see these compatriots of the same clan suffer that kind of unnecessary pain helplessly.

As the saying goes, those who do not know are not guilty, if Chen Kangjie did not know what would happen, then there is nothing wrong with it.But Chen Kangjie clearly knew that this incident would basically not deviate from the logic of history, so if he chose to watch, he would never forgive himself in his heart, and he would feel that it was a great crime.This kind of crime cannot be judged by any law, and it is completely one's own conscience that will go straight to the dock of oneself.

In order not to make himself regretful, and to prevent those compatriots of the same line from being in the heat of the water, when he was planning to launch a financial offensive against Southeast Asia in his heart, he was already thinking of a way to deal with it, that is, under this premise , Christmas Island was his fancy.

It is fate to say that the Chinese in China are all keen on politics, but once these people live in other countries, there are very few people who actively participate in local politics.In the country of Thousand Islands, the Chinese control most of the country’s wealth, but their political voice is very limited. No matter in the Congress, the government or the army, there are very few high-ranking Chinese officials. If there are some Chinese generals in the army, There are some Chinese ministers in the government and some Chinese congressmen in the Congress, so maybe the development of things will not be too pessimistic.

Although the Chinese are known as a nation that is as good at doing business as the Jews, they are quite different from the Jews.When the Jewish people go to other countries, they will choose business as a breakthrough at the beginning, but once they have made achievements in this area, they will extend their power to the regime as much as possible. They know that only they can participate in the construction and decision-making of the regime. Only in order to maximize their own interests, the most typical example is in the United States.There are rumors that the U.S. government is controlled by the Jews. Regardless of whether this statement is true or not, it at least shows that the Jews have a huge influence on the U.S. government, otherwise it is not groundless.

"It seems that you still don't know much about politics. Don't forget that powerful agencies and the army are also in the hands of the government. When a country is in turmoil, the government is also under pressure. Hostile forces will not let this attack the government go. It is a good opportunity. The country of Thousand Islands is different from Thailand. The government of Thailand is elected, and it will ease up every few years. Therefore, the opposition has a normal channel to come to power. Going up, although their elections will be criticized from time to time, they are relatively good. But the country of Thousand Islands is different. Their current government is dictatorial. It has been decades since they came to power through a coup. , Will they easily choose to decentralize power when faced with pressure from opposition forces? Over the past few decades, the upper-level power groups have become entangled, and no one will easily give up their rights and interests. Based on this judgment, they are very likely to condone The occurrence of social turmoil is a good way to divert attention, and it also has practical significance. When the social turmoil is quelled, they can attack hostile forces openly and keep their own political power while calming down the social turmoil. This is cruel politics. It can be said that politics is based on the suffering of many people, especially ordinary people. Hostile forces hope to use the dissatisfaction of the people to increase their strength and put pressure on the government, and the government also hopes to use social turmoil to consolidate its position.” , Chen Kangjie said so much in one breath. During the process of speaking, Chen Kangjie's expression was sometimes ferocious and sometimes gloomy. In short, it could be seen that his heart was never at peace.

"Jie Shao, I understand. If you want me to do anything, just tell me." Ouyang Zhenhua also had a variety of expressions at this time, some suddenly realized, some admired, some were angry, and some were decisive.It is true that he did not think as deeply and as far as Chen Kangjie did, but after Chen Kangjie's deliberation, although Chen Kangjie did not say what he said absolutely, Ouyang Zhenhua still believed it.

"Okay, I have something for you to do." Chen Kangjie was full of enthusiasm at this time, and when it came time to make substantive actions, he didn't hesitate at all, "One of the key things you have to do is to go to Qiandao immediately after the year The bigger the investment, the better, and now they still welcome foreign investment... ".

"Wait, Master Jie, I'm confused again. Since those bastards might treat our compatriots like that, why should I invest?" Ouyang Zhenhua was completely confused by Chen Kangjie's words.

Before the incident happened, Ouyang Zhenhua had already been cursed by Chen Kangjie, as if those tragedies had already happened.

"Hehe, be safe and don't be impatient", Chen Kangjie calmed down at this time, and he could even laugh.It's just that Ouyang Zhenhua next to him noticed that Chen Kangjie's smile was not so comfortable, even evil.He remembered that when Chen Kangjie was about to kill someone, he would show such an evil smile. It has been proved several times that the happier Chen Kangjie smiles at someone, the more likely that person will be punished.

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