After the world collapsed

Chapter 112 Xin Jinshi

Chapter 112 Xin Jinshi

Hei Cheng smiled and said: "Huang Long has two disciples who learned how to forge swords from him when they were young. Later, when these two disciples grew up, they were both talented and stepped into the realm of cultivating immortals. Although they occasionally came back to visit him as a master, But it has already entered another sect in the world of cultivating immortals."

He spoke very eloquently, and did not clearly point out who passed on the matter of Mr. Huang Long and the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword to the Nine Swords School, but it was obviously one of these two disciples.

Learning to forge swords with a mortal master, or joining a sect in the world of cultivating immortals to practice the way of longevity, it doesn't matter which one you choose.

But if it is for his own benefit in the world of cultivating immortals, it would not be a good result to betray the master back.

"Okay, let's not talk about them. I don't know if I can borrow the old man to take a look at the broken knife of my little friend?"

"of course."

Zhang Sheng immediately took out the short knife, looked left and right, but found no place to put the knife, Heicheng got up immediately and broke the knife, and placed them on the bed.

"If a high-quality bronze essence is placed in the mortal world, it is a high-quality casting material, but judging from your cultivation base, it is too common, no wonder it will be broken."

Heicheng sat cross-legged on the ground casually, picked up each cut-off knife, looked at it and said.

"Oh? Senior can see my cultivation?" Zhang Sheng asked curiously.

"I'm so old, but I'm just a mortal body. I've just spent decades, and my eyes are still very accurate." After finishing speaking, he turned around, pointed at the gap on it with a severed knife and continued. : "These few gaps show that the material of the blade is acceptable, and this level of gaps shows that the force of breaking the blade does not come from the outside, but from the inside."

"Senior, can you see this too?"

"Hehe, it's actually not difficult to see. It's just that, even if you recast this knife, it will break again. You have advanced sword skills and the strength is too strong. If you don't pass the spirit injection, no matter how good the material is, it will break again. , I am afraid that the knife that is drawn will not be able to withstand its strength."

Heicheng's words mean that no matter whether it is a swordsmith or a swordsmith, a mortal's casting method without spirit injection cannot bear the strength of his sword technique at all.

Even if the knife is cast here, you have to go to the refiner in the world of cultivating immortals again, and you can use it with confidence after receiving their spiritual blessing.

Zhang Sheng is naturally aware of this kind of thing, but he did not give up and asked: "Is there no way to have the best of both worlds?"

"What is the best of both worlds?" Now it was Hei Cheng's turn to wonder.

"If you don't inject the spirit, is there any other way to make the blade stronger?"

Heicheng thought for a while, and said slowly: "Little friend, are you afraid that after the spirit injection, it will affect the improvement of the saber technique?"

"Oh? Senior also understands sword skills?" Zhang Sheng was a little surprised by Hei Cheng's words. As expected, he is a top-level forging master. He is not only proficient in sword casting, but also has such insights into sword skills.

The old man laughed and said: "It's not considered to be knowledgeable about sword skills. It's just that I have lived a long time and seen it a lot. I remember meeting this kind of request like a little friend once in the early years. That expert also asked for it, but I was still young back then. It was so bad that the senior returned home empty-handed. So I decided to take this as my goal back then, until the end of my life."

Hearing this, Zhang Sheng seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and immediately asked excitedly: "So seniors have found a way now?"

Heicheng nodded, then shook his head again.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?"

The old man said helplessly: "I also came up with this method unintentionally. I haven't tried it, so let's not talk about whether it will work or not. The price is quite high, and it even puts the cart before the horse."

"Senior, you might as well talk and listen."

"Well... First of all, you need one or even several high-level spiritual weapons, and the higher the level, the better, and then use its molten materials to extract its essence and recast it."

Dissolving a high-level spiritual weapon, taking its essence and casting recruits, sounds like a simple thing?

"Is it so simple to melt a high-level spiritual weapon?" Xiao Yicai, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help but speak out. He always felt that the black-robed old man was just talking nonsense.

Moreover, anyone with a normal mind would not think of exchanging a few high-level spiritual weapons for a new mortal sword blank.

Spiritual weapons are all injected with spirit, no matter what the original material is, after the injection, both strength and toughness will be greatly increased, and the spiritual weapon will be like a branch of the body after being used for a long time, and the vitality will be involuntarily injected into it to enhance its power.

It's not that no craftsmen have ever tried melting spirit weapons, but the mines of primordial stones really can't afford such consumption without taking advantage of it.

"That's right, melting a spiritual weapon is an extremely luxury for a refiner, let alone an ordinary person."

At this moment Xiao Yicai felt that this old man was not a liar, he was simply a lunatic, looking at his conditions, let alone his craftsmanship, living in this dilapidated sword furnace all day long, what he was thinking about was how to melt spiritual weapons?It is simply a fantasy.

No wonder that Xing Hai said that the Black City Sword Furnace is a bit evil, can a lunatic live there not be evil?
Xiao Yicai thought so, but he didn't know that Zhang Sheng had already thought about melting in his mind after listening to the old man's words.

Xiaobai can't be melted. Firstly, although Xiaobai was not easy to use before, it is really good to cooperate with You Longjue now. Second, Xiaobai belongs to Shu Zhiya. Although it belongs to him now, if Shu Zhiya Knowing that he exchanged Xiaobai for a blank saber, he couldn't have chopped him up with a single blow.

And he vaguely felt that Xiaobai seemed to have an artifact soul, but his current cultivation level was too low to be involved in this level.

The weapon soul is what the old Taoist told him. Generally, the weapon soul only exists on the fairy-level spirit weapon. Even if Xiaobai has a weapon soul at this level, he should not be able to awaken it.

Moreover, the user cannot communicate with the weapon soul if his cultivation base is less than the immortal rank.

So no matter what, Xiaobai cannot be used to melt.

Apart from Xiaobai, there seemed to be only a few trophies left on him, and almost all of them were ordinary spirit weapons of the Huang rank. Not to mention the effort to melt them, the gains outweigh the losses.

Hei Cheng also saw Xiao Yicai's expression, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, at this moment, Zhang Sheng asked suddenly: "Senior, what else do you need to melt the spirit weapon?"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sheng actually listened to it, which made Heicheng very pleased, and quickly said: "I have traveled for many years, and finally found a way to reduce the requirements for melting, that is, it needs a very important material mixed with it."

"What is it?"


Xin Jin ranks eighth among the ten heavenly stems, after Geng Jin, but Zhang Sheng has never heard of such material as Xin Jinshi.

The old man continued to say: "Xinjin Stone is named for its rich solar energy, and this stone can only be found in places where the sun is out of sight all year round and only the moonlight can reach it."

Zhang Sheng was taken aback. There is still such a place where the sun and the moon alternate continuously. How can there be a place where the sun is not seen all year round.

"Xinjinshi is like a sharp knife that can overcome all materials. If it is added to the furnace, it can greatly reduce the difficulty of melting spiritual weapons."

"Then where can I find this Xinjin?"

"Hehe, don't worry, little friend, there is something else..."

"and also?"

"Well, the fire that melts the spirit weapon can't be an ordinary fire. After the spirit injection, the melting point of the spirit weapon is greatly increased. Even some fire-type spells can't damage the spirit weapon. How can ordinary fire melt it at all. "

Speaking of Huo, Zhang Sheng has a picture in his mind again, not to mention the ordinary fire, even the five-element fire used by Shang Chen at the three grand gatherings not long ago could hardly hurt Yu Wenji at all, his black and yellow A stick is impenetrable by water and fire, and it is difficult to melt it.

"What kind of fire does that need?"

"The fire is not very demanding, the original fire of the Shenhuo sect should be enough."

"The original fire of the Shenhuo sect? Can it be borrowed and used?" Zhang Sheng knew about the Shenhuo sect, but he didn't know what the original fire was.

Xiao Yicai just took a sip of the tea that he had been covering for a long time, and he almost spit out when he heard the conversation between these two people.

"Wait, wait, the whole Shenhuo sect regards the original fire as higher than life, so how could they borrow it from others?"

Heicheng agreed, nodded and continued: "There is an earth fire mine under the Shenhuo Sect. This source of fire is like the heart of this mine. Their sect's achievement in refining weapons is entirely due to this."

It seems that this method does not work...

"For Xin Jinshi, it's a coincidence that I have a piece here." Hei Cheng said, bending down and digging under the bed, and took out a black and dusty stone.

The stone is about half the size of a fist, with irregular edges and corners, no different from the stones that can be seen everywhere outside.

"Is this Xin Jinshi? Such a big piece?"

Although it is only half the size of a fist, Xin Jinshi is not a material for refining weapons, but just a blending agent, so big enough.

Hei Cheng took Xin Jinshi to the bucket, scooped up a ladle of water, and slowly poured it on Xin Jinshi.

With the continuous washing of the water, the blackness on the surface of the stone gradually faded, and the light yellow color gradually appeared, but the color was still dull, far from the legendary Xinjin.

The old man looked at it with some embarrassment and said, "Ahem, it's been left for a long time, and it won't come out after a while. I'll wash it twice more..."

"You put such a precious material so casually?"

"It's not random, didn't I hide it under the bed..."


It took half a quarter of an hour for the old man to restore Xin Jinshi's original appearance with washing and rubbing.

It is obviously a dark gold color, but it gives people an extremely transparent feeling, which is worthy of its name of Xin Jin.

The old man put down the water ladle, ignored the soaked cuffs, and held up the Xinjin Stone to look at it with satisfaction.

"If you two hadn't mentioned it, the old man would have almost forgotten its existence. It was exchanged for it from a monk who claimed to be Tiannan a few years ago."

Zhang Sheng and the two of them also focused their attention on the Xin Jinshi, and didn't care about the Tiannan words said by the old man.

Heicheng sighed suddenly, and said helplessly, "Although there is Xin Jinshi, it's just a thought. I don't know if I can fulfill this wish in my lifetime."

Only now did Xiao Yi believe the old man's words so much.

(End of this chapter)

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