After the world collapsed

Chapter 127 Luoshen 1 Sword

Chapter 127 Luoshen Sword

Seeing this huge picture scroll, the disciples in the field immediately became energetic.

"Luo Shen Tu!" Someone among the direct disciples exclaimed.

In addition to the two major secret realms, the Xiaoyao Sect also has a treasure, which originally belonged to two treasures, but the Qingfeng sword of the first suzerain has been lost for many years, and only this picture of Luoshen remains.

It is said that this map of Luoshen is still incomplete. The original map of Luoshen has three chapters from the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage.However, if there is no Luoshen map in the Foundation Establishment Chapter, the Xiaoyao Sect may not rise so fast.

Song Shenzong unfolded the scroll, and the huge picture of Luoshen floated in mid-air. After the scroll was fully unfolded, the originally empty picture was slowly embellished and formed, as if someone was painting in the air, constantly sketching here and there. , as the painting continued to be perfected, the vitality around the Luoshen Picture was also continuously absorbed into it, and half a quarter of an hour passed in a hurry before everyone could clearly see the scene painted in the Luoshen Picture.

The painting is not static, the sea and the sky are the same color, and the reefs are rugged. A faceless figure stands proudly on the highest reef by the sea. Following this person's eyes, the sea surface in the distance seems to be faintly visible. It seems that there is a huge wave coming. I don't know whether it was a natural disaster or a man-made huge wave, which was over a hundred feet high.

Song Shenzong also walked to the front of the Luoshen painting at this moment, and watched the records in this Luoshen painting together with others. Although it was just a picture, it was like a dream, but as long as he fixed it at a glance, everyone present felt as if they were there. , everyone's eyes are no longer limited to outside the painting, as if they are the figure in the picture, and they are about to face the turbulent waves over a hundred feet high.

If there were not many people around, I am afraid that some disciples would turn around and run away just by seeing the huge waves in the distance.

Seeing this, Zhang Sheng suddenly remembered the storyteller he met by chance in Huishan City on the way here. He couldn't help feeling that the figure in the Luoshen picture looked familiar, or that this figure was very similar to the genius swordsman in the storyteller's mouth. .

The moment he suddenly had this idea, Luoshentu disappeared strangely before his eyes, replaced by the monstrous waves rolling in.

Zhang Sheng subconsciously grasped the three-foot blue blade at his waist and pulled it out. Without any warning, he swung his sword out. The sword energy flew across the sea for more than ten miles in the blink of an eye under his surprised eyes. The sea below the place is separated from the left and right, revealing a long and straight gully. The sea water on both sides of the gully keeps churning to both sides, as if it is constantly escaping from the sea area that the sword energy has crossed.

The domineering sword energy went straight through the huge waves in the distance, and the tens of feet of turbulent sea water was cut off in the middle, and the sea water above slapped back to the surface of the sea and made a huge impact sound, shaking Zhang Sheng like a thunderbolt. Eardrums vibrate.

The most frightening thing was that the sword energy didn't feel weakened at all after passing through the huge waves, but continued to skim along the sea surface until it disappeared at the end of the field of vision. This sword might be able to spread thousands of miles away.

When the huge wave reached the cliff, it was only less than half a person's height, and it seemed to calm down after hitting the rock under its feet pitifully.

The giant wave has passed away, but the sword energy still exists, and the natural disaster hundreds of feet high is still insignificant in front of my sword.

Such an absurd idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Sheng's mind, as if this world could no longer accommodate him.He immediately grasped this feeling, carefully reminiscing about the feeling when he just took out the sword. The sword just now was not ready to strike, as if it was just a casual sword, and it could have such power...

The power contained in this sword can only be described as "sword energy rips into the sea for thousands of miles".


Song Shenzong didn't expect the Luoshen map to have such an effect. He only knew that the Luoshen map in the foundation-building state would bring a lot of insight to some monks with good sword skills.

The Luoshen map is a treasure used to record moves, and the Luoshen map of the Xiaoyao Sect records the sword of the first suzerain. Presumably the purpose of the first suzerain to leave this picture is to allow more disciples in the sect to borrow it. Able to make a breakthrough in the way of the sword.

The Luoshen map can only absorb enough energy to start viewing every hundred years. However, since the arrival of the immortal energy, the opening time of the Luoshen map has been greatly reduced, so that the Luoshen map, which will not be opened until nearly ten years later, is full of energy in advance.

When Song Shenzong took the acting suzerain order to inspect the hidden sword pavilion in the sect, he found the Luoshen map that had already been full of energy, so he simply put this picture in the public preaching the next day. Originally, he was going to talk about it Knowledge about pills...

Although the sword of the first suzerain did not lower the cultivation level, it was still not a full-strength blow. If the foundation-level monks who practiced swordsmanship saw it with their own eyes, they might benefit from it. As for how much they can gain, it depends on the attainments in swordsmanship up.

On the square outside the Qingfeng Hall, most of the disciples who watched the Luoshen Picture fell into a state of trance, but some people left from it soon, and some took a little longer. The longer the time, the more The insights gained from it are deeper, which is naturally a good thing.

When Song Shenzong woke up, he found that it was getting late, and there were very few disciples left on the square. All the disciples from the outer sect had woken up and left the peak silently. A small half of the disciples are still in meditation, including Junior Brother Ji Huang of Jiuyou Peak who will be preaching publicly tomorrow.

Of course, there is also the Guangyuan Realm fellow Taoist with a strange long knife pinned to his waist.

Song Shenzong shook his head with a cry and a smile. His kung fu in the way of swordsmanship was not one-tenth of that in the way of elixir. His understanding of this sword can only be said to be born from nothing. Brother swordsmanship is not weaker than him.

Among them, he is most optimistic about Huang Shaofei from Xiaoshen Peak. This junior is born with sword intent. At the age of six, he can control his sword intent with his first cultivation of Qi Refining Realm. His future achievements in the way of swordsmanship will be limitless.

In fact, it is not so easy to wake up from the outside, many young disciples don't know it, so when they leave, they are careful not to wake up these brothers.

It was not the first time for Song Shenzong to enter this state. He had entered this state of samadhi before when he was studying the Shennong Jing.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. At this time, if someone with evil intentions attacks Xiaoyaozong, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Fortunately, he only decided to use the Luoshen map temporarily, otherwise it would be hard to say. He thought of Cong Lingshan's attack, Xiaoyaozong may have been targeted.

However, since he has woken up, he has the responsibility to protect these fellow disciples who are in a state of trance. He first put away the already empty Luoshen map, and then jumped over the four corners of the square one after another. After setting up a paper sword talisman, he raised his sword finger, and an invisible light curtain slowly rose along the joint of the four sword talismans and finally converged in midair.

An ordinary square sword array, only allowed to enter but not to exit, any aura passing through this square would be noticed by him, after finishing these, he turned around and walked up the steps to enter Qingfeng Hall.

The time of feeling into samadhi decreases in a gradient, the longer the time lasts, the faster the feeling will dissipate, just like human memory, the more things that are older, the more they forget.

So when it was getting late at night, these direct disciples also released their trance one after another, got up and left with unsatisfied intentions, and before leaving, some people reluctantly glanced at the original location of Luoshentu and other fellow disciples who were still in samadhi.

One night passed, and the next day's public preaching time was almost here. Song Shenzong got up again and left the Qingfeng Hall. Looking at the figures sitting cross-legged in the square below, he did not show any surprise.

After setting up the sword array, he naturally knew the people who left from the square, and he already knew who didn't leave.

Footsteps came from his side, and Song Shenzong knew who it was when he heard the winding steps.

"Brother, it's almost time to preach, what should these people do?" The person who spoke was from Renjie Peak, her name was Yan Ruxue, and she was the only woman among the four Sanjiefeng disciples who stood outside Qingfeng Hall the day before yesterday. disciple.

"Junior Sister Yan, do you know the name of this inner disciple?" Song Shenzong didn't answer, but instead asked the other party about the only inner disciple who was still in a trance state.

"I don't know." Yan Ruxue looked at the disciple from a distance, but she didn't have the slightest impression.

There are many inner disciples, and every year there are many newcomers who have just established their foundations and promoted from the outer disciples. As a direct disciple, it is not uncommon for her not to know some of them.

"Could it be that senior brother recognizes this person?"

Song Shenzong nodded slightly and said: "Ning Heng, 16 years old, is in the early stage of foundation establishment. Five years ago, he was still in the state of concentration. When he was still an outer disciple, he was ordered to come to Tongtian Peak to deliver a message. Uncle Mo discovered that he was actually a good sword practicer, and claimed that he would immediately accept him as his personal heir after he was promoted to the Foundation Establishment Realm, but it's a pity..."

Naturally, Yan Ruxue knew what Song Shenzong meant by pity. The Uncle Mo that the senior brother spoke of was Mo Daoci, the first seat in Tongtian Peak at that time. If there was no evildoer like Jiang Tianshi who meets once in a thousand years, then Mo Daoci would be the most dazzling of Xiaoyaozong the one.

Mo Daoci practiced exactly the Qingfeng Sword Jue passed down by the first suzerain. The Qingfeng Sword Jue has a total of twelve moves. Since it was the method passed down by the first suzerain, the inheritance is complete and the power of the method is extremely powerful, but it is extremely difficult to practice. Many monks of the Xiaoyao sect who consider themselves masters of sword use have difficulty even practicing the first form of this sword formula, but this Mo Daoci has already mastered the sixth form of the Qingfeng sword formula with his cultivation in the late stage of alchemy.

The more difficult it is, the harder it is to persevere. No one in the Xiaoyao Sect has practiced the sixth form since the old suzerain. The old suzerain lived for hundreds of years to achieve this.Even Fang Xianling, the astonishingly talented suzerain of the third generation, only practiced two moves, and then specialized in other swordsmanship because it was too difficult.

From this, we can know how talented Ning Heng, the sword practicer hand-picked by this Master Mo, is.It's a pity that Immortal Meteor descended not long after that, and Mo Daoci also disappeared like other senior elders.

This junior brother Ning Heng finally stepped into the foundation building last year, but he did not become Mo Daoci's direct disciple, so he had to practice sword silently by himself. The most difficult part of sword art is getting started and persisting. It seems that Ning Heng has not completed the first form this year.

But now there seems to be a turning point. I just don't know how much this genius junior will be able to understand after watching the sword of the first suzerain in the Luoshen picture.

Just when Song Shenzong was talking about Junior Brother Ning Heng with Yan Ruxue who was next to him, the genius Junior Brother they were talking about suddenly stood up, the saber around his waist kept shaking, his eyes hadn't opened yet, which showed that he had It may not be out of the state of trance.

"Not good!" Seeing this, Song Shenzong said, and immediately jumped down the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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