After the world collapsed

Chapter 133 Prudence

Chapter 133 Prudence
"Han Shenxing, do you think we can pass this general election?"

Among the luxuriant woods, two teenagers, a man and a woman, walked forward cautiously. Both of them were about fifteen or sixteen years old, but there was a determination and maturity on their faces that did not match their age.

The young man walking in front did not know how many times he had heard his sister ask this question today, but he didn't show any signs of impatience, he just felt a little helpless.

Two brothers and sisters, their parents died early, and the two of them grew up slowly relying on the charity of their neighbors.

When he was 12 years old, he took his younger sister across mountains and rivers to the martial arts gym known as the top-ranked Jin country. He had no money to pay the tuition fees, so he could only do chores in the martial arts gym, and occasionally he could secretly learn a move and a half. It was like this for three years For a long time, his progress in martial arts is very "huge".

Just when he thought he had saved enough money to officially become an apprentice in the martial arts hall, the martial arts hall secretly sold him to an underground martial arts arena in the city.

With his three-legged cat level, he is already a bit overqualified to be a handyman, but he is not qualified for boxing, so he became a sparring partner.

The management of the martial arts field was threatened by his sister, so he had to do it.After that, it was commonplace for him to be beaten to pieces. When he met some violent warriors, he hit harder and even made him unable to get out of bed for half a month.

There is only one gratifying thing and that is that the salary of a sparring partner is higher than that of a handyman in a martial arts gym.

It has to be said that he is very talented in martial arts. In just a few months, he was promoted from a primary sparring partner to an intermediate sparring partner. real sword.

When he subconsciously integrated his natural sword intent into the body of the sword and easily defeated the opposing warrior, not only himself, but even the supervisors around him were dumbfounded.

Naturally, needless to say, the Martial Arts Field began to train him to become a real warrior. Just when he thought his good life had finally come, fate played a trick on him again.

After nine consecutive victories, his reputation as a swordsman has already begun, and the next opponent arranged for him by the martial arts field is the No. 1 underground martial arts known as the Blood Emperor. None of his opponents was spared, which is why he was awarded this title. .

The blood emperor has been famous for at least 20 years, but whenever a new star is born, he will appear to kill them. Rumors that he is a cultivator have long since spread, but no one dares to condemn the blood emperor.

Even he, who is known as a swordsman genius and flourished in the underground martial arts world, can vaguely see his own tragic end.

So he found an opportunity to rescue his sister and escaped.But the underground martial arts arena is extremely powerful, covering almost half of the cities of the Great Jin Kingdom, and the two brothers and sisters are extremely conspicuous. The pursuit and interception along the way made him almost see no hope of survival.

The desperate brother and sister heard some gossip, saying that there were several places that underground forces like the Great Jin State would never dare to set foot in.

Among them is Jianshan. It is said that there is a master swordsmith named Mr. Huang Long on Jianshan. If they can worship him as their teacher, no underground forces will dare to provoke them again.

After rushing all the way to Jianshan City, they heard that Mr. Huang Long had passed away as soon as they entered the city. This was like a bolt from the blue to their brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and when the brothers and sisters had nowhere to go, the news spread that Xiaoyaozong, the sect in the world of cultivating immortals, was about to hold a general election, which rekindled their hopes.

Liangcheng is a special existence in the Great Jin Kingdom. There are many people from the rivers and lakes here, but no force dares to stay here, not even the royal family of the Great Jin Kingdom.

Because Liangcheng is the closest city to Xiaoyaozong, only the west gate of Liangcheng is always open, because the ten miles away from the other three directions are Xiaoyaozong's territory, with formations everywhere, and you will get lost if you are not careful.

Fortunately, the two brothers and sisters kept going all the way and rushed to Liangcheng one step ahead of the chase.Even the blood emperor who personally chased them could only return angrily when he saw the two entering the city.

If he was not a cultivator, he would naturally be afraid of Liangcheng, which was rumored to be controlled by Xiaoyaozong. If he was a cultivator, he would definitely know how Xiaoyaozong existed in the world of cultivating immortals, and he would not dare to make trouble in front of his sect.

For a contest, it is obviously not worth provoking such a behemoth.

Finally relieved, the brother and sister even hugged each other and wept under the west gate of Liangcheng. After all, they were still children under the age of 16, and they had never felt such a strong sense of security since they were young.

This sense of security comes from Xiaoyaozong behind Liangcheng.

Just like the names of the two brothers and sisters, Han Jinyan and Han Shenxing, the younger sister is called Jinyan, and the older brother is called Shenxing. They have grown up in this way, but they have not been treated fairly by fate.

Therefore, when Han Shenxing saw the huge mountain gate for the first time, he lamented that this was the method of the immortal family, and secretly swore:
If you can really step into the way of cultivating immortals, then you will no longer believe in fate, but only believe in yourself. If the way of heaven is still unfair, then point your sword at the way of heaven.

Of course, he is somewhat blindly confident that he can pass the general election. First, he is considered a warrior. Second, he has also heard that the Xiaoyao Sect is based on the sword. It may be favored by Xiaoyaozong.

If he really joined the Xiaoyao Sect, then the brother and sister would not have to hide from XZ from now on. By then, her younger sister would have the elder brother of him, an immortal cultivator. Not bad.If they all join the Xiaoyao Sect, it is not impossible...

"Han Shenxing, what are you thinking?" His sister interrupted his fantasy again.

The siblings were born at the same time, Han Shenxing has always regarded himself as the elder brother, Han Jinyan has always been reluctant to call him brother, and has always called him by his first name.

"Of course I'm thinking of a way to pass the general election." Han Shenxing changed his words. If Jinyan found out that he was fantasizing about her marriage just now, he would definitely chase him and beat him up.

This younger sister is usually careless, she doesn't look like a girl, her hair is tied up, and if she tells others that they are brothers, some people may believe it.

When he was working as a handyman in the martial arts hall, he discovered that his younger sister was also interested in martial arts. It was not until he escaped from the underground martial arts field that he realized that this younger sister's martial arts skills were not inferior to his.

"Except for those other people who participated in the general election, you can't even see a small animal in this place. What will we eat then?" Han Jinyan said looking around.

Indeed, after they entered this area through the magic circle under the mountain gate, they realized that there was a distance between this place and Jiandang Mountain. The truth of the sentence.

How to survive in three days is already not easy, and it is very difficult to drive such a long way to the foot of Jiandang Mountain. In addition, there may be many Xiaoyaozong established along the way. Tests, this series of tests are mixed together, and the number of people who can pass becomes very few.

Apart from those unknown tests, traveling is the strength of the two brothers and sisters. The only problem now is what to eat on the way. They can't even see a hare. It is inconvenient to travel when they are hungry.

At this moment, a thunderous roar came from the depths of the forest in front of them. Although they couldn't tell what kind of beast it was for a while, they knew that this guy was not small just by the sound.

No wonder there are no small animals around here, and some have been scared away long ago.

A smile appeared on Han Shenxing's face and he said, "Look, isn't there something to eat?"

Almost everyone heard the roar of the beast, most of them chose to take a detour, only a few chose to face up to the difficulties, and the two brothers and sisters belonged to the latter group.


At this time, where the voice came from, a Xiaoyao Sect disciple was standing here, and he was stroking the cute little beast in his arms.

No one could have imagined that the terrifying roar just now was actually made by this little beast.

Emperor-throated beasts look like juvenile tigers, but even when they grow up, their size will not change. Limited by innate conditions, they are not aggressive, but their roar is comparable to the king of beasts, the king of beasts. , hence the name.

The Emperor Throat Beast is considered a rare species even in the world of cultivating immortals, so it is normal that these mortals who participated in the general election cannot hear its voice, as long as there are fierce beasts haunting this place.

But they didn't know that this was actually the first test set by the Xiaoyao Sect, and it was the test of courage.

Those who do not flinch in the face of danger and difficulty are rewarded accordingly.

Of course, not all those who made the detour lost the chance of passing the general election. It was just that time was urgent, and if they made a detour, it would be even more difficult to get to the foot of the mountain within three days.

The two brothers and sisters who are cautious in their words and deeds are indeed masters of the road, and they came here immediately. When they saw the little beast in the arms of the Xiaoyao Sect disciple, they couldn't help but look at each other.

Only when the little beast let out that familiar roar in front of the two of them again did the siblings understand what was going on.

I saw this disciple of Xiaoyao Sect waved his hand, and two cloth bags appeared on the ground in front of him, signaling the two to go forward and take them.

Han Shenxing hastily stepped forward to open the bag, and was overjoyed to find that it contained about one day's worth of dry food.

After taking a bag each, the brother and sister thanked the disciple and continued on. It seems that the result of facing the difficulties is that not only the distance is shorter than others, but even the physical strength will be more abundant than the detour.

After them, a few more people came here one after another. They also took a bag of dry food and continued on. One of them was dressed in a luxurious brocade robe, weighed the cloth bag containing the dry food in his hand, and immediately sped up the speed to catch up. go up.

(End of this chapter)

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