The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 227 Pause and Repair

Chapter 227 Pause and Repair
Back in the Twisted Forest, Zell asks Maokai to help tie the Dread to the ground with his roots, in case it gets out of hand and attacks them.

Then he took the poro out to go wild, that is, hit a few spiders, triggered the plunder to get coins, and it was a little bit more mana.

July may really have a shadow on the spiders, only dare to scare the spiders with fierceness from a distance, not as courageous as April, flying over to poke the spiders with the Night Reaper.

Under the characteristics of the fierce aura, the spider fled all the way and did not dare to fight back. After chasing for several hundred meters, the spider suddenly fell to the ground and died suddenly.

I don't know if the Shadow Reaper's death aura was too strong and killed him, or if his body overheated and his brain was burned because of long-distance running.

Anyway, Zell gets the lucky coin he wanted, and returns to the station with the poro's.

"Little guys! My roots have taken root in the soil again, and my energy has slowly recovered. I owe you a favor."

Once back, Zell heard Maokai talking.His voice was so loud that the leaves trembled.

"Your leaves have turned green, I'm so glad to see you." Ari said.

"This catastrophe has consumed too much of my strength. It will take a long time to break through the black mist barrier to fully restore the forest..."

Sarah: "But what we lack is time. The Ruined King is out of trouble, and someone needs to stop him."

"There's nothing else I can do," Maokai regretted.

Illaoi carried Shenxi on her shoulders and asked: "Guardian, we have encountered difficulties... That demon Thresh destroyed the amulet used to seal Foyego before he left. If he is not sealed, the new Soul Devourer will Night will come, stronger and more powerful than ever."

The Ruin's Curse breaks down the boundary between life and death, trapping the soul at the juncture between life and death.

If Viego is defeated but not sealed, it will not solve the problem, because he will be resurrected again and again, just like the soul-eating nights again and again, never ending.

Maokai seemed to remember something: "I live alone in the mountains, and I don't know much. But I know that before the curse of Ruin, the monks of the Blessed Isles had close contacts with the Python Islands. You can follow the coast of the Python Islands. Search, there is a temple on the bottom of the sea, where the Baru people taught the monks of the blessed island how to communicate with the snake mother, and maybe you can find similar holy objects in it."

"I thought those were all myths and legends... But Baru's records never mentioned the temple under the sea."

"Let me look for it. I've seen something in the deep sea." Pike said, "As long as you bring me nearby, the undercurrent on the bottom of the sea will guide me."

"Stop, stop! What are you thinking? Do you know how long it will take to get back to Bilgewater from the Shadow Isles? How many times is it enough for Foyego to kill us? And whoever says it will be able to find a way to deal with Foyego." Yego's stuff? If it really doesn't work, let Gwen seal Foyego, and we will find a way to create opportunities for her."

Although Sarah's words were a bit harsh, it still made sense. This time, including the time spent exploring the temple for at least half a month, was enough to come to Soul Eater Night more than a dozen times.

Zell listened to their discussion, looked up at the gray sky, his eyes were a little lost.

"Did you think of something?"

Roy walked into his field of vision, brushed a section of the root sticking out of the ground with his hand, then sat down and wiped off the dust from his hands.

Zell looked around and made sure that Senna and Gwen were some distance away, so he sat down and said what was in his heart.

"I'm thinking, since Viego wants Isurd, can we give her to him? As long as he doesn't get Isurd, the whole world will pay for him."

"It's really a cold and cruel way to solve the problem." Roy looked at Gwen and the others: "The queen doesn't love Foego anymore, do you want her to return to him to be tortured after death? And Gwen and Senna have already died Blend with the queen's soul, if Fuyego snatches the queen's soul, they will die too."

Roy felt that this might not be able to persuade Zell to put away this dangerous idea, and added: "Even if Isolde is returned to him, there are still at least ten Horcruxes scattered all over the world. If he insists on finding them all They, the whole world will still fall into the night of soul eclipse. If we don't help him find other Horcruxes, do you think he will let us go?"

"I know, so I'm wondering if there is a possibility...Foyego is willing to change for the queen after realizing that he is wrong?" Zell propped his chin, if Fyego is really pure love God of War, then In order to save Isolde, it is also possible to restrain his temper, right?

As long as he can stay in Shadow Island and not cause trouble, no one will come to him.

"Is this... possible? He was a control freak before he was alive, and it will only get worse after death. It may be difficult to make him feel guilty towards the queen."

"Then give it a try and see how far he is willing to do for the queen."

"Are you going to threaten him with Isolde?" Roy seemed to realize something.

Zell didn't give a clear answer, but just said: "If it really gets to that point..."


When it was night, Zell asked, "Who's keeping watch tonight?" before the others crept into the tent.

"The store manager, let me watch the night. I don't need to sleep and I'm fine." Gwen was the first to answer.

"Me too, I don't want to sleep tonight." Vigus said listlessly, she spoke very softly, just muttering around her mouth, but was still heard.

"Isn't Maokai here?" Roy asked.

"Maokai has no sense of time. I need someone to wake me up to prevent me from oversleeping." Zell explained to the two, "Wake me up around four o'clock."

Roy reached into Zell's clothes, took out a pocket watch from it and put it in front of him, shaking it: "Manager, if I remember correctly, your pocket watch can be timed, right?"

"No, what if it breaks suddenly?"

Seeing that Zell pressed his hand back again, Roy got into the tent with him speechless.

Not long after, she got out of the tent again, straightened the messy and crystal-clear hair ends, and covered her red cheeks with her hands.

Zell came out after him, arranging the moka pot and can of coffee beans as she asked, and then watched her operate.

"Why would you even think of making coffee here?"

"If you don't do it for too long, your skills will become rusty." She ground coffee beans into powder and put it into the upper half of the colander, then poured drinking water into the lower half and put it on the stove to cook.

"Do you drink it yourself? Can you sleep after drinking it?" Zell squatted down and yawned. Xiao Huang took the opportunity to jump on his back, and then climbed onto his shoulder to watch.

Roy shook her head: "This is for the night watchman."

(End of this chapter)

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