The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 493 Lux's Discovery

Chapter 493 Lux's Discovery
"Mother, please give me the statue." After separating from her embrace, Lux pleaded to Augsa.

Augatha sighed, she was unwilling to hand over the statue, because she knew that once Lux took it, she would go to find those commoner mages, if the magic seeker found out... But now, her daughter is not Maybe stay at home obediently, even if she locks up Lux, Lux will use magic to escape.Unless she trapped her with a magic stone, but that would hurt their relationship too much.

In desperation, the mother chose to believe in her daughter, taught her the statue she wanted, and told her: "Be careful when you go, if you are caught by the magic hunter, you will be ruined for the rest of your life."

"They can't catch me." Lacus took the statue and wanted to say a few words to her mother before leaving, but she didn't expect a sudden movement in her hand.

Looking down, the statue in her hand came alive. The woman covered with only a piece of cloth covered her chest in a panic, blinking and making embarrassing movements.

Lux screamed in fright, and the statue fell from her hand.The woman seemed to have a premonition that she was about to be smashed to pieces, and she closed her eyes tightly and screamed.

This scene frightened the Poro who had been staying on the ground, and ran under the bed in a hurry.Mrs. Augesa's reaction was also not small, she covered her mouth and stared straight.

At the last moment, Lux caught the statue just in time to save her from being crushed.

Seeing Lacus put the statue back on the cabinet with a serious face, while the speechless statue nodded towards her, Augsa, who felt extremely weird, quickly pulled away and asked her in confusion. : "Didn't you want this thing to fall? Why do you want to catch it?"

Now she would rather Lux drop this thing, otherwise a statue that had been at home for many years would suddenly move, which would be weird.

Lacus shook her head: "She reminds me of a stone friend of mine, who can move after absorbing my magic like this. I don't think I can hurt her, after all, this is a life."

The stone friend Lux ​​mentioned is Galio, the Colossus of Justice.He once persuaded Lux ​​when she was confused, and before Lux came back to Mihril City, he had not had time to visit this old friend. He stood on the square street, and Lux ​​could only choose to go in the middle of the night. Go when no one is around.

"You mean...she came back to life because of you?" Augsa asked in surprise.

"The reason why the magic stone can ban magic is because it can absorb magic power. As long as the magic power is absorbed, no magic can be released." The conversation changed, and Lux ​​said again: "But it can't be said completely. It was because of me that she came back to life. Ordinary magic stones have no life, even if they absorb a lot of magic power, they will not move. Only the magic stone statues of the Dulan family can do this..."

"what do you mean……"

"The sculptors of Durang are also mages, and they gave life to the stone statue. What I did was to awaken the sleeping stone statue with magic!"

This sudden discovery made Lacus realize that the Durand family could be used as a breakthrough to change the country's impression of people like her.

Since the Colossus of Justice was made by Du Lang, it has made contributions on the battlefield more than once.The kings of all dynasties couldn't help but not destroy this colossal statue that had been recorded to move, but instead stood it like a monument in the city of Mithril, taking pride in it.And the Dulang family has never been suspected of being infected with demons, and within a few hundred years it has flourished into a super family that can be compared with the defending family.

So Lux couldn't help thinking, if magic is used for the right purpose, can people accept its existence?For example, inventing something that can stabilize lighting, optimizing candles and kerosene lamps, and liberating people's nightlife from now on... that will definitely bring great progress to the country!

But she also knows that it is not easy to be recognized by people as the statue of Duran, after all, it is closely related to the establishment of Demacia.

Unless she can come out to turn the tide when the country is in crisis, help the building to collapse, die for the country and show her ambition... that seems too tragic.It would be great if Galio could fly to His Royal Highness and say a few words for the innocent mages.

"Mother, I'm planning to go to Dulan's house. You just need to tell your brother that I'm back. You don't need to say anything about the rest. I need to hide my whereabouts. I can't disclose the news of my return yet." Lux I made up my mind.

"If you want the forbidden magic stone, I'll go and get some stone embryos for you. It's too dangerous for you to go there by yourself." Augsa shook her head. She knew that Lacus must be reluctant to destroy the statue, so she wanted to go Go to Durand's for statues that haven't been brought to life by the sculptor.

Although the magic stone can be seen everywhere, Demacia has introduced many policies to prevent it from being smuggled, and it is not easy for ordinary people to get it.However, for a big family like the Crown Guard, it is easy to ask for some forbidden magic stones, not to mention that Lux's uncle is also the head of the Demon Seeker's legion. With such a relationship, they can get as many as they want.

"The Sorcerer's Stone is just secondary." Lux said, "I mainly want to get in touch with Durand's sculptors. If they are willing to help those commoner mages, that would be even better."

She is not alone in this struggle, comrades of the Illuminator are doing the same thing, even before her.

"Then you can go, but can you stay tonight? We, mother and daughter, have a good meal, and then you start tomorrow morning?"

Augatha looked at Lux with pleading eyes, and the latter knew that it was not just a simple meal.Her mother will definitely take this time to prepare and quietly send a few bodyguards to follow her to make sure nothing happens to her.

"OK then."

Although Lacus didn't want to be followed by a few followers, she couldn't just refute her mother's good intentions like this, so she had to agree to her first, and make plans later... At most, she just got up in the middle of the night and slipped away quietly.


I have to say that the dinner at home is delicious. Lux walked the road from Xiongdu to Mihril City with those commoner mages, so all the food they ate on the way were the wild fruits they collected and captured with magic. The wild game has only been cooked briefly, and Lux ​​can't think of any positive comments other than freshness.But if you have escaped, you can order as you like, she is already very satisfied if she has something to eat.

"Little guy, come out for dinner~"

Blessed to share, Lux did not forget to bring a dessert back to the Poro after she was full, but when she found the Poro under the bed, she found that there was an extra ball of paper beside it that she had no impression of.

(End of this chapter)

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