Chapter 153 Mobile Payment
In the end, He Yunxiao struggled for a long time, but failed to get sister Ziruo to agree to go to Fan's residence at night.

He Yunxiao is not in a hurry, the days to come will be long, and there will be times when ears and temples are rubbed together.Besides, I have to implement a passive strategy, too active is not good.

After sending Fan Ziruo back to Fan's residence, He Yunxiao bought some delicious food for Nan Zhu's wife before entering the palace as usual.

He Yunxiao remembered that he planned to take Nanzhu out of the palace tomorrow, so he paid special attention when shopping, and bought a small and cute veil for Nanzhu's wife.I specially chose thicker texture, the purpose is to cover Nanzhu's wife's small face.

Today, with the experience of taking sister Ziruo out to play, He Yunxiao deeply felt the trouble of the halo of the heroine and the importance of the veil.

Sister Zi Ruo's station was the natural focus of her eyes, and those with long-sighted and not-sighted ones would bother her.

Tomorrow, I will take Nanzhu out to play, and with her capital, I will walk from the street to the end of the street, and I will have to turn "Yin Jing Sihua" into "Five Beauties".

What's more, bringing Nanzhu out to play is in itself a violation of the rules.Even if there are very few people who know Nan Zhu, it is most appropriate to wear a veil just in case.

Standing in the cloth shop, He Yunxiao took a fancy to a light blue veil of good quality and style.However, after picking and choosing, He Yunxiao suddenly discovered that the light yellow veil next door was also very good.The next door next door, the sky blue one seems to work too...

For a while, these veils made He Yunxiao suffer from difficulty in choosing.

If the choice is difficult, don't choose it, just want it all!

He Yunxiao copied five veils and said, "Boss, pay the bill."

Soon a clerk came to the store, and while packing the veil for He Yunxiao, he led him to the cashier to pay the bill.

The accountant said: "Master, five taels of silver."

One tael of silver and one veil are extremely expensive.

If it was normal, He Yunxiao probably wouldn't talk nonsense.But recently, he was worried about Sister Jiang's ransom money. He spent five taels of money and only bought a few pieces of silk cloth, which really made He Yunxiao complain.

"Boss, your veil, is the silk cloth made of gold, or the stitches made of gold?"

"My lord, look at the embroidery on this cloth, but it is embroidered with Miss Xuemei's own handwriting. Every stitch and thread is all driven out by the embroiderer. You think it's expensive, but I think it's too expensive."


Han Linshuang...

One of Yin Jing's Four Flowers, one of the heroines in the original book, and the beloved daughter of Prime Minister Han Wenxin...

The description of her appearance in the original book is: long hair like night, skin whiter than snow, lips red like plum.

He Yunxiao secretly rejoiced that according to the current development, he should have nothing to do with her...

I don't even intend to attack the antidote girl, let alone Han Linshuang, who I have never met before.

Since this veil is blessed by the heroine, He Yunxiao has nothing to say about selling it for a tael of silver.

It's getting late now, and Nanzhu must be waiting impatiently, so He Yunxiao decided to pay the bill and prepare to go to the palace.

As a result, when He Yunxiao took out the money, another accident happened.He found that all he had left was a big bank note and no more scraps.

No choice but to pay with big money.

I gave the accountant a bill of one hundred taels, and the accountant thoughtfully found a stack of shredded banknotes.

50 taels, 30 taels, ten taels, three pieces of one tael, two pieces of one tael of broken silver, exactly 95 taels.

He Yunxiao was quite surprised when he saw the 30 taels of silver bills, after all, in his previous life, there was no such standard as 30 taels.

After taking a closer look, He Yunxiao discovered the clue.

This 30 yuan note does not belong to the same bank as the rest of the bank notes.He Yunxiao looked again and found that it was more than that.These six banknotes belong to four banks.The only thing they have in common is that they are all stamped with the seal of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Good guy, He Yunxiao didn't pay much attention when spending money.He subconsciously believed that this paper money should be issued by the imperial court and the whole country should be unified.I didn't expect it to be, it hasn't developed to that stage yet.

Holding the veil in his hand, He Yunxiao boarded the carriage of the Marquis Mansion with the banknotes and pieces of silver in his pocket, and couldn't help feeling the convenience of modern life again.

Mobile payment is so convenient...

He Yunxiao: ?

He Yunxiao: ? ? ?

The groom's old horse's whip was already waving in the air, and he was about to run towards the palace with full power as soon as his young master got into the carriage.It's really annoying for the young master to take the girls in the car. It's so slow that a dog can drive it. What do you want me to do?
Ma De raised his whip for a long time, but he couldn't wait for the young master to get on the car.

When he turned his head, he saw He Yunxiao holding the railing of the carriage with one hand, stepping on the carriage with one foot, and putting his foot on the ground with the other.

"Master? Master?"

He Yunxiao continued to freeze, and squeezed out a sentence: "Don't talk."

"Oh... Young Master? Young Master, do you still want to go to the imperial palace? Why don't you go to the Chunfeng Building? Or the willow courtyard by the river? Or go back to the Antler Academy?"

He Yunxiao was so annoyed by the groom that he had no choice but to stop thinking and get in the car.After slapping the groom on the head, he got into the car and said, "Imperial Palace. Slow down."

After a while.

"Slow down your motherfucker!"

The carriage finally stabilized, and He Yunxiao had time to sort out his thoughts.

When he was paying the money just now, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking, what would happen if he made an ancient version of mobile payment?
This is definitely impossible, and there was no Internet in ancient times.But you can't do "mobile", you can do "payment".

Since I don't know how to sell things to make money, I simply "make" money itself.

I don't know how to earn everyone's money, so let everyone give me the money directly, and it's over.

But He Yunxiao immediately thought that even opening a bank requires a large amount of principal, otherwise it would be impossible to issue bank notes, let alone attract others to deposit.

Moreover, if bank notes are issued, the review process of the imperial household department needs to be followed, which is not a day's work.

If you want everyone to save money here, you need more money.Seems to be stuck in a dead end.

He Yunxiao thought for a long time, but finally rejected the idea of ​​opening the bank.

With their current strength, opening a bank is purely beyond their capabilities.

But what is not a bank and can attract deposits?
Game currency!
It's the game currency!
Or call it "coupons", "supermarket cards" and the like, it doesn't matter!
Anyway, their essence is to exchange money for another thing in advance, and then use this thing to consume!

As long as consumers are given a little discount, people who redeem "supermarket cards" will definitely flock to them!

This trick is equivalent to using a little interest rate difference to attract deposits in disguise.

He Yunxiao is not the saving thinking of ancient people.

The mere loss of the exchange rate spread is not a concern to him at all.

Even if it is to subsidize the merchants a little bit more to use the "supermarket card" discount, it doesn't matter at all.

As long as the deposit plate is large enough to maintain the merchants to exchange the amount consumed by consumers, this game can continue to be played.

You can even use a huge amount of deposits to make high-profit investments, and make up for the lost interest spread in a blink of an eye.

Even when it becomes almost impossible to play in the end, as long as you start binding various interest groups to make yourself "too big to fail", the game can continue to be played.

He Yunxiao was secretly excited.

If it is used properly, not to mention the 1 taels of silver that Sister Jiang redeemed, it will be the entire Yin Jingcheng, so you can buy it if you buy it!

 Thanks: Love Nanase, Xiaoyu Beicheng, book friend 20200724190400359, I will walk with you in the wind.Rewards and support from several bigwigs!

(End of this chapter)

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