Chapter 166 A little scared

He Yunxiao thinks that after getting married, his wife has worked hard all night, so he gets up earlier and helps his wife get dressed, which is fine.

But now it's not a matter of serving clothes, but a more serious problem in front of He Yunxiao.

Nanzhu's wife, it seems, doesn't know how to dress herself.

It sounds outrageous at first, but when you think about it, it suddenly feels quite reasonable.

No matter how poor she is, she is still the eldest princess, no matter how poor Linxuan Palace is, there are still several maids serving her.Maybe Xing'er helped her wear clothes since she was a child.

Now that Xing'er is not here, then...

He Yunxiao closed his eyes as agreed and asked, "Nanzhu, you don't know how to dress yourself?"

"Myolie said, Nanzhu is the eldest princess. The eldest princess doesn't need to know how to wear it herself."

He Yunxiao was speechless.


This is the truth.

He even said that if Nanzhu knew how to dress herself and solved the dressing problem by herself, she might still be scolded.

But when He Yunxiao thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong.

She is married, won't she help her husband get dressed?

Afterwards, He Yunxiao realized that he was out of shape.

First of all, Nanzhu may have no intention of marrying at all before.Secondly, as long as the Meng family does not fall, the eldest princess will be served when she marries, how dare the son-in-law let the princess serve him.

He Yunxiao closed his eyes, although he could tell where Nan Zhu's wife was standing by listening to the sound.But that's all there is to it, if you don't open your eyes, how can you put on clothes for Nan Zhu?

"Nanzhu, I can't dress you until I open my eyes."

"You, what do you do when you see it?"

He Yunxiao just wanted to say, isn't it just a little goldfish, I saw it all.

But he quickly realized that he couldn't hide it.

I went to Linxuan Palace at seven or eight o'clock in the morning. I thought I would go so early and the time would not be tight.In the end, I waited for Nanzhu in Linxuan Palace for a while, then left the palace, took a carriage to the other courtyard of Hefu, and then changed clothes...

It's almost noon.

He Yunxiao's purpose today is not purely to take Nanzhu shopping, but also to investigate the issuance conditions of the "supermarket card".

"Nanzhu, I can't see anything with my eyes closed, so I can't help you get dressed. If you open your eyes, you're afraid that I'll see it. Why don't you take a step back, and I'll just open one eye and help you get dressed."

When Meng Qingrou heard about this plan, she thought it made sense at first, but when she thought about it carefully, the more she thought about it, the more wrong it became.

What's the difference between opening one eye and opening both eyes?

However, Meng Qingrou didn't have any good solutions, she couldn't let He Yunxiao go back now and find Xing'er.


Subconsciously, he covered his buttocks with his small hands.

This is too capricious.Nanzhu can't be so capricious.

In the end, there was no other way, Meng Qingrou had no choice but to bite her lip and said: "You, we agreed to only use one eye. Don't play tricks."

He Yunxiao quickly said: "Mmmm."

Meng Qingrou slowly stretched out her arms among the petals formed by her clothes.

She was still embarrassed, and turned her face sideways, not daring to look at He Yunxiao.

"You do it."

"Then I passed?"


"Is it okay to wear this?"


"He Yunxiao..."


"You, you slow down..."

"Oh, okay, slow down."

It was the first time in He Yunxiao's two lifetimes that he dressed a girl.Moreover, they are not wearing convenient modern clothes, but rather cumbersome ancient clothes.

Although He Yunxiao didn't serve others to get dressed, he did it like a cat and painted a tiger, thinking of the steps and appearance of the maid serving him to get dressed, and helped Nan Zhu get dressed.

I have to say that Nanzhu's wife, who only wears a small dress, is like a blooming flower, soft and tender, with a tangy fragrance.

When helping her dress, it is inevitable that he will get close to her. At this time, He Yunxiao will often greedily inhale the fragrance of medicine from Nanzhu's wife.

The addictive smell enters from the nasal cavity, first reaches the throat, and then continues down to the trachea, bronchi, segmental bronchi, and finally the alveoli.Here, the scent fills into the blood and is carried by the red blood cells throughout the body.

quite comfortable.

It's not to blame He Yunxiao for being greedy, it's really because the smell is really high, and it's not a pure fragrance, but a kind of high smell with a hint of Chinese medicine.Maybe it's because of the physique?Or because Nam Joo is often at the pharmacy?Or did she grow up in a medicine jar?
How it came about is unknown, but now He Yunxiao is enjoying it to his heart's content.

In ancient times, when women wore clothes, their upper bodies were generally small clothes, middle clothes, and outer clothes, and some gauze clothes were put on the outermost part.The lower body is a skirt, with a belt on the top and some small decorations.

Beautiful is indeed beautiful, but trouble is also trouble.

Relying on his unique talent, He Yunxiao finally helped Nanzhu's wife get dressed after half an hour of tossing around.

Finally, when he tied Nan Zhu's wife's skirt, He Yunxiao thoughtfully finished it with a big bow.

Nanzhu's wife has a slender waist. If she doesn't use a big bow tie, there will be too many ties left to tie her waist, which will not look good.

He Yunxiao thought of Nanzhu's wife's "handy place" just right, and then thought of her small hands, which were neither big nor small, and could just be played with.Then he recalled her waist when she helped Nanzhu dress just now.

It seems that it is just enough to be held by my own hands.

It's not a very slender willow waist, but when placed on her body, it is just right, not bad at all.

From "holding place" to "little hands" to "waist limbs", it seems that every place is suitable, so...

He Yunxiao soon had a bold idea that he could only comprehend.But now is not the time to implement it, you have to wait until the night of getting married.

After spending a long time getting dressed, He Yunxiao led the veiled Meng Qingrou back into the carriage.

Although the time is coming to noon soon, Yin Jingcheng's shopping trip has just begun.

The first stop I want to go to is of course the "Little Fat Dog Ceramics Shop" that Nanzhu's wife has been thinking about.

The real name of "Little Fat Dog Ceramics Store" is "Yaohui New Porcelain", and it is opened on the bustling northward commercial street in Yinjingcheng.

This commercial street is not far from Tingfenglou, and its positioning is slightly lower than Tingfenglou. It is also a high-consumption place, but there are few private customized products like Tingfenglou.More are avant-garde novelty gadgets.

On the commercial street, there are many shops similar to "Little Fat Dog Ceramics Shop" that pursue appearance rather than practicality.

Nanzhu's wife's favorite "Little Fat Dog Porcelain Pedestal" appeared in this atmosphere.

Otherwise, honestly, a piece of wood can solve the problem of the porcelain base, why bother to use small ceramic animals to solve it?

There were many people in the commercial street, so the carriage of the Hou Mansion stopped outside the street and put He Yunxiao and Meng Qingrou down.

He Yunxiao got out of the car first, and as before, gave Nan Zhu's wife a wooden ladder and waited for her to get down, but Nan Zhu's wife got stuck in the car.

To be precise, it was her little hand that kept holding on to the door frame.


He Yunxiao felt that something was wrong with Nanzhu's wife, so he asked, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

Meng Qingrou grabbed the door frame with her hands, her voice trembling.

"He Yunxiao..."

Although Nanzhu's wife didn't call her "Brother Yunxiao" as agreed, He Yunxiao couldn't take care of these anymore.

The safety and health of Nanzhu's wife comes first, whether to hide her identity or not, if her wife feels uncomfortable, just go away.

He Yunxiao moved to Meng Qingrou's side and found that she was trembling slightly.

"Nanzhu, are you uncomfortable? Did you catch a cold while changing clothes?"

Meng Qingrou grabbed the door frame and said in a trembling voice: "He Yunxiao, there are so many people..."

He Yunxiao: "Huh?"

 Some students said that the author updates slowly, which is true.The salted fish is changed twice a day, and occasionally three times.

  This is because the author writes part-time, so only has a few hours to write each night.

  Originally, I wanted to go to the third watch today, but I didn't stop it. I was in a group of water for a while, but the third watch didn't come out.

  In-depth review.

  The coding speed will be improved in the future.

  In short, if you don't work overtime, you will still be lowered twice a day.

  Look at the opportunity three more.

(End of this chapter)

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