Chapter 239 Sister, I Want Money
When it comes to "silver", Sister Jiang is the least taboo among the heroines.

Nanzhu's wife studies medicine, she knows a lot of things, but she is too embarrassed to say anything.

Sister Yinyun knows it, she doesn't say it, but she can do it.

Ziruo's wife doesn't know it at all, and she is still at the stage where touching her lips will lead to pregnancy, and there is no sign of progress.

The routine of He Yunxiao asking Sister Jiang for money is actually similar to the routine of "Iceberg Beauty".

He Yunxiao pushed open the door of Sister Jiang's boudoir, and threw herself on Sister Jiang without closing the door.

Jiang Wuyou had just met her subordinates, and she was fully dressed and sitting at the reception table at the door, she was startled when she saw He Yunxiao coming, and before she could speak, she was hugged by the anxious boy.

He Yunxiao hugged Sister Jiang, and rubbed his head against her soft body, "Sister Wuyou, your He Yunxiao misses you so much."

Naturally, Jiang Wuyou also missed his lover. At this time, he was hugged by a bear, unable to move and unable to refuse, so he urged: "Yunxiao, the door is not closed."

He Yunxiao said: "No hurry, I will collect the interest that my sister owes me first."

Jiang Wuyou urged: "Close the door."

He Yunxiao scanned the surroundings with his internal strength and hearing, but there was no human voice, so he didn't care about the door.

If the leader of the Snake Tiger Gang saw this scene, he would be very disappointed.The special envoy whom he had placed high hopes on, in front of He Yunxiao, let alone a lesson, was very reluctant to protect himself.

Jiang Wuyou's little fan punched He Yunxiao's body, but it had no effect at all, on the contrary, his own punching strength was getting weaker and weaker.

As the most well-known womanizer in Quan Yinjing, He Yunxiao's learning ability in this area is also worthy of the name.

After he and Sister Jiang asked for interest twice, they concluded the rules.

Wuyou Wife is different from Yinyun Sister.Sister Yinyun is going to die to cooperate with her, even if she can't hold her breath anymore, she must first let herself be full and comfortable before talking about anything else.Therefore, when He Yunxiao was in contact with sister Du, the time was not long each time, and he frequently left time for her to breathe.

But worry-free wife is different.

Wuyou's wife may have always been on guard and slightly resisted because she was always thinking about "no money, only interest".She tries to push herself away every chance she gets, although not with much strength each time.

He Yunxiao's strategy to deal with this kind of thing is to shorten the time for her to breathe, basically waiting for her to take a breath before letting it out, so that she has no chance to breathe it out again.

Jiang Wuyou couldn't get enough oxygen, and his head was always dizzy.

Later, when the oxygen tube was enough, she only felt an arm protruding from the bend of her leg, and then she rose into the air, seemingly being held in He Yunxiao's arms.

He Yunxiao picked up Sister Jiang skillfully, walked into the back room, put her on the bed, took off her shoes and socks, kissed her cheek and said, "I'll close the door."

Jiang Wuyou blushed, taking advantage of He Yunxiao's rare time to leave, he quickly took out the information about Jianghu from his body and hid it.

He Yunxiao closed the door and turned back immediately. At this time, Wuyou's wife was leaning on the bed. At first glance, it really seemed like a wife was waiting for her husband to go to bed.


Jiang Wuyou's face became hot from being called by He Yunxiao.

"It's still early," she said.

Jiang Wuyou saw He Yunxiao approaching with malicious intentions, and judging by his posture, he came to collect debts again.

"Yunxiao, you are not allowed to charge any more interest. If you charge any more, you will receive next year's share."

"Worriless, you are so beautiful..."

Seeing that He Yunxiao was a little impulsive, Jiang Wuyou took the initiative to move into the bed.

When He Yunxiao approached the edge of the bed, and Jiang Wuyou had nowhere to hide, she could only grit her teeth, straighten her hands, support her upper body behind her back, and at the same time stretch out her small jade-white feet, with the toes resting on He Yunxiao's chest , not letting him go.

He Yunxiao reached out and grabbed the tender ankle of Xuenen's little foot on his chest.

Jiang Wuyou was in a hurry, if this continues, something serious might happen.It's not that she doesn't want to give "money" to He Yunxiao, but now is not the time to give it.

Now the identities of the two are like clouds and mud, and they are mortal enemies. If you don't give money, you can get away, and you can forget each other in the world. If you give money, you can only be entangled with him for the rest of your life.

In case things go well in the future and I can show myself a new face, I will give it if I give it.In case things go wrong in the future, and his identity is revealed, or Emperor Yan refuses to let him go, then he needs to be decisive and not implicate him.

It would only increase the entanglement with him now, and then there would be reluctance and discomfort, which would be a waste of time.


He Yunxiao turned a deaf ear. #
Jiang Wuyou knew he couldn't do this, so he ruthlessly sat up and slapped He Yunxiao on the face.

After the fight, Jiang Wuyou regretted it very much.

"Xiao'er, does it hurt?"

He Yunxiao touched his face, and said in surprise: "Sister, did you mean what you said just now?"

Jiang Wuyou said angrily: "Of course it is serious. Is there anyone else who lied to you?"

"But when the interest was collected before, my sister was not angry at all."

Jiang Wuyou was said to be soft, blushing and said: "That's different. The 'interest' is negotiated, and this was said before."

Jiang Wuyou sat on the edge of the bed, and He Yunxiao knelt down to look at her.

"Sister, then I'll ask for interest again, okay?"


He Yunxiao bullied him, not to take advantage, but to scratch Sister Jiang's itch like Jiang Wuyou taught Jiang Chenyue.

For the first time, He Yunxiao saw what the real "rain hits the plantain" and "flowers and branches tremble".

Jiang Wuyou was so teased by He Yunxiao that he couldn't help it, so he had no choice but to try it again, stepping on his chest with his toe to push him up.

Jiang Wuyou is a dancer, his body is very resilient, and he is also very strong. He Yunxiao was pushed out by this kick, and fell to the ground, clutching his buttocks and screaming.

At first, Jiang Wuyou was still laughing at He Yunxiao, but after half a breath, she immediately noticed something was wrong.

She didn't even care about wearing shoes, and her fair little feet stepped directly on the cold and slightly cool wooden floor.

Jiang Wuyou put all his heart on He Yunxiao, he couldn't feel whether his feet were cold or not, so he took two steps to He Yunxiao's side, knelt down, and supported him to lean on his body.

He Yunxiao had been trained by the Soul Eater Pill, and the general pain couldn't help him at all.Pain is pain, but it is bearable.

But he barked harder now.

He Yunxiao leaned against the boneless, warm and fragrant body of Wuyou's wife, and felt more and more that the saying "crying children have milk" was not just for fun.

It is true.

It's still a pun.

(End of this chapter)

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