What To Do if You're the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 253 Light This Cannon For This Young Master

Chapter 253 Light This Cannon For This Young Master
He Yunxiao and Zhang Jingxian made an appointment at the beginning of Haishi.

At the beginning of Haishi, nine o'clock in the evening.

The state of Qi is no different from modern times. Nine o'clock in the evening in modern times can be said to be the beginning of a worker's life, but in Qi, which lacks entertainment facilities, nine o'clock in the evening is already very late, and most people go to bed behind closed doors.

It's not too late to take Sister Jiang over at this time, and the impact is small.

However, this time was too early for He Yuanhao, the years of military life had made him develop the habit of going to bed late and getting up early.Go to bed at eleven o'clock every day, and get up at five o'clock in the morning.Even if he no longer leads troops to fight in person, he still does this every day.

It is not feasible to pick up Sister Jiang at eleven o'clock. It is too late at this time, and every family is already asleep. Any movement can be spread far away, and the whereabouts of the convoy cannot be hidden.

He Yunxiao and his aunt discussed back and forth, weighed things up and down, and finally decided to take advantage of He Yuanhao's nine o'clock martial arts training time to take Sister Jiang directly into the mansion.


At the end of Xu time, there are still 10 minutes before nine o'clock.

He Yunxiao supported Jiang Wuyou, and slowly went downstairs under the envious eyes of all the little sisters in Chunfeng Building.

Not only the girls with various signs in the building, but also many servants, handymen, and cooks, as long as they are still alive in the building, regardless of whether they are humans or animals, they are all staring at He Yunxiao and Jiang Wuyou with staring eyes at this moment Look.

It seems that Jiang Wuyou's fans are more girls than playboys.

He Yunxiao supported Sister Jiang's hand and went down the stairs step by step.

He had an inexplicable feeling that the crowd looked more at him and less at Sister Jiang.

He Yunxiao is used to being a dude. In the early years, he was often the center of sight and the focus of the crowd.But like Chunfeng Building, girls on several floors are lying on the railings, forming several circles from top to bottom, with high floors looking down and lower floors looking up. It was also the first time for He Yunxiao to meet him.

"My lady, why do I feel like they are all looking at me?"

Jiang Wuyou walked silently, not wanting to speak.

The reason why He Yunxiao has attracted so much attention is simple, because 80.00% of the girls in Chunfenglou are Yan Guo spies, and Jiang Wuyou is their actual special envoy.

At this time, their mentality of looking at He Yunxiao was not because of He Yunxiao's handsome looks, but a mentality similar to "my head teacher was married away, and I want to see who has such great skills".

Jiang Wuyou walked out of the Spring Breeze Building, only to see torches everywhere and a long motorcade.She froze in place, startled by He Yunxiao's battle.

Although there were no gongs and drums, no red flowers and red silk and satin, but in this battle, people believed that the princess was married.

He Yunxiao originally thought that Sister Jiang would be moved to tears, and then directly agreed with her body in the excitement, and taking advantage of the touch tonight, immediately repaid the "money" she owed him with interest.

But He Yunxiao thought too much.

Jiang Wuyou's first words after he was stunned were: "He Yunxiao, how much did you spend?"

He Yunxiao heard that Sister Jiang's tone was not kind, and swallowed the 5000 taels on the spot.

"It only cost 500 taels. I'm afraid you won't want to spend money."

Jiang Wuyou didn't believe that He Yunxiao only spent 500 taels for such a big battle.

He Yunxiao helped her to the carriage driven by Ma Dekuai in the convoy.Naturally, this carriage was not the carriage of the Hou Mansion, but a newly rented one that was even more magnificent.

Seeing that there was still some distance to go, Jiang Wuyou took the opportunity to ask:
"Just 500 taels?"

He Yunxiao hesitated, "It's actually 2000 taels."



"How much."

"3000 taels."

"I can't stop watching."

He Yunxiao pretended to be anxious, and said: "Sister, I still need money to open the shop, it's really only 3000 taels."

At this time, the two had already walked to the side of the carriage.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it was not convenient for Jiang Wuyou to let He Yunxiao get on the car to speak, so before getting on the car, he stuffed a handful of bank notes into his arms.

"My sister knows that you have a good face, but Xiaoer, you should grow up. Face is not as important as your inner face, and your sister's name is not as important as your business. Face is all appearance, power is the root, don't put the cart before the horse."

After Jiang Wuyou finished speaking, he lowered the car curtain, separating him from He Yunxiao.

He Yunxiao looked down at the handful of broken banknotes in his arms, and then looked up at Sister Jiang—naturally he couldn't see it, he could only see the car curtain that Sister Jiang put down, which was still slightly swinging back and forth at this time.

He Yunxiao murmured: "Sister, the original intention of my business is for you..."

The snoring of Ma Xiang, the crackling of burning torches, the shouts of drinkers throwing their fists and drinking, the lively discussions of passers-by watching, and finally He Yunxiao's irrelevant words that no one heard, everyone in front of the Spring Breeze Building Everything together forms a bustling and noisy market atmosphere, forming a corner of Yinjing's night scene.

He Yunxiao walked to the front of the team and mounted his horse with one step.

With the bank note given by Sister Jiang in his arms, he faced north, took a deep breath, and shouted angrily, "Get up the sedan chair!"

There is no sedan chair in the convoy that needs to be carried, but everyone understands what He Yunxiao means.

Ma Dekuai was on a mission and took the lead in waving his whip, and then all the horses in the convoy started to move forward.


He Yuanhao was practicing martial arts in the courtyard.

He is not like some official martial artists who need to build a martial arts hall to practice indoors. It is good to practice martial arts indoors regardless of the weather, but he prefers to practice martial arts outdoors.And the worse the weather is, the more he likes to practice martial arts outside.

Walking in the wind and snow, with bare chest and back, there is a kind of fun of fighting against the sky.

To kill an enemy on the battlefield, one must know how to use a long weapon. He Yuanhao first practiced swordsmanship, then changed to a long spear, and then a long-handled broadsword.

Zhang Jingxian reckoned that it was about time for He Yunxiao to arrive, and after seeing He Yuanhao who was seriously practicing martial arts for a while, he felt relieved.He Yuanhao was playing with weapons vigorously, and there was a lot of movement. As long as He Yunxiao didn't make too much noise, he could follow the plan and settle down Jiang Wuyou without anyone noticing.

Zhang Jingxian knew that it was not proper to do things without telling the master, but for the sake of Jiang Wuyou's granddaughter, she could only do so.You can't let her live in another hospital with a big belly.That way, if someone finds out and spreads the word, He Yunxiao will be completely finished.It's better to put it in the Hou's house to look after it.One is convenient, and the other is that it is not easy to leak the wind.

"Look at the master more. If the master finds me, tell me that I have something to come back immediately."


After giving a few instructions, Zhang Jingxian withdrew and walked to the door.

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

Before Zhang Jingxian could reach the door, she heard that the outside of Hou's mansion was as lively as a vegetable market.

"Hey, which girl do you think this young man married?"

"I don't know. Do you know?"

"I do not know either."

"Why doesn't the son of the Hou's mansion choose an auspicious day for marrying his wife, and doesn't beat gongs, drums and set off firecrackers to celebrate?"

"I don't know. Do you know?"

"I do not know either."

"Who said no to setting off firecrackers!?"

Li Jin got out from nowhere, waved his big hand, and called the servant of Li's mansion to discharge gossip firecrackers at the gate of He's mansion.

"My brother is getting married today, light this firecracker for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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