Chapter 340 is always the last time

The news of Meng Qingqian's "death" was tacitly concealed by Qi's top officials for a day, and finally they couldn't hide it.

As soon as this news came out, the entire city of Yin Jing was a sensation, various conspiracy theories and rioters abounded, and many strange things also emerged at the same time.For example, a scholar hanged himself on the spot, just so that he could go to the underworld with His Royal Highness the eldest princess after death.I don't know what kind of expression he will have after he went to the underworld and found out that Meng Qingqian was not dead but that he died in vain.

There are many strange things in the folk, but Yin Jing's court and civil and military officials are very calm.

Except for a small number of "loyal fans" of the eldest princess, most of the officials under the Meng family either dragged their connections into the prime minister's protective shield, or switched to neutrality to observe the changes.

Several of Meng Qingqian's important subordinates, knowing about the "plan of suspended animation", naturally would not let go of the opportunity to disturb the situation.

Li Gongqin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, as a die-hard member of the Li clan, and the retained power of the Jiangnan Li clan of the Empress Dowager Li Xuan's Zimu clan, naturally undoubtedly still stood by the Meng clan.

Yang Xingguang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, is a neutral representative of the majority of Meng family officials. He neither stays in the Meng family nor goes to Han Prime Minister's command, and chooses to wait and see what happens.

Huang Qinghe, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, was a representative of the voter faction, frantically encouraging others to join Prime Minister Han's command, but he himself did not make any obvious moves, and was even seen drinking and chatting with Meng's officials frequently.

The Qi court, which was already lively because of Meng Qingqian's death, became even more lively two days later.

Luoyue Pass is about [-] miles away from Yin Jingcheng, and it takes two days and nights to send messages on horseback non-stop. On this day, the Qi State Chaotang finally got the frontline battle report: Luoyue Pass, lost!More than [-] defenders were killed or injured.

Before everyone was shocked, bad news came from Yushan Pass, a thousand miles away to the east: Yushan Pass has fallen! 30 Yan troops have entered the customs!

The only good news is that according to Beiguan, the central pass closest to Yin Jing, the enemy has retreated many times and is firmly in hand.

The news of the fall of Yushan Pass and Luoyue Pass quickly spread throughout Yin Jingcheng, and some clever businessmen had already started packing up the gold and silver and preparing to run away.Officials at all levels are even more panicked.

When the eldest princess died, the only one who could stir up the overall situation of the Qi State was Han Wenxin, the prime minister.At this time, he showed good political qualities. He mobilized the Qi army on the front line to block the Yan army, built Yinjing fortifications, and took away the food and grass of the surrounding counties to prepare to defend the city.At the same time, messengers were sent to urge the generals guarding the frontier in the west, southwest, south, and southeast to lead their troops back to the court.

The national strength of Qi State is stronger than that of Yan State. In the case of an all-out war between the two countries, Yan State's national power cannot withstand the consumption of Qi State, and it will collapse first.

The current situation is a life-and-death race, the Yan army rushes for thousands of miles, and if Yin Jing is defeated, the Yan State will win. Except for this possibility, the Qi State will win.

Time is on the side of Qi, but not on Qi's side.

It will take time for the frontier army to return to the court, as fast as one month, as slow as two months.Even the He family army stationed in the next county would take about [-] to [-] days if they assembled from zero and returned to Yin Jing.

After the Yan army broke through Luoyue Pass, the journey was thousands of miles, but it was a smooth journey. In addition, there were many cavalry in Yan State, and the leading cavalry troops would arrive around Yin Jing in five or six days to block and control.Follow-up Yan Army infantry will arrive within [-] days.

The information was delayed for two days. When the information came to Yin Jing, Yan Guo's army was already on the way!

In such a situation, no matter who comes in, it will be a defeat. Meng Qingqian has calculated this point well, so she is not afraid that Han Wenxin will use this to make contributions and rebuild his prestige.

Once Luoyue Pass is broken, Yin Jingcheng's battle to defend the city will undoubtedly be fought.Han Wenxin's poor performance against the enemy Yan army's successive defeats will be the best excuse for Meng Qingqian to attack him and seize his military power!


The side hall of Fenghua Palace in the morning.

When the sun slanted and touched her buttocks, Meng Qingqian faintly woke up.

The little hand touched the side subconsciously, and found that it was empty, and felt a sense of loss.

After staying on the bed again, Meng Qingqian reluctantly, slowly and lazily stretched out her arms to support her body.She was just about to get dressed when she was sitting on the couch, when she heard a teasing voice from beside her: "Mengbao is awake. Why did you sleep for so long?"

Meng Qingqian blushed, and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover her delicate body.At the same time, he looked at He Yunxiao not far away with embarrassment and vigilance.

He Yunxiao got up from the tea table, knelt on the couch with one leg, leaned forward, and reached out to lift Meng Bao's chin.

He smiled at her inexplicably.

Meng Qingqian's pretty face was pink, her tender red lips were lightly pursed, and her silver teeth were almost crushed by her.

Why can't you get up in the morning?And not because someone doesn't sleep at night!
He Yunxiao smacked his mouth when he saw Meng Bao's angry and shy appearance.

The Soul Eater Pill is really easy to use.

More refreshing than coffee.

Eat one before rowing with friends all night, and you will be full of energy in the morning.

Not only is it not sleepy, but there is no standby state at all.

Regardless of Mengbao's resistance, He Yunxiao lowered his head and forcibly sought her lips, exercising his power silently.


It was almost noon before Meng Qingqian had breakfast.

She sat on the couch with her clothes on, and gave He Yunxiao a hard look.

He Yunxiao didn't seem to see Mengbao's white eyes, and he took a spoonful of meat porridge on his own, and fed it into Mengbao's mouth after blowing out the heat.

Seeing He Yunxiao carefully blowing off the heat of the meat porridge in the spoon, the resentment in Meng Qingqian's heart will be reduced.

Anyway, the guy has a conscience.

After feeding a bowl of porridge, He Yunxiao wanted to feed another bowl, Meng Qingqian shook his head repeatedly, saying that he couldn't eat any more.

He Yunxiao smacked his mouth again, looking at Meng Bao's rich mind, he couldn't help asking, how did she grow so much meat after eating so little?
Meng Qingqian was about to get dressed and get up, but He Yunxiao closed all the curtains.

He Yunxiao smiled and said, "Mengbao, I'm going out of the palace, and I'll do it one last time."

Meng Qingqian was ashamed and angry, "You always say it's the last time!"

"I really won't lie to you this time."

It was noon.


Meng Qingqian's fake coffin was placed in the bedroom of Changhe Palace, so these days, Meng Qingqian and Jian Ling have been living in the side hall of Fenghua Palace.

Since "Meng Qingqian is dead", for the sake of confidentiality, the maids who take care of the two of them are absolute confidantes, the number is very small, and they cannot be called at will.

The security work around Meng Qingqian has also changed from the original multiple defenses of the forbidden army, maids with knives, and Jian Ling to Jian Ling's one-man defense.

Because He Yunxiao was often inside the house, Jian Ling actually waited outside the hall most of the time.

At noon that day, Jian Ling looked at the bright sun above his head, then left the entrance of the hall without saying a word, and walked not far from the entrance of the hall.

After a while, Jian Ling moved further away.

Getting too close would violate her privacy. As an upright girl, Jian Ling would disdain to do that kind of thing.

Over the past few days, she has gradually changed from "three feet and six feet" to "four feet", "four feet and five feet" and "five feet" from the door.

It's better during the day, and you can't hear it about three feet away from the entrance of the hall.At night, it is even worse, you need to get farther away, and you have to use your internal force to seal your ears.

Although Jian Ling is a ninth-rank warrior, he has never taken Soul Eater Pills. The dark circles on her face suggest that she stayed up all night last night.

His Highness didn't sleep, how could she sleep?

An hour later, Jian Ling stood back at the gate of the palace without saying a word.Not long after, He Yunxiao came out from the hall.

"Morning, Miss Jianling." He Yunxiao greeted Jianling with a smile.

Jian Ling glanced at the afternoon sun and said, "Morning, my lord."

It was getting late, He Yunxiao left the palace after saying hello.

But what He Yunxiao didn't know was that after he left, Jianling looked at his back with eyes full of admiration from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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