Chapter 372
In the bedroom on the top floor, Nangong Yu'er waved her hand, "Liu Ji used his power for personal gain, and was resigned from the position of shopkeeper of the restaurant. That group of diners, don't act rashly, go and investigate the details."


Nangong Yu'er leaned against the table, the scene just now echoed in her mind.The unrestrained appearance of that strange man really left a deep impression on her.

As the young master of Tingfeng Tower, she has amazing energy.But based on Tingfenglou's family background, the two kingdoms of Qi and Yan, the two ways of black and white, and the army Jianghu, in this land of Kyushu, wherever goods are needed, wherever money is needed, Tingfenglou can penetrate everywhere.With the endorsement of such a powerful force, her status is comparable to that of a princess of a great country.

Ordinary people who don't want to curry favor like Liu Ji, how can they be so rude like that man.

Rudeness is rude, but the appearance is really good.

Nangong Yu'er shook off the distracting thoughts in her mind, her husband's family's marriage was all decided by the family, so she thought about what to do with those useless things.

After two days of driving from Weiguo to Yanguo, Nangong Yu'er was a little tired, so she urged the kitchen to serve the food quickly, and after eating slowly, she was ready to go to bed.Before she could change into her pajamas, there was another noise outside the house.

She got up to look, but before reaching the door, she heard the man's voice again.

"What's the matter with you? I obviously booked this room first." He Yunxiao yelled outside.

"Shut up, kid, don't disturb our young master's rest."

"She slept in Zhang's room! Where does Zhang go to rest? Don't you need to be reasonable when you walk around the rivers and lakes?" He Yunxiao shouted.

Nangong Yu'er walked to the door, but instead of opening the door by herself, she folded a pair of jade hands that had never touched spring water in front of her body.With a graceful posture, he said indifferently, "What's going on outside the door?"

The female martial artist entered the door and reported: "Young master, the kid who robbed our private room is here again. He insists on saying that this bedroom is also his. Young master, this subordinate requests a shot and punches him out."

Nangong Yu'er frowned and said, "Is there any news about him?"

"Young master, this place is in the wilderness, no matter what, you can only find it in Jingtian City."

"Then has he ever practiced martial arts?"

"His cultivation base should be rank nine."

Nangong Yu'er's beautiful eyes brightened slightly, and she said, "How old do you think he is?"

The female warrior said: "In her early twenties, about 22 or [-] years old."

Nangong Yu'er nodded approvingly and said: "My brother has reached the ninth rank at the age of 21. If he is 22 or [-] years old, he is considered to be very talented. This person is also accompanied by two good-looking girls, who is not sure who is the rich man?" The disciples of the family, or the direct disciples of the hidden world sect. I heard that the Fenglou family has a great career, but we have to be careful. To be on the safe side, we still can't neglect. You open the door for me."

"It's the young master."

Nangong Yu'er was still wearing a veil as before, and she saluted He Yunxiao gently: "Master, this place belongs to my family's property, and the top floor is only for use by my children, and I refuse to lend it out, so there is no Yu'er 'Use' the son's room to say."

He Yunxiao spread his hands, "I've already paid."

Nangong Yu'er said calmly: "If you dare to ask how much you paid, I will just return it to you."

He Yunxiao said: "One million taels."

"Bold! How dare you play tricks on our young master!"

He Yunxiao stepped forward half a step, protecting Xiaoxiao and Nanzhu behind him.

"Did you just say that this is the property of the young lady's family?"

Nangong Yu'er stared at He Yunxiao's eyes and said, "Exactly."

"Okay, girl is in business, and I also have experience in business. Dare I ask you, what is the most important way to be a businessman?"


"That's right," He Yunxiao nodded approvingly, "I paid the rent and settled the room first. In this way, my contract for renting the house has been established. The girl occupies my room without authorization. Get a reputation for being domineering. But the girl is the young master here, which means something different."

Nangong Yu'er frowned and said, "How is it different?"

He Yunxiao snorted coldly, "The shopkeeper represents this restaurant, and the girl also represents this restaurant. The shopkeeper rented this room to me, and the girl took it back without my consent. This is a breach of contract and dishonesty. I have 100 million The two prostitutes are honest, and after careful calculation, the girl still earns money."

Nangong Yu'er argued with reason: "This top floor was originally rented, and the shopkeeper violated the regulations first. Yu'er has already punished him."

He Yunxiao laughed and said: "So what? How the shopkeeper violated the regulations, and what methods the girl used, are all internal matters of the restaurant. What does it have to do with me, an outsider? I am just a resident, and now I finally booked the room Being occupied by a girl, that's all."

The two argued for a long time, and a Nangong Yu'er's Grandmaster Realm guard said: "Young Master, I will take this man's life without breathing."

Another master also said: "Young master, you are too kind. Walking in the rivers and lakes, after all, you talk with your fists. This kid doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, you should teach him some kind lessons."

He Yunxiao smiled and said: "Little girl, you can't say it, are you ready to hit someone?"

Nangong Yu'er frowned and said, "They are masters."

He Yunxiao laughed loudly, "It's just a master, I can enter in one year. This uncle, this uncle, is this year your Geng?"

The two warriors in the master realm closed their eyes and breathed, suppressing the anger in their hearts.

The older master said to Nangong Yu'er: "Young master, this old man begs you to learn a move with this young man."

He Yunxiao seemed arrogant, but in fact he had secretly grabbed Xiaoxiao's little hand to ask for help.In order to prevent the Grandmaster from eavesdropping, he directly used internal force to walk through the skin for sound transmission.

He Yunxiao: Master Chuchu, save me!

Xiaoxiao is holding back her laughter.

Chuchu said helplessly: Don't worry about competing with him, and leave the rest to the deity.

He Yunxiao: Sir, can you help me by helping me by helping me?
Chuchu: If you're worried, just pull.

He Yunxiao: Good!
After He Yunxiao, who was in the mid-ninth stage, invited foreign aid, he said to Nangong Yu'er confidently, "Little girl, this uncle wants to compete with me. I won't take advantage of you either. You owe me 100 million taels for now, and I won't charge interest. However, if I beat the uncle with one move, you have to move out of my house immediately."

The master martial artist said: "Young master, please trust me."

Nangong Yu'er nodded, then looked at He Yunxiao and said, "Okay, it's a deal."

He Yunxiao smiled: "I don't believe your 'one word', but because you promised to owe me 100 million taels, I will believe you once."

Nangong Yu'er was laughed angrily by He Yunxiao: "When did Yu'er promise you 100 million taels?"

He Yunxiao let out a "hush" and said, "Shut up, girl, it will affect my performance."

Nangong Yu'er was about to say something more, but when He Yunxiao's expression changed and she became serious, she closed her mouth.

Although He Yunxiao was rude, Nangong Yu'er appreciated his courage to challenge the master.Everyone knows the gap between the Grandmaster and the Ninth Rank. In Nangong Yu'er's view, it is a battle that He Yunxiao must lose.

The only difference is whether it looks good or not.

The master martial artist punched, and He Yunxiao also punched!
Fist for fist!A confrontation between real men!
In Nangong Yu'er's eyes, the two fists collided without fancy, but after hearing the sound of "bang", the windless place on the top floor also collided with internal force, causing a strong wind!

Lean less, stop the wind.

Nangong Yu'er looked at the two of them again, and she found that both of them were retreated by the opponent's fist.

The difference is that He Yunxiao took half a step back, while the old man took a full step back.

Nangong Yu'er opened her beautiful eyes and looked at He Yunxiao in disbelief.

Ninth Grade vs Grandmaster?Won?how can that be?

(End of this chapter)

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