Chapter 467
After two consecutive days of trekking, He Yunxiao finally returned to the Qi Army barracks outside Luoyue Pass.

He came back just in time. He came back too late at night and had a rest all night. As soon as he woke up the next day, he heard the news that the Southwest King ordered a meeting.

A large number of Qi troops were stationed outside Luoyue Pass, and the daily loss of food and grass was not a small amount. If the matter of Luoyue Pass was not resolved for a day, it would be a loss to both Qi and Yan.The anxiety of the Southwest King and the court can be imagined.

In the carriage, He Yunxiao vividly told Ruobao his experiences and conjectures.

Whether there is water near Luoyue Pass still needs to be explored, but if He Yunxiao's guess comes true, it will indeed save a siege battle.

Ruobao was still worried about how to delay the Southwest King's siege request before, but now with the help of He Yunxiao, her brows and eyes are relaxed, and she no longer has any worries.

Regardless of the facts, this conjecture alone will consume a lot of energy. At least it will not be a problem to drag He Yunxiao's letter to Yan and send it back.

The keynote of Qi Yan's peace negotiation is certain, and there will be no fighting at Luoyueguan.

As usual, Ruobao and Li Jin had a meeting in the tent, and He Yunxiao was waiting outside.

This time is different from the past. The previous meeting lasted only an hour, but this time the meeting lasted until the sun was about to set.

"Brother He." The whole afternoon of the meeting made Li Jin, a spirited boy, slump.

Normally, He Yunxiao was not polite to this "nephew", but now that he was in low spirits, he didn't let him ride a horse outside, and then rode in a carriage with Ruobao.

"How is it?" After getting into the carriage, He Yunxiao immediately asked Ruobao about the meeting.

Fan Ziruo frowned, "For some reason, the King of Southwest has a very strong desire to attack Luoyue Pass."

He Yunxiao's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Isn't it going to make him succeed?"

Although the King of Southwest is the commander-in-chief of the Qi army, the emperor still has to listen to the ministers, and the King of Southwest cannot ignore the suggestions of the senior generals such as Ruobao.What's more, Li Jin is now the eldest princess' eyes and ears in the army, and the Southwest King can't just go his own way.

Reasonable people still account for the majority in the Qi army.

There is a water attack with less loss, and everyone thinks that there is no need to take human lives to break the city.

"No. After I proposed the method of water attack, many generals agreed to test the feasibility of this method before making a decision." Fan Ziruo said.

He Yunxiao nodded.

Li Jin said in a timely manner: "Brother He, it's actually far from that simple. The King of Southwest is aggressive, and Mister relies on her three inches to not die..."

"Shut up." He Yunxiao stopped Li Jin's next words.Ruobao can only fight against He Mou with words, not against Confucians.

Ruobao spoke to Li Jin very caringly, "Although Mr. Li is straightforward, he is not timid. If he hadn't spoken, the King of Southwest wouldn't be so afraid."

Li Jin held his head high and held his chest high, apparently not realizing the other meaning of "straightforward".

He Yunxiao thought for a while and said, "Next, we will not only have to keep an eye on Yan Jun, but also the King of Southwest. Before the peace talks come, we can't let him act rashly."

Fan Zi nodded weakly.Even if He Yunxiao didn't say these things, she would do them.

Once the water attack strategy is proved to be feasible, it is also necessary to prevent someone from ordering a direct water attack on Luoyue Pass.The most threatening time is when the arrow is on the string.Once the water attacks, there will be too many casualties on Yan's side, and the hatred value will increase, making it difficult to advance the peace talks.Peace is even more elusive.


With the method of water attack, the barracks of the Qi army began to get busy, and many engineers who could dig wells were organized to go around to dig wells and experiment.

Regardless of whether the water attack method will be implemented in the end, if the well can be drilled, it will also be very good to alleviate the difficulty of using water in the army.

He Yunxiao is much freer here.

The biggest thing to do every day is to find opportunities and be cute.

The barracks are relatively densely populated.This is the case even where the heroines live.Everyone's tents are next to each other, but any movement can be heard.

Although He Yunxiao has the method of internal force sound insulation, but the internal force sound insulation is not complete sound insulation, there will always be some sounds falling outside.Coupled with the quietness of the night, Bao Buqi was overheard by others.So during this period of time, Ruobao and Youbao had a particularly peaceful life.

It's just that He Yunxiao suffers.

The last time He Yunxiao ate meat, he still ate Feibao.

That time, Feibao was fed mouthful by mouthful by He Yunxiao holding a bowl on the bed.Thanks to her master's martial arts foundation, her body didn't fall apart directly.

In Chu Xiaoxiao's tent, He Yunxiao hugged Chu Chu and passed on his skills.

Now He Yunxiao has grown a lot, not hugging Chuchu from behind, but growing up to hug her from the side.

However, Chu Chu is still different from other heroines. Even if Chu Chu sits in He Yunxiao's arms, she still sits upright, unlike some heroines who rest her head on him.

Although Chu Chu does not rely on He Yunxiao, He Yunxiao can support Chu Chu.

From time to time, He Yunxiao looked for opportunities to lower his head and rub Chuchu's face, which made Lord Tianzun frown frequently.

"Concentrate on imparting the exercises. Although the deity is imparting the exercises, you must also focus on the circulation of your internal energy. Don't be distracted." Chu Chu said.

He Yunxiao doesn't care about this.Chu Chu is sitting in her arms, is it disrespectful to her if she still wants to practice at this time?
"My lord is so beautiful, it's my lord who made Xiao He absent-minded." He Yunxiao hurriedly threw the pot out.And praise her without leaving a trace.

Compared with other heroines with high EQ, Chu Chu is a straight girl.

"The deity go down. You concentrate on practicing."

"Don't! Don't, don't." He Yunxiao hurriedly pressed Chu Chu in his arms to prevent her from moving.

"Then concentrate on practicing."

"Okay, okay, listen to Chu Chu." He Yunxiao was threatened by Chu Chu, so he gave up on the spot to find an opportunity to post her.At least it won’t work today, and I’ll post it tomorrow when Chu Chu forgets.

The two of them were teaching the exercises while looking for something to chat with.Xiaoxiao listened depressedly.

Xiaoxiao has found opportunities to fight Chu Chu several times recently, and she has improved every time, but she is still far from defeating Chu Chu.Xiaoxiao, who usually does not practice hard, has also worked hard recently.When she is sure of defeating Chuchu, it will be the day when Xiaoxiao turns around!

Xiaoxiao was unhappy, and unlike Chuchu, she didn't need to focus on teaching the exercises and talking to He Yunxiao like Chuchu did.

She heard a strange noise not far away, and suddenly said: "Wait!"It seems that the old woman is here!
He Yunxiao and Chu Chu looked at each other, neither of them spoke, and Chu Chu silently turned off the teaching.

Teaching the exercises in the military camp can only be done secretly, because everyone lives close together, even if the noise is not loud, the frequency of walking back and forth is more than before.For example, it is very common for Chu Fan to come to see his sister for nothing.He Yunxiao is used to Chu Chu to pass on his skills during this period of time.

However, Fei Bao has always practiced at home, why did she suddenly come to Chu Xiaoxiao?
He Yunxiao held his breath and concentrated, trying not to let Feibao's hearing detect him.

Feibao is not a weak treasure, she herself has a bad reputation, so naturally she has no control over who He Yunxiao is close to, but it is not wise to lose Feibao's favor for nothing.He Yunxiao also wanted to use the Soul Eater Pill to heal her injuries.

Two breaths later, Feibao walked past Chu Xiaoxiao's tent.He Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that she didn't come to find Xiaoxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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