Chapter 470 Li Xiangjun's Letter

In fact, Li Xiangjun had already sent a letter to Qi, but not directly to He Yunxiao, but to Princess Xiaoyue.

With the letter sent by Emperor Yan himself, Mengbao had the confidence to persuade the ministers to push for peace, let the Qi army before Luoyue Pass retreat, and called all the generals to Yin Jing.

There is nothing special about this personal letter from Emperor Yan. The whole official rhetoric is just a very strange sentence in the letter. I have been thinking about the old man for a long time.

Mengbao looked at Emperor Yan's wordless words, but immediately thought of He Yunxiao.There are not many things that can make her "cut her love", nothing more than the mother, the younger brothers and sisters, and another He Yunxiao, and He Yunxiao is the only one of them who has been to the State of Yan.

However, Mengbao believed in He Yunxiao's vision very much. Just by the looks of himself, Nan Zhu, and Jiang Wuyou, he knew what he wanted. He didn't like men, but only very beautiful women.Unless Emperor Yan was a woman, and she had to be a woman no less than himself, Mengbao could not have imagined the possibility of He Yunxiao being used by Emperor Yan.

He Yunxiao's daily itinerary and Meng Qingqian have been tracking it all the time. She is the first to know where he is today and where he is tomorrow.However, Meng Qingqian is not an idler. Even if she knew about He Yunxiao's itinerary, she couldn't find time to disguise herself to greet him.

The battle between Qi and Yan had just ended, and the peace was about to be negotiated. In addition, many of the Yan State secret agents in the imperial court also needed to be cleaned, and the eldest princess was also required to attend the daily meetings. Meng Qingqian was very busy every day.

Just after dinner that day, a group of ministers rushed to see the eldest princess to discuss matters against Yan.

Some main battles, some main harmony, the main battle faction also has the difference between quick battle and cannibalization, the difference between the main battle and the faction is even more.There are various sayings that "Qi is a brother and Yan is a younger brother", "the two countries accept each other's protons", and "the marriage between the two countries".

The high-level officials of the Qi Dynasty, such as the Minister of War Wei Taichuan, the Minister of Rites Li Gongqin, and the Minister of Industry Yang Xingguang, are all included.

As a member of the Li clan, Li Gongqin, the confidant of the empress dowager and the eldest princess, naturally wants to saddle the front and back, so it is not surprising to appear here at night.Yang Xingguang heard the news of finding a water source at Luoyueguan recently, so he is ready to strongly support the water search.After all, he is a member of the Yang clan in Hexi, and Luoyueguan belongs to the sphere of influence, so he naturally pays attention.

Wei Taichuan, Minister of War, was different from other vulgar officials.He is here to submit a letter to the eldest princess to commend the three armies.In particular, the awards for "young and promising young soldiers".

The last time He Yunxiao was named a sixth-grade captain, Wei Taichuan really tasted the sweetness.Since then, he has intensified his efforts, often looking for reasons to praise He Yunxiao. Whenever the Chu family army and later the Houlu army have any achievements, he will write a lot about it, making He Yuanhao feel embarrassed.

Although embarrassing blowing is awkward, it can't hold back its remarkable effect. Ever since Wei Taichuan began to praise He Yunxiao, he has been deeply appreciated by the eldest princess, and he has jumped from the prime minister to the disabled party to become the upstart of the court.

In the Changhe Palace, Meng Qingqian sat in the chief's chair with one hand on his cheek, watching the quarrel among the ministers below.

There are certain things she has in mind, but it is inconvenient for her to speak out, so she needs a sensible minister to be a standout.

Li Gongqin said: "Qi and Yan should be at peace. The months of war have caused losses to the treasury, and the people are struggling to survive."

"Li Shangshu is right, this minister believes that a quick solution should be the solution."

"Luoyueguan Tianmo, can it be summed up in the four words of 'quick battle and quick decision' by adults?"

Yang Xingguang said: "I thought that I could promote water conservancy, build farmland, raise soldiers with soldiers, and stand at a stalemate with the Yan army. In the end, we won without fighting."

"Master Yang, do you know how much food a million officers and soldiers consume? How many wells can these rations be solved?"

Seeing the fierce quarrel among the crowd, Wei Taichuan immediately said: "His Royal Highness, the old minister thinks that it is a fight or a reconciliation, and how to fight and how to reconcile, we still need to wait for all the generals in the army to return to Beijing before making plans. In this battle, our army has won a great victory. The old minister dared to ask His Highness to write a letter to commend the backbone of the army. For example, the leader of the Back Road Army, King Ling, and young generals such as Fan Ziruo and He Yunxiao."

Meng Qingqian's brows twitched when she heard "Fan Ziruo", and then she heard "He Yunxiao" calm down, and said lightly, "Yes."

After the ministers discussed for so long, the eldest princess was speaking for the first time, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on Wei Taichuan.

Wei Taichuan held his head high, a gesture of giving up on me.

Li Gongqin took the opportunity to bring up the peace talks again and said, "Your Highness, I think that there is a water attack strategy, and the luoyue pass is useless, so we can take this pass back at the negotiating table, and there is absolutely no need for our soldiers to shed blood."

"What do you think about Li Shangshu's discussion?" Meng Qingqian said without emotion.

All the ministers were old fritters. At this time, they glanced at each other and said, "I think Li Shangshu is right."

"I think so too."

"The minister reconsidered."

Meng Qingqian slapped the corner of the table and shouted angrily, "You have to negotiate for peace. I am a weak person who dares not fight?"

Li Gongqin recited the lines without changing his face and holding his hands together: "His Royal Highness, negotiating peace is not a show of weakness to Yan, but a humane move to reduce the sacrifices of the two countries. Emperor Yan is incompetent, wars are indiscriminate, the people are struggling, and the sky is angry. The world, we must take the common people of the world as the most important thing!"

Some of the ministers of the main war faction had numb scalps. This Li Gongqin put on a big hat, and it was a little ignorant to say "war".What's more, who is Li Gongqin's confidant?Who did he mean?
"What do you guys think?" Meng Bao received Li Gongqin's answer, and pretended to ask everyone's opinion.

The ministers naturally did not dare to have any opinions, and they all agreed: "Me too."

After the main tone of the peace meeting is determined, it is necessary to start discussing the specific matters and specific location of the peace meeting, as well as the representatives of the Qi party who will participate in the peace meeting.

Generally speaking, the peace commissioner of the winning side is to pick peaches, while the peace commissioner of the losing side is to take the blame.

Compared with the State of Yan, the State of Qi still has an overall advantage, so the members of the peace talks this time can be gilded with the cronies of several bigwigs.

Wei Taichuan, like a mirror in his heart, said without leaving any traces: "Your Highness, the old minister thought that this peace negotiation should not only require civil servants, but also military representatives who are 'both civil and military' and 'good in appearance'."

Needless to say, the words are too full, and the point is in place.Make suggestions first, open a hole, and then fill it with people.

Meng Qing said lightly, "Wei Shangshu has a good opinion."

Wei Taichuan, the Minister of War, who was praised by name again, became more and more complacent in the envious eyes of his colleagues.

The discussion continued to advance, but when everyone was not paying attention, a bird flew from the window to Meng Qingqian's hand.

It's a red whistle.

Meng Qingqian didn't have to think about it to know that He Yunxiao must be here again.She tried her best to maintain a serious expression, but she said anxiously, "Let's be here today, this palace is exhausted."

 The new plot is starting to be a bit cliché, and the next chapter will be updated on Friday night.

(End of this chapter)

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