Chapter 101 – Encounter

Doctor's Hall.

Zhu Shi looked at the stubborn doctor in front of her with choked eyes, she smiled, then turned around, and continued to stop the bleeding for the broken leg.

The doctor stared blankly at Zhu Shi's movements, feeling puzzled for a while.

Judging by the smell... the woman in front of her is indeed a ghost.

You can't be wrong, I'll never forget the smell of a ghost after that close escape.


The doctor was surprised to see Zhu Shi's proficient hemostasis, reset movements, and Yin's forehead, which was covered with sweat. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. could he treat wounds so skillfully?

No, why would ghosts help humans deal with wounds? !

This is not reasonable!

But all this happened in front of the doctor.

...Could it be that this ghost wants me to let my guard down, and then...

…No, no, why should I let down my vigilance as a powerless doctor?

He looked nervous and gulped down a mouthful of saliva.

Afterwards, the doctor clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, stepped forward, gently pushed away Zhu Shi who was fixing Yin's calf, and said:

"Okay, I'll do the rest."

"Ah...but..." Zhu Shi stepped aside suspiciously, and stood aside, watching the doctor's movements.

"Both sides should be fixed together..."

"…I know."


on the street.

Shang Quannai was holding a bone knife in his hand. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the red soul standing still in the doctor's office, and rushed over from the other side of the street in an instant!
Dust was everywhere on the street, and a group of peddlers waved the dust in front of them, and looked into the doctor's office suspiciously:
"Is the Miko-sama back?"

"It seems that it is, and only this adult has this effect every time he plays."

"Ah! My breakfast!!"

"'s all dust!"

At this time, Ganluji Sakura Cake closely followed Shang Quannai, and rushed over as well!

"Is it here?"

Once again the dust was everywhere.

The peddlers looked at each other in the surrounding dust, and they all saw the doubt and incomprehension in each other's eyes.

"...Just now, it must have been the voice of the Miko-sama."

"…um, yes."

"Then... the first one to rush over..."


Shang Quannai stomped hard in front of the doctor's hall, stopped the car that was going forward, and then rushed into the doctor's hall with light force on her toes!


With fierce eyes, he rushed into the room with a bone knife in his hand, raised the bone knife in his hand, and was about to slash at the red soul behind the door.

After kicking the door open with a bang, Shang Quannai froze the movement in his hand just as he raised the bone knife in his hand and saw the shocked people in the room.

Zhu Shi stood in the innermost part of the room, she was holding a purple beaded hairpin, she was covering her mouth in horror, and looked at Shang Quannai.

The doctor was standing at the end of the seriously injured Yin's bed, fixing his fractured calf, and staring blankly at Shang Quannai who came in with a knife.

Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes to look at Zhu Shi's soul in the room, and carefully identified Zhu Shi's appearance.

Finally, looking at the name above Zhu Shi's head, after triple confirmation, he slowly frowned and put down the bone knife in his hand.


Looking at the girl in purple kimono in front of her, Shang Quanna frowned, and a memory suddenly came to mind.

"I remember…"

Zhu Shi, is a doctor.

But she herself suffered from a terminal illness, at least a terminal illness that could not be cured by the medical level at that time.

In order to be able to see with his own eyes and accompany his children to grow up, Zhu Shi tried every means to continue or heal himself.

This kind of behavior naturally attracted the attention of Oni Wu Tsuji.

So, after getting in touch with Zhushi, Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou lied to her indifferently, telling her that as long as she becomes a ghost, she can watch her child grow up with her own eyes.

However, Wu Mi didn't tell Zhu Shi that after becoming a ghost, he needs to eat people to survive.

Therefore, after Zhu Shi listened to Oni Wu Tsuji's words and became an oni, she lost her mind in an instant after expending a lot of physical strength, leaving the instinct of an oni.

In the end, he killed and ate his own family members, children, and husband unconsciously.

Therefore, Zhu Shi hated Wu Mi from the bottom of his heart.

And in the ending of the original book, she injected her body with several drugs, and in the way of self-sacrifice, almost decisively reversed the ending of no tragedy.

Is friendly.


"Why are you here?" Shang Quannai raised the bone knife and pointed at Zhu Shi with the tip of the knife.

If he remembers correctly, Zhu Shi gave up on himself for a while and completely relied on the instinct of ghosts to kill people to vent his anger.

This is also the reason why Zhu Shi failed to reincarnate later.

Because she needs to atone for the mistakes she has made in hell.

But during this period of time, Zhu Shi could not be called a friendly army.

Move your feet lightly!Shang Quannai disappeared in place immediately.

next moment.


Shang Quannai appeared beside Zhu Shi, and he put the bone knife in front of Zhu Shi.

If the current Zhushi is the Zhushi in the period of giving up on herself, then she is in great danger.

Moreover, if Zhu Shi is not with Wu Mi, it is more likely that she is still in a state of confusion.

Zhu Shi looked at Shang Quanna who suddenly appeared beside her in horror, she quickly calmed down, and the information she had obtained before was quickly connected in her mind.

Seeing that Zhu Shining was choking and speechless, Shang Quannai turned his head and looked at the doctor beside him:

"Doctor, what was she doing just now?"

The doctor was in a daze. After he was called by Shang Quannai, his whole body shivered, and then he immediately looked at Zhu Shi who was being held by a bone knife.

He was a little flustered, and replied falteringly:

"She, she was assisting... me just now, assisting me to treat this seriously injured hidden player."

"Master Umizumi! I think...I think..." After the doctor's eyes trembled a few times, he quickly became firm.

"This guy might be a good guy!"

"No, what a ghost!"

The doctor frowned slightly, and looked at Shang Quannai confidently.

Zhu Shi glanced at the doctor in surprise.

Shang Quannai narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the faltering doctor with subtle eyes.

——Did this kid fall under Zhu Shi's blood ghost technique?
——It's a little fast to turn back.

At this moment, Zhu Shi took a few deep breaths, and she spoke slowly:

"This... my lord, I am not malicious."

Shang Quannai turned her head, squinted at Zhu Shi Qingming's eyes, and slowly put away the bone knife.

No lie, heartbeat and blood flow are relatively normal.

"That's it... I'm sorry."

It seems that Zhushi in this period has suppressed the instinct of ghosts.

But just in case, he still pulled Zhu Shi to a place far away from Serious Injury:

"Aren't you afraid that you can't bear the smell of blood when you're so close?"

Shang Quannai brought Zhu Shi to the door of the room, he knew very well that Zhu Shi at this moment must not have escaped Wu Mi's control.

Therefore, Zhu Shi definitely did not transform his body into a physique that does not require cannibalism.

Therefore, Zhu Shi should still be at the moment when he has the same desire for blood as ordinary ghosts.

"...Yes, I was a little negligent on this point."

(End of this chapter)

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