Chapter 112 - Don't Sleep!
【One Type·Thunderbolt Flash】

boom! !

Jiichiro quickly pulled out Raiqie from his waist, and the instant burst of strength pushed the muscles of his calf to the limit of pressure!
He turned into an afterimage and swept across the corridor in an instant!

The dust was suddenly stirred up by him at extreme speed!


Almost in the blink of an eye, Jiichiro had already held Raiqie, and with his body in a sprinting posture, he came in front of that evil ghost!


The evil spirit stared at Jiichiro Inagaki, who was already sticking to his face while gritting his teeth, his face was full of horror!
Immediately, he immediately manipulated the tentacles behind him, and in an instant, almost all the tentacles in the room rushed towards Jiichiro!
A slight sound came from Jiichiro's calf, and he gritted his teeth in pain!

Muscle... ruptured!

It was too late to stop because of the pain, Jiichiro looked at the neck of the evil spirit in front of him with difficulty, and slashed towards the neck of the evil spirit with both arms!

"Go to hell!!" The blood stained the eyeballs, and the Raiqie in Jiichiro's hand slashed on the neck of the evil spirit!

pong! !

Rachel slashed into the neck of the evil spirit!Just get stuck in half!

As soon as the meat whip whipped Jiichiro's right arm holding the handle of the knife, bright blood bloomed in an instant!
A sense of powerlessness came from his right arm!

Next, snap!
Jiichiro's right arm holding the knife was completely severed from his body.



Jiichiro's eyes were blurred, he looked at Leiqie who was stuck on the neck of the evil spirit, feeling unwilling, his left hand was still firmly holding the handle of the knife, trying to cut off the evil spirit's neck.

The rupture of the calf muscles made it difficult for him to stand still, and his body fell to one side uncontrollably.


"Madman!! Do you want to die?!"

In a panic, the evil spirit quickly pulled out Raiqie who was stuck around his neck, threw it on the ground, and whipped Jiichiro to the other side of the room with a whip.

This time!

A tall black shadow suddenly appeared behind the fallen Jiichiro!

Holding a long-handled naginata in his hand, he slashed towards the gap in the evil spirit's neck again!

"Namo Amitabha!!"

Iwami Yanci suddenly opened his eyes, he raised the naginata in his hand high, his arm muscles tensed, and he slashed at the evil spirit's neck!
pong! !

"Cough!! When!?" The evil spirit was caught off guard, resisting the powerful naginata with both hands, and looked at Yan Ci's room that blocked the gap in surprise.

"Are you all crazy?!"

The evil ghost opened its mouth ferociously, without the demeanor just now, and roared loudly towards Yanci whose abdomen was pierced by tentacles!

There were traces of blood red on Yanci's abdomen, he held down the naginata firmly without saying a word!


Jiichiro was lying in the corner, his calf muscle was broken, his right leg was broken, his right arm disappeared completely, and blood was all over his body.

"Ha ha……"

Watching Yan Ci slashing at the neck of the evil spirit in a daze, his chest heaved slightly and panted heavily.

In my mind, the image of my wife Shancun couldn't stop popping up in my heart.

...that guy...still worried...

good deposit...

With the feeling of fainting on the verge of death, his eyelids became more and more heavy, and Jiichiro slowly closed his eyes.

Consciousness sinks with memories, body temperature drops due to blood loss.


It seemed to bring Jiichiro back to that snowy night.




a decade ago.

Snow night.

The cold snowflakes continued to cover the ground, piled up layer after layer of white blankets.

The young Inagaki Jiichiro was lying on the ground, his limbs were red from freezing after being abandoned, and his body was only covered by a thin layer of cloth.

"Ha..." The weak Jiichiro raised his head feebly, looked at the sky with blurred eye sockets, and let out a mouthful of white mist.

Jiichiro Inagaki was born into a samurai family.

But he was born as the twin son of the head of the family.

Twins is an unknown synonym in this era.

At the same time, in order to prevent the two brothers from fighting for power and killing each other when they grow up, his father cruelly abandoned him on the streets of Xueye.

Although he is still young, his mind is very clear.

He knew that his father's actions were a last resort, and at the same time, he also knew the bitterness behind his mother's cover.

He is talented and knows everything.

But a child is a child after all, and he really did attribute the mistake to himself.


" existence...makes you worry..."

Jiichiro turned his body over vigorously, no longer climbing, but turned his back to the sky, breathing in the bone-scraping air that was frozen by this cold thing.

"Feel sorry…"

"If... I didn't exist in the first place..."

"You won't be so entangled anymore..."

"Feel sorry…"

"…Feel sorry……"

"…Feel sorry."

It seemed that when he was on the verge of death, Jiichiro's eyes began to be in a trance, and he seemed to feel his body began to warm up in the cold snow.

Opening his young arms, Inagaki Jiichiro hugged the deep blue and silent night sky, snowflakes kept falling on his body.

In helpless and open despair, quietly waiting for death to come.

Behind him is a long series of traces of climbing and struggling in the snow.

"...I really want to...sleep..."

Jiichiro felt his eyelids gradually becoming heavy, and he slowly closed his eyelids following his own thoughts.


At this time, a childish voice came from above the head, and a blurred shadow blocked Jiichiro's vision.

"Ah! What's wrong with you!" The black-haired Xiao Shancun widened his brown eyes, and looked at Jiichiro who was squinting and gasping for breath in surprise.

White mist came out of Xiao Shancun's mouth, he blinked his eyes, lowered his head and stared blankly at Jiichiro.

"Lying in the snow in winter! It's dangerous!"

Xiao Shancun was wrapped in thick clothes, he looked up and looked around anxiously, and finally grabbed Jiichiro's cold little hand.


He was immediately taken aback by Jiichiro's temperature, and the surprise in his eyes gradually turned into panic:
"I will die! Aren't you afraid of death?"

He hurriedly grabbed Jiichiro's cold little hand again, and began to pull it up vigorously.

While gritting his teeth, Xiao Shancun dragged Ciichiro up from the ground, and squeezed out a few syllables between his teeth:
"...Ho! I'm... super... afraid of death!"

"...Dead...?" Jiichiro's consciousness was a little fuzzy, he watched Shancun trying to lift himself from the snow with a trance.

...what... it doesn't matter.

... this guy... who is it?
Jiichiro suddenly felt that he was wrapped in a soft thing, and the furry feeling vaguely floated on the surface of the skin.

He opened his eyes slightly, looking at the little Shancun who took off his clothes and wrapped himself up.


"Hey... that's right! After you die, there is nothing left!"

"My grandfather and father often said that the most important thing in life is your own life!"

Xiao Shancun carried Jiichiro on his back with great difficulty, and he touched Jiichiro's forehead with his hand, feeling flustered in his heart.

"Hey!! Can't sleep!"

He patted Jiichiro's face vigorously with his small hand, and then walked forward vigorously.

The footprints sank deeply into the snow, and Xiao Shancun gritted his teeth and walked on the snow with strength.

"Must! Don't...sleep!"

Jiichiro was dazedly carried by Xiao Shancun, his head swayed with his steps, and the two of them moved forward slowly in the snow with difficulty.



(End of this chapter)

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