Chapter 114 - Now!Draw thunder!


Somewhere in the mountains.

"Karma! Lord Umizumi! There!"

The crow with the rosary on his head called out to Shang Quannai who had just landed, and pointed out the direction for him to go.

"Yeah." He nodded, then got up again and leaped towards Fukayacho.


Da da da! !

My wife Shancun's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was running anxiously, with an ominous premonition in his heart.



"Did two weak humans push you to this point..."

"Useless guy."

A cold voice sounded in the evil ghost's mind, and he immediately trembled with fright.

"No, it's not! My lord! It's not like that!"

"Get out of here, Naruto."


"No! Please don't...!"


"It's not like this! It's not like this!"

The evil spirit roared ferociously!He stared at the circle of thunder that was approaching extremely fast, and the tentacles behind him twitched wildly around!

Whoosh!boom! !

"Cough!!" Yan Cijian, who was the first to bear the brunt, couldn't hold on any longer, was pulled out by a whip, loosened his hands, and ruthlessly smashed through the wall beside him.

boom! !

It fell straight onto the street!

The terrified passers-by gave way one after another, looking at Yan Cijian who was covered in wounds in horror.

in the room!

A few tentacles swim quickly!It stabbed straight into Jiichiro's abdomen!



Inagaki Jiichiro let go of his left hand, and Raiqie fell straight to the ground!
The five lightning bolts cut off almost all the links on the evil spirit's neck in an instant, leaving only a few bones linking the body!

Jiichiro stared at the link unwillingly, his eyes were in a trance, and he glanced at his right arm on the ground.

...if... is the right arm...

……must be able to…

The tentacle pierced Jiichiro's abdomen, even if he swallowed the blood clot on the handle of Lei Qie just now, he couldn't stop such a large amount of blood loss.

Coupled with the thunder and lightning passing through his body, at this moment Jiichiro's body was covered with evaporating mist.

His eyes turned black, his head drooped, and was finally lifted up by the tentacles, almost unconscious.

Just when he was about to pass out completely, a familiar voice suddenly came from his ear, which made him feel refreshed.


My wife Shancun was standing on the roof, he was holding the sun wheel sword on his waist, his eyes were constricted, and his pupils were tremblingly staring at Jiichiro, who was covered in blood and was stabbed through the abdomen.


Jiichiro is facing away from my wife Shancun at this moment, he was stunned, turned his head with difficulty, the tentacle still pierced his abdomen at this moment, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding:

The pain made his face extremely hideous, Jiichiro panted violently, and looked at my wife Zencun.

My wife Shancun opened his mouth slightly, his eyes were in a trance, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and all the blood in front of him stimulated his nerves.


His gaze followed the bloodstains on Jiichiro Haori's back, the torn right arm, and the twisted right leg, along the tentacles until he saw the evil spirit hiding in the darkness.

There were two sudden rings next to his yellow hair, and golden lightning seemed to flicker beside him.

My wife Shancun stared at the evil spirit waving its tentacles behind him, and the wound on his neck that could not heal.

The highlights in his eyes gradually disappeared, and with tears in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the sun wheel knife at his waist.

An unprecedented anger welled up in my heart accompanied by aversion to evil spirits, and the anxiety accompanied by strong anger crushed my wife Shancun's internal organs!
"Kill you!"

"Kill you!!"


My wife Shancun gritted her teeth and stared at the evil spirit fiercely. He was standing on the roof, with tiny and faint lightning flashes constantly around his body!
"I will definitely... shred you into pieces!!"

After finishing speaking, my wife Shancun clenched the Sun Wheel Knife with both hands and jumped off the roof!He rushed towards the evil spirit suddenly!

Seeing this, the evil spirit angrily threw Jiichiro who was hanging on the tentacles to the other side, and looked angrily at my wife Shancun who was rushing towards him:
"One by one...! It's so annoying!!"

The tentacles on the back were charged and twisted, and then burst out towards my wife Shancun in an instant! !
boom! !

"Hey!!" My wife Shancun stared at the tentacles that were attacking her, and the direction of the sun wheel knife changed, and her steps quickly turned around on the ground!
The blade is surrounded by lightning!Slash towards the tentacles violently!


Several tentacles fell to the ground, twisted and turned into ashes.

But the next moment!
Another tentacle burst out from the evil spirit's body!It hit my wife Shancun hard!

"Wow! Whoa!!"

Caught off guard, my wife Shancun spat out a mouthful of blood, was slammed into the air, and rolled into a dark corridor in the distance.

Jiichiro was lying on the floor on one side, blood was flowing continuously, he looked at my wife Shancun flying out, his darkened vision trembled!


At this time.

The horizon in the distance.

"Karma! That's right there! Lord Umizumi!"

The crow flew closely behind Shang Quannai, pointing down to a row of houses with broken roofs to signal to Shang Quannai.

Whoosh-! !

Shang Quannai nodded, and then rushed directly towards the house!
Slammed into the roof hard!

Smoke is everywhere.

Shang Quannai stood up slowly.

He flicked the bone knife in his hand, and glanced sideways at Jiichiro, who was lying on the ground with mutilated limbs, breathing heavily.

Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes and observed the other person's body.

After seeing the faint red mist enveloping Jiichiro's soul, he looked away.

——Probably because he took his own blood, he won't be able to die for a while.

"Tch! One after another! Another one! You Ghost Killing Squad..."

In front of Shang Quannai, an evil ghost waving its tentacles screamed ferociously.

Sudden! !

At Shang Quannai's feet, Mingdao Raikiri lying on the ground began to shake violently!

The metal blade made a sound when it collided with the floor, and a little bit of lightning began to flash on the surface of Raikiri!

Shang Quannai lowered his head in doubt, and took a closer look at the black blade with golden lines, Leiqie who was shaking constantly.

A figure with yellow hair came to mind.

"…This is."


Rachel, who was lying on the ground, floated up slightly!
Then he rushed into the dark corridor behind Shang Quannai!
It seemed that something was holding Raiqie's handle!
Shang Quannai frowned slightly, he followed the rising breath behind him suspiciously, and turned around.

Squinting his eyes, he looked into the dark corridor behind him.


A burst of dazzling thunder flashed in the dark corridor, faintly illuminating the appearance of the person holding Rachel.


A burst of white mist emerged from the man's mouth.

Four words slowly emerged from the top of his head.

"My Wife Shancun"

In Shang Quannai's slightly constricted pupils, my wife Shancun's name flickered like a snowflake screen a few times.

Afterwards, it slowly turned back into four words that flickered indistinctly with noise.

"My wife is kind"

(End of this chapter)

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