Chapter 124 – Not a drop left

Narrow Mist.

in the afternoon.

Shang Quannai jumped off the roof and stood in the corridor on the side of the lobby.

He placed the distributed blood on the table in the lobby, and labeled the names on the containers.

According to the crow just now, this Zhuhe meeting was convened by him and presided over by him.

Due to physical reasons, it is inconvenient for Ubuyashiki to attend.

At this moment, there are already four pillars here.

They were Yanzhu Yanjian Yancijian, Mingzhu Jiichiro, and Purgatory Renshourou who had been staying in the doctor's hall.

There is also Fengzhu who just arrived, Kazama Chengmi.

"So, what is the purpose of holding the Zhuhe meeting this time?"

Narumi Kazama sat panting on the floor of the lobby of the doctor's building, and asked questions to the other pillars around him without hesitation.

He ran all the way here, so naturally he came very quickly, but his physical strength was also exhausted.

It may affect the physical strengthening link for a while.

pat, pat.

" rest for a while and concentrate on recovering your strength." Shang Quannai narrowed her eyes, walked out of the corridor, and glanced at Naruya Kazama: "I'll talk about the rest later."

He didn't want to lose one possible combat power.

Just like Jiichiro, most of the energy of the blood was used to repair the wound, but did not enhance the physique too much.

"Oh... oh!" Naruya Kazama looked at Shang Quanna walking out of the corridor next to him, and was a little dazed for a while.

But because he was told in advance that the person who presided over the Zhuhe meeting was Shang Quannai, he also reacted slightly and stood up quickly.

"Amitabha." Yanjian Yanci sat in front of the table, clasped his hands together.

Under Zhu Shi's healing, the wound on his abdomen has already healed more than half.

At least I can get out of bed now.

On the side, Jiichiro and my wife Shancun were sitting together, talking quietly.

At this time.

Da da da da da da! !
With the sound of hurried footsteps, the curtain at the door of the doctor's hall was lifted!

"Huh! Huh!" Minazukibai gasped heavily, rushed into the doctor's office, and slowly straightened up, with a crow standing on his shoulder.

"I'm not late, am I?" He straightened up, looked at each of the pillars present, and then was taken aback, his face suddenly collapsed in embarrassment, a little dejected:
"Hey~ is it true or not?"

"Am I the last again?"

"That's right, that's right, Bai has always been so slow!" Jiichiro coaxed with a smile on the side, and with a smile he arched my wife Shancun with his left arm: "Yes, Shancun."

"Uh cough!" But accidentally arched my wife Shancun's injured waist, the latter turned pale in pain, clutching his stomach and being speechless.

Ciichiro didn't hear Shancun's booing together, he was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and took a look.

Just meeting my wife Shancun's complaining eyes, he immediately shouted apologetically, "Ah! Sorry! I forgot!"

clap clap!

"Pillars! Please be a little quieter!"

The doctor frowned and poked his head out of a room with a little irritability on his face.


Then, he slammed the door of the room shut as if venting his anger.

Shang Quannai shrugged his nose, he smelled the scent of wisteria flowers.

——Is Zhu Shi doing some experiments?

A few seconds after Shang Quannai had this idea.

"Bang!" A slight explosion came from the room.

Shang Quannai glanced at several pillars with stiff expressions, and he slowly sat on a chair in the middle of the lobby, with several containers in front of him.

He first picked up the biggest plate and handed it to Yan Cijian who was sitting closest to the other side of the table:
"Today's Zhuhe meeting is mainly for one thing."

Yanci looked at the dark red blood in the dish, opened his eyes slightly, and seemed to understand something.

"Amitabha." He took the plate with both hands and placed it calmly in front of him.

Seeing this, the other pillars moved closer and sat down around the table.

Shang Quannai squinted his eyes, and he glanced around the souls of these pillars.

There are more or less faint red marks on their blue souls.

It's just a little too light to be seen.

"There is one thing you have to face, and it's a reality."

Shang Quannai put his hands on the table, and pointed at Yan Cijian and Ciichiro, who were seriously injured, and glanced at the heavy expressions of several pillars:

"Although you are pillars, if you actually encounter a ghost, your chances of winning will not be much better."

"When you meet a ghost who can use vampirism, your chances of winning will become even lower."

"If you're not careful, you risk sacrifice."

Saying that, Shang Quanna reached out and pushed the blood already contained in the container to the front of each pillar, but did not give it to Jiichiro.

The pillars looked down at the container pushed in front of them, and they all looked inside the container curiously.

Shrugging his nose, a familiar but a hundred times stronger smell poured into his nostrils.

It is a bloody smell with a special fragrance.

The pillars raised their heads in surprise and looked at Shang Quannai.

"You should be familiar with this thing."

Shang Quannai squinted his eyes slightly, and he could clearly see that there was a hidden compartment carved in later on the bone knives around each Zhu's waist.

There are some blood clots that belong to him hidden in the hidden compartment of the knife handle.

It's just that these blood clots seem to be made with a special technique, and the ingredients that actually contain his blood are not as much as they seem.

——Probably the obstetrics and others left behind for Zhuang, and replaced the blood in the bottle with blood clots.

Naruya Kazama frowned slightly, he looked at Shang Quanna slowly, hesitantly said:

"These... Could it be..."

"Yes, it's my blood."

Shang Quanna was blunt, he looked straight at Naruya Kazama with a flat tone, and continued to explain: "Also, if any of you have eaten red lumps before, it is also made of my blood. "

After receiving an affirmative answer, Chengya Kazama's complexion suddenly turned blue, and he frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He had eaten something similar before, and after that, his physical strength skyrocketed for a while.

He once thought it was some kind of secret medicine left by the lord...

No matter what, knowing that what I ate before was actually other people's blood, I would always feel uncomfortable.

The performance of other pillars is also the same, except for Ji Yilang who has been injected into the body by Shang Quannai with blood, and Shancun with a big heart, these two people are still staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Several pillars looked at each other, and they all knew the truth about the "Ping An Swordsmen".

It was a group of half-ghost swordsmen.

Contacting the legend, it is easy to deduce what kind of character the person in front of him is.

This sounds ironic on the surface, but the pillars feel sincere admiration for those swordsmen of the Ghost Slayer Squad who dare to face the darkest age.

Therefore, they all knew what would happen after drinking the blood.

"So, the purpose of your Zhuhe meeting today is to let us drink this blood!"

Purgatory Renshoulang looked at the small plate in front of him with piercing eyes, and he asked questions in a loud voice.

Shuiwuyuebai at the side looked at the small bottle of blood in front of her with cold sweat.

Shang Quannai looked at Purgatory Renshoulang's impulsive appearance, and he smiled rarely:


He showed a smile that was indistinguishable from an evil spirit in the eyes of several pillars.

"And everyone, please drink the blood that's in front of you."


"Not a drop left."

There was no light in the doctor's office in the evening, and Shang Quannai's scarlet eyes shone in the dim yellow.

(End of this chapter)

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