Chapter 137 – The Fear of Takehara
"Karma! Karma!"

The crows were chattering loudly.

Ganluji Sakuramochi, who was wearing a red and white priestess costume, was walking slowly on the stairs. She held some food in her hand and sprinkled it casually.

There was a little sadness on the face of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake.

She walked slowly to the top floor of the house, where there was a small attic.


Stretching out his hand to push open the small door of the attic, Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake looked in.

Unlike other floors, there were only two crows in the attic sleeping peacefully with their heads buried in their heads.

Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake put the rest of the food in her hands aside, gently stroked the heads of the two crows with her slender fingers, and said in a helpless tone:

"He's been awake for so long, how long are you going to sleep..."

After gently stroking, Ganluji Sakuramochi sighed helplessly, and then slowly closed the door of the attic.


As the darkness shrouded the attic again, one of the two crows trembled slightly in a place where the cherry cake in Ganlu Temple hadn't noticed.



Time passed slowly, the sun rose in the east and set in the west, and the moon hung high in the sky.


The moonlight fell gently on Sensoji Temple.

The female swordsman with the words "Shangxian" and "Two" in her eyes kept waving the knife in her hand in the temple.

"Ho!!" She had a ferocious face, her eyes were about to burst, and she slashed the knife in her hand to the ground in front of her as if to vent her anger.

boom! !

The blade slammed heavily on the bluestone brick floor, and the sharp blade was deeply embedded in the ground.

Behind her, several people who were tied together tremblingly looked at her who was going crazy.

"Looking for someone who is suitable to be a top string."

Wuyou's cold words kept repeating in her mind.

She turned her head and cast a sharp glance at the trembling people behind her.

This time!


A crisp pipa sound suddenly sounded!
The surrounding environment changed instantly, and the originally dark and gloomy temple instantly became brighter.

Bright and warm lights illuminate the surrounding environment, and several rooms are piled up on top of each other, and there are inexplicable laws in the disorder.


"Ho cough!" Caught off guard, the female swordsman staggered, and she thrust her knife into the ground that had turned into a plank, supporting her body.

what? !

She was about to stand up and figure out where it was.

But a voice from the depths of her blood suddenly sounded, forcing her to kneel down instinctively!
"The second winding."

The cold voice echoed in the empty overlapping rooms.

She suddenly knelt on the ground on one knee, buried her head deeply, and her face was covered with cold sweat.

This voice!

It's Master Wu Mi!
"The person who is suitable to be the winding... Have you found it?"

Wu Mi's voice slowly came from the front, and the body of the female swordsman trembled more and more.

As the voice echoed round and round, the female swordsman also recognized the situation.

She recognizes the intertwined buildings around, and it is the combination of several buildings she was looking for last time!
Is it a new base?

Before she had time to think too much, she quickly lowered her head:
"Master Wu Mi... Human beings are so weak and pitiful..."

She lowered her head and said in a trembling voice.

"answer me!"


Wu Mi appeared on the platform not far away. He looked at the kneeling female swordsman with dark eyes, narrowed his eyes, and his voice became more and more dissatisfied:

"Have you found it?"

The female swordsman was covered in cold sweat. She choked her neck and breathed rapidly, the two of her eyes began to tremble:
"I found... I found it."

Hearing the words, Wu Cang turned his head and glanced at Naruto next to him.

Mingnu understood, and gently stroked the strings with her hand.


Following a wave of sound, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from behind the female swordsman.


"Where is this place?! Let me go!"

The few people who were tied up in the courtyard just now were struggling desperately, their eyes were full of horror, and they looked around in a panic.

These people are just a few of the more powerful human beings selected by Shangxian No. [-] in the past few days and nights.

Several of them are ordinary members of the Ghost Killing Squad. They are all at the level of Xin, and occasionally one or two of the second level.

One of them was wearing the black uniform of the Ghost Slayer Squad. He looked around calmly and calmly, and finally looked at Wu Mi who was standing not far away.

If Purgatory Renshoulang was here, he would definitely be able to recognize him.

This person was exactly the one he brought into the Ghost Slayer Squad - Takehara!
Takehara managed his breathing even though he was sweating profusely in panic.

Where is this place?

His eyes quickly scanned the surrounding environment, and locked onto Wu Mi who was standing not far away.

Who is that?ghost?
A few days ago, when he was performing a mission near Sensoji Temple, he encountered the suspected missing former Naruto.

He immediately chased after him, but what he didn't expect was...

Former Mingzhu, my wife Yuzi.

The most gentle person in the ghost killing team.

Unexpectedly, turned into a ghost!
Then, as expected, Takehara, who had only drank a little of Shangquanna's blood, had barely reached the level of ordinary Zhu.

I can't resist my wife Yuko who has become the second on the string.

He was arrested.

at this time.

Wu Mi's eyes had swept across the few people who were tied up, and his eyes stayed on Takehara for a little longer.

Just when "my wife Yuzi" was trembling all over, thinking that Wu Mi would blame her, Wu Mi said:
"...well done."

Wu Mi's voice came slowly, my wife Yuzi's pupils shrank in horror, and she was startled.

"Brought a nice couple of people."

Wu Mi's voice was emotionless, and it was impossible to guess what he meant.

Then, the huge lump of flesh rising from his back twisted and rushed towards my wife Yuzi who was kneeling in front of him!


"Ho!!" My wife Yuzi's neck was pierced violently!She raised her head in pain, opened her mouth with sharp teeth, and roared:

"Ah! Whoa!!"

Gudu, Gudu.

The blood continuously poured into my wife Yuzi's body along with the ups and downs of the flesh, Wu Mi squinted his eyes, and he looked at the bulging blood vessels on my wife Yuzi's neck.

"Ah!!" The pain was bursting from the spinal cord, my wife Yuzi's eyes widened, Wu Mi's blood was constantly eroding her consciousness.

At the same time, her hair continued to turn yellow from the roots, and her pupils gradually turned brown.

In the eyes, the words that were originally "Shangxian No. [-]" gradually changed and distorted.

In the end, it became a new typeface.

"One of the Winding Strings"



What is this? !

Takehara looked in horror at my wife Yuzi whose neck had been pierced. He instinctively wanted to back away, but he didn't notice.

A piece of flesh wrapped around his back, and something like a sharp needle had been aimed at his spine.



It stabbed hard into Takehara's spine!

"Hey!!" Takehara straightened up involuntarily, and he yelled heart-piercingly.

(End of this chapter)

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