Chapter 140 – The Village Chief

My wife Yuzi looked around from left to right, and she sensed the general direction of the solar knife's breath, and slowly closed her eyes on the spot.

The reinforcements Mr. Wu Mi said still haven't arrived.

Should we continue to wait?

It's just a stronghold of human beings...

She frowned slightly, with some doubts in her heart.

In her opinion, it is only natural that ghosts can easily defeat humans.

And Wu Mi's cautious appearance made her a little puzzled.

Randomly flicking the long yellow hair hanging down her face, my wife Yuzi's eyes were emotionless, she slowly raised her head and looked at the moon.

"...It's so beautiful, the moon." Almost subconsciously, she said such a sentence.

After saying this, she froze for a moment.



Forging knife village.

"Oh, I'm really sorry." The head of Forging Knife Village was thin and white-haired, and he knelt on the futon, saying in an old and sharp voice:

"I didn't expect to see Master Shangquan in my lifetime. I really lost my composure."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan heard the words, he subconsciously glanced at Shang Quannai who was sitting across from him and was blinking, and then put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"The village chief is here, what's the matter?" Shang Quannai turned his head and glanced at the village chief. He had food in his mouth. To be honest, he hadn't eaten for a long time.

The village chief took a few deep breaths, and he had to be the village chief for more than ten years, otherwise he would not be able to stabilize his emotions so skillfully.

"Yes, Master Shangquan, it is a very important thing for us sword forgers."

As the village chief said, he carefully took a box from the person beside him, and placed it on the tatami in front of him with both hands.


The village head's old hand trembled slightly on the groove of the box mouth.

Da da da da!
Then he pressed it quickly, and finally twisted his finger to the left suddenly!


The box slowly opened a crack.


My wife Shancun was looking at Shang Quannai very suspiciously, and asked Jiichiro in a low voice:
"What does that old man mean?" My wife Shancun lowered her voice and leaned into Jiichiro's ear: "In my lifetime? What?"

"Why can't I understand?"

Although I learned a few words from Ming Zhukou in "Heaven" before, I also learned about Shang Quannai's general status from several Zhukou later.

But he still doesn't quite know the truth of everything.

Jiichiro shook his head slightly, and also lowered his voice to answer my wife Shancun:

"I'll explain to you later, don't talk now."

Ji Guoyuan's ears trembled slightly, and all the conversation between the two reached his ears, and he slightly raised his eyes to look at Shang Quannai.

At this time.

With trembling hands, the village chief took out a well-maintained white short knife from the box, and he could even vaguely see the cold light reflected from the short knife blade.

This is a bone system.

The village head lowered his head slightly, he held the wakizashi in his hand and said:

"This is the bone blade you made back then, and we will take it out for maintenance and worship in the knife forging village from generation to generation."

"It's really a wonderful bone blade. Every time I see it, I will be amazed by it."

"Thanks to you, my ancestor Ying was able to gather so many sword forgers in that era to form the first generation of sword forge village."

Shang Quannai gently put down her chopsticks, listened to the village chief's words, and recalled Ying, the swordsmith who was holding her wakizawa back then.

"The ancestor passed down your portrait through his own memory, so we can recognize you."

"Your sculptures are also enshrined in the squares of each village where only knife forgers can enter. This is our trivial respect..."

"However, the ancestor has never been able to thank you in time. This is the regret of his life, so..."

Shang Quannai's memory froze, and his expression was a little frozen. He slightly put down the chopsticks in his hand, raised his eyebrows and looked at the village chief and the two knife forgers beside him.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.


my sculpture?

Every village?

Shang Quannai felt awkward and ashamed, and he looked at the village head and the others with a slightly distorted smile.

The village head put Wakizashi back into the box, then buried his head deeply, and made a posture of Dogeza, as did the two people beside him.

"Thank you for your help to Forging Knife Village! I am very grateful!!"

The three of them were talking at the same time, and the muffled voice came from under the buried heads of several people.

"No, it's okay." Shang Quannai twitched the corners of his mouth, he smiled with some difficulty, and reached out to help the village chief up.

Then he looked seriously at the eyes of the village head hidden under the mask:

"Please tear it down..."

In the middle of talking about dismantling the sculpture, the village head had some doubts in his old eyes, and finally Shang Quannai choked on his own words.

He waved his hand and picked up the chopsticks again:
"Forget it, it's okay."

"I have received your wishes..."

Shang Quannai sighed secretly in his heart, then he and Ji Guoyuan looked at each other, suddenly remembered something, and quickly grabbed the village chief:

"By the way, when it comes to forging knives, who is the best knives forging master in the village?"

The village chief was taken aback for a moment. He looked at Shang Quannai's smiling expression, and his mind was in a trance for a while, feeling a sense of disobedience of an ancient painting smiling in front of him.

He replied in a daze:

"Exactly, it is Tie Qiao who led the way just now."

"Then, can I ask Tie Qiao to forge a knife for my friend?" Shang Quannai smiled, patted the village chief on the shoulder, and then withdrew his hand.

The friend that Shang Quannai mentioned was naturally Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

The village head immediately nodded as if I understood, and then said in a serious tone:

"Of course! That's exactly what we mean."

"Then, the few of us won't bother the others for dinner, please give us your orders if you have anything to do."

"We'll take our leave first."

The village head lowered his head slightly, and after saying a few words, he retreated gently into the corridor and closed the door of the room.

in the room.

For a moment, Ji Guoyuan, my wife Shancun, and Jiichiro all focused their eyes on Shang Quannai alone.

It's okay for Jiichiro, he already knew about Shang Quanna's identity before.

It's just that my wife Shancun was staring at Shang Quannai with a puzzled look on her face.

He was curious.

My wife put away the chopsticks and patted the table.

"You... Mmm!! Mmmmm!!"

As soon as my wife Shancun stood up, Jiichiro covered her mouth with her left hand and pressed her back hard.

Jiichiro gave my wife Shancun a sharp look in his eyes, then took his arm, smiled and nodded at Quan Nai, the first monk of Ji Guoyuan:

"He wanted to go for a walk on the street, and I went out with him, so I left first."

Afterwards, Jiichiro opened the door in a hurry, dragged my wife Shancun and escaped.

(End of this chapter)

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