Chapter 150 - Can't You Breathe?

Sensoji Temple.

The old monk holds the long rod with both hands. His vajra is special, more similar to a Zen stick, and the end supporting the ground is a sharp pyramid.

The golden pestle reflected a faint light in the dim light of the early morning.

He looked at the two ghosts squatting on the eaves, and slightly changed the hand holding the vajra.

"It's almost dawn." Xiaxian Zhisi's eyes trembled slightly, and he turned his head to look at the subordinate next to him: "Hurry up and deal with him."

There was some disgust and disgust in the downcast eyes.

"Hehehe." Xiaxian Zhiwu smiled strangely, and a light green mist began to spread around his body.

[Blood Ghost Art · Wuli Wuzhong]!
In an instant, a large amount of green mist began to spread over Sensoji Temple, covering the entire Sensoji Temple in an instant.

The already dim light became even more gloomy.

Visibility suddenly became extremely low, and the old monk narrowed his eyes. He looked at the fog that had spread over, covered his nose slightly with his hands, and held his breath.

Poisonous fog?
Fog gradually enveloped the old monk, and he could no longer see anything except the green fog.


He closed his eyes, held his breath, and meditated all year round to calm down his mind quickly.


Everything around him instantly became extremely quiet in the monk's ears.

But what's worse is that the green mist seems to have a corrosive effect on the skin, and the back of his bare hands is already a bit blue.

at this time.

pat, pat.

The sound of sticky and wet objects hitting the ground came from diagonally behind.

The old monk's ears twitched slightly, and without making a sound, he slightly pointed the pyramidal part of the Vajra pestle behind him.

clack, clack...

It's now!

The old monk suddenly opened his eyes. He held the vajra with both hands, and stabbed in the direction behind him with all the strength throughout his body!
[One Type·Thunderbolt Flash·Change]

A cold light flashed across the tip of the vajra pestle, and the old monk glared angrily. He put his body weight on the pestle and stabbed it back hard!


The sound of sharp objects piercing flesh came!
And at the same time.


A smear of blood began to spread from the old monk's abdomen. He staggered a few steps and looked down at the hand that pierced his abdomen.


The cyan mist dissipated, and Xiaxian Zhisi was standing behind the monk.

His hand pierced the monk's abdomen.

And the ghost who was stabbed by the vajra rod and pierced through his chest, was obviously an aggrieved face.

"Old thing, you are useless."

The tone of Xiaxianzhisi was cold, and he withdrew his hand.

While the monk was running through Xiawu with the vajra, Xiasi stabbed him behind him.

That's right...the other party is two people.

The monk staggered weakly, and finally knelt down in front of the vajra.

Xia Si indifferently watched the monk staggering non-stop, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

The old monk's eyes were in a trance. Old age made him no longer have the power he once had. His dim eyes looked at the sky that was about to break dawn.

People's pain always comes from their own powerlessness.

Already... powerless?



Gritting his teeth sharply.

"...Master Thor."

"I would give my life."

"Wash away the sins my daughter committed..."

He raised his head, looked at the vajra who was slowly pulling out the vajra from his chest, and then suddenly grabbed the other end of the vajra!
He stared firmly at the astonished look of the next string.

On the side of the bow strings did not stop him, but with his hands behind his back, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hey!!" The old monk's forehead was green, and he raised the vajra violently!The strength of the whole body was poured into the arm, and then the Wu who was hanging on the vajra was violently lifted!
"Come with me! Go to hell!!"


"Immortal old man!" Wu of the Lower String came to his senses, he held the vajra pestle, and suppressed the old monk firmly.

But right now.

Xiaxian Zhisi turned his head slightly, and his hand moved slightly.

【Blood Ghost · Hypnotic Incense】

At this moment, Wu's eyes were dull for a second.

Amidst the unbelievable power erupting from the flashback, taking advantage of this moment, Wu of the Last String was ruthlessly lifted into mid-air by the monk!
The dazed Xiawu flew high, green blood streaking across the air in a graceful arc.

That is at this moment.

The sun appeared.

The light was like a sharp sword, piercing the sky and cutting through the thick darkness.

At the moment when Wu looked back to the east in a daze at the end of the string, the clouds seemed to be broken, and an extremely shining light appeared in the sky.

Its daybreak.

"...It's so beautiful..." Wu of the Last String stared at the rendered clouds in a daze, and the flowing light flickered in his eyes.

His body also slowly turned into ashes in mid-air.

In Sensoji Temple.


The completely exhausted monk collapsed to the ground, blood began to spread along the ground.

Because of the spread of the sun, the monk who was about to die had to leave.

In the Asakusa Temple in Nuoda, there was only one monk left in an instant.

"Ha ha……"

His eyes were in a trance, and he was panting heavily.

Turning over, he touched his abdomen, raised his hand, and saw the blood-stained palm.

People seem to repent of their past only before they die.

He is definitely not a qualified father.

He abandoned his family and put his children on the front lines of the daily struggle against death.

He is definitely not a qualified monk either.

As a monk, he prays to the God of Thunder every day, and never goes to the main hall to worship Guanyin.

Perhaps, from various aspects, he is not very qualified.

But at this moment, the old monk folded his trembling hands and was lying in the courtyard of the Sensoji Temple.

"...Master God...please..."

He is sincerely praying that he will bear his daughter's sins.

at this time.

In the main hall of Sensoji Temple, there were two familiar shouts:

"Old man! Where are you?!"



Narrow Mist.

In the doctor's hall.

Several pillars sat in the lobby, aimlessly looking up at the ceiling.

My wife Shancun and Jiichiro went to Sensoji Temple, it seemed that they were eager to save their father, and Shancun drove all the way there in a thunderbolt.


Kazama Cheng Mi stood up resentfully, he looked at the unmoved pillars around him, and shouted:

"You guys! You are the pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad!"

"The rare free time, don't you use it to practice swordsmanship!"

clap clap!

He patted the shoulder of Minazukishiro next to him with hatred, and cursed angrily:

"If that owl column was here, it must be humming and humming outside right now!"

"what about you!"

"You are so noisy!" Shui Mu Yue Bai felt a little helpless, he straightened his body, but sighed helplessly:
"This is also impossible."

"After drinking the blood, my strength has indeed improved, and killing ghosts has become easier."

"but now."

"All the ghosts are hiding, and even the crows can't be found."


Suddenly, Mizumuzuki's tone changed, and he sat on a chair:

"Actually, I think it's pretty good."

"No ghosts, no worries..."

Looking at Mizuna Moonbai's appearance, Kazama Chengya choked for a while.

He turned his head to look at Yan Cijian, who was sitting in front of a small Buddha statue in the lobby, chanting something with his hands clasped together.

It will be over.

If this continues, the Ghost Slayer Squad will be finished.

In the end, he was speechless and pulled up Shui Mu Yue Bai.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Minazukishiro was startled, and he was forced to stand up from the seat.

"Come out and fight with me!" Naruya Kazama grinned, he pulled Minazutsushishiro's back collar and walked towards the outside of the doctor's office.

"What's wrong with you..." Minazuki Shiro was just muttering something, but suddenly saw Kazama Chengya turn around.

Naruya Kazama smiled horribly, he stretched out his hand to poke Minazutsushiro's chest, and said in a low voice:


"No, yes, old lady."


Visible blue veins popped up on Mizunataekshiro's forehead, his throat wriggled twice, and then he said angrily:


He was just about to refute how it is possible for Zhu, who is a member of the Ghost Killing Team, to marry a wife, but the figure of an owl suddenly popped up in his mind.

That guy seems to have joined the team after he got married.

Shui Wuyue Bai choked suddenly, and the veins on his face became more violent.

"Today... you will definitely die."

Minazukishiro was so aggressive that he bumped past Naruya Kazama with his shoulder and walked out of the doctor's office first.

"Hmph." Looking at Minazutsushiro's back, Kazama Narumi smiled, and then walked out of the doctor's office as well.

Shang Quannai looked at the appearance of the three pillars in trouble, he rubbed his temples, got up, and walked to the door of Ji Guoyuanyi's room.

dong dong.

He reached out and knocked on the door,

The wooden door was slowly pushed open, and as soon as Ji Guoyuan stood at the door, he glanced at Shang Quannai suspiciously:

"What's the matter?" Ji Guoyuan blocked the open door and tightly covered the space inside the room.

"Are you free now?" Shang Quannai looked in the direction outside the doctor's office.

Ghosts really don't appear much these days.

The ghosts that appeared were all ordinary team members could solve, the ghosts that were extremely weak after not eating for a long time.

But Shang Quannai always felt that something was wrong.

With Wu Mi's temperament, even if he is afraid, he should just hide himself and let the soldiers keep sending him.

But in the current situation, it's hard not to think that this guy Wu Mi is doing some tricks.

No, it's already a big move.

Coupled with the fact that he himself has 600 years of unknown vacancy about Wu Mi, even any variable may affect the present.

This gave Shang Quannai a sense of urgency.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan looked at Shang Quannai, he was silent for a while, then turned his head and glanced at the room.

"It's all right~ let's go~" Uta's voice came faintly from the room.

He turned his head and nodded to Shang Quannai.

Afterwards, the two came to the outside of the doctor's hall together.

At a glance, I saw the two pillars of water and wind standing in the middle of the street, frightened the merchants on the side back again and again, and confronting each other.

Both held bamboo knives in their hands, and the training between the pillars has always existed, mainly to cultivate the tacit understanding between the pillars.

"I'm coming!" Naruya Kazama stood on tiptoe, his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Minazukishiro's bamboo sword.

He who often fights with Minazuki knows that that guy's swordsmanship is very strange, sometimes light and sometimes heavy.

Like... layers of waves.

Must, use the fastest move to interrupt him first!


Thinking about it, Cheng Mi Kazama pushed hard on the soles of his feet and jumped up suddenly!

【Five Types · Cold Autumn Mountain Breeze】

Having eaten blood, his physical fitness has broken through the limits of human beings and reached an inhuman realm!

He held the bamboo knife tightly, and slashed quickly. The slash in the air made the blood in his body boil, and a light green wind appeared faintly around him!
Kazama Chengya fell instantly!

Minzukutsushiro looked at Naruya Kazama rushing towards him from the mid-air, and he changed the original seven-shaped hand gesture.

【Three Types · Flow Dance】

With a sliding shovel, he twitched under his feet, supported by the blade, dodged the slash like a ghost, and stepped to the back of Kazama Chengya.

He didn't choose to confront Chengya Kazama head-on - he couldn't stop the overwhelming force of the whole person jumping off.

Taking advantage of the moment when Naruya Kazama had no time to turn around, Minzutsutsukushiro turned his head and used the fastest movement of his sword moves:
"Seven Types Shizuku Ripple Sting."

The bamboo knife seemed to be wrapped around the sword light, and it quickly stabbed towards Kazama Chengya's back!

Naruya Kazama turned his head and blocked the thrust dangerously.


The door of the doctor's office.

Shang Quannai and Ji Guoyuan were watching the two Zhu fight.

The picture just now was what the two of them saw, after the superb reaction speed slowed down.

In the eyes of the merchants on the side, the two of them changed positions with each other in just an instant.

"Did you see what's wrong?" Shang Quannai folded his arms, looked at Feng Shui Zhu who was still in line, and asked Ji Guoyuan beside him.

"...a bit weird."

Ji Guoyuan frowned slightly, he felt something different from his own in the two of them, which made him feel very uncoordinated.

"What's so strange?" Shang Quannai continued to ask, and he glanced at Ji Guoyuanyi slightly.

Ji Guoyuan frowned, his vision is always in the state of seeing through the world.

At this moment, he scanned the bodies of the two, observing the veins of their muscles and the twisting of their bones.

None of this is a problem.

But that strange sense of incongruity hung over him all the time.

Until—he saw the rising and falling lungs of the two of them.

"I found it." Ji Guo Yuanyi's brows loosened, and he said with some relief.

Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyuan's appearance, and his feet moved slightly.

Came before the two pillars.

"Stop, both of you."

"follow me."

Caught off guard, the two pillars were blocked by Shang Quannai's hand with the bamboo knife, and then carried to the doctor's office.

Ji Guoyuan looked at Shuimu Yuebai and Kazama Chengya, and sighed slightly. He stretched out his hand and pointed to their lungs.

Some helpless questions:

"You guys, can't you breathe?"

The two pillars of Feng Shui looked at each other and stood there in a daze.

Shang Quannai sat on the seat next to him, took a sip of tea slowly, and looked at the two petrified pillars comfortably.

Yes, he did it on purpose.

Since Wu Mi may be doing some small tricks, why can't the ghost killing team do it?

(End of this chapter)

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