People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 156 - Ji Guoyansheng's ambition and hope.

Chapter 156 - Ji Guoyansheng's ambition and hope.


the other side.

The smoke on the battlefield rises slowly in the dark night.

The undulating flat slope was filled with blood-stained flags, and several figures on horseback and red armor fell there.

One is erected by simple long bamboo poles, covered with white cloth, exposing the dome.

It appears to be a barracks.

Not far away, a bonfire set up with a few iron rods was crackling and burning.

The light of the fire reflected and trembled in the muddy water on the ground, and the rattan armor worn by the soldiers also had black dirt.

"Master Jiguo!" the foot light who was in charge of patrolling at the barracks gate bowed his head and shouted respectfully.

The man in the snake pattern feather under the armor slowly stepped out of the carriage. He stepped on the muddy ground and looked around sharply.

In the camp, all the soldiers are ashigaru or samurai, and they all carry a sword on their waist.

A few samurai with strong bodies, like sumo wrestlers, carrying swords and shirtless, were sitting on the ground around the campfire, talking and drinking.

After seeing "Master Ji Guo" at the gate of the barracks, they quickly put away the wine, stood up and said nothing.

These are some miscellaneous soldiers, and the real combat power is at the moment in the tent with the black family crest on the side.

The samurai family known as "Jiguo" naturally does not only have this power, this is just a small rear camp.

And at the gate of the camp, there is even an ashigaru holding a "matchlock gun" in charge of the handle.

Yes, the neon of this era already has simple muskets and even iron cannons, but the shooting distance is very short.

The patrolling people continued to patrol, and the dead and wounded soldiers in the camp lay on the white cloth, staring blankly at the dark sky.

Pretty normal camp scene.

The man called "Master Jiguo" narrowed his eyes impatiently, and his gaze swept over here quickly.

He walked into the camp slowly, shrugging his nose, sniffing the faint smell of blood in the air.

"My lord, we have captured a samurai from the enemy army, and the gun generals are interrogating him at this moment."

Ashigaru on the side followed the man, explaining to him what had happened on the battlefield during this time.

The man didn't speak, but his expression became more and more gloomy.


The man walked to the black family pattern tent, stretched out his hand and lifted the curtain, and walked straight in.

Seeing this, Ashgaru didn't follow up, but heaved a sigh of relief.

The other warriors behind him were equally relieved.

Their leader is a ruthless man who controls the troops with absolute rules and iron laws that cannot be defied.

The kind that even a general violates the iron law and will be killed immediately.


Inside the Kamon tent.

Several generals in dark red stacked armor and rattan armor, with golden Prajna masks on their faces, instantly turned their eyes to the door.

"My lord." Their voices came from under the masks in a muffled voice. Even in the tent, they never took off the black and gold helmets on their heads.

In their hands, they all held a sharp spear.

"Has the person who killed Chongze been found?" A stern voice came from the man's mouth, and he glanced at the few people in the tent with an indifferent expression.

There are three people here.

They are called "Jiguo Seven Guns", there are seven people in total, and they are all powerful guys.

And the "heaviness" that the man said was one of the "seven guns of Jiguo" who died suddenly recently.

The death was tragic, as if his body had been torn apart by wild animals. When he was found, his limbs were mutilated, his white bones were exposed, his stomach had been dug open, and all his internal organs had disappeared.

The strong smell of blood rushed everyone to faint.

There are many ordinary soldiers who died in the same way as "Chong Ze".

Such a horrible death may even shake the morale of the army for a while.

The three looked at each other, even though they were hidden under the mask, they could feel their tension:
"...My lord, we captured the captive who sneaked into the camp, but it seems that it was not Yamauchi who killed him."

The man frowned when he heard the words, and he looked at the prisoner surrounded by several people, kneeling on the ground, covered in mud.

The prisoner was unshaven and covered in scars, but his eyes were unusually firm.

At this moment, the dirty prisoner was staring at the man fiercely.

The man with the snake-patterned feathers glanced sideways at the prisoner, then turned around, opened the door curtain and left while saying:
"Continue to check."

"in addition."

"Chop off that captive's finger for me."



Ubuyashiki mansion.

"Hunting ghosts!"

A group of people rushed over the wall and rushed out of the courtyard with bone knives.

Say so.

However, the night passed.

"Karma! Karma!"

The pillars with the crows returned to the maternity house at the dawn of dawn.

All of them looked a little tired, only Purgatory Renjurou scratched his head and patted the serious Iwami Kenji with a smile.

After spending the night, they found no trace of the ghost.

These days, those hungry and weak ghosts who appeared for a long time were also killed by the second-level players.

If you put the angle of view on Mount Sagiri now, you will find

——Lian Yin's team members are all idle, and they have already started to help Zhu Shi.

The doctor on the side was depressed all day long.

As a result, now there is no trace of ghosts in various regions, and there is a state where they can only "raise soldiers" but cannot "use soldiers".

Ji Guoyuan and Minazukibai stood in the middle of the courtyard. Because of Minazukibai's strong request, today they wanted to create a breathing method for Shiro.

The other pillars stood aside, practicing their sword skills one after another under the lead of Purgatory Renshoulang.

" misery."

Shang Quannai lowered his eyes, he was sitting on the roof at the moment, the shadow of the eaves enveloped him.

There are two boxes of wooden lunch boxes that have been washed and neatly placed beside me.

He glanced at his wet hands, then looked across the body.

Ganluji Sakuramochi was sitting beside him, holding her big sword with a bright red blade, and was carefully wiping the dust with a handkerchief.

She reached out and gently brushed the hair on the side of her face behind her ears.

The white light is reflected from the mirror blade on the face of Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, the slender eyelashes are slightly drooping, the corners of the mouth are closed, but slightly raised, and the three-dimensional facial features are distinct in light and dark.

With the movement of wiping the blade, the hem of the clothes slightly rubbed against the wooden floor.

"呵——!" With the sound of liquid evaporating, Shang Quannai slightly accelerated the blood circulation in his hands, and evaporated the water in his hands.

Shang Quannai stood up without saying a word, the morning sunlight streaked across the eaves and shone on his face.

"What's wrong?" Ganlusi Sakura Cake stopped what she was doing, and she raised her head in doubt.

"It's okay." Shang Quannai shook his head slowly, his tone was helpless, and then he said: "Staying like this is not an option."

The ghost killing team is steadily progressing step by step.

In the past few days, he also communicated with Ubuya Shiki to learn about what happened in the past 600 years.

But it turns out that even the Ubuyashiki family is not particularly familiar with Wu Mi's situation.

Even more barren than he himself knew.

The only useful information obtained is

——The twelve ghost months have changed several times in the past 600 years.

Ubuyashiki Fuyo told Shang Quanna very clearly.

In the past, there were many members of the ghost killing team, and even the pillars turned into ghosts, and were hidden by Wu Mishen without knowing what they did.

In order to stabilize the mood of the members of the Ghost Killing Squad, the Ubayashiki family did not disclose this news to the public.

But judging from the current situation, Wu Mi must have gone into hiding.

And, with his younger brothers, hid together.


Shang Quannai looked up at the sky.

"I'm going out for a walk."

Ganluji Sakuramochi looked at Shang Quanna's back, and she slowly retracted her sword into her body, just as she was about to speak.

Shang Quannai turned his neck towards Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake, and he said slowly:

"Want to come together?"

Ganluji Sakuramochi looked at Shangquanna looking at her, and was slightly stunned for a moment, then stood up with a smile:



Purgatory Renshoulang on the side watched the two walk out of the courtyard in a daze, holding the bone knife in his hand.

He also glanced at the brand new sun wheel knife he put under the roof, the last time he went to the knife forging village to entrust someone to make it.

He scratched his head worriedly.

"... Strange... It's been a while since I've seen Takehara boy." Purgatory Jinshourou frowned, the brand new sun-knife was a birthday present he originally wanted to give to Takehara boy.

There is also a passage written by him engraved on the body of the knife.

After all, he was the one who brought the child into the Ghost Killing Squad.

"...Where is the mission?"

But because of their status as members of the Ghost Killing Squad, they used to have time to meet each other for several months.

According to the previous time, it has been less than a month since the last time we met, so there is no need to worry at all.

It's just that during these days, Purgatory Renshoulang always has inexplicable worries in his heart.

Purgatory Renshourou stopped the practice movements in his hands, he raised his head, and looked at the bright sky.

White clouds floated in the blue sky, reflected in the calm pupils of the red flames of Renshourou Purgatory.

"Purgatory! What are you doing! It's the first time I see you being lazy!" Kazama Chengya's provocative voice came from the side.

Purgatory Renshoulang was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted:

"Oh! Here we come!"

Although on the surface he immediately recovered his former spirit, he still had worries in his heart.

Takehara boy... must... be fine!


In a brightly lit room.

It is not so much a room, but a complex and intertwined space composed of countless Japanese-style rooms.

Even though it's early morning outside, the space is lit with muddy yellow lights like night.

During this period of time, Wu Mi gave a name to the space created by Naruto's vampire art.

"Infinite City"

At this moment, Wuyou stood in front of Zhuyuan who was tied and hung in the air by him with a meat whip, staring at Zhuyuan with scarlet eyes without emotion.

"Failed again." His voice was extremely cold and full of indifference, as if he had trampled to death an irrelevant ant.

Turning around with disdain, she returned to her seat.

Takehara's eyes were in a daze, his mouth was sewn shut with flesh thread, and a blood hole the size of a fist appeared on his chest.

Although there was such a big hole in his chest, Takehara showed no signs of dying.

In the middle of the blood hole, there is a cloud of blood floating.

——That is blood without misery.

Takehara hangs his head, Wuyou is trying to fuse into his blood by not touching the blood belonging to "Umiquanna" in Takehara.

This sounds ridiculous, but it is also true, so Wu Mi has never been successful, but he is still trying.

Because this will make Takehara very painful.

Maybe... the man in front of him is just taking pleasure in torturing himself.

Takehara kept thinking this way.

He didn't know how long it had been since he came here.

There is no distinction between day and night here, only the annoying sound of the pipa keeps ringing.

Every time there is the sound of the pipa, it means that someone from the outside world has been teleported over and has become Wu Mi's ration.

Psychological torture, watching Wu Mi cannibalize people in front of him every day, and his body endured the pain of being hacked into pieces every day.

But under Wu Mi's control, he just couldn't die.

Once again, he was about to collapse.

The sweat that had dried up had long stopped dripping, and the vision in his eyes was dark and blurred.

What is the meaning of being alive.

Looking back, Takehara seemed to have thought this way a long time ago.

Is... before joining the Demon Slayer Squad...

By the way, Ghost Slayer, I am a member of Ghost Slayer...

In my mind, the last impression was shining like a red flame...

...Purgatory Jinjuro.

In the sea of ​​flames, I lay down in the room in despair.

Next to it is a raging evil spirit.

Consciousness has been blurred, only remembering a few white lights.

"Young man! Can you hear me! Young man!"

"do not give up!"

"Persevere! Live!"

Consciousness, awakened from the mind.

"Ho...ha..." His voice was so hoarse that he couldn't speak, Zhuyuan's mood suddenly became calm at this moment, and he couldn't squeeze any tears from his eyes.

If I die, Senior Purgatory will be very sad...

Also please don't beat yourself up.


Under such thoughts, Takehara slowly closed his eyes.

Sitting on the high platform, Wu Mi glanced at Zhuyuan, he tilted his head slightly, and controlled his blood to rush violently into Zhuyuan's heart again.

"Puff!!" Takehara opened his eyes suddenly, the pain in his heart made him wake up from the edge of death again.

This also reminded Takehara of the first words that Jinjuro Purgatory said to him after he joined the Demon Slayer Squad.

In memory.

The blond-haired Purgatory Jinjuro stood in the sun, patting Takehara's shoulder with his broad palm:

"Takehara boy!"

"You are a lucky person, are you sure you want to join the Ghost Killing Squad?"

"If you join the ghost killing team, your luck may be shared with others!"

"Yes! I want to join the Demon Slayer Squad!"

The boy hesitated, but the emotion in his voice was extremely sincere.

"I... want to share my happiness!"

Yes, he has always believed that the world will return to a better place one day.

It was a world recast by the happiness of their countless members of the Demon Slayer Squad.

People will sing and dance there to celebrate the coming of peace.

No war, no demons.

There will be no regrets there.

"Really! It's a very ambitious goal! Boy!" Purgatory Renshourou looked at Zhuyuan and smiled gratifiedly, then he walked past Zhuyuan and faced Dongfang:

"Believe you, that world will definitely shine brightest in the east where the sun rises!"

Takehara turned his head and looked at Purgatory Jinjurou who was walking towards the east, his pupils were shining with light.

At that time, everything they have done will be replaced by peace that actually exists.

forgotten in people's memory.

No regrets.

(End of this chapter)

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