People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 179 – The Fate of the Eloquent Version 1

Chapter 179 – Yuan Yi of the Eloquent Version

"If that's the case... Wu Mi won't be able to escape!" Shui Mu Yue Bai excitedly looked at the few small bottles in Zhu Shi's hand.

"Right! Kazama!" Minazukishiro excitedly turned to look at Kazama Naruya.

But Kazama Chengya didn't look so happy, instead he was a little depressed.

"I still have to become stronger." Kazama Chengmi lowered his eyes, his face was full of disappointment: "This time... nothing can help."

When he thought that he didn't even participate in Wu Mi's crusade, and completely relied on His Excellency Ji Guo and His Excellency Shangizumi to withstand the pressure, Cheng Mi Kazama felt a blockage in his heart.

"Kazama..." Minazuki Shiro looked at Naruya Kazama in a daze.

"Oh, take it easy, haven't you understood the breathing method yourself?" My wife Shancun walked over with a smirk on her face, and put her hand on Kazama Naruya's shoulder in a strange way.

"Right, right?" My wife Shancun teased.

clap clap!

He even patted Kazama Chengya's butt.

After taking pictures of my wife Shancun, I was stunned, and then quickly stepped back with a blue face.

"...Too bad, I thought it was Jiichiro..." His face was livid.

"...Asshole." Veins popped up on Kazama Chengmi's forehead, he glared at my wife Shancun, his hand already vaguely holding the handle of the knife: "Do you want to die...?"

At this time, a tall figure slowly approached from behind them.

And put his hands on the shoulders of the two.

The two of them only felt their shoulders suddenly sink.

"Stop making trouble." Yanjian Yanci rarely took the initiative to talk to the two of them, and he pointed at the tired doctor who was already vomiting acid water outside the door:
"Go and help the doctor, he is just an ordinary person."

"Stay up all night with us, and now he has to continue to maintain high-intensity treatment. He is almost dying."

And see the direction Yanci pointed at.

The red-flame-haired Purgatory Renshoulang had already been fighting back and forth with excitement on his face.

He also yelled, "This is also cultivation!" and other words.

Naruya Kazama and my wife Shancun looked at each other and nodded after hearing the words.

After a breezy post-war hustle and bustle, the crowd began to help share the doctor's work.

Poor doctor, one person has to treat more than a hundred seriously injured people without sleep, not to mention that he just stayed up all night once.

"Quick! Bring it in!" The doctor resisted his exhaustion, commanded the hidden team members and the supporting pillars, and brought the seriously injured patients into the doctor's hall as much as possible.

The eyelids were too heavy, and the doctor felt that there were afterimages in front of him.

However, there were too many seriously injured people, and those who barely survived could only be placed under the simple pergola at the entrance of the doctor's hall.

The doctor who has worked for the Ghost Killing Squad for many years has long been accustomed to the huge workload.

This time I was very surprised, just because it has been a long time since no members of the Ghost Slayer Team were injured.

The doctor vomited acid water, wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked up at the two Jiguo brothers who were standing aside talking, and murmured:

"What's going on..."

He turned his head and looked at Shang Quannai and Ganlu Temple Sakura Cake who walked into the room with Miss Zhushi, feeling a little worried for a while.

Time passed slowly, and the sky gradually brightened.

The blue sky and white clouds in the clear summer sky once again appeared above Mount Sagiri, and only Mount Sagiri was still shrouded in clouds and mist at this time.


In Zhushi's room.


Zhu Shi watched Shang Quannai finally come in, and she reached out to close the door.

Walking on the tatami mats, Zhu Shi in a purple kimono sat on the floor.

"Is there any progress?" Shang Quannai watched Zhu Shi, and he took the tea from Zhu Shi.

Ganlusi Sakuramochi was sitting against the wall, she was in a daze with her thoughts empty.

Zhu Shi didn't speak, but the eyes of the lavender mist kept watching Tomioka Shishi and Hanako at the side.

Shang Quannai noticed this, he knew that Zhu Shi wanted to avoid suspicion.

He waved his hand:
"It's okay, the two of them are our own people and can be trusted."

Zhu Shi looked at Shang Quannai unexpectedly, and then looked at the dead man in Tomioka, frowned slightly, and finally sighed helplessly:

"Since you have said so, I have nothing to worry about."

She hesitated for a while, then turned her head to look at the experimental table on the side of the room by the window.

Shang Quannai followed her gaze.

On the table, five cyan Bianhua flowers bloomed, and it seemed that Zhu Shi had found some way to temporarily preserve the Bianhua flowers in full bloom.

Zhu Shi's voice sounded in a flat voice that couldn't hear the emotion:
"Thanks to the first blue Bana flower sent by Miss Ganlusi this time, I have benefited a lot."

As she said that, she suddenly leaned over to face Shang Quannai and made the movement of Dogeza, and the voice came in a muffled voice:

"Please also forgive my selfish behavior."

Shang Quannai narrowed his eyes, he looked at Zhu Shi helplessly.

How many people have done this in front of him already?
"…What's wrong?"

Shang Quannai was a little puzzled, he frowned and helped Zhu Shi up, but she insisted on keeping the movement and bent down again.

"...What did you do?" In desperation, Shang Quannai could only ask the corners of his mouth twitching in the innocent eyes of the two children beside him.

At this time, he suddenly regretted not listening to Zhu Shi's words, and kicked the two children out.

Zhu Shi lowered his head, his voice trembled slightly, and Shang Quannai, who had just fought Wu Mi not long ago, was contaminated with some Wu Mi's aura:

"I, when the blue Bianhua was about to wither, I ate the rhizome of the blue Bianhua in desperation."

"Although the contact time is very short, I probably know the effect of eating the rhizome."

As she said that, she raised her head, and her eyes shrouded in purple mist looked timidly at Shang Quannai:
"...I even fed that thing to Miss Yuko."

Just when Zhu Shi mentioned "rhizome", the expression of Tomioka's dead man changed obviously, and he looked at Zhu Shi in astonishment.

Shang Quannai's expression didn't change. He glanced at the blue Bana flowers cultivated and transplanted on the experimental bench. There were still five of them there.

After developing the potion to transform back into human beings and limit splitting, Zhu Shi ate one and there were 5 left.

That is to say... only one of the first three kinds of cyan Bana flowers is consumed.

Shang Quannai suddenly felt as if he had fought a battle of wealth.

"And then?" he asked.

Zhu Shi lowered his head again, his tone became hesitant:

"...Miss Yuko and I, by now, probably already..."

"It's completely out of Wu Mi's control."

Shang Quannai stared at Zhu Shi, speechless for a moment.

Oops, my family's Zhu Shi won't lose his mind.

Ganlusi Sakura Cake on the side also tilted his head, looking at Zhu Shi suspiciously.

"Isn't this a good thing? There is nothing to blame yourself for."

Ganluji Sakuramochi first questioned Zhushi, and Shang Quannai then nodded:
"That's right, it's nothing serious, get up quickly."

Zhu Shi frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable: "Because... the blue Bana flower should be eliminated without misery..."

And right now.

The dead soldier Tomioka who had been silent on the side suddenly spoke, and his extremely flat voice revealed a piece of news that only he knew:
"The Ghost King also ate the blue Bianhua."

"And all he ate was the rhizome."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Shi was stunned.

She seemed to think of something, and her pupils shrank subconsciously.

Shang Quanna glanced sideways at the dead man in Tomioka, and suddenly remembered what Tanji had said before.

It seems that it was said that the first dead man only had a root... I thought that the root could not last to reach the deep mountain.

However, if you think according to inertia.

Zhu Shi took the green Bana flower and escaped from Wu Mi's control.

And Wu Mi also ate the same part of the blue Bana flower at the same time, so Zhu Shi...

It should have no effect, right?
Shang Quannai frowned, and he was silent for a while.

He just watched the plot of Ghost Slayer, so he doesn't know much about the real anther sex of the blue other side.

In this changing situation, Shang Quannai fell into a very passive state.

Tomioka Shishi observed the change of Zhu Shi's expression.

But Zhu Shi was only a little surprised, and his mood didn't fluctuate much.

After all, they are hundreds of years old.

"I don't know exactly what will happen." Tomioka dead man added a sentence slowly, and then stopped talking: "However, the situation will not be too good."


Just when several people were talking.

Outside the doctor's office.


There was a rush of hoofbeats, followed by the sound of the carriage stopping.

On the carriage, the totem of the wisteria flower and the crest of the Ubuyashiki family are engraved.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a worried female voice came slowly:

"Fu Shi, be careful, you can walk just now..."

And the next moment, a foot wearing wooden clogs stepped on the ground in front of the doctor's hall.


"It's okay, Chen Ji." Fuyo Ubuyashiki narrowed his eyes against the wind, he felt the changes in his body at this moment, and straightened up:
"I've never been brave."

The white feathers fluttered slightly in the wind, his black and lavender eyes were downcast, and he looked at the doctor's hall in front of him with relief.

With the clear summer sky above his head, Fuyo Miyashiki smiled and picked up the crutch beside him.

Fuyo Miyashiki felt very good about the feeling of his body being reborn.

——I haven’t been to this place for many years.

Fuyo Ubayashiki looked around, feeling a little bit in a trance like revisiting his old place.

The breeze blew past Yashiki Fuyo's forehead, and he could vaguely see some dark purple scars under the hair on his forehead.

Although the curse has not been completely removed, the current state is enough for him to have time to explain his funeral.

When Chen Ji heard the words, she also got off the carriage helplessly. She looked at Miyashiki Fuyo and sighed:
"I know, I know."


"Haven't you always been trying to be brave?" Chen Ji was also very happy to see that her husband had returned to a safe and sound state, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

The children of the two stood aside, with no innocent expression on their young faces. Although they were immature, they were full of "thoughtful thinking".

Just then.

There was a conversation at the entrance of the alley next to it, which attracted Fuyo Miyashiki's attention.

"Big brother." Ji Guoyuan shouted worriedly as he chased after Ji Guoyansheng.

"...What do you want to say." Yan Sheng stopped, turned his head with a stern expression, and looked at his younger brother quietly.

Just when Yuanyi was about to speak, Yan Sheng interrupted him again:
"To be with these people... just let me down."

Facing his elder brother's denial, Ji Guoyuan opened his mouth, then slowly closed it again.

He wanted to refute, but felt that he didn't seem to notice his brother's emotions.

"Good morning, both of you." At this time, a gentle and magnetic male voice came from behind Ji Guoyuan, making Yansheng subconsciously look behind him.

"Your Excellency is Jiguo Yansheng, Mr. Yansheng, is it okay to call you like this?"

Miyashiki Fuyo smiled. He was leaning on a cane, but the rocker was unusually straight, and the pattern of flames on the hem of his clothes was very bright.

pat, pat.

Stepping on clogs and holding a cane, Fuyo Ubuyashiki slowly stood beside Ji Kuni.

"...Are you?" Ji Kuniyan Katsu's tone became flat, and he looked up and down Ubuyashiki Fuyo.

Yuanyi turned his head in surprise, he was a little worried when he saw Fuyo Miyashiki walking in a healthy state.

"Cough cough." Fuyo Ubuyashiki coughed twice habitually, and then he realized it himself, and smiled awkwardly:
"I am now... the protagonist of the Demon Slayer Squad, Fuyo Ubuyashiki."

With that said, he turned his head and nodded to Ji Guoyuan, who looked worried, and explained:

"Don't worry, the curse should be thanks to you, I'm much better now."

Ji Guoyan was expressionless.

...My lord?
Is that the leader?

The name... probably was also mentioned by Yuanyi.

He didn't speak, Ji Kuniyan Katsu looked at Fuyo Ubuyashiki who was weak and could see through at a glance.

Only then did I realize that I was fascinated by other people.

——My own thoughts should be on Yuanyi, and I shouldn't focus on looking at others.

He hung his head, thinking he had figured it out.

And at this moment, Fuyo Ubuyashiki spoke again:

"I can probably understand what Yan Sheng-kun said just now."

"However, the truth is not what Iwakatsu-kun thinks."

Jikuni Iwakatsu frowned slightly, he vaguely felt something similar to Jikuni Enichi in Ubuyashiki Fuyo.

What is it? !

"Everyone in the Ghost Killing Team joined the Ghost Killing Team for various reasons."

Miyashiki Fuyo lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly, he seemed to think of someone from the Demon Slayer Squad.

"In some places, group attitudes tend to distort individual wishes."

Ji Guoyansheng frowned tightly, he stepped back half a step, his eyes kept scanning back and forth on Miyashiki Fuyo and Ji Guoyuan.

At this moment, he seemed to understand what kind of person Miyashiki Fuyo was.

Ubashiki Fuyo noticed the strangeness of Ji Kuniwakatsu, but he didn't bring it up, but continued to talk.

"But in the Ghost Killing Squad, we have only one goal."

— “Go and tell people that we have a future.”

Ubuyashiki looked at Ji Kuniwakatsu, he smiled softly:

"The word "future" always carries too much expectation."

"However, people who have been confused for so long really need an answer."

"Right, Iwakatsu-kun."

At this moment, Ubuyashiki Fuyo and Jikuni Iwakatsu looked at each other.

Both of them have a bottom in their hearts.

Ji Guoyansheng also fully understood why Ubuyashiki Fuyo gave him a particularly familiar feeling.

--This guy.

——It is the very talking version of Enichi.

(End of this chapter)

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