Chapter 189 - What is top-level prediction?

mountain top.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan sat on the ground, in front of him was Ji Guoyan Sheng who had fallen asleep.

"Master Yuan, Master Yansheng, we will send you down the mountain..." Team member Yin was squatting beside Ji Guoyuan, asking cautiously, "Is that okay?"

Ji Guoyuan just lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

It wasn't until a while later that the waiting team member's legs were numb, and Yuanyi slowly said:

"No need, I can just go down the mountain with my brother on my back."

" lord's order..." Team member Yin looked a little embarrassed, he opened his hand, as if he wanted to say something more.

But it was interrupted by Ji Guoyuan.

Ji Guoyuan turned his head slightly to face Yin's team members, but his eyes were fixed on the sleeping Ji Guoyan Sheng, with a very strange expression:

"Do not bother."

After a pause, Yuan Yi opened his mouth hesitantly:
"...Thank you, my lord, for me."

Although his intentions were good, his slightly stiff tone made people feel ordered.

"I...I understand, Master Yuan." The Yin team member squatted back in fright, some cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and stood up slowly:
"Then, I'm leaving now."

"Well, it's hard work." Yuan nodded, then turned his sideways face back, and continued to look at the sleeping Iwakatsu.

Team member Yin took one last look at Ji Guo Yuan Yi and Ji Guo Yan Sheng, then sighed helplessly, and walked slowly down the mountain by himself.

In the grass behind Ji Guoyuan.

The ninja crouched in the grass, with a pair of sharp eyes scanning the surroundings left and right, holding a kunai with a flickering cold light in his hand.

Just as he was looking around, the ninja suddenly noticed.

——Ji Guoyuan stood up.

He raised his head in astonishment and looked forward.

Ji Guoyuan bent down and picked up his sleeping brother.

Afterwards, Yuan tried several times with a blank face to carry Ji Guoyan Sheng on his back in different ways.

However, because Iwakatsu was in a deep sleep, it was extremely easy to fall off his back, and all of them ended in failure.

In the end, in the surprised eyes of the ninja.

Ji Guoyuan put Ji Guoyan Sheng on his shoulders, and slowly left the top of the mountain.


Halfway up the mountain.

Today's shrine closed the passage to pray and draw lots early.

Because the building floated on the top of Sagiri Mountain all day long, after the Infinity City disappeared, many people flocked to the mountain instead.

But they did not forget the rules, honestly and curiously looked towards the top of the mountain in the shrine, and finally hung their wishing horses on the Shimenawa rope next to them.

"Master Miko rested very early today..."

"Well, usually at this time, you can still see Miko-sama in the shrine."

"Is it because of what happened this morning?"

"Didn't you notice that there are many foreign warriors on the street of the doctor's building, it should be related to this..."

"Don't discuss these in the shrine, let's go down the mountain first."

Noisy criticism sounded on the bluestone steps, and this evening, the mountain road on Sawu Mountain was as crowded as a festival.


Behind the main hall of the shrine.

In the meeting room.

The "Miko-sama" that everyone was talking about outside was holding her cheek with her hands at the moment, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

——What are these two talking about?
Kanroji Sakuramochi frowned tightly, she shifted her gaze from Shang Senna to Ubuyashiki Fuyo suspiciously.

There seemed to be a big question mark above his head.

At this moment, Shang Quannai also frowned slightly, and put his hand on his chin.

For a while, those who understood and those who did not understand were silent.

At this moment, the current situation is like two nails and a hemp rope tied in the middle.

The two ends are fixed, but the process in the middle is completely unpredictable.

Shang Quannai lowered his head and pondered, a very complicated possibility suddenly came to his mind.

At first glance, the possibility of that happening is not high, or even very low.

So low that he had never considered it before.

But after careful consideration, Shang Quannai felt more and more that this was possible.

He frowned.

Da, da, da, fingers tapped on the table, Shang Quanna raised his head, and looked solemnly at Fuyo Ubayashiki:

"Your current foresight... about how long can you see the picture in the future?"

"Aside from that, is there any commonality? It's like the 'established future' you mentioned just now."

Fuyo Miyayashiki heard the words, his eyebrows drooped slightly, he said with a smile, his tone was a little embarrassed:
"In terms of commonality... one should count."

"Our family's predictive ability and the things we foresee are all related to us."

"No, it's better to say that it is because we have foreseen that kind of picture and have artificial deliberation, so it is related to us."

"...It's a bit complicated to explain in detail..." Fuyo Ubuyashiki frowned slightly, and he was sorting out the words in his heart.

"I probably understand." Shang Quannai thought for a while, then nodded, and he signaled Fuyo Miyashiki that he didn't need to explain further: "Then, is there any...restriction on the time span?"

Miyashiki Fuyo smiled helplessly and sighed:
"My ability is far less powerful than the ancestors of the past. The longest time I saw it was only three months later."

"And, only that one time."


Three months is short term.

Excluding the prophecy screen is the possibility of forming a team to attack the Infinite City again after many years.

Shang Quannai's constantly tapping fingers stopped, and he let go of his hand against his chin:

"That means... this 'established fact' in the Infinite City will inevitably happen within three months."

"If this 'established future' remains correct forever, it means..." Shang Quannai paused, his eyes flickering:
"...Even if we don't act according to our original plan..."

Speaking of this, Shang Quanna and Ubuyashiki Fuyo looked at each other.

Ubuyashiki looked at Shang Quanna's eyes, and his pale eyes lighted up slightly.

As if they had a tacit understanding, the thoughts of the two collided immediately.

He held back the emotions in his heart, turned his head and looked at Chen Ji, and then said:

"It seems that His Excellency Kamizumi thinks the same as us..."

On the side, Ganlusi Sakura Cake's eyes became more and more confused.



outside the room.

In the hallway of the shrine hall.

Da-da, da-da.

Ji Guoyuan carried the sleeping Ji Guo Yansheng on his shoulders, and he walked in the shrine with his head stuck out.

—Remember... Nai seems to be headed in this direction.

He looked around, with a little doubt on his calm expression.

At this time.

Fragmentary chatter reached Ji Guo Yuanyi's ears, and he immediately turned his head and looked towards the direction behind the main hall.

The earrings on the ears are also flickering.

"Is it there?"

Yuan Yi straightened his shoulders, made his elder brother on his shoulders firmer, and walked towards the direction where he heard the voice.


inside the room.

"Please see."

Ubuyashiki brought a piece of paper from the side and placed it on the table.

Shang Quanna was not surprised when she heard Ubuyashiki Fuyo's words, after all, the other party has been researching countermeasures here for a whole day.

He raised his head slightly, and he looked at the paper on the table.

What was written on the paper was the detailed content of the original plan of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

——Take the initiative to attack and approach the infinite city.

A straight line is drawn behind it, connecting a noun "prediction picture".

Parallel to it, there is another line, and the end point of that line is also connected to the "predictive picture", which represents another possibility.

Fuyo Miyashiki smiled, his tone was calm, although his eyes were a little tired, but his spirit was slightly excited:
"As His Excellency Shangquan said, if we act according to the original plan, then the occurrence of the foresight screen in Infinite City is expected and reasonable."

"Although there may be other variables, it is reasonable to think from inertial thinking."

At this time, Shang Quannai nodded, and he expressed his thoughts:

"However, things that are foreseen are established and will not change."

"So, even if we don't take the initiative to attack, the future of Infinity City will happen."

"That's right." Fuyo Ubuyashiki regained his energy, he nodded, and straightened his waist slightly:
"In the case where we stand still, there is only one greatest possibility for the prediction to still occur."

The two looked at each other and paused.

Then said at the same time:

——"Wu Mi took the initiative to attack."

After speaking, the two fell silent again.

Shang Quannai's open mouth slowly closed.


Wu Mi took the initiative to attack, this kind of thing sounds very nonsense.

Well, the adjective outrageous is no longer used.

But other than that, it seems that no other possibility can be thought of for a while.

"It sounds... a little impossible."

Fuyo Miyashiki's expression froze for a while, and he spoke in an embarrassing manner, with a rare embarrassment appearing on his face.

The previous discussions were all with Chen Ji, and the ideas of the old couple were the same.

Therefore, Fuyo Ubuyashiki fell into a state of spectators clearing up and authorities bewildered for a while.

When Ubuyashiki and monk Izumi discussed to the end, he suddenly realized his fatal mistake.

——Wu Mi, who was seriously injured, is currently recovering his strength in Edo Castle.

——I'm afraid I don't even have the ability to take the initiative to attack, let alone the mentality.

Although in the previous thinking, there was a motive for thinking about Wu Mi's attack.

The motive is very simple, it is the blue Bana flower that was nurtured by Shang Quannai with blood and handed over to Zhu Shi to take care of.

Attacking for the blue Bana flower is the perfect motive.

but now…

"Shangquan...what do you think?" He rubbed his temples, stabilized his voice, and asked Shang Quannai.

If this possibility is not established, then their discussion tonight... can only be regarded as a waste of time.

Shang Quannai looked at the table full of planning papers, and he was silent for a while.


After pondering, Shang Quannai finally spoke:

"The future without prediction is changing rapidly."

"There may be thousands of different ways to show the final fixed image, but we didn't think of it."

After finishing speaking, Shang Quanna smiled comfortingly at Fuyo Ubuyashiki.

At this time.


The door opened behind him.

Moonlight spilled into the room through the open door, and a person's shadow was reflected in the room.

Shang Quannai turned her head subconsciously, and looked behind her against the moonlight.

"I think it's possible."

It is the first of the country.

As soon as Ji Guoyuan carried Yansheng on his shoulders, he stood against the light, as if his whole body was shrouded in shadow, and he repeated his words again:
"It's possible."

Ubuyashiki looked at Enichi Ji Kuni who suddenly barged in in astonishment.

His gaze slowly moved to the opponent's shoulder, like Ji Guoyansheng of a dead fish, he stood up quickly and reacted:
"Your Excellency Jiguo, put down Your Excellency Yansheng first..."

"En." Ji Guoyuan nodded, he put his elder brother on his shoulders aside, and carefully arranged Yansheng's movements so that he looked like he was sleeping.

After seeing Katsuji Kuniwa sleeping peacefully, Fuyo Ubayashiki looked at the two brothers with some relief for a while.

He looked at Ji Guoyuan:

"Your Excellency Ji Guo...why did you say that just now?"

As soon as Ji Guoyuan put the bamboo on the side under Yansheng's head, he turned his head and lowered his eyes slightly:
"Wu Mi...he won't attack directly."

"...Is that so..." Fuyo Ubuyashiki raised his head slightly, his eyes lit up.

As soon as the word "frontal attack" came out, Ubuyashiki immediately understood the meaning of Tsukuni Enichi.

Although Wu Mi will not attack directly.

But he can achieve his goal by all other means.

As long as this motivation is enough to make Wu miserable desire, this hypothesis can be established.

The purpose, in other words, is the motivation for the innocent action...

As soon as Ji Guoyuan raised his head, he exchanged a glance with Shang Quanna and Ubuya Shiki Fushi.

100% thought synchronization rate
The motivation is—

"The blue flower on the other side." Shang Quannai said without thinking:

"The blue Bana flower can make Wu Mi completely immune to the sun's erosion, and Wu Mi is seriously injured at the moment."

Shang Quanna looked at the purple scar on Fuyo Ubuyashiki's face, which was already paler than before:

"It can be seen from the curse of Yuyashiki that Wu Mi must have been on the verge of death during this period of time."

"When a dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall." Shang Quannai said firmly.

When Wu Mi was on the verge of death, would he suddenly change his temperament and come back to fight back...

In Shang Quannai's view, it is very likely that it will.

In the original book, before Wu's tragic death, he suddenly realized, and even said that he "understood the practice of the ghost killing team, and was moved by the spirit of the ghost killing team for thousands of years."

Then backhand injected all the cells into Tanjiro.

Since Fuyo Ubuyashiki's body has almost recovered, he has spoken more and more:
"In order to survive...a surprise attack on Sagiri Mountain and capture the blue Bana."

Ji Guoyuan suddenly interjected: "Run away immediately after grabbing it, just like before."

"It's very his style." Shang Quannai nodded silently.

But when it comes to now, it is only on paper after all, and it is not clear whether this assumption is reliable or not.

But there must be something to look into.

The next moment, Shang Quannai stood up, glanced sideways at the silent ninja who was sticking to the door, and said in thought:

"There are tens of millions of possibilities in the predicted future, so let's write down this assumption first."

He turned his head, glanced at the moon outside, then walked out of the room, and waved to the two people in the room behind him:
"I'll go to Zhu Shi first."

Ji Guoyuan and the other two watched Shang Quannai's back without speaking.

in the room.

In the corner, Ganluji Sakuramochi, who was lying down, slowly raised her head and rubbed her sleepy eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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