Chapter 191 – Yushiro Yamamoto

In Zhushi's room.

Her expression was a little embarrassed, she lowered her eyes slightly, and thought for a while:
"Kamiizumi-sama... is very bad at lying."

Zhu Shi held a cup of tea in her hand, the edge of the cup was decorated with a petal of cherry blossoms, she blew gently.

Shang Quannai's face was sullen, his face was expressionless, and he glanced sideways at the doctor beside him:

" it obvious?"

The doctor was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with some shame: ""

And Zhu Shi, who was sitting opposite, was looking at the reflection of the tea in the teacup in his hand.

caught in a tangle.

According to Shang Quannai, the green Bianhua really needs her to take care of her.

But in this case... she can only stay in Sawu Mountain.

And unable to follow the main force of the ghost killing team to approach Wu Mi together.

——The plan to die together will destroy the middle way.

The doctor on the side was obviously also aware of this problem, and his expression became obviously joyful.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw Zhu Shi's gloomy expression.

The doctor's joy gradually stiffened and froze on his face, his eyes became dull, and the corners of his raised mouth slowly dropped.

At this moment, an urge to beat himself up unexpectedly rose in his heart.

Is it really good to stop Miss Zhushi's wishes like this?
The doctor lowered his head, he clutched the clothes on his chest, feeling dull in his heart.

Are you selfish...

Fair... ah, it's not fair.

——This is wrong.

Seeing the tangled expression on Zhu Shi's face.

The doctor frowned, turned his head to look at Shang Quannai, and took a deep breath.

plucked up courage.

Just about to open his mouth to refute Shang Quannai.

Before him, Shang Quannai spoke to Zhu Shi:

"Don't worry, I don't mean to stop you from fulfilling your wish."

"It's just that there are me and others on the front line, plus your potion, it's enough... but our rear... is very weak."

He looked at the blue Bianhua beside him:
"In case Wu Mi really let him take the blue Bianhua, as we speculated, whether it's your idea or the plan of the ghost killing team, it will be nothing."

Shang Quannai paused for a moment, he didn't know what to say next.

But he still said:

"...It's not that I don't trust you, but, if Zhu Shi's final blow...doesn't kill Wu Mi..."

Just when Shang Quannai wanted to say something more, Zhu Shi nodded.

She looked at the reflection in the teacup in her hand, nodded slightly, and said softly:


“…I really didn’t prepare a lot.”

"Pharmaceuticals... have just been developed, and there is no great confidence that they can kill Wu Mi in one go."

Zhu Shi picked up the teacup, took a sip, turned his head to look at the moonlight outside the window, his pupils flickered slightly:

"This time, I will stay here and protect the blue Bana flower."

Turning around, she smiled at Shang Quannai:

"I'm needed here, right?"

Zhu Shi didn't mention anything about the attack of the Wuyan Society.

She always believed that with Wu Mi's temperament, there was little possibility of attacking.

Saying that, Zhu Shi raised her head, her purple eyes fixedly looked at Shang Quannai:

"However, if the members of the Ghost Killing Squad really succeed in killing Wu Mi at the front line."

She opened her mouth slightly:

"After that, I will also choose to kill myself."

"After solving Wu Mi...I don't want to live for a minute."

Shang Quannai looked at Zhu Shi's firm expression, he nodded solemnly, his tone seemed a bit heavy:
"…respect your choice."

The doctor stood aside, turning his head to the side impatiently.

The topic ended in a heavy atmosphere.


At the end of leaving the doctor's hall.

Shang Quannai seemed to have made a decision, he suddenly turned his head and said to Zhu Shi:

"If possible, please make all the remaining blue Bana flowers into potions."

"The existence of the physical blue Bana flower... Sure enough, I still feel a little worried."

"I understand." Zhu Shi looked at Shang Quannai's appearance, nodded, and agreed to Shang Quannai's request.

After the final conversation, the couple parted ways.

Zhu Shi returned to his room, the doctor looked a little embarrassed, he found an excuse and left the doctor's office casually.


Soon, it was late at night.

Sagiriyama Town, on the roof of a certain house.

The doctor walked lightly along the attic and climbed up to the roof.

He lay down on the roof, looking up at the starry sky covered by the light red enchantment.

"Life..." He sighed a long time, his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

He's a physician, that's all.

No one even knew his name.

Everyone in Sawushan Town only knew that he was a doctor.

As for his surname, where he came from, and why he helped the Ghost Killing Squad, I don't even know a few pillars.

He is here, like a blank person, living a very free life.

No one knows, this so-called doctor.

——In the past, in a certain samurai family, a retainer who made great achievements... is of the same clan.

He also has a surname.

His surname is Yamamoto.

It's just that after that incident, he no longer wants to mention the first and last names that can bring him desperate memories
After the family was slaughtered by ghosts.

He survived by luck, and was in a state of insanity until he was taken to Sagiri Mountain by the Demon Slayer Squad.

Remember your whole life.

The elder brother became famous, but his family disappeared without a trace overnight.

He once lived in his extremely lonely world, and only when he was treating others and seeing their smiles, could he occasionally make his world beautiful.

Until——I met Miss Zhu Shi.

Miss Zhu Shi...

The doctor's eyes slowly dimmed.

Obviously everything is going in the right direction.

And now...


Whenever Dr. Yamamoto felt depressed, he would come to this roof to observe the calm night sky.

This will always make him calm down.

Here, it can be regarded as his own small place.

"Doctor, why are you sighing?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded beside him, which startled the doctor.


The doctor sat up and looked aside in horror.

A secret little place has been discovered!
The first thing that catches the eye is the yellow hair like a dandelion flower.

——It’s my wife Shancun.

"...It's you, you scared me." The doctor patted his chest, heaved a sigh of relief, and gave Shancun an annoyed look, his face looked a little tired:

"Why do you come here without a break in the middle of the night, don't you guys have to continue training tomorrow?"

As he spoke, he frowned and shook his hands, making a movement to drive him away:
"Go! Go! Go."

The doctor is quite familiar with my wife Shancun's perennial illness.

"Hey——" my wife Shancun looked at the doctor with a teasing face, and he squeezed beside the doctor pretending to be coy, and also lay down: "Don't be so heartless..."

"Obviously I have a question I want to ask..." Saying this, my wife Shancun winked at the doctor with a pretentious look.

"...What do you mean?" The doctor frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong:
"It's disgusting, you know."

He seemed to hear some rustling sounds around him just now.

My wife Shancun sat up maliciously, the corners of her mouth curled up.

His eyes lit up, and he was very straight to the point:
"Mr. Doctor."

The doctor stepped back slightly, looking at my wife Shancun with a vigilant expression.


My wife Shancun paused, sounding more sinister:

"Do you like Miss Zhushi?"


In an instant, the doctor's face turned red, and he hesitated and couldn't speak.



late at night.


The doctor returned to Zhu Shi's room, he closed the door and turned his back to Zhu Shi in the room.

He took out a letter paper from the wide sleeve of the doctor's robe, on the surface of the letter paper was written the words "Blessed by the Master, Shan Shu".

His face was full of an expression called regret.

The old blushed.

Why did I write this kind of thing at the instigation of those bastards? !

Who would have thought that Zhu, headed by my wife Shancun, and even the normally calm-looking Naruya Kazama, Minazukishiro and the others would all come over to make fun of me.

These columns are actually hidden around the roof!Quietly eavesdropping on his self-sigh!

tomorrow!You must report to Lord Shangquan, and train these bastards well!
Even Madam Uta...

Thinking of Uta's smiling face while holding the child, the doctor frowned tightly.

The doctor who was surrounded and coaxed, his head was hot for a while, so he wrote such a letter in a daze.

The letter said that no matter how you look at it, it looks like a diary.

The doctor clenched the letter in his hand, his forehead was slightly moistened with sweat from nervousness.

The thoughts in my head are like a mess, recalling just now, and entangled in the present for a while.

Just now.

The pillars suggested: "How about writing about Miss Zhu Shi's strengths? For example, you like...cough, and so on..."

Ever since, the doctor wrote incomparably smoothly with a pen, as if he had firmly imprinted those details in his mind.

Miss Zhu Shi.


——I like Zhushi's dreamy place, and its calm and clean voice.

——I like when she is keen on reading, and when she trips over the stairs thinking about something, she doesn't know if she has been seen by herself, and when she checks the surrounding situation with a blushing face.

——Being very troubled by the chickens raised next door and refusing to leave, I was so overwhelmed that I was about to cry.

——Slaughtered the chicken next door to make soup for Miss Zhushi...

Write down a lot, a lot...

So much so that the Shuinan Yuebai who proposed at the beginning looked at the doctor with some dumbfounded eyes.

Mizumuzukishiro flicked his sleeves and sighed: "It's nice to be young..."

Obviously the doctor is older than him.

If the serious Yan Ci hadn't stopped the doctor in the end, I'm afraid the thickness of the letter would have increased by one or two centimeters.

But in the end, it wasn't these reasons that led the physician to write the letter.

Instead, my wife Shancun, who rarely had a serious expression, said a word to him.

"If you don't say it now, you won't have a chance in the future."

Thinking of this, his originally ups and downs calmed down.

The confusion in my heart just now disappeared without a trace.

Does he really want to say it?

The current Miss Zhushi should be concentrating on killing that ghost king... now...wouldn't it be too selfish.

Miss Zhu Shi...

The doctor's expression gradually calmed down, he turned his face slightly, and looked at Zhu Shi who was sitting by the window, looking up at the moon.

The moonlight slowly fell.

The light softly reflected on Zhu Shi's face, and reflected in those eyes that seemed to be always in a faint sadness.

People don't want to get close, just want to stay in the distance and enjoy it quietly.

Ms. Zhushi looks so beautiful today...will she be even more beautiful tomorrow...

The doctor turned around slowly, clutching the envelope in his hand, and forgot to blink for a moment.

When... did you fall in love with Ms. Zhu Shi?

It was... when we first met.

The doctor recalled the first time he saw Joo-se.


It was love at first sight like being struck by lightning.

Zhu Shi, who is a ghost, is much more sensitive to gaze than ordinary people. Her gaze slowly moved away from the moon and looked behind her.

Zhu Shi turned her head, with some doubts in her lavender eyes, she slowly looked at the envelope clutched in the doctor's hand.

"What's the matter? Mr. Doctor?" She was puzzled, and looked at the dull doctor with some puzzlement:
"Is there any confusion?"

The doctor was so nervous that he couldn't speak. He looked around at a loss, and then frantically stuffed the thick envelope in his hand into his sleeve.

And with a slurred speech, he faltered and said to Zhu Shi:

"Ah, ah..., this..."

In the end, the thoughts in his brain were in a mess, and the doctor's brain controlled his mouth autonomously, and he opened his mouth and said:

"Miss Zhu Shi, I, I..."

"my name is…"

"Yamamoto... Yushiro!"

After finishing speaking, Yushiro Yamamoto closed his mouth, took a deep breath, and looked at Zhushi with trembling pupils.

At the same time, I regret it deeply.

Damn, I'm talking about something messy.

At this moment, Yushiro Yamamoto could already hear his nervous heartbeat, thumping in his chest.

Zhu Shi listened to Yushiro's self-introduction, and was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the other person's nervous look, couldn't help but smiled slightly, with a gentle tone:

"This is the first time."

"Eh?" Yushiro was slightly taken aback, he was very nervous but also a little excited.

"Mr. Doctor's name." Zhu Shi sat in front of the window, put his hands on his legs wrapped in purple kimono, and said, "This is the first time I heard it."

She explained:

"Before, I didn't hear Mr. Doctor's name mentioned before."

Hearing this, Yushiro felt even more embarrassed. He lowered his head in shame, his eyes dodging:

"...Sorry, this..."

Suddenly, he raised his head and his expression became very serious:

"It's also the first time I mentioned my name to someone."

He suddenly realized that he was at a loss for words, and quickly waved his hands: "Please don't get me wrong...I'm not saying that Miss Zhu Shi is someone else..."

Now Zhu Shi became confused, she tilted her head, and her eyes became more and more puzzled.

Afterwards, both of them fell silent.

After a strange atmosphere, Zhu Shi first broke the frozen atmosphere:
"Then... Doctor... Mr. Yushiro Yamamoto." Zhu Shi said, "Come to see me, what is the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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