Chapter 193 - Breath of the Moon


The next morning.

There was still heavy rain in the sky.

From time to time, thunder and lightning streaked across the black clouds,
That night, Jiichiro and my wife Shancun sat together by the window, looking at the thunderous sky with deep and resentful eyes.

The thunder light kept illuminating the resentful expressions of the two of them.

— can’t sleep.

The two people who have been struck by lightning will involuntarily become excited during the thunderstorm.

It's like being on a stimulant,
"How can I fix it! I want to sleep!" My wife Shancun yelled frantically.


the other side.

The rain soaked the steps leading to the shrine, and the red torii gates were also covered with water marks.

Inside the shrine room temporarily given over to members of the following country.

The room was not lit, so it looked a little dim, and only a faint figure could be seen sitting in the middle of the tatami.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... " the baby's cries faintly sounded.

A woman with blue hair and wearing a kimono with a maple leaf pattern was holding a baby, and holding an eight or nine-year-old boy with the other hand.

The baby was closing its eyes and whimpering softly.

The woman sat on the straw mat, gently shaking the baby in her arms. Her face was already full of exhaustion, and the maple leaf kimono she was wearing looked a little dirty.

"Mother... can I really see my father here?"

An eight-year-old boy sat on the straw mat next to the woman. He raised his immature face and looked at his mother innocently.

When the woman heard this, she looked out the window with numb eyes, and the cold wind slowly blew in. She couldn't help but tightly hugged the baby's arm, and nodded stiffly:
"Yes, I will."

As if not sure, the woman forced a tired smile and nodded again to her eldest son:

"Most definitely."

When she said this, the woman's voice trembled a little.

Her original name was Tokito Yai, but after she married into Ji Country, she changed her name to Ji Country Yai.

——Iwakatsu Jikuni's wife.

She doesn't really trust anyone here.

Not long ago, she had just finished writing a letter to her husband and was about to fall asleep.

A group of guys dressed in black, with half of their faces covered, who looked like thieves, blatantly knocked on the door.

And the leader is the most trusted valet of her husband, Ji Guoyan Sheng - the ninja.

As the wife of the patriarch of the samurai family, she instantly understood that everyone had become a source of power struggle.

And those who want to fight for power must be ninjas.

As for the person next to the ninja who seemed to make others respectful, he was probably her husband's enemy.

A scene in which the enemy assists the confidant to defeat the enemy from the inside immediately plays out in Ji Kunyao's heart.

They kept saying that they wanted to take people from Jiguo out of here and go to Sawu Mountain to join Jiguo Yansheng.

But the woman knows, Sagiri Mountain, there is no town shrine in that place.

There are only barren land and mountains shrouded in mist all year round. The group of people in front of them must be the means by which ninjas instigated rebellion to rule the successor country.

The ashigaru and samurai at home were easily grasped by the men in black.

There is no one who can be called a general in the family except ninja.

And the ninja was actually in the opposite camp.

In desperation and desperation, the woman quietly tied the news to a carrier pigeon, hoping that it would pass the news to her husband at the front line.

Later, in order not to be hurt by the thieves, she had no choice but to take her child and got into the carriage very cooperatively.

All the way to Sawu Mountain.

Was settled in the shrine.

——There really is a town here.

There was still some disbelief in Ji Kunyao's eyes.

Just when she was thinking about it.


The damp wooden sliding door was slowly pulled to one side, revealing a dim light from the early morning rain into the room.

Shang Quanna slowly revealed his body behind the door, and he looked at Ji Kunyao, who was not in a good state of mind in the room.

Although he explained the reasons for taking her away several times in advance, he even brought Iwakatsu's confidant ninja along for the sake of credibility.

But it seems to have had the opposite effect...

At this moment, Yai Ji Kuni was also looking at Shang Quanna, her eyes were alert, she immediately hugged her child tightly, and said cautiously:

"What are you going to do?"

Shang Quanna nodded, and when she was about to say something, she was suddenly interrupted by Ji Kunyai's words.

"If there's nothing else, please get out quickly." Yai Jikuni's tone was very firm, she pursed her lips, and hugged her two children tightly:
"If a child has a cold, it is very difficult to cure."

Seeing Ji Kunyao's vigilant look, Shang Quanna sighed helplessly.

This is also impossible.

Then, he turned around and waved to the other side outside the door.

Da da da…

With the sound of clogs stepping on the board, Ji Guoyuan, dressed in a dark red feather, slowly stood at the door.

His Furui Wubo's eyes subconsciously glanced sideways at Ji Kunyao who was gradually shocked in the room.

Withdrawing his gaze, Yuan Yi looked at Shang Quannai:
"What's the matter? If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back and take care of my elder brother."

Yuanyi's haori was stained with traces of rain, but it was disappearing quickly, and a faint white steam permeated his shoulders.


Shang Quanna put his hand on Ji Guoyuan's shoulder, and he pointed to the surprised Ji Guoyao in the room:

"Don't worry, your brother has Udo over there, you should deal with her affairs first."

Ji Guoyuan followed Shang Quanna's fingers and looked into the room, glanced casually at Ji Kun Yai, and the other two children, with some doubts:


Shang Quanna didn't make a sound, but just looked at Ji Kunyao in the room.

Ji Kunyao slightly covered her mouth, her pupils reflected Yuan Yi's figure against the rainy day, and she was dazed in surprise.


With my own seems...

Except for some differences on the forehead and eyes, they are almost the same...!
Her pupils trembled slightly, and her eyebrows were a little unnatural.

I have been with Jikuni Iwakatsu for nearly ten years. Even though Enichi and Iwakatsu are twins, Jikuni Yayui has noticed it at a glance from the temperament and details.

The man in front of her who was almost like a mold of her husband was not her husband.

She looked at Ji Guoyuanyi standing outside the door, her tone trembling slightly:
"That...well, I'm taking the liberty to ask."

Jikuni Yayui's pupils trembled as he reflected the rainy sky:
"Your name is...?"

Ji Guoyuan nodded slightly:

"Ji Guo Yuan Yi."

! !
Ji Kunyao's mind was instantly confused, and she said quickly:

"I, my surname is also Ji Guo..."

Ji Guoyuan was taken aback for a moment, and he glanced at Shang Quannai in surprise, as if he understood something.

First brother... and now this unknown woman...


Are you looking for family for me?


Shang Quannai let out a sigh of relief, and patted Ji Guoyuanyi on the shoulder:

"give it to you."

Then he turned around cleanly and walked away along the corridor of the shrine.

He didn't want to bother about such trivial matters anymore, so he might as well go to Tsuyashiki Fuyo to discuss the next countermeasures.

Ji Guoyuan looked at Shang Quannai's back and remained silent for a long time.



After the rain stopped, the sun always looks so bright after the rain.

The sun passed through the clouds and fell straight on the ground, dispelling the dampness of the rainy day.

The pillars were called up by Shang Quannai for training early in the morning. They were all full of motivation and energy, except my wife Shancun who couldn't fall asleep all night.

"Damn Jiichiro... actually blatantly sleeping in the doctor's office..."

My wife Shancun looked exhausted, walking unsteadily in the mountains, he was chanting through gritted teeth.

"Very sleepy…"

The pillars had already started today's simulated confrontation in the false infinite city on the top of the mountain, and Shang Quannai also increased the difficulty of training.

History is always strikingly similar.


the other side.

Inside the shrine room.

The mid-day sun poured into the room through the open door.

A very sunny summer vibe.


Jiguo Yansheng, who slept from the afternoon to noon the next day, suddenly woke up from the tatami.

Ji Guoyansheng's chest rises and falls regularly, if you observe carefully, you will find
- This has formed a special system.

He sat up, shook his head in a daze, and looked around suspiciously.

His eyesight suddenly became extremely fine, and he was a little uncomfortable.

The breathing rhythm also became unique unconsciously, and even subtly began to improve his physique.

where am I.

Ji Guoyansheng rubbed the back of his head, feeling a little pain in his head.

seems to have forgotten something...

In his mind, the image of Ji Guoyuan when he was a child faintly remains.

—Is it a dream?

Subconsciously clenched his fist, feeling the unprecedented power in his body, Ji Guoyansheng's spirit gradually became clear.

At this moment, Ji Guoyuan, who was kneeling beside him, said slowly:

"You are awake, my lord brother."

Ji Guoyansheng's slightly smug expression froze instantly, and he stiffly raised his head to look at his side.

After seeing Ji Guoyuan's smiling face, his face gradually darkened.

Mental clarity is a little too much.

"...Yeah." He pretended to be deeply nodded.

"Father!" At this moment, Yan Sheng's son suddenly appeared out of nowhere, lay beside his quilt and shouted:

"Is your body recovering well?"

Ji Guoyansheng's brain was a little down, he turned around in a daze, and subconsciously rubbed his son's head.

Why do you wake up.

- There is a feeling of family reunion.



Uta, who was wearing a pale yellow kimono, said happily:

"Listen to me, Yuanyi often mentioned your husband to me..."

Sitting next to Uta was Iwakatsu's wife, Yayui Tsutsukuni.

"...Ron, I am so honored."

Ji Kunyao was talking with Uta in embarrassment.

The reason for her embarrassment is very simple.

Speaking of Iwakatsu, Uta can always say a lot of things related to Iwakatsu.

It seems that Ji Guoyuan often mentioned his elder brother with his family.

And she was different.

——Having no idea that her husband still has a younger brother.

Never heard of it!
Whether it's the elders of the family, or her husband Yansheng.

She has never listened to others, and Ji Guo actually has two legitimate sons.

After Ji Kuni Yuan Yi's explanation just now, Ji Kun Yai knew that Yuan Yi turned out to be Iwakatsu's twin brother.

And she was not involved in the war of class rights, but she was really taken to her husband's side.

What a shame!

So Ji Kunyao could only listen to Uta boasting about her husband's deeds in embarrassment, and she could only nod her head silently.

It's... so embarrassing.

Ji Kunyai blushed.

Uta found it very interesting to see Ji Kuniya only looking like he wanted to find a crack in the ground.

So he talked more hard about what he knew about Ji Guoyansheng:

"Nah, nah, you know..."



"Brother, can you stand up?" Ji Guoyuan half knelt beside Yansheng, and he stretched out a hand towards his elder brother:

"Don't force it, it doesn't matter if you hold my hand and stand up."


Ji Guoyansheng turned his head, although his face was expressionless, the veins on his forehead suddenly popped out.

He looked directly into Ji Guoyuan's deep eyes, and slowly turned his head away.

Slowly stood up from the tatami, and tidied up the dark blue inner kimono he was wearing at the moment:
"Don't worry about it."

Ji Guoyuan stared blankly at the appearance of Yansheng standing up by himself, and couldn't help but praise his wife Yuta again in his heart.

He also stood up, patted Haori, and then said to Ji Guoyansheng:

"Brother, I will take you to practice today."

Ji Guoyansheng frowned tightly when he heard the words, and he turned his head in disbelief:
"What did you say?"

Yansheng was barefoot, and the corners of his mouth drooped slightly.

Yuanyi lowered his head slightly, looking at the sunlight seeping in from outside the door, his tone was flat but extremely sure:

"Today we are going to practice the breathing method."

"As for the breathing method of my elder brother, I will guide and adjust it."

"That's what Nai said."

He raised his head and looked at Ji Guoyansheng's slightly heaving chest:


"Brother, it seems that you have mastered the breathing method..."

Ji Guoyansheng looked at Yuanyi with increasingly confused eyes.

Pranayama… what is it?
When did I master something like this...

Ji Guoyuan lowered his head, thought for a while, then seemed to think of something, he walked to the door, stood in the sunlight, turned his head and said to Yansheng:

"Brother, please follow me."

After speaking, he left in one direction.

Ji Guoyansheng walked to the door with bare feet suspiciously, he squinted his eyes to look at the sunny weather outside, and hesitated for a while.

Keep up with the pace of the younger brother.


Shortly after.

Ji Guoyuan stopped in front of another house.

He opened the door and walked barefoot into the room covered with straw mats.

This is the usual training ground for ordinary members of the Ghost Slayer Squad.

—— Dojo.

On the wall next to it, you can see wooden knives hanging everywhere, or real knives.

Ji Guoyansheng followed Yuanyi into the room excitedly.

Just during the walking and running just now, he found out.

——Compared with before, my physique has improved by leaps and bounds.

Human limitations...maybe...

When Yansheng was thinking about this, Yuanyi suddenly turned around and threw a wooden knife at him.

Subconsciously caught the wooden knife, sighed a little at his reaction ability, then looked up suspiciously.

"Brother." Ji Guoyuan stood at the end of the dojo and shouted to Yansheng: "Please wield the wooden knife as you like!"

"Anything is fine!"

Ji Guoyansheng frowned slightly.

He lowered his head and glanced at the wooden knife in his hand, but rarely replied.

Maybe he was in a good mood, or maybe he wanted to show off to his younger brother the Jiguo swordsmanship that he had been practicing for many years.

He stepped forward abruptly, taking a steady step.

With subconscious changes in breathing rhythm.

Ji Guoyan wins!
【Jiguo Swordsmanship · Carp】

The wooden knife slammed down!There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air!

In the eyes of Ji Guoyansheng himself, he couldn't believe it.

A lavender crescent moon appeared brilliantly in the traces of the blade.

And like water splashed from the blade!Instantly spread over a large area!
Go straight to the one standing opposite - Ji Guoyuanyi!

(End of this chapter)

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