Chapter 222 Extra Volume:——Qing Zang



Komaji walked out of the room, and he went outside the house.

It is a very dangerous thing to make fire and decoct medicine in the house.

He turned his head to look around, and finally walked towards a small corner.



The rain is still falling, but it seems to be much less than before.

The faint firewood flickered in the rain curtain and was burning cracklingly.

"...Suddenly, everything became very easy..."

Komaji was holding a small stove, squatting under the eaves, watching the raindrops floating outside, breathing the moist air in the rain.

He gently shook the small fan in his hand, kept the flame of the boiler on, and slightly looked forward to the future life in his heart.

goo goo goo...

The medicinal materials frying in the small furnace are bubbling.



Shortly after.

Komaji, who had cooked the medicine, was holding a small boiler, and he pushed open the door of his own room, just as he was about to walk in.

Then I heard my father's voice of self-blame:
"Ahem! Ahem! Ahem! Sorry, sorry..."

"Ahem, sure enough, coughing sounds a bit annoying, sorry..."

Cang Ye was sitting on the sickbed, coughing uncontrollably, the cloth clenched tightly in his hands was already covered with blood.

Seeing his father's self-reproach, Komaji's heart sank slightly.

At this time, he would have an urge to go up and stop such an "apology".

In Komaji's view, there is no need for an apology for the suffering father.

"No, no, it's okay, it's okay."

Shang Quannai waved his hand, stretching out his fingers and gently stroking the acupuncture points on Cang Ye's body. Through the penetrating world, he was slowly restoring the blood circulation in Cang Ye's legs.

"You are a patient, this is an inevitable thing, don't blame yourself."

As he said this, Cang Ye's slightly frowning brows slowly relaxed.

During the time when Komaji was decocting the medicine, Shang Quanna also learned a lot of information through talking with Nobue and Kuraya.

He made some speculations.

The difference from the original book now is that Komaji's mother did not appear in the manga.

But now, Shen Hui was sitting opposite to him alive.

The possible reason - perhaps because of his own intervention, Komaji's birth was extremely smooth, which led to Nobue's body being very healthy.

Thus successfully allowing her to live until Komaji was 15 years old.

In the presence of his mother's instructions and discipline, the 15-year-old Komaji has never done anything like stealing and robbery.

There are no tattoos representing "sinners" on the arms.

In the original book, after Komaji became a ghost, the navy blue stripes on his body were all tattoos representing "sinners".

Perhaps, it was him at that time who really condemned what he had done in his heart.

But now, it seems that all the money he used to buy the medicine was obtained bit by bit by himself.

In the original book, Komaji began to steal and resist at the age of 11.

He even dared to confront the enforcement office.

The change now may be really good.


Shang Quannai squinted his eyes, thinking and poked his finger on Cang Ye's calf.

Pressed lightly.

This is also a kind of experiment. He is trying to find out whether he can find out the acupoints, which are almost the same as the neon medical skills of traditional Chinese medicine in this era.

Komaji watched Shang Quanna's back, he was using a fan to gently cool down the boiler in his hand.

At this time, Shang Quanna's ears moved slightly, and he heard the slight rubbing sound of Komaji behind him.

He turned his head slightly, glanced at Komaji, and waved to him slightly: "Is the medicine ready, come here quickly."

Komaji was stunned for a moment, then quickly recovered, he trotted two steps, and handed the boiler in his hand to Shang Quanna.

Shang Quannai took the small bowl containing the medicinal soup from him, and put the boiler beside the tatami.

After handing it to Shin Hui, seeing Shin Hui holding the medicinal soup and slowly feeding it to Cang Ye, Shang Quannai said slowly:

"Your body has been lying down all these years, it is too weak, and it cannot be repaired by taking medicine alone."

He took out a small piece of paper from his medicine chest, which contained a list of supplementing body nutrients step by step from the basics.

Shang Quanna turned around and handed it to Komaji, with some money in his hand at the same time:

"You go and buy some of these things and come back, and remember to buy some often in the future, just feed your father in the usual meals."

"...This is..." Komaji took the list, he touched the golden money that was caught in the list, his pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at Shang Quanna in a daze:
"We can't..."

"Okay, let's go, don't dawdle."

Shang Quanna said, stood up and pushed Komaji's shoulder from behind, and walked slowly towards the outside of the house.

He turned his head and nodded to Cang Ye and Shin Hui who were puzzled: "Don't worry, don't worry."

Komaji subconsciously wanted to press the soles of his feet against the floor, and he braced himself hard.

But he was surprised to find that Shang Quannai pushed him who was resisting hard very easily!

Finally, the dazed Komaji was pushed into the drizzle, and he looked back at Shang Quanna who had retreated into the house.

Shang Quannai just waved his hand lightly, but his tone contained an undeniable meaning:

"Go and come back quickly."

Then, click.

Close the door.

Komaji was left alone, clutching the money in his hands, standing in the rain with his head down.

After a long time, he moved slowly and walked towards the place where he could buy these things.

Komaji frowned slightly, and he lowered his head to look at a rectangular golden coin with rounded corners in his hand.

Some muttered in his mouth:

"...a guy who talks to himself..."

But he slowly put Shang Quannai's money into his pocket.

Then reach out again.

Instead, a few old and dirty coins were carefully counted out from another pocket sewn into the clothes.

This is his own money.

After counting, Komaji looked at the list hesitantly, took out some coins, nodded, and continued walking.

"...In this case, it should be enough."



at the same time.

the other side.

A town street far away from Edo Castle.

It is far away from Edo Castle, so there are not many houses around, and even if you walk for a long time in the surrounding mountains, you will not see a single family.

There are only a small part of the center of the town street, where a few people live and form a small town.

On the town street, most of them are self-built, typical Edo-style residences with a height of one and a half floors, and each family is crowded together.

Pyongyang, where the muddy ground is trampled, is unexpectedly not very abrupt.

pat, pat.

"Okay, if that's the case, it's almost the same."

A man with pigtails, black hair, and a white martial arts uniform that is easy to move was walking on the street at the moment.

He was smiling, his thick black eyebrows drooping slightly to the sides, and the stubble on his face was shaved unexpectedly clean.

On the back of the white martial arts uniform on his body, there are two powerful brush characters: "Su Liu".

"Lianxue and the others should have been waiting impatiently, they have to go back quickly."

The man was talking to himself, holding some simple flower-like things in his arms, and the smile on his face became more and more sincere.

But under the sincere smile, the corners of his raised mouth trembled uncontrollably, with a hint of force.

When people around pass by him, they will look at him in surprise.

Everyone knows this man, he is a very optimistic and cheerful guy.

It's called Qingzang.

He is the owner of the Budokan "Suryu Dojo".

At the same time, he is also a very kind person. As long as some special people need help, if you call him, he will probably come to help.

However, in this era, kindness is not worth a few dollars.

Good people don't necessarily have good rewards.

This man's daughter... seems to be bedridden all the year round, and it is estimated that she will die soon.

Thinking about it, some people passing by looked at Qingzang with compassion hidden in their eyes.

And the reason why people on the street looked at him strangely was because Qingzang basically didn't come to hang out around the town street.

He usually stays near his own Budokan "Soryu Dojo", today this is...

But no one was prepared to study such a figure who was on the fringes of the public, so they would probably think of You Qingzang when they had something to do.

After thinking for a short while, the people around Town Street started to go about their business again.

Amidst the different ideas of the people, Qingzang strode forward with strides, going farther and farther.



Outside the town street.

In a dojo that covers a large area but is empty.

At the door of the dojo, there is a sign that says "Suliu Dojo".

Although it is empty, the decoration of the ashram is very exquisite. The dry landscape in the courtyard and the small courtyard at the entrance all have a good appearance.

Not far from Suliu Dojo, there is another dojo, and there is the sound of clashing bamboo knives.

It's a kendo gym.

The two ashrams are not far apart, and they can be said to be neighbors.



Inside the Soryu Dojo.

In a room with a door facing the courtyard.

"Cough! Cough!"

The girl coughed faintly, and seemed to be trying to suppress it.

But instead, she coughed even worse:

"Cough cough!"

in the room.

A girl in a pink kimono with coiled hair, sweating profusely, and a sickly blushing face was lying on a sickbed, coughing non-stop.

It seems that he is twelve or thirteen years old,

She struggled to breathe oxygen, but only felt very difficult.

"Ha...cough cough...!"

In the pink eyes, there are white pupils like flowers, very beautiful and special.


Wearing a dark brown kimono, tied with a black waist, the woman kneeling beside the girl, her eyes were slightly red, she looked at the girl worriedly.

Holding the wet warm towel, she stretched out her hand and gently wiped the sweat off the girl's face:
"Lianxue..." her tone trembled weakly, even with a hint of crying.

The hand that was wiping the girl named "Lianxue" also trembled uncontrollably.

Feeling the trembling from her forehead, Lianxue slowly opened her blurred vision.

She blinked her eyes, but she couldn't see the ceiling clearly with her blurred vision. It seemed that Lianxue's mind was a little dizzy at the moment because of her body temperature getting higher and higher.

"...cough, mother, what's wrong...cough..."

Lianxue turned her head with some doubts. She was sweating continuously due to the rise in body temperature, and her face also turned red.

She vaguely saw her mother trembling, and subconsciously blamed herself:
"Ahem...Sorry, my lord, I...cough! I've been wasting your time..."

"Ahem! I'm sorry..."

Difficult words uttered from the girl's throat hoarse from coughing:
"Actually...don't...worry...I, cough cough..."

Her voice was very weak, and she had never spoken so much at once before.

As if she had a premonition, Lianxue thought that this might be the last time she could talk to her mother.

"Mother mother..."

Lianxue's demeanor became weaker and weaker, and this state had lasted for more than a while.

The mother stared at Lianxue's face for a long time, and covered her mouth with the other hand. The sore tip of her nose caused tears to accumulate in her eyes.


She lowered her head, put the hand holding the towel on the quilt weakly, and covered her mouth, but the tears couldn't stop falling down.

pat, pat.

Tears fell on the tatami, soaking a small straw mat.

Lianxue is her daughter.

But she, helpless, was slowly watching her daughter die gradually.

But he has no ability to leave traces of his daughter.

From the moment Lianxue was born, her body was extremely weak, often lying on the hospital bed, and she was born with asthma.

In such a difficult situation, my mother took good care of Lianxue until she was 13 years old.

But he still couldn't see the hope of being able to heal his daughter, and even his own daughter had a faint tendency to walk ahead of him.

As a mother, how could she have the heart to watch her daughter endure such pain.

Physicians have searched a lot, but they can't do anything.

And almost the same, they all gave the words that there is no cure and cherish the rest of life.

Could it be that he could only watch his daughter die slowly?

Despair, grief, and unwillingness enveloped this exhausted mother.

It's like putting her in the abyss.

Finally, she raised her head slowly, carefully watching her daughter's appearance for the last time.

She stretched out her hand and gently placed it on Lianxue's face, trying hard to control the expression on her face that wanted to burst into tears:
"Lian... Xue." The mother's voice trembled uncontrollably.

Lianxue slightly opened her eyes and looked at her mother.

"...Mother, I, now... have to go out for a while."

Mother held her breath. Seeing Lianxue's eyes open, she quickly turned her head away and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes:

"Your father will be back soon, don't worry."

"Be good, don't want to get up and walk around carelessly."

After calming down, she slowly lowered her head, put her forehead on Lianxue's hot forehead, and said softly:

"Lianxue, you must listen to your father."

Lianxue's head was in a daze, she nodded and made a vague nasal sound: "En!"

The mother finally looked at Lianxue's appearance with attachment, and then.

pat, pat, pat.

She stood up slowly, holding back her tears, and left the room.

Sensing her mother's departure, Lianxue breathed slowly, feeling a little nervous.

"...cough cough, my lord mother..."

(End of this chapter)

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