People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 233 Extra Volume: ——Farewell and the New Generation of Swordsmen

Chapter 233 Extra Volume: ——Farewell and the New Generation of Swordsmen


The rock is near the kendo field.

Tatata! !

The sound of hurried footsteps was accompanied by running figures, holding torches, they ran towards Iwakin Atsuya's room.

In the dark night like thick ink, the light of torches passed by one by one in a trance.

"It's Atsuya Iwakami's room! Hurry up!"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Why did everyone come out?"

"Don't worry about it so much, just keep up!"

Loud conversations mingled with the sound of footsteps.


Finally, after coming to the corridor next to the open space of the training ground.

Iwa was in front of Atsuya's room.

"Take it."

Iwakin Banbei, who was the leader, stopped, and he turned around and handed the torch in his hand to the apprentices beside him.

The apprentice took the torch, and he stood aside, providing a faint light.

Iwaki Hanbei looked at the wooden door in front of him, which was no different from usual, and frowned slightly.

In his own room just now, he could hear Du Zai's miserable cry.

Although it is not light to do it yourself, it is not to such a degree.

He narrowed his eyes, thinking a lot in those few seconds.

——Could it be...the former enemy came to him?
At this moment, Duzai's screams could no longer be heard.

Iwaki Hanbei stretched out his hand, placed it on the door, and then slowly pushed hard.

Pull it aside.


There were no lights in the house, and it was pitch black.

The light of the torch leaked in through the horizontally opened door, illuminating the scene in the room.

"Ugh... cough cough cough..."

A figure facing the door was lying on the ground with difficulty, gasping for breath.

Iwakin Banbei frowned tightly. He took the torch from someone else's hand, poked his head and stretched the torch forward.

After seeing the identity of the person lying down, Iwakin Hanbei suddenly shouted:


Iwakin Atsuya vaguely heard someone calling his name, and he opened his eyes slightly with difficulty to look.

The extremely painful cheek made him only open one eye slit.

The dazzling fire light fell on the eyes of Iwakami Atsuya who was lying horizontally in the room, his subconscious eyelids trembled slightly, and he moaned in pain:
"Uh... ho... cough..."

"...Father...My lord...Help...I..."

Yanjin Atsuya was hoarse in pain, his limbs trembled slightly, and there was helpless and desperate pain all over his body:
"It hurts...!"

next moment.

"Atsuya! Don't move! I'm coming!" Iwakin Banbei shouted, and he hurried into the room.

As Iwakin Banhei hurried into the room, the people behind him also came in and surrounded Iwakin Atsuya.

Iwakin Banhei squatted beside Iwakin Atsuya who was crying in pain. He lowered his head and reached out to pat Atsuya, frowning in doubt:

"What's wrong? Atsuya?"

"Atsuya! Can you still hear me?"

"Where is it injured, or is someone coming to sneak attack?!"

But when Iwakami Hanbei lit up Iwakami Atsuya's face with a torch, he was slightly taken aback.

On Atsuya's face—as usual, there were no traces at all.

It seems that there is only Iwakami Atsuya's distorted expression of pain.

Iwakin Hanbei gradually realized that something was wrong, and he slowly frowned.

Then he stretched out his hand, picked up the clothes on Yanjin Atsuya, and shone forward with a torch.

Chest, belly—it's still the same as always.

Not even a bruise could be seen.

If it was beaten, there must be marks on the body surface.

The pain shown by Atsuya must be bruised.

Iwakin Banbei frowned, and he shone a torch on the exposed parts of his son Atsuya's body, and he didn't see a single trace of beating!

At this time, Iwakami Atsuya twisted his facial features in pain, and said hoarsely:

" hurts..."

But it seems that because of the severe pain, Iwakami Atsuya couldn't say too many coherent words for a while, and could only jump out word by word:

"Fist... hit... a lot..."

Iwakin Hanbei frowned tightly. He squatted down, touched his unshaven chin with his hand, and looked at his son carefully for a while:


In the end, his deep eyes slowly stayed on Iwakin Atsuya's painful expression.

— Something is wrong.

Thinking, he stretched out a hand, and tentatively pressed on Iwakami Atsuya's abdomen, which was completely unbeaten, and asked slowly:

"Duzai, does it hurt here..."

"Hey! Painful! It hurts so much!" Yan Jin Atsuya suddenly screamed as if his eyes had been poked, and his whole body bowed into a prawn:

"!" Iwakin Banbei was startled, he subconsciously leaned back, and then his expression became serious again.

Things seemed a little beyond his imagination.

He reached out again and lightly touched Iwakin Atsuya's arm.

"Cough cough ho ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Iwakami screamed crazily, he twisted his body, but this would make his body surface rub against the ground again.

Even more pain!
Looking at Iwakami Atsuya's appearance of being "unscathed", but desperately howling.


A group of apprentices surrounding Yanjin Atsuya looked at each other, and they all saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

Some people were even holding back their laughter.


Oh—it was someone who couldn't hold back and laughed.

At the same time, Iwakin Hanbei's face darkened, but he wasn't completely black.

He just stretched out his hand again and pressed Iwakami Atsuya's calf.


"Hey!!" Yan Jin Atsuya's scream came again.

Iwakin Hanbei's brows became tighter and tighter, and his breathing became a little impatient, but seeing Iwakin Atsuya screaming, it didn't look like a fake.

Finally, he reached out again.

He patted Iwakami Atsuya lightly on the shoulder.


"...Atsuya..." He was about to say something.


Iwakin Atsuya's already hoarse howl interrupted Iwakin Hanbei's language again.

The apprentices around looked at Iwakami Atsuya with something strange in their eyes.

But this time, Yan Jinbanbei's face was also a little bit uneasy, and his expression became completely gloomy.

fed up.

With a sudden shake of his hand!

A loud slap was instantly and forcefully slapped on Atsuya Iwakami's face.

"Have you had enough trouble!" Iwakin Banbei shouted angrily.

Atsuya's face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This time, Atsuya who was lying down was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't cry out.

Yan Jinbanbei looked at his son's appearance, he looked like he hated iron but stood up with a cold snort.

Holding the torch, under the watchful eyes of all the apprentices, he slowly walked out of Iwakin Atsuya's room.

Standing outside Yanjin Atsuya, under the slightly white moonlight, he turned his head and glanced at his disciple:

"This matter is not allowed to be spoken out."

"Those who dare to spread the word will be dealt with according to the school rules!"

He turned his head, just about to leave directly, but he seemed to think of something, he stopped.

He exhorted the apprentices:

"By the way, let that guy come to the training ground by himself tomorrow, and I will question him personally, how can I lose face like this!"

After speaking, he flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

The apprentices saw Yan Jin half of the soldiers away from the back, they talked with each other, and slowly dispersed.

Only Atsuya Iwakami was left alone, lying on the tatami mat in loneliness and pain, retching his throat, enduring both physical and mental torture.



"Sooner or later...all..."




In the indistinct darkness, weak words came intermittently.



Suli Dojo.

in the courtyard.

Shang Quannai was sitting under the eaves, he slowly raised his head, turned his gaze to the wall, and looked in the direction of Yanjin Sword Dojo.

He left Atsuya's room before Iwakaku Hanbei arrived.

While educating him with fists, he also used special massage techniques and feverish blood ghost techniques, leaving no trace of Iwakin Atsuya on his body.

He even sutured his abdominal wound briefly.

But—the pain caused by his fist is estimated to last for several days or even half a month before dissipating slowly.

It can be regarded as giving that arrogant character a boost.

Thinking of this, Shang Quannai looked back at Lianxue's room.

The door of the room was closed and the lights were out.

But Komaji still stayed in Lianyuki's room.

After being asked by Keizo, Komaji seemed to suddenly have a strong sense of responsibility, and took care of Lianxue like he used to take care of his father-everything.

And Komaji's mentality is actually more about wanting to give back to his guilt for not paying the tuition.

Although Shang Quanna did something to replace the tuition fee, Komaji always felt that it was not done by himself, and he was very guilty.

He knew that Qingzang's conditions were no better than his own family's. Without tuition as a source of income, Qingzang's family would definitely become more and more depressed.

But thankfully, Lianxue's physical condition is improving.

In Love Snow's room.


Komaji was leaning against a wall pillar beside him, nodding his head, drowsy.

He has also put on a white Suryu martial arts uniform, which means that Komaji has joined Suryu in a true sense.

Lianxue was lying on the couch, but her face was flushed and she was sweating profusely.

She raised her eyes in embarrassment, and glanced at Komaji who was sitting on the other side, but seeing the other party's drowsy appearance, she was a little embarrassed to speak.

Today, when Komaji came, my mother suddenly went to rest again.

She hasn't... gone to the toilet all day.

Lianxue's flower-shaped eyes flickered, full of bewilderment.

It even looks a little like crying.

How to do……

Lianxue's heart was like a mess.

At this time.


The keen Komaji raised his head suddenly, he opened his eyes, blinked his pale pink eyelashes, and turned his head to look in Lianxue's direction.

Light blue pupils turned.

In the darkness, the eyes of the two happened to meet.

Komaji saw Lianxue's dodging eyes, and he understood instantly.



He stood up.



Shang Quannai was looking up at the bright moon in the sky, thinking about how to say goodbye when she left.

At this moment.


The door of Lianxue's room was suddenly opened.

"excuse me."

Komaji was wearing a white martial arts uniform with a black belt around his waist, and he appeared at the door with Lianxue in his hands.

Lianxue covered her face with her hands, and Komaji held her hands in her arms.

A voice as small as a mosquito came from Lianxue's mouth:

"...Mr. Komaji..."

"Don't worry, I'll do it as soon as possible." Komaji's face didn't change. When he used to take care of his father, his extremely weak father needed him to carry him to the toilet.

Even, his sudden awakening at this time is also a biological clock developed in a sense.


Komaji looked down at Lianxue who was supported by his own hands in some surprise.

Lianxue's weight was lighter than he imagined.

The moment he picked it up, he even thought he was holding a quilt.

Lianxue's face was flushed, and at this moment it was not just the body heat caused by her illness.

Look back.

Afterwards, Komaji nodded to Shang Quanna in the courtyard, and said hello:
"Mr. Kamizumi, good evening."

Afterwards, he quickly hugged Lianxue, trot along the corridor, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Shang Quannai stared at the direction in which the two left, he sighed a little lonely, and frowned involuntarily.

"...It's nice to be young."

As he spoke, he slowly lowered his head.

Silence for a while.

He took out a piece of straw paper from the small bag he carried with him.

Holding a stick of charcoal, I began to write:
"...Qingzang, Huiren, Cangya, Shinhui... kiss me..."

"terribly sorry…"




Komaji came back slowly with Lianxue in his arms.

When he passed by the courtyard, he subconsciously glanced at the direction of the courtyard.

But this time, Shang Quanna was not seen, and Komaji muttered a little strangely:
"...Mr. Kamizumi, did you go to rest?"

But the next moment, his eyes saw it.

——Put on a dry landscape stone in the courtyard, a piece of straw paper illuminated by the moonlight.

That is…!
Komaji's pupils narrowed slightly.


After taking good care of Lianxue, Komaji took the time to walk out of the room, and he came to the dry landscape in the courtyard.

Picked up the straw paper.

Komaji frowned, taking advantage of the moonlight, he stared at what was written on the straw paper, and read slowly.

"...the journey has an end... forgive... leave without saying goodbye..."

After reading this, Komaji was silent for a while.

Then, he looked directly at the last sentence.

"Goodbye by fate."

creak, creak.

Folding the toilet paper carefully, Komaji stuffed it into the chest pocket of the martial arts uniform.

——Tomorrow, show it to Mr. Qingzang and Dad.


the next morning.

Inside the Soryu Dojo.

White sunlight leaked in from the window at the top of the training ground, making the training ground transparent and bright.

The Qingzang group sat here, they looked at the contents of the envelope on the ground, and fell silent.

But soon, Qingzang raised his head with a smile, and said in a cheerful voice:

"Mr. Shangquan went to another place to practice medicine again! There will be another healthy person in this world."

When Cang Ye heard the words, he also nodded in response: "Well, that's right..."

Shin Hui nodded, she also smiled slightly, and exchanged glances with Hui Ren who was sitting across from her.



at the same time.

the other side.

On a certain town street.

Shang Quannai took off his bamboo hat, and he was walking slowly in the crowd.

At this time.

From the alley on the side, there came a code word that ordinary people could hardly hear:

"...Idiot! Don't reveal the identity of our ghost killing team!"


Shang Quannai's forward steps stopped slightly.

He turned his head and looked at the alley beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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