People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 241 Extra Volume:——Naming and Staying

Chapter 241 Extra Volume:——Naming and Staying

Amidst the bustle and bustle of the crowd, time passed slowly.

After learning that the doll was created by Tie Qiao in nearly 20 years, Sumire Kamodo and the others were once again shocked.

Especially the late Kimura, he just vomited.

After learning that the puppet could move and kill ghosts by itself, Kimura seemed to be fascinated.

At this moment, his face was full of enthusiasm, as if he was attracted by the puppet, and he was sticking to the puppet, observing it back and forth quickly.

"Oh—! This way of connecting the the keyhole on the back of the neck a switch...!"

"Sparasi!" Kimura shouted frantically and vigorously.

Then, he observed carefully again.

" can see a lot of...gears through the keyhole? Are they turned by gears..."

"But...only with gears and keyholes... how can such a big guy move and kill ghosts..."

"...Is the structure in the body fixed with nails? Pure, this texture...can't be gorilla crimson sand iron..."

While musing, Kimura excitedly observed the up and down details of the puppet.

The squinted eyes are also fully opened.

"Senior Tieqiao... No, Master Tieqiao!"

Standing in front of the puppet, Kimura turned his head and looked at Tie Qiao with fiery eyes:
"Can you explain the principles and parts you used to make this puppet?"

Kimura's eyes became fiery, full of longing for knowledge, and he stared at Tieqiao with brilliance:

"I really want to know!"

"What is the power source of this puppet, or how it is programmed to act, how to move on its own without the influence of external forces..."

He said a long list in one breath, then turned around completely, put his hands in front of his body excitedly, and shouted excitedly:

"I want to know! I'm curious!"

"Please! Please tell me!"

"Master Tie Qiao!"

Kimura was panting excitedly, his face was flushed with anxiety, and his tone became faster and faster:

"I can pay for tuition!"

"It doesn't matter how expensive it is! I can definitely afford it!"


"Ah...haha...Kimura...Calm down, calm down." Sumire Zaomen pulled Kimura's shoulders, she smiled a little forcedly, and hurriedly turned her head to greet Purgatory and Juro to come together.

She lowered her voice and shouted vigorously in the direction of Purgatory and Shoulang:

"Hey...! Hey! Come on!"

"This guy Kimura, he can't control himself again!"

"If this continues, it will bring trouble to Uncle Tieqiao!"

Purgatory and Shoulang were taken aback for a moment, he glanced at Kimura who had already entered a state of frenzy, and nodded quickly:
"Oh... oh! Come! Come!"

But the two of them seemed completely unable to stop Kimura's fanaticism.

"Master Tieqiao! I only have a dozen or so pieces of gold on me! If it's not enough, I can go back and get it!"

Kimura shouted loudly at Tieqiao.

ps: For various reasons, the Kimura family lived an ordinary life, but through the accumulation of wealth from their ancestors, they actually have a lot of money now.

But due to personality reasons, their family still lives a very ordinary life.

Money... is naturally intended to be left to his descendants, just like his ancestors in the past.

"Haha! Very energetic and self-motivated! Young man!"

"It's good to be young, so passionate!"

Tie Qiao was about to look at Kimura happily, but the next moment, he was a little speechless.

When he opened his eyes, Kimura was already sticking to his face, and there was almost only the iron fire mask between them.


Tieqiao saw that Kimura was getting closer and closer, and even wanted to get close to him, he took a half step back with a choked voice, and said in a hesitant tone:

"...It's no problem to tell you the principle and parts. I wanted to mass-produce this kind of doll. It's better to say that I lack a curious young man like you..."


"It's just...?" Kimura's eyes were full of hope.

Tie Qiao shook his hands helplessly:
"It may be unclear in a while."

Hearing this, Kimura quickly drew Tie Qiao over, and kept saying:

"There is no problem with this! I have time, as long as Master Tieqiao is free to explain to me, I can show up at any time!"

"It was an absolute honor to learn about such an amazing project!"

"I observed just now, the joints between the doll, even the flexibility of the fingers, and even the movement joints of the six arms that do not interfere with each other at all!"

"It's a miracle!"

"...No, no, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

Tie Qiao's head went berserk for a while, he listened to Kimura's unabashed praise and flattery, although he knew clearly:


But at the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help but burst into joy.

"Master Tieqiao, you are too modest!" Kimura skillfully pulled Tieqiao, and mouthed out while walking:

"Master Tieqiao! Come here, come here, you have a good rest!"




"…Ha ha ha ha……"

Sumire Zaomen stared in the direction of Kimura, forced a dry smile, she pulled the corners of her mouth, turned her head slowly, and looked at Purgatory and Juro.

His eyes were full of helplessness.

Ji Guoyuan and Shang Quannai stood together, both of them stared at each other in silence, without too much words or reminiscences.

"Okay! If that's the case! Then I'll go!"

Purgatory and Shoulang saw that Tieqiao was being pulled away by Kimura, he swung his arms, held the sun wheel knife, and made a gesture to walk towards the doll.

"Eh—?! What are you doing again!"

The sound of Zaomen Sumire's collapse resounded and rushed into the sky.

For this encounter, drew an incomplete full stop.


Among the quarrels among the crowd.

Purgatory and Juro, who wanted to duel with the doll, were forcibly stopped.

At this moment, Purgatory and Shoulang are holding the Rilun Saber and are practicing alone in the open space next to them.

"Hmm... hard-working child, very similar to that Yan Zhu!" Tie Qiao looked at the figures of Purgatory and Shou Lang, and nodded slightly:
"Should it be said that they are father and son?"

He Shou Lang's father, Purgatory Ren Shou Lang, Tie Qiao is still very familiar with him.

Tie Qiao, who was already a little dizzy from being praised by Kimura, seemed to suddenly think of something, and he clapped his hands suddenly.

"Ah! That's right!"

Tie Qiao turned his head and looked in the direction of Ji Guo Yuan Yi:
"Your Excellency Yuanyi!"

As soon as Ji Guoyuan heard Tie Qiao's shout, he turned his head slightly and met Tie Qiao's eyes:

"what happened?"

"Your Excellency hasn't confirmed the name of that... puppet..."

"...This." Ji Guoyuan's eyes were calm, he turned his head, and looked at the direction of the puppet not far away, and the crimson feathers on the puppet.

After thinking for a while, Yuanyi's eyes wandered, and his eyes slowly turned to Shang Quannai beside him.

And very decisively, he threw this question to Shang Quannai:

"What do you think is the appropriate name for that doll?"

Hearing this, Tie Qiao also looked at Shang Quannai.

Even the remaining three members of Kimura were stunned for a moment, and then they all looked at Shang Quannai.

Shang Quannai looked at Ji Guoyuan stretching his finger at the puppet, with a deadpan expression and no sense of guilt.

He couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth:

He glanced at the direction of the puppet, and then at Ji Guo Yuan Yi.

If I hadn't read the comics myself, I would know the original name of this puppet.

Now, it's really difficult.

Thinking of this, Shang Quannai's tone was stiff, and he blurted out:

"'s called Yuanyi Zero Style."

After speaking, he was silent for a while.

Such a name is fine when you think about it in your mind.

But it was a bit embarrassing to say it seriously.

"...Zero type." Ji Guoyuan hesitated for a moment, and he glanced at Shang Quannai hesitantly.

Withdrawing his gaze, he couldn't help but take another look.

——This guy, Nai, will one day take a name other than Dahuang Xiaobai?

——Did you undergo any special training in the past 15 years?

It seemed that he wanted to ask why, but after thinking about it for a while, Yuanyi decided to give up the question.

In my mind, the words of my wife Uta echoed:

"Yuanyi, remember not to talk nonsense, you have to think carefully, otherwise it will cause dissatisfaction among others!"

Maybe saying this sentence will cause Nai's dissatisfaction.

Let's not talk about it.

Ji Guoyuan thought so.

Well, Ji Guoyuan decided to follow his wife's orders.

He remained silent.


"...Fate One Zero Form!" Tieqiao clapped his hands immediately after hearing Shang Quannai's words, with a look of sudden realization:

"Oh! I see!"

"The prototype of the doll is Lord Yuanyi, but the doll is not Lord Yuanyi."

"That's why the code name 'Zero Type' was added!"

Tieqiao was thinking for a while, rubbing the stubble on his chin with his hands:

"In this case, it will be easier to choose a name for mass production in the future... Names like Yiyishi, Yuanyishishi, etc..."

He raised his head and looked at Shang Quannai:

"As expected of Master Umizumi! Thank you very much!"

Then, the delighted eyes slowly looked at Yuanyi Zero Style:

"Now, this guy has his own name."

When Ji Guoyuan heard the words, he frowned imperceptibly, and he glanced at Tieqiao.

I felt something weird in my heart.

Hearing others call other people's own name is somewhat uncomfortable.

But Yuanyi thought for a while, and finally did not ask his own question.

Just when everyone looked at each other and fell silent.

"Karma! Karma!" Beikai Taro, who was above Kimura's head, suddenly yelled:

"Kimura! Sumire Kamado! Purgatory and Juro!"

Kimura, who was wooing Tieqiao, was suddenly shocked. He raised his head and looked at Beikai Taro who was circling in the sky.

——Is it a new mission?
He frowned slightly.

--So fast?Is it a rumor again?

You must know that in this era when the number of ghosts will only decrease, not increase, the number of tasks per capita of the ghost killing team is very small.

It took almost several months, or even more than half a year, to receive a mission that actually existed with ghosts.

The rest are basically fake missions of Cup Bow Snake Shadow.

next moment.

Beihai Taro's quacking voice continued:
"The three together! Stand by! Stand by!"

"In Forging Knife Village! Waiting for the mission!"

on the ground.

—Waiting for a task?
meaning is…


Sumire Zaomen, Kimura, Purgatory and Juro looked at each other.

"—In Forging Knife Village?!"

"Wait, wait, what do you mean?" Zaomen Sumire shouted in surprise:

"Is this the forging knife village?!"



Forging knife village.

on the street.

There are few pedestrians on both sides of the street. It is better to say that there are not many swordsmiths living in the village.

The total number of people in this village so far is only about three hundred.

Including some children who are still learning how to forge knives.

But at this moment, the swordsmiths were all rushing to watch the master learn, so the streets were naturally even more sparsely populated.

"...So, have we come to Forging Sword Village?"

The corners of Sumire Zamen's eyes twitched, she turned her head to look at the familiar surroundings, feeling a little unimaginable for a while.

When I came to Forging Sword Village, I came here under the relay of others after a lot of secrecy.
But now, they actually ran over abruptly relying on their own legs!
"...Unbelievable." Kimura gave such an evaluation.

"Oh!" Purgatory and Shoulang looked left and right curiously:

"This is really a forging knife village!"

"Well, that's right." Ji Guoyuan was a little puzzled when he heard the words of Zaomen Sumire, Purgatory and Shoulang:

"I should have said that."

"That ghost ran near Forging Sword Village, that's why I came out to solve it..."

Hearing this, Zaomen Sumire curled up her drooping temple hair in embarrassment:

"...I thought it was Uncle Jiguo chasing him all the way..."

"I didn't think about it at all..."

After finishing speaking, Zaomen Sumire turned her head, clasped her hands together, and bowed her waist:

"I am so sorry!"

- This is a lie!


Sumire Zaomen didn't listen to Jiguo Yuanyi's explanation just because she was completely attracted by the "Yuanyi Zero Form".

So he didn't notice where he was.


"Hmm~" Kimura pretended to be calm and hummed a ditty, but when he looked carefully, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

He was the same, or rather he was drawn to the attention more thoroughly.

Kimura even didn't notice Ji Guoyuan's existence for a while.

But, there is only one person.

The performance is completely different from Kamado Sumire and Kimura.

"Ah! This one!"

"Because Uncle Tieqiao's puppet is so attractive!"

"So I didn't hear Uncle Jiguo's words at all!"

Purgatory and Shoulang turned their heads, looked at Ji Guoyuan with piercing eyes, and said very sincerely:

"That's my reason!"

——It’s Purgatory and Juro! !

Sumire Zamen and Kimura suddenly turned their heads and looked at him with surprised eyes.

In the surprised expression, some respect and admiration gradually mixed.

This guy.

Sumire Zamon and Kimura nodded slowly and heavily to Purgatory and Juro.

When Ji Guoyuan heard what Purgatory and Shoulang said, he didn't have much reaction, he just nodded slightly:
"Well, Tieqiao's puppet is really amazing."

"If it were me, I might be attracted too."

— Agreed!

The expressions of Sumire Kamodo and Kimura were instantly surprised!
The two turned their heads stiffly, and looked at each other bitterly under Tie Qiao's suspicious gaze.

At this time.

Ji Guoyuanyi's voice came again:
"By the way, this time... how long are you going to stay?"

Zaomen Sumire and the others immediately turned their heads and looked at Jiguo Yuanyi.

And Ji Guoyuan is the object of question.

——It’s Shang Quannai.

(End of this chapter)

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