People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 243 Extra volume: ——Ji Guoyuan 1 and the daily life of my elder brother

Chapter 243 Extra volume: ——Daily life of Ji Guoyuanyi and his elder brother

A few white sword lights flashed!
The action of the puppet is coherent and agile, as if it really has body tissues and muscles, and it holds up the six Japanese knives!

The backlit face is about to slash the blade around!
The movements of the puppet are perfectly close to the structure of the human body, and the muscle structure that is replaced by machinery is faintly revealed under the clothes, which is really intoxicating.

He even became obsessed with a few swordsmiths who were close to him for an instant.

They didn't care in the slightest about the terrifying damage that the sword light that was about to fall would cause.


Seeing this, Kimura's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted desperately to the crowd around him:

"Get out of here! Run!!"


Dolls have no self-awareness of their own!

He is now activated!But it won't stop by itself!

Looking at the dazed swordsmiths, Shang Quanna who was hiding in the crowd, and Ji Guoyuanyi who was standing beside Tie Qiao.

The two subconsciously wanted to move.

But, just when the two wanted to stop it.

With their meticulous observation skills, they discovered the urgent expressions on the faces of the three people beside them, as well as their ready-to-go movements.

the next moment.

Several figures collided in front of the puppet, and they all held the Sun Wheel Knife tightly in their hands.

They are Kimura, Sumire Zaomen, Purgatory and Juro... three people.

"Cough ho..." Kimura clenched his teeth, he held the handle of the sun wheel knife horizontally, and firmly pressed against the doll's slashing blade.


Sumire Kamado's hands trembled slightly, and she alone resisted the three Japanese knives coming from two different directions.

With a flick of the blade in his hand, it was rubbed by a huge force, and brilliant and terrifying sparks bloomed when the blade collided.

In the end, Purgatory and Shoulang looked at the puppet's eyes with a serious face. He resisted the two blades, and even seemed to be able to handle them with ease.

The three of them suppressed the puppet together, but the puppet stood firmly on the spot, but couldn't let go.

There was even a faint tendency for the Sumire Kamado trio to be overwhelmed.


Kimura held the knife with difficulty, and he was the weakest among the three.

"Who's coming—! Quick!"

The knife forgers took two steps back subconsciously, but after seeing the three resist the attack, some of them looked at the doll in shock.

They shouted loudly.

"Stop this puppet!"

"Those three children can't hold it anymore!"

While shouting like this, someone in the group of knife forging masters suddenly stood up, and came behind the puppet in a less agile manner.

They looked at each other, picked up the tools at their waists, and looked at Tie Qiao beside him:

"Master Tieqiao! Can you stop this doll?"

"If not, we can only tear him down first!"

At this moment, Tie Qiao was a little surprised. Although he put a key in the doll for convenience, he never set such a sensitive automatic counterattack action.

After hearing the shouts from others, Tie Qiao recovered and nodded quickly:
"Ah! Oh! Yes! Let me do it!"

Afterwards, he moved cautiously and walked to the back of the puppet as gently as possible.

He reached out and grabbed the key inserted into the back of the puppet's neck.

"Click!" Twist hard.

Pull it out.

The moment the key is twisted.

The three of them who were struggling to resist the puppet's suppression suddenly felt less pressure.

"Wow!!" Kimura couldn't hold back his upward resistance for a while, and immediately threw the sun wheel knife in his hand.

Fortunately, he responded in a timely manner, found the right time, and safely caught the falling Sun Wheel Knife.


"Huh... so dangerous." Kimura breathed a sigh of relief like the rest of his life, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and glanced at the doll in front of him.

After experiencing the power of this puppet firsthand, the enthusiasm in Kimura's eyes has not diminished by half.

On the contrary, it is even more vigorous!

Such a powerful force!How did it appear? !
Kimura's breathing became slightly rapid.


in the crowd.

Quan Nai, a monk of Ji Guoyuan, saw the appearance of the three struggling to support, and slowly took back the steps he had taken.

Young people, it is also good to give them some opportunities to perform.

Thinking about it, Shang Quannai subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Ji Guoyuanyi.

And the other party just happened to look over.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and then put on the masks of the fire man one after another, hiding among the crowd of knife forgers.

leave slowly.

at this time.

"Huh?" Sumire Kamado, who was resting and panting, suddenly felt something stuffed into her hand.

She stretched out her hand, opened her palm, and took a look.

—It was a note.

After smoothing the note, the ink on it seemed to have stained other parts of the note.

But it is still possible to read what is written:
"Jin, Yuanyi and I will bid farewell first, and you will have a good time with Master Tieqiao."

"If you have something to do, you can come to the west side of the village and look for me in the courtyard with "Shang" written on the plaque."

Zaomen Jin was slightly taken aback, she slowly put away the note, and silently glanced at the two beside her.

And Purgatory, Shoulang and Kimura were lying on the doll and looking around excitedly.

"Ah..." Zaomen Jin helplessly covered her forehead and sighed.

"Uncle Shangquan and Uncle Jiguo are gone."

She hesitated for a while, then spoke directly to the two of them.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry... It's all because my technology is not very mature..."

Tie Qiao is now among the swordsmiths, he scratches his head, his ears are red, and apologizes a little ashamedly:

"I don't know what happened just now, this puppet was suddenly activated, and almost had serious and unimaginable consequences. I am really sorry, I am sorry to you..."

"It was my technical error. I'm sorry. It may scare everyone. I'm very sorry."

He is sincerely apologizing.

And this time.


A hand stretched out from the crowd, supported Tie Qiao who was about to bend down and bowed, and said carelessly:

"Hey! Don't get in the way, Master Tieqiao, isn't this a near miss?"

"That's right, if there is no danger, safety is the best." Someone said in agreement in an instant.

Then a third man interjected:
"Furthermore, Master Tieqiao."

"This puppet can not only be used to replace the observation of human body structure, but can even act."

"This kind of puppet, I'm afraid it can replace the members of the ghost killing team to kill ghosts! The three children just now almost failed to resist this guy's slash!"

"The craftsmanship of this kind of method... We, who are also knife forge masters, have no place to be ashamed."

"Of course, you should also be proud of this! This must have taken a lot of hard work from Master Tieqiao!"

"That's right, it looks like it's well-made no matter where it is!"

"Master Tieqiao! It's you!"

Hearing this, Tieqiao was a little dazed. He stared blankly at the crowd around him, his eyes were slightly moist.

He stretched out his callused and extremely rough hands, and wiped the corners of his eyes lightly, with a trembling tone: "Thank you..."

Seeing the renewed hope in the eyes of the swordsmiths, Tieqiao suddenly felt that his 20 years had not been in vain.

In the past 20 years, due to the continuous update and iteration of weapons.

Many weapons from outside the island, such as "arquebuses" and "iron cannons", quickly developed in Neon.

Ordinary people with "matchlock guns" can instantly kill samurai who have been trained for many years after simple training.

The pros and cons of this are clear at a glance.

A few years ago, some members of the ghost killing team even suggested that all the knife forgers in Forge Village should refine the ammunition for matchlock guns.

Replace the Sunknife with the Sunknife.

In this way, even from a distance, ordinary people can easily kill ghosts as long as they aim at the neck.

This proposal even reached the ears of the lord, and the lord seemed to have considered it.

But in the next few years, the lord master was concerned about the fault period in the middle of the replacement, so he didn't take the risk in the end.

However, even so, when this news reached the knife forging village, it dealt a serious blow to the knife forgers at that time.

A profession and a craft that has been engaged in for a lifetime, and even vowed to dedicate a lifetime, is now about to be eliminated.

The feeling of being on the verge of despair cannot be easily erased from my heart.

And now.

"...that's great." Tie Qiao looked at the swordsmiths who had renewed hope in their eyes, and he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

He believes that when this puppet is seen by those who want to eliminate the Rilun Saber, they will definitely be moved.

He believes in his technique.


"By the way, are the masters over there still demonstrating...?"

"Ah! That's right! Oops! It's over!"

"Totally forgot!"

After being reminded, the knife forgers surrounding Tieqiao wanted to turn their heads to look at it with regret.

But suddenly found that

——Looks like all the knifesmiths in the square.

——At this moment, they are all gathering towards Tie Qiao,

oh!Those topless masters seemed to be mixed in the crowd too!

That's fine.

All the knife forgers were smiling, ready to turn around and continue discussing with Tie Qiao.

Sumire Zaomen, who poked their heads out from behind the puppet, also looked back at each other, and looked at Tieqiao with a smile.

"That's great, Uncle Tieqiao looks very happy." Zaomen Sumire said happily to her companion:

"Ah~ Uncle Tieqiao also has a very cute side."

"That's right, in this world, there is nothing that makes you happier than being affirmed by others."

Kimura looked at Tieqiao, his narrowed eyes hid his desire:
"If anything, it must be difficult."

Purgatory and Shoulang did not speak, he supported the puppet with a serious face.

——When will we be able to fight this big guy?

--oh!The next time you fight, do you want to try the double sword style?

He Shoulang thought so in his heart.



time flies.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and the moon rises and sets.

Soon, the time came to the third day when everyone arrived at Forging Sword Village.

Everyone has already settled down.

Zaomen Sumire and the others chose to live in Shangquannai's house.

Although Purgatory and Shoulang also wanted to live with Yuanyi, they were forcibly pulled by Shang Quannai.

The reason is "Yuanyi's house is too small to accommodate you."

And the actual reason is that

——'Don't disturb the world of two people. '

this day.


There was no one on the streets of Forging Knife Village, but the sound of "jingle ding dong" could be heard from all directions.

Perhaps, this is the romance that belongs only to Forging Knife Village.

In the sound of forging knives and irons, they greeted the morning of a new day.


Jiguo Mansion.

The Jiguo mansion in Forging Dao Village covers a large area, with hot springs, gardens, courtyards, dry landscapes, several houses and other layouts inside.

This is not Yuanyi's home.

It is the "home" of Yuanyi's elder brother, Ji Guoyansheng.

But at this moment, Yuanyi seemed very unusual, appearing in the three most central rooms of Jiguo's mansion.

One side of the three sections is completely open, facing the dry landscape courtyard and the corridor leading to the gate.

On the other side is the corridor facing the interior of the mansion.


Ji Guo Yuan Yi and Ji Guo Yan Sheng faced each other, kneeling and sitting on the straw mats covering three sections.

There was a small, low table between the two of them.

On the table is a pair of "shogi".

That's right, the two brothers are playing shogi at the moment.


Yuan Yi used his fingers to pick up a chess piece with a sharp head and a square back, and put it calmly on one place of the chessboard:
"Brother, it's your turn."

After finishing speaking, he withdrew his hand and stared at the chessboard silently.


Ji Guoyansheng frowned slightly, his eyes scanned back and forth on the chessboard, and a drop of cold sweat slowly flowed from his forehead.

He held a chess piece in his hand, but kept pinching it back and forth between his fingers, as if he was a little uncertain.


——It’s messed up... I can’t see clearly... Why did Yuanyi go down here just now?
Ji Guoyansheng squeezed the chess pieces hard, the palms of his hands were sweating, the tips of his fingers turned white, and he gritted his teeth slightly.

—Are you going to lose?

——Obviously I played Double Six when I was young, and I can always win!
But even so, Ji Guoyansheng knew that he must not appear flustered!

He pretended to be calm, and aimed his eyes at a relatively stable position.


Put down your chess pieces.

Yuanyi's expression didn't change.

He picked up a "fragrant car" on the chessboard.

At this time, Ji Guoyansheng's pupils shrank slightly, and he could see clearly.

At this moment, Yuanyi's "Xiangche" is completely empty on the way to the king's general!

Yuanyi puts the "Xiangche" in front of Ji Guoyansheng's "Wang Jiang".


"The king's hand."

But the "king's hand" at this moment is not "lore".

That is to say, in chess, the difference between general and checkmate.

Ji Guoyansheng's eyes gradually became more serious, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

--still have a chance.


He picked up the "Golden General" next to General Wang, trying to resist Yuanyi's attack.

Just put the pawns down.


Yuanyi moved the position of the chess piece, causing again:
"The king's hand."

Slap!Wow -!
Ji Guoyansheng frowned tightly, he breathed steadily, and moved the chess pieces!
But it seems to be of no use at all,

"Wang Shou." Yuan Yi's voice came again.


"The king's hand."

The chess piece fell, and the voice of "king hand" kept ringing.

I don't know when Ji Guoyansheng didn't notice it.

Shang Quannai brought Zaomen Jin and the others, and they had been squatting beside the two of them watching for a long time.

Shang Quannai stared at the shogi, he thought he seemed to understand a little bit.

The underlying rules of this thing seem to be the same as chess.

Just when he was thinking silently.

Clap, the pawn fell.

Ji Guoyuan seemed to sigh, and his reminding voice came:

"You fouled."


Ji Guoyansheng's eyes were lost, and the chess piece in his hand fell weakly.

The whole person seemed to have been drained of strength, and fell down at once.

(End of this chapter)

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