People are dying on the pillar, and there is no misery at the beginning

Chapter 7—Wu Mi Escaped, The Birth and Extinction of the First Generation of Ghosts

Chapter 7—Wu Mi Escaped, The Birth and Extinction of the First Generation of Ghosts
The moonlight is gradually dimming, and the sky has begun to turn pale, and it seems that it will be dawn soon.

In the courtyard, within three sections.


Covering his back in pain, he looked ferociously at Shang Quanna who was chewing something.

--why? !

Wu Mi couldn't understand why she couldn't hurt him.

On the contrary, Shang Quannai can cause substantial harm to herself!

——Why? !

——It's not fair! !

He glared at Shang Quannai resentfully.

Shang Quannai stared at Wu Mi who was crying in pain in front of him, and now Wu Mi was a teenage child.

Although Boss Scrap's mentality was quite distorted at this time, he just became a ghost, and he didn't have too many moves to deal with the battle.

Therefore, the current Wu Mi is a weak chicken with no combat experience and no consciousness.

Well, the same goes for myself.

The attack just now didn't control the strength at all. He clearly wanted to pull Wu Mi over, but he forcibly tore off his bone whip.

New power, speed, vision, all take time to get used to.

But now, the most lacking is time.

My own advantage is only the means to attack the soul, and I still have some imagination about the attack method.

Shang Quannai weighed the bone whip that was turning into ashes and scattered in his hand, trying to control the surge of power.

But at this moment Wu Mi, with gloomy eyes, he was already planning how to escape from the bottom of his heart.

Finally got rid of the disease-ridden body!He doesn't want to die here now!

He wants to live!

— live! !

Wu Mi arched his body, his back kept wriggling with creepy sarcoid tumors, and blue veins were running all over his body!

Stab it--!
Red and ferocious lines gradually emerged on the surface of the skin (for details, refer to the image of the skin in the manga Armageddon), and several large mouths were slowly torn from all parts of the body!


The flesh-colored fascia struggled on the surface of the torn bloody mouth, and the sharp teeth gleamed coldly. He raised his head painlessly, and the bloody mouth was aimed at Shang Quannai impressively!
Wu Mi at this moment has completely lost her human form!
Seeing this, Shang Quannai took a step back, clenched his fists in front of his head, and was ready to receive Wu Mi's charged blow.

But the next moment.

boom! !

Flesh flying everywhere!Countless pieces of flesh exploded from the sarcoma on Wu Mi's back!Blood instantly infected the entire room!

Whoosh! !


A piece of innocent flesh and blood just stuck to the face of the half-dead warrior lying there, and then slowly melted into it!
Then, the samurai with only his upper body twitched and was about to stand up!
He has turned into a ghost!
There were also a few pieces of flying flesh that passed through the windows of the corridor, and stuck to the bodies of several warriors in the corridor!


The warriors screamed in pain, they fell to the ground trying to tear off their flesh and blood!

But to no avail, Wu Mi's flesh and blood quickly merged into the bodies of these warriors.

Shang Quannai saw Wu Mi turned into hundreds of pieces of flesh and blood in an instant, and immediately understood the latter's idea of ​​escaping!
"Tsk! This crumb!"

I almost forgot how much this guy spared his life!
Cursing secretly, Shang Quannai immediately sank down, and his superb reaction speed made him instantly feel that everything around him slowed down several times!
The ruby-like eyes in the darkness directly locked on the flesh and blood that was still fleeing in the air!
The soles of the feet are violently exerted!The originally dilapidated wooden floor was directly turned into scum.

Shang Quannai's body flew across the air at a high speed, a piece of flesh and blood lost its speed, and the weak one was about to fall to the ground.

But in Shang Quannai's mouth, there was another piece of red soul fragment!

But Shang Quannai also used too much force, smashing through three sections at once, and crashing into the corridor.

Bite hard!

From the direction outside the courtyard, there was a painful wailing.

Listen, Wu Mi is crying bitterly.

Another three pieces of flesh and blood hang down feebly, slowly turning into ashes in mid-air.

Shang Quannai glanced at the corridor, he didn't dare to stop.

Because, there are already warriors in the corridor who are gradually transforming into ghosts because of Wu Mi's blood!
There was an explosion, and a warrior who couldn't bear the brutal blood was blown to pieces on the spot, and a corner of the corridor was soaked in blood again.


outside the courtyard.

In the deep mountains behind the birth house.

Wu Mi slowly reassembled into a human form with more than half of his own flesh and blood, and he held on to the nearby tree in pain.

"Ho cough cough! Vomit!"

Blood poured out like rain, and it kept vomiting out from Wu Mi's mouth.

Wu Mi was in unbearable pain, his whole body was constantly convulsing and convulsing because of the constant mutilation of his soul!


Wu Mi's hand stuck firmly into the tree trunk, and the extended nails helped him straighten up again.

In a trance, Wuyou turned his head and glanced at the birthplace where the morning sun was projected.

Bunches of faint golden sunlight passed through the clouds and fell down.

There is no nostalgia in the red eyes.

On the contrary, there is a faint excitement of escaping from birth.

" can't do anything to me!"

Wu Mi endured the pain, laughed in a low voice, and walked slowly, step by step, into the deeper woods!

Walk away from the sun.


in the courtyard.

Shang Quannai stood in front of a maid who didn't have time to retreat, holding the last piece of innocent flesh and blood in his hand, watching the latter turn into ashes.

In his other hand, he was holding a white and red soul.

This is a samurai who has turned into a ghost.

Shang Quannai looked at the samurai soul struggling in his hands, and turned to look at the corridor.

The originally quaint, mahogany-floored corridor has been completely soaked in blood at this moment, turning it into a hell on earth.

He casually tried to tear apart the red and white parts of Oni Samurai's soul.

Shang Quannai frowned and tore it carefully.

He did it because.

——In the comics, there seems to be a setting of reincarnation until the end.

The finale and various plots also reveal the existence of soul, the other side, and other non-materialistic things.

As for the warrior in front of him, his soul would definitely not be able to reincarnate.

As long as Shang Quannai lets go, this thing will float back to his body by itself, and then turn into a ghost again.

After thinking about it, a "stab" came to my ears.

Shang Quannai looked subconsciously.

I saw that the white soul of the samurai had been separated from the red that represented Wuyou's blood.

It's just that the white warrior seemed to be twisting his body in pain, wailing silently.

The corner of Shang Quannai's mouth twitched, and then he twisted the red soul in his hand into a ball, and let go of the white soul.

At this time, a sharp familiar female voice came from behind.

"Yes! There are ghosts!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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