Chapter 469

Like Director Najib, I have been very troubled recently, and our ship king, Mr. John...

"The price has increased again..."

Looking at the quotation in his hand, he couldn't help but let out a helpless sigh.

Already predicting that the market was about to pick up, his immediate thought coincided with Meng Lang's, which was to lock in production capacity in advance!

So what about a bad reputation?Who doesn't have a few spare white gloves!
Purchasing is not enough!

We must know that the current shipbuilding price basically belongs to the price depression for many years.

The current production capacity means low-cost shipping capacity for John's international shipping fleet.

For meng lang, it meant high-quality "value-added assets", and he could get huge returns by changing hands.

The last thing a buyer like John wants to meet is this kind of unscrupulous "middleman"...

No, just after flying to Shanghai, John, who was about to make a big purchase, heard a piece of news that annoyed him—that Bai Yeji made another move!

30 large cargo ships of various types, including the targets he is eager to purchase, large oil tankers, LNG and container ships...

Among the three giant shipbuilding giants in East Asia, Huaguo dominates in terms of cost performance, so it is naturally the first choice of many shipowners.

Up to now, there are hundreds of docks in Huaguo, and the annual shipbuilding orders exceed 3000 million deadweight tons, and there are more than 1000 million deadweight tons of large ships used for ocean trade.

The tonnage of Gao Yuan's orders in the name of Bai Yeji ranged from 10 tons to [-] tons, and the total tonnage exceeded one million tons.

Almost one-third of Huaguo's production capacity in one quarter was directly occupied, and the entire Yangtze River Delta shipbuilding base was full!
To know these orders, the construction period can be as short as a few months, and as long as half a year or even a year.

For at least one quarter, there will be no shortage of orders for the large shipyards of the Yangtze River Delta shipbuilding enterprises.

Of course, if there is no production capacity in this quarter, he can also book the next quarter.

But the problem is that Gao Yuan's huge order is tantamount to giving the market a shot in the arm, allowing shipbuilding companies to see the dawn of a warming market.

Misfortunes never come singly, even the Chinese military came to join in the fun.

Following the two aircraft carriers, the spokesperson of the navy announced a new round of dumpling plans at this juncture.

This time, a production capacity of hundreds of thousands of tons has been booked...

Rare things are more expensive, and shipyards are in a hurry when no one buys them.

But now that the market supply and demand have undergone subtle changes, it is naturally up for grabs.

Now other shipowners can't sit still.

John heard that the Kingdom of Sand, and the three Wangdao shipping giants, Changrong, Yangming, and Wanhai, are already ready to move, and frequently contact shipbuilding companies in major Asian shipyards to discuss and place orders.

Affected by this, the international new ship price index finally caught up with the rent of international routes and began to rise in response!

The first one to eat crabs eats meat, and those who follow behind can only drink soup...

The increase in the price of new ships will undoubtedly greatly increase John's estimated procurement costs.

But he still has nothing to do, if he doesn't place an order now, and wait for a while, let alone eat meat, maybe he won't even have a mouthful of soup...


While John had no choice but to sign several purchase plans in his hand, he secretly cursed the culprit for missing a large profit...

Professional boat speculators!
Professional shit stirrer!
Opportunists who don't talk about martial arts!
A person who writes code is not a colleague at all but wants to spoil the situation...

Everyone performs their duties, is it not good to do their jobs well?
"Let's go! Go to the Wharf of Shanghai!"

"Boss, isn't our next stop going to the South Peninsula to discuss business?"

"Before I go, I have to know why I lost..."


Even if it's just an excuse, he still has to personally confirm what kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd.

There are 8 ships but only 6 ships are sold, and one of them is a so-called remodeled ship...

Regardless of whether this was intentional or not, John's curiosity has been aroused...


Magic City Pier.

The newly painted "Birkland" docked quietly at the pier.

The mighty and majestic huge body is a masterpiece of the industrial age, which shocks people at a glance.

John, the ship tycoon, boarded the ocean-going tanker that had just been acquired in a low-key way, and met the bearded captain who had just taken over the ship...

"Boss, I didn't know you were coming, it's too far away..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Take me to the control room!"


Seeing the big boss with a stern face, looking very unhappy, the captain was at a loss, but he didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried forward to lead the way...


"Boss, this is the 'Tianshu Management System' installed on the ship, which includes five intelligent modules for cargo management, energy efficiency management, equipment operation and maintenance, ship-shore integrated communication, and automatic navigation.

The only feeling I have is that it is very powerful, but very easy to use.

On the advanced nature of the ship management system, it is definitely the only thing I have seen in my life since I have been working for many years!

By the way, I heard that you, the boss, decided to buy it yourself?
You are really discerning! "

The bearded captain thought he was flattering, but he didn't know that his flattering was completely on the horse's leg...

Sure enough, John's face turned darker when he heard this.

Can I tell you that I would rather not have this broken system, but only the original "Birkland" with a reduced price?
"Advanced? What kind of advanced method?"

Not hearing the bluntness in the big boss's tone at all, the bearded captain looked excited, and picked up a black device as if offering a treasure.

"You see, the core of it is this!"


Looking at the VR glasses that are exactly the same as those in the amusement park and cost 20 yuan to experience once, John is a little confused.

"Boss, you will know after wearing it and experiencing it."

He sat on the captain's seat with a puzzled face, and put on the VR headset with the help of the bearded captain.

Following the start-up screen of the silver robot sitting cross-legged in the void for a few seconds, John's eyes suddenly lit up...


For a moment, even with John's concentration, he couldn't help being shocked.

The goal is a vast expanse of blue sea, waves, waves, skyline...all the details are clearly visible.

Hmm... This resolution is definitely 8K!

Turning his head slightly, beside him was another behemoth docked quietly.

Looking down again, a speedboat passed quickly below, bringing up waves and a white trail...

Looking around in shock, the screen also rotated.

The next moment he saw the booms in the distance, and the goods piled up on the pier...

Looking at the picture in front of him, John was really shocked.

It’s not that there is no concept of virtual VR, but the current technology, even with this 360° angle of view restoration, basically has the same effect as a wide-angle camera. It seems that the whole world is distorted into a spherical shape.

It is completely incomparable with the three-dimensional effect that is almost the same as the scene in front of you...

It felt like I was suspended in mid-air, with a clear view of up, down, left, and right.

"According to their technicians, they installed a 360° video surveillance system with no dead angle on the hull.

Then, after multi-angle video reconstruction, such a three-dimensional picture was obtained, which can help the captain monitor the situation around the ship in real time. "

At this time, the voice of the bearded man rang in his ears.

"There are also a series of low-light monitoring systems and radar ranging systems, which can provide highly restored images of the surrounding environment even in the dark.

There is this three-dimensional ranging system, coupled with GPS and Beidou dual satellite positioning, and a large amount of marine environmental data.

At present, most mature routes in the world can perform automatic cruise with meter-level accuracy.

Although it has not yet passed the sea test, the effect of automatic driving is still uncertain, but it is almost a fool's operation just to read the technical manual.

Only a small amount of intervention is required in the process, or even no intervention at all...

By the way, boss, this one also has gesture sensing. Did you see the flashing menu on the screen?
You reach out and swipe it to try. "

"Stretch out...swipe?"

John tried to stretch out his right hand and swipe on the menu in front of him.

The next moment, the screen in front of me switched with the movement, and what appeared in the field of vision was the 3D model of the "Birkland", with different modules marked in different colors.

Try to reach out and touch it, and immediately open the operation status of the equipment in each module, including the status of the turbine, the power of the generator, the temperature of the cabin, and so on.

There are even real-time movements of people in various areas, and a few people who are smoking and fishing in the corner are marked with little red men...

John: "..."

Swipe again with a wave of your hand, this time the screen returns to the 360° panorama screen, and a somewhat illusory "Birkland" appears at your feet.

This time, a large number of data notes appeared on the screen.

For example, the current waterline, load, anchoring depth, distance from surrounding ships, and even the speed of the speedboat that just passed are marked...


The autopilot is agreed, you want to digitize the ship directly!

John couldn't help but want to take back the idea just now.

This opportunist's "job" is obviously very good...

It seems that this thing can not only assist the captain in the daily management of the ship, but also greatly simplify the captain's daily work.

Moreover, it can independently judge the operation status of ship equipment and channel changes...

If we could still drive autonomously...

John is not a noob who knows nothing.

Although these years have begun to mix in the capital circle, but he has rich sailing experience when he was young, and he can see the development potential of this technology at a glance.

That is to greatly reduce the crew required to maneuver the ship!
The crew employment cost of domestic shipping companies generally accounts for 5-8% of the ship's operating costs, while foreign human resources are more expensive, generally accounting for 10-15%.

Now, installing a system can save nearly 10% of operating costs...

John had already begun to calculate in his mind...

What?Crew unemployment?
Sorry, that's not within the scope of capitalists' consideration...

After a long time, he put down the VR device and heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he suddenly turned his head to look at the bearded captain, "When do you plan to start the sea trial?"

The bearded man froze for a moment.

"Uh... just tomorrow, we plan to do a five-day short-term trial voyage."

"Okay! Prepare a room, I will board the ship tomorrow, and I will accompany you throughout the investigation."


He ignored the surprised eyes of his subordinates around him.

John has even started to think in his heart, when will he personally visit the controller of Baiyeji.

He knew that the other party must be waiting for him...

For a qualified capitalist, there will be no permanent enemies in this world, only permanent interests...

"By the way, how much does this thing cost?" John asked suddenly.

"Oh! I heard that the hardware modification fee for the whole set of equipment is about 500 million RMB."

"Yeah!" John nodded, the price was about the same as he estimated.

This system requires a lot of hardware support, plus labor... The modification fee of more than 500 million is very reasonable.

The other party was very conscientious this time, and didn't make much difference...

"However, software usage fees and online upgrade rights are relatively expensive, costing 100 million per year."

John: "..."

I take back what I just said...

This profiteer!

(End of this chapter)

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