My autobiography cannot be a tragedy

Chapter 472 The Gospel of Many Students

Chapter 472 The Gospel of Many Students

"So that's how it is..."

Turning off the small video on the computer, Meng Lang finally showed a sudden look.

[In 2018, the first movie "Flying Life" edited with the assistance of AIGC was released and received great response. 】

Why "Flying Life" has already finished and entered the post-production, and it still needs to use Bai Yeji's AI production technology.

Until now, the last mystery in "Braveheart" has finally been solved like this...

The finished film that is about to be edited is lost or damaged, and the schedule has been finalized in advance and cannot be changed. If you want to complete the final film edit in a short time, then you can only rely on zero.

After all, it was Duan Xian's first debut work, so it was impossible for him not to help.

"But it's not right? Xu Jinsong has already been live broadcasted 24 hours a day by me. If the other party makes any moves, there is no way I can stop it in advance..."

Meng Lang was puzzled at first, but after a while he slapped his head.

Prevent?Why should I stop this kind of good thing that saves my crew money in the later stage?

Visually, not only does the crew I invested in not need to pay the post-production fee, but a compensation will be credited soon.

However, I feel a little pity for that editing company...

After figuring everything out, Meng Lang made himself a cup of tea in a relaxed mood.

To say that Xu Jinsong, an outdated boss, is really miserable.

Although he was worried that if he broke the killing ring and would get out of control and accelerate himself to split apart, Meng Lang didn't intend to use the "elevator" as a big killer lightly.

However, the collective "rebellion" of peripheral electronic equipment is absolutely indispensable.

It is completely 24 hours of uninterrupted AI surveillance, its brutality, the originator of the reality show, Mr. Truman, would have to wipe Xu Jinsong's tears when he saw it.

It's just that this unintentional waste of chess has unexpectedly produced a good side effect...

You must know that he is still hidden behind the scenes, and it is the legendary CEO Gao Yuan who is pushed to the front of the stage.

In the eyes of outsiders, all the achievements of Changqing Biology and Bai Yeji were created by Gao Yuan, with talent and equity in one body.

As a result, the pressure naturally came to Gao Yuan.

As we all know, the conflict between Xu Jinsong and Gao Yuan has almost become public, forming two opposing groups.

Anyone who wants to deal with Gao Yuan, as long as they are not stupid, will all find Xu Jinsong as a natural ally.

The existence of Xu Jinsong is tantamount to setting up a clear banner for the enemies, which has the effect of some kind of "assembly call".

"Want to deal with Gao Yuan and her company? Come on! Come and cooperate with me!"

Xu Jinsong exudes such pheromones all the time...

As the saying goes, it is easy to hide a hidden arrow but hard to defend against it.

If the enemy is showing their cards right under their noses, the threat will naturally be greatly reduced.

This is like in Go, where you can raise pieces, but you deliberately leave a mouthful of "gas" for the opponent, luring the opponent to keep filling in the pieces.

When the other party thinks they can turn the tables secretly, they don't know that a net has already been laid around them...

"Gao Sheng..."

Meng Lang drank his tea and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that his opponent this time was at the level of a big devil.

What Gao Sheng represents is not a single group, but the entire Wall Street financial system based on dollar hegemony.

The other party is just "stealing" now. If the technological potential of Changqing Biology and Bai Yeji is fully exploded and they crazily seize the market, they will "steal it openly".

The cases of Stoner and Juchang were right in front of him, and he would not be so foolish as to believe in the "market competition".

Although Bai Yeji's business fields are Internet IT products, there is no technology or equipment that can get stuck.

However, there is no guarantee that the other party will not come up with unconventional means such as "disconnecting the Internet" or "compulsory acquisition of overseas business".

The reason... is nothing more than national security.

At that time, Bai Yeji might only be able to play domestic stand-alone.

However, just when Gao Sheng wanted to steal Bai Yeji's house, they didn't know that this time the opponent was also planning to dig their roots...

The biggest reliance of Gao Sheng's imperial capital is undoubtedly the hegemony of the dollar.

And just now, Bai Yeji low-key posted two new products that were somewhat inconspicuous on the official website.

One is the "Bitcoin computing power supermarket", which allows users to rent or purchase Bai Yeji's computing power resources for online mining, and the mined bitcoins are exclusively enjoyed by users.

It is essentially a virtual mine.

The other is the gospel of the vast number of students...


"Oh! The duplicate inspection fee has increased again..."

Mizuki University.

The fat man wearing glasses and a shirt and big pants scratched his messy hair with some annoyance.

Yu Hua, whose BBS screen name is "Yuhuashi", is a postdoctoral fellow in computer science.

As the chief student of the laboratory, he is respected as a senior by all his seniors. In addition to his own research, he is often assigned various daily tasks by lazy mentors...

For example, student dissertation review and review.

Among them, the "duplication check rate" of papers is an important indicator for review.

And this year, it has become a hard target...

Speaking of this, I have to mention Dr. Zhai who said "I don't know the spider's web" and directly created a "new era".

This year's college graduates are undoubtedly sad reminders.

In the past, there were a lot of articles in the world.

In the academic atmosphere of strict entry and exit in domestic universities, which graduate who plays World of Warcraft all night can write 100% of his own academic papers without relying on the "wisdom of predecessors"?
But the social questioning of the entire academic system brought about by the "first year of doctorate" has indirectly led to major universities being forced to lower the repetition rate of school papers.

In some colleges and universities, the "duplicate check rate" of graduation thesis has been reduced from the original 30% to 20%, and the stricter ones have even dropped to below 8%.

The vast number of students did not expect that the melons in the entertainment industry would actually eat their own heads, so they could only spend the night revising their papers with tears in their eyes while they were in a daze.


"If you don't ask for anything else, can you buy the spider web and open it to the public?"

"When I checked the weight back then, it was 180 times, but now it costs 600 times. Who can understand this kind of pain?"

"I love you. I used to have such a clear and strong belief, but you shattered our belief by saying 'I don't know the spider's web'!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, and it doesn't matter if you pretend to understand if you don't understand. Why do you pretend to understand if you don't understand? Hundan!"

"I was called back by the tutor for the third time, my living expenses for a week... woo woo woo..."

"If I hated you at the time and hated you, maybe the ending is hard to tell, but now... I have so many regrets and so many expectations, do you know?"

Just looking at the comment section of Dr. Zhai's official Weibo 999+, you can see how angry he is.

And it is foreseeable that in the graduation season every year in the future, there will probably be a large number of graduates who will come to greet them cordially...

"Doesn't the school have a free plagiarism check policy?"

Zheng Qiu, who was fiddling with the computer program next to him with a cigarette in his mouth, said casually with a look of indifference.

"Each person has 2 plagiarism checks. What's the point? Don't you know that the current average number of paper revisions has gone to 3? The extra is not to use our own funds." Yu Hua flipped Roll eyes.

Although Dr. Zhai's degree was given by Yandian, and the postdoctoral notice was issued by Yanda, these two colleges are the center of the storm.

However, as a key university in the same school district, Mizuki was undoubtedly trembling, for fear that someone would accidentally be caught and dragged into the water.

Therefore, the intensity of this year's paper review work can be imagined...

"Then use our own funds."

"Heh! You don't know the price of firewood and rice when you are not in charge, and you don't even blink your eyes when you spend money lavishly. Do you know that our finances are going to be in deficit this year?"

"Hey! How can it be called extravagant? Servers, GPUs, which ones are not bought for our great and lofty scientific research ideals!"

"Those bitcoin mining machines were also bought for great and lofty scientific research ideals?"


Zheng Qiu gave a dry cough.

"If we are engaged in technology, we can't build a car behind closed doors. We also have to learn from the current leading blockchain technology. I bought two and came back to improve the algorithm. Is there a problem?"

"Improved algorithm?" Yu Hua's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"Old Zheng, tell me the truth, are you doing private work outside?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qiu looked around with a guilty conscience, and said in a low voice when he saw no one.

"Keep your voice down, I don't do any private work, what can we do with the funds from our laboratory?"

Yu Hua couldn't help curling his lips.

"You also know what kind of bird is our laboratory funding?

I have advised you a long time ago, if you have more time to go to the leadership office, if you get a bottle of Moutai, maybe the funds will come down?
At any rate, he has been in the workplace for more than ten years, how can he be so sophisticated at the same level as those of us who are not out of society..."

Zheng Qiu exhaled the smoke ring with a sigh, his expression was a little difficult to understand under the lingering smoke.

"Our problem is that too many elites are studying the ways of the world.

If we are all going to study human sophistication, then who will study technology? "

Yu Hua was silent for a moment, then waved his hands a little irritably.

"Forget it, forget it, there is no hope for you. I'd better go online to find other resources for checking the weight. The trouble is the trouble. Let's save as much as possible."

Zheng Qiu put on a hippie smile.

"Oh! As expected of being my chief disciple and chief housekeeper, the teacher is really gratified to receive such an excellent disciple like you!"


"Young people, don't be so irritable, don't worry, after this job is done, let's go buy an idol electric car first!"

"Really?" Yu Hua's eyes lit up.

"Of course! Which advanced artificial intelligence laboratory in Beijing doesn't buy a car now?

Speaking of this makes me angry!These goddamn profiteers have no bottom line in bundling sales! "Professor Zheng Qiuda gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Well... let's forget it, a car costs [-] to [-] yuan, and we don't know when the queue will end, so let's wait, 'Bajie' is such an awesome product, it's impossible to hold on to it all the time .”

"All right, all right! Listen to the butler!"

Tired Yu Hua didn't bother to talk to him anymore, opened Baidu with a helpless face, and began to search for some duplicate checking resources on the Internet.

It's a pity that after searching for a long time, the top-ranked plagiarism-checking websites are either three-no products, and the security of the paper data cannot be guaranteed.

Or it is all kinds of routines, and after a tedious operation, I will give you a payment QR code.

Check the price, it's darker than a spider's web!

Yu Hua felt even more tired all of a sudden...

Due to the differences in databases and algorithms of the plagiarism checking system, the results of different plagiarism checking websites are different.

Generally, the school will recommend a plagiarism checking system, and this system is generally a spider web.

The monopoly of the spider web in the periodical paper retrieval market is undoubted, and the market share is close to an exaggerated 100%!

Zhiwang’s college registration accounts usually only give each student one or two free paper plagiarism checks when the paper season is open every year.

However, students often need to conduct multiple plagiarism checks in order to fully adjust the writing of the thesis to meet the school's strict requirements on the plagiarism rate.

This has brought about a huge self-funded paper plagiarism market.

However, Zhiwang's coquettish operation is that personal registration accounts are not allowed to check for duplicates!

If you want to go to the spider web for plagiarism check, you can only get the service through the school library and pay the corresponding fee.

After the "Dr. Zhai" incident broke out, Zhiwang quickly realized the historic opportunity and decisively started the price increase mode, and the price more than tripled directly.

At present, for a small paper of about 3000 words, the plagiarism check fee on Zhuwang is 68 yuan, while the plagiarism check of VIP and Wanfang only costs 12 yuan and 7.8 yuan.

This year's graduation season has not yet ended, and Zhiwang's duplicate checking income has doubled several times in a row.

From this point of view, Dr. Zhai is definitely the best assister of the year in Spider Web!

Hmm... Or what Duan Xian received at the time was really a valuable "ad placement"...

Of course, students can also choose not to be fat sheep and spend money on the Internet to purchase plagiarism checking services from other companies.

It’s just that as we all know, almost all the search results are advertisements…

Because of this, the strong demand brought about by the plagiarism check of graduation thesis every year makes a large number of students spend a lot of money on various so-called plagiarism check services, but it is difficult to get high-quality plagiarism check results.

While Wanfang and other companies in the same industry open the duplicate checking service to individual users, Zhiwang always insists on refusing to provide services to individual users.

This approach forces universities to spend millions of dollars per year to purchase database services from spider webs, which greatly increases the cost of knowledge sharing.

Monopoly means that you clearly know that it treats you like a fat sheep, but there is still nothing you can do about it.

This is the helplessness of many colleges and students...


Just when Yu Hua was about to give up and was about to take the knife, he suddenly found a familiar company name appeared at the very end of page 8 of the search page...

Bai Yeji!
He froze for a moment.

As the most talked about AI product at present, the research and development company of "Bajie" has naturally attracted the attention of people in the industry, especially those in the field of artificial intelligence research and development.

He and his mentor Zheng Qiu also got to know each other specially, and found that several products under the other party's banner were all high-quality goods, which made them greatly admired.

In the eyes of many professionals in the professional and technical fields, Bai Yeji, a small company that has suddenly risen, has already begun to have a bit of a legend...

At first, Yu Hua thought that the search results he saw were fake.

As a result, following the link, he really entered Bai Yeji's official website...

"Old Zheng, come and see, Bai Yeji has released a new product, and it's a knowledge sharing platform!"


Zheng Qiu was taken aback when he heard the words, then immediately kicked his feet and floated to Yu Hua's computer desk with the office swivel chair.

He stared at the big characters in the center of the page on the computer, and muttered...

"wisdom Tree?"

(End of this chapter)

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