Reborn I am Erha

Chapter 224 See you late

Chapter 224 See you late
While Mu Fan was looking at her, Fang Lin was also looking her up and down.

Short silver-white hair and half-rimmed glasses make the whole person look very intellectual, with the feeling of an old professor, and his complexion is very gentle.

However, Fang Lin always felt that she looked a little familiar, and there was also a faint aura fluctuation on her body, but it was so weak that she didn't even enter the D-level.

This kind of temperament is really not like a member of the Black Province Animal Protection Association, no matter how bad it is, it must be the president or something, and it is more like someone who came out of some research institute.

At this time, an old man with a brown-black solid wooden cane came in from behind.

From the exposed neck of the down jacket, it can be seen that the old man's body is relatively thin, but you seem to be able to read a kind of knowledge from his eyes.

After the old man came in, he just took a look at the little bear and lost interest. Instead, he was very curious about the furnishings and arrangements in the villa.

After rejecting the idea of ​​a young man wanting to help, he quietly watched and walked around with an aura that was free from the world of mortals.

When I came across an ancient object I liked, I looked at it carefully, as if I was appreciating it seriously, and now I am attracted by a landscape painting hanging on the wall.

After examining the old man twice, Fang Lin became more certain of his guess. It is estimated that [-]% of it was played by his own people, and it was actually for the ruins.

But why did the ruins ask these intellectuals to come? They can't run away when they are in danger, right?
Yang Tingxiang noticed the old man, and he didn't want to join in the fun, so he took the initiative to go to the side and explained.

When Fang Lin's eyes were still on the two people outside the crowd, he suddenly found that Mu Fan came not far from him and nodded meaningfully at him.

Fang Lin was a little puzzled by the feeling of looking at a junior in his eyes.

What does this old woman mean?Know yourself?

Mu Fan.

Surname Mu?

Mu Xi's silly boy's face suddenly appeared in Fang Lin's mind, and after comparing it with Mu Fan's, there were some similarities in some charms.

It turned out to be from the Mu family, so they should have heard about him and knew some inside information.

After a long time, it was all my own people.

After Fang Lin wagged his tail at Mu Fan, he yawned a little bored.

It's boring, let's see how they perform.

The little bear next to him was still sleeping soundly on his back, his four fat paws were slumped on the floor, and his fluffy and conspicuous belly was heaving and falling, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

It's just too tiring.

After experiencing too much in a short period of time, Fang Lin and Jiang Baibai were exhausted under high pressure in the afternoon. After dinner, they found a place by the fireplace and fell asleep.

At first, Little Bear curled up by the fireplace, frowning from time to time, and then slowly stretched out and fell into a deep sleep after Fang Lin performed the moonlight supernatural power.

The soft and warm moonlight not only relieves the tiredness of the body, but also soothes the pain of the heart.

Mama Yang led the crowd to the little bear and squatted down, stroking the little bear's belly back and forth with her hands, and softly shouted: "Get up, get up."

However, the little bear not only did not wake up, but seemed to be sleeping more soundly, and the originally weak snoring sound became much louder.

Mama Yang stood up in embarrassment and said, "It's sleeping too hard, why don't we test it while it's asleep?"

She pointed to some blood pressure monitors and other instruments held by the staff next to her.

Mu Fan came to Yang's side, smiled and said: "It means it feels safe here, Ms. Yang, you take good care of it. But it's better to wake up, the vital signs after waking up are different from those when you fell asleep. .”

"Okay, I'll come and I will."

Liu Jing was eager to try, she bent down and pinched the little bear's ears with her hands, and twirled while lifting it up. At the same time, Fang Lin also cut off the light of the moonlight.

Liu Jing's actions were somewhat unexpected by Mu Fan, and the corners of her mouth curled up a little, as if she thought it was a little funny.

Behind her, a very young team member opened his mouth and hesitated, but finally remained silent.


The dazed little bear suddenly felt a pain in his ears, he quickly opened his eyes and shook his head to escape from Liu Jing's clutches, ran behind Mama Yang's legs, sat down and rubbed his ears with his chubby paws, his black and bright little There was still a hint of confusion in the eyeballs.

Yang Ma smiled embarrassedly at Mu Fan, then frowned and glared at Liu Jing: "Be gentle, the country is at the second level."

Liu Jing also felt that the behavior just now was not very good, but the main reason was that the little bear's ears were too cute, and she always had an urge to pinch them just to find an opportunity.

At this time, she found that a young male team member had been hovering between herself and the little bear with extremely complicated eyes, and seemed to be holding back something in her mouth.

So Liu Jing stuck out her tongue at him and said sorry.

Liu Jing, who will be 30 years old after the Chinese New Year, still looks very pure and lovely. Her white round face and plump body give her a different kind of charm. She has a lively and youthful atmosphere and the temptation of a young woman. feel.

Seeing Liu Jing playfully sticking out her tongue at herself, the young team member froze for a moment and suddenly blushed and looked away.

"Blood pressure meter."

Mu Fan knelt down in front of the little bear and smiled at it gently, then stretched his hands back and said.

But she waited for a while and found that there was no response, so she frowned and looked back at the young team members who had deserted with flushed faces and said word by word: "Guan Zibin, the blood pressure monitor."

Only then did Guan Zibin realize that he hastily handed the instrument to his teacher.

While taking the blood pressure monitor, Mu Fan stared at him calmly and seriously, before letting him go for a few seconds: "You must pay attention when working."


Fang Lin looked at Guan Zibin's silence and was very curious. He didn't know what research Mu Fan was doing, and he was so strict with his students.

This child really seems to have grown up soaked in books, Liu Jing can blush even by sticking out her tongue?There won't be any MILF episodes, will it?
Could it be that because of being reprimanded by the teacher all the year round, girls who are older than themselves are more likely to have a good impression?
Fang Lin shook his head, feeling ashamed of his shy thoughts.

At this time, the detection of the bear's body has also begun.

The group measured the bear's blood pressure and listened to the heartbeat, carefully observed the bear's pupils, hair, skin, and even its paws for a long time with a flashlight and a magnifying glass.

And Yang Tingxiang and the knowledgeable old man had already chatted happily and went to the tea room on the second floor, acting like no one was there, as if the matter on the first floor had nothing to do with them.

Fang Lin wondered how the old man's status in this team would have to be the same as Yang Tingxiang's status at home, didn't he see that Mu Fan didn't say anything?
After a long time, the physical examination of the little bear finally came to an end. A female team member took out the vaccine and gave the little bear a shot on the buttocks, announcing that the physical examination was completely over.

Mu Fan stood up and said to Yang's mother: "Ms. Yang, this little bear is still in very good health. We have carefully checked that there is no skin disease or the like, and it has also been vaccinated. We need to submit the samples for testing before we can know."

As she spoke, she pondered for a while and continued: "The current situation is like this. We still have the main task to complete, so there is no way to take it back for the time being. Can I trouble you to take care of it for a while before that?"

"No problem, but how long does your mission have to go into the mountains? We will return to the southern province in the next year."

"Soon, it will end years ago."

Liu Jing interjected at this moment: "That's definitely no problem, don't worry, you guys, we'll make the little bear fat for nothing."

Mu Fan smiled and nodded, then she turned to Guan Zibin and said, "Xiao Guan, you go and call Professor Xia Ji, we should go."


Yang's mother also said to Xiaojie who was watching the play, "Xiaojie, go and lead the way for brother."

After she finished speaking, she turned to Mu Fan and said: "It's getting late, why don't you guys rest at my place for a night and then go up the mountain tomorrow?"

After hearing this, Mu Fan joked, "There are so many of us, I'm afraid we can't pretend."

Yang Ma responded with a smile: "Hehe, there are still some vacant rooms, and it must be enough to squeeze in. After entering the mountain, you are all looking for a place to sleep in tents, right? Why don't you rest for the night first."

"Don't worry about it, the first team members have already opened up the camp over there."

Seeing her resolute attitude, Mama Yang didn't try to keep her.

Everyone chatted and waited below. After a while, Professor Ji and Yang Tingxiang walked down slowly, laughing as they walked and seemed to have a good conversation.

Before parting, Professor Ji also gave Yang Tingxiang a piece of yellow jade that he carried with him as a gift, and Yang Tingxiang returned the gift with a pair of calligraphy and painting and put it in the box.

The night is like ink, and the moonlight is like water.

At the entrance of the villa, after everyone waved off a few off-road vehicles, Yang Tingxiang still stood where he was, feeling sorry for the late meeting with Professor Ji.

This made Du Qingfeng on the side a little unhappy. Why did his old man suddenly chat so happily with another old man? He had never chatted with himself like this before.

She opened her mouth and complained to Mama Yang: "Look at your dad, a plasterer on a construction site is chatting with cultural people."

"Look at your mother, you don't understand. Professor Ji and I have three views and aesthetic similarities. It's a pity that we met too late. We have already made an appointment to drink tea together when he comes out of the mountains."

Speaking of this, Yang Tingxiang was still very dissatisfied: "I don't know the environment on the mountain in this winter? How can I let a highly respected person like Professor Ji do this kind of field work? It's a waste of money."

"You're a bad old man who even commented on it. People don't know more than you do? Right, Xiaolin?"


Father Lin, who was listening with gusto, didn't expect Du Qingfeng to cue himself suddenly. He looked at Yang Tingxiang and coughed lightly, and said, "Well, it should be."


Yang Tingxiang frowned again and looked at Papa Lin.

Yang's mother rolled her eyes and put her arms around Lin's father to help him out: "Don't let my husband get angry when you old couple bicker, go back, it's too cold outside."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hands and rubbed them together, taking a deep breath.

The snow-white mist suddenly floated up in the night and rose into the sky and slowly disappeared. At this time, it was already minus 20 degrees, and the winter in the northeast was terrifying.

Liu Jing was already stamping her feet on the spot, she lowered her head and shouted to the little bear: "Go away, let's go back."

Gun Gun, this is the name Yang Ma helped to choose at Mu Fan's suggestion. Of course, Fang Lin, the little bear's master, also agreed with this statement, which made the little bear very happy.

The little bear standing at Liu Jing's feet yawned, followed everyone back to the house with his buttocks twisting and turning.

The moonlight is still beautiful, stretching the shadow of the family very long.

Pacific Ocean, "Goddess" aircraft carrier battle group.

The magnificent steel warship was moving forward on the rough sea at night. In the secret meeting room, General Antonio looked at the video in front of him with a serious expression.

He is holding an emergency meeting on behalf of the World Security Bureau and the leaders of the Reiki organizations of several allied countries.

A straight-faced staff officer wearing a military uniform stood next to him holding a document and explaining the basic situation to the big guys. After speaking, he closed the folder and saluted before leaving.

After the staff came to the door, the meeting place was eerily quiet, and the bigwigs from all over the world exchanged looks with each other without saying a word.

Antonio gave them a period of time to think and then said lightly, "This time the ruins of the Dragon Kingdom are open, we want to get involved."

Immediately, the faces of the others were a little ugly, and a blond man with a Union flag on the table said.

"Long Kingdom has the only A-level in the world, and we can't die."

As soon as the words came out, others echoed.

Just kidding, now is also the period of their own development. How could they think of sending them to death after finally raising some?
Antonio lowered his hands slightly to signal silence, and then said: "The border involves all the B-level energy of Dragon Kingdom, even Deng Jiefu is at his wits end, as long as we use all our strength to put pressure on Heixing Province and Longdu respectively, he will not Dare to act rashly."

"I don't really want you to go all out, nor do I want to go to war with the Dragon Kingdom. Our goal is just to get a share of the pie. The precious legendary ruins should also understand."

"If Dragon Nation is allowed to rise, you will be very clear about the consequences."

Who among these people here has not had a dispute with the Dragon Kingdom before?That's why they huddle so tightly.

"Since you have no objections, let's end the meeting and wait."

The blockade area of ​​Daxing Mountains in Heixing Province.

Three off-road vehicles passed through checkpoints and drove into the core camp accompanied by soldiers with live ammunition. Xia Chenglin, Bai Yu and others had been waiting here for a long time.

When Professor Ji got out of the car, Xia Chenglin hurried up to help him, but was slapped on the palm.

"I'm not there yet."

Xia Chenglin smiled bitterly and said, "Teacher, why were you sent here?"

"What? I can't come?"

"That's not what I mean. It's just that a scholar who is familiar with all kinds of history may be needed now. It may not be useful and it may be dangerous this time."

With a dark face, Professor Ji hit Xia Chenglin with a cane and said, "I have been receiving state subsidies all my life, but I have not made substantial contributions like those physicists. Now that the country needs me, how can I?" Not coming?"

"Stop talking nonsense with me, an old man, go and hand over to Captain Mu."


Xia Chenglin gave Bai Yu a look to signal him to take good care of him, and then came to Mu Fan very seriously.

Mu Fan took the initiative to say hello and stretched out his hand: "General Xia, you have long admired your name for being young and promising."

Xia Chenglin nodded, stretched out his hand to greet her, and then led her into the command room to get straight to the point. If it wasn't for the fact that the Mu family had some connection with Lao Deng, he wouldn't even bother to exchange greetings.

"The relics this time will most likely be related to treasures that improve the aptitude of creatures, especially for spirit beasts."

"Any information?"

"Well, it is said that the owner of this ruin was once."

(End of this chapter)

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